Home Again (Peter Parker x Re...

By smolbeanmel

233K 5.1K 6.5K

The Avengers learn about a hidden HYDRA base and make a plan to execute a mission to find if there is anythin... More

Chapter: 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter: 7
Chapter: 8
Chapter: 9
Chapter: 10
Chapter: 11
Chapter: 12
Chapter: 13
Chapter: 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter: 16
Chapter: 17
Chapter: 18
Chapter: 19
Chapter: 20
Chapter: 21
Chapter: 22
Chapter: 23
Chapter: 25
Chapter: 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter: 28
Chapter: 29

Chapter: 24

2.9K 59 31
By smolbeanmel

"Eomma! look what I made!" The young boy smiled at his mother while holding a piece of paper that had been drawn on, His mother gave him a displeasing look.

"Get that crap out of my face" His mother waved her hand, the young boys smile instantly dropped. He slowly walked out of the living room, leaving his mother alone to continue drinking her bottle of whiskey. He walked towards his fathers office.

Knock Knock

No reply.

The young boy slowly walked into the office to see his father at his desk writing on some papers. His father didn't even notice him until he spoke up.

"Appa? what are you doing?" The young boy asked, curiosity can be heard in his voice.

"Hm? oh, Just some business things. Nothing serious." The father smiled at his son. "Come here, my son."

The young boy walked over to his father, the father smiled at his son, picking him up and setting the boy on his lap.

"Remind me son, how old are you?" The father asked.

"I'm 5!" The young boy smiled.

"Wow! 5! you're getting so big!" The father chuckled lightly. "Come on, it's getting late. And you have your first day of school tomorrow. Are you excited?"

"Yeah!" The young boy jumped up and down happily. The father got up from his seat, he put the young boy on his hip and carried him to his room.

"Son, I think it's time that you learn about this business" The father said, his voice was serious. The young boy looked up at his father.

"You are now 12 and if you're going to take over this business you're going to need to learn about it. You're going to need to see what the family business is all about." The father gestured his hand to signal the boy to follow him.

They entered a part of the house that the young boy was never allowed to enter, His father opened a steel door. Inside the room, a guy was sitting in a wooden chair. A single light was in the middle of the room, above where the guy sat. A black cloth covered the mans face. The young boy looked at the man curiously. Two men in suits stood slightly behind the guy in the chair.

"Son, listen to me carefully" The father spoke, he handed the young boy a gun. The father nodded his head to the men in suits, one of them took the black cloth off the man in the chair. The young boys eyes widened. The man in the chair was his cousin, JB. The young boy looked at his father with eyes full of fear, worry, uncertainty, sadness. The father gave his is son a stern look.

"Your cousin here did something that he shouldn't have done. You see, I asked him to do something and he disobeyed. And people who disobey direct orders need to be punished, don't you agree son?"

The boy nodded his head.

"But, But why did he- why did he disobey? what was he supposed to do?" The son asked his father.

"Well, JB was supposed to talk to a few guys who owe me, since I did something for them. But instead JB tried to get out of town."

The boy nodded his head again, turning his gaze towards the concrete floor

"Now, son. What I want you to do is take this gun, and I want you to point it at JB and pull the trigger"

The boy shot his gaze towards his father, shocked.

"You want me to shoot JB? why?"

"Yes, I do. Because that is his punishment."

"But- But couldn't he have a different punishment?"

"No, It is just how it works in this business, son. If you don't punish people this way, they will only cause more trouble in the future."

"But, JB is only 17! surely he wouldn't cause us any future trouble."

The father shook his head.

"This isn't the first time he has tried something like this." The father crouched down. "Infact, this is his third time doing this. I have given him three tries to do the right thing, but as you can see. He has thrown his chances away. And it's up to you to punish him."

The boy looked at the gun in his hand, He has never shot a gun. But it's simple? right? Just put your index finger on the trigger, aim, and fire. He pointed the gun at his cousins chest. JB looked at the young boy, his eyes begging him to not do it.

"Please, cous. don't do it" JB begged.

"I'm sorry. But you betrayed Appa to many times. I have too"

Tears started forming in the young boys eyes. they threatened to fall, but he couldn't cry. Not here. He can't let his father see him weak.




JB's body fell limp, blood spilled out from his chest where he was shot. The father smiled proudly.

"Good Job, Jin"

"Jin!" His father yelled, causing him to flinch.

"Yes, Appa?" Jin asked, turning in his seat to face his father.

"Jackson tells me that you did a sloppy job on completing the task I gave you two." His father said sharply. Jin let out a heavy sigh.

"I did what I was supposed to do, it's done. We got rid of those loose ties that you had. It's not my fault that Jackson doesn't know how to complete a simple task. He was the one that got scared in the middle of the fight and was wanting to abort. I, however. got it done." Jin shrugged.

"Yeah, you got the job done alright. You also didn't do it quietly like I instructed and made a mess out of everything! Now I have a whole bunch of hired men after me. Because you didn't do it right. If you had followed my orders and did it quietly none of this would be happening." The father chuckled a little "You're lucky I don't just kill you myself. Ya know, how about I just give this business to Jackson? He seems like a more suitable person for this type of thing, way more than you are. You're mother should have never given birth to you. You. Were. A. Mistake."


The father's body fell backwards. A bullet in the middle of his head. Jin stood still, pointing his gun where his father once stood. Tears slowly rolled down his cheeks, breathing heavily.

"No, I think you were the mistake." He muttered, slowly lowering the gun. A few men in suits came running into the dining room were he was.

"What happened?" They looked at Jin, their eyes went from Jin to his dead father. One of the men ran towards his father. However It was useless to check for a pulse. The bullet in the head made it clear that he was dead. One of the other men looked at Jin.

"Sir? What do you want us to do?" The other two men looked at Jin.

"Get rid of the body. Tell everyone that i'm running this show from now on." A mischievous smile spread across his lips. "Also tell them that we are going to be doing things a little bit different from now on."

The three men nodded their heads. They quickly got to work on disposing the body and cleaning up the blood.

From now on, everything is going to be different. People are finally going to see what Kim SeokJin is capable of. People are finally going to fear Kim SeokJin. People are finally going to listen to Him, and if they don't, Well, I guess they can kiss their sweet life goodbye.


Uh, like. Thank you so much for 4.3k reads?!?!?!!? Just the previous chapter I had 3.5k. How did this happen??? I love ya, thank you so much for reading my terrible book :)

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