✶ c h a n g e d ✶ { Female De...

By star_roses

496K 10.8K 17.4K

Izuku Midoriya was walking home when he was taken by a random stranger, then, everything changed. How exactly... More

I got tagged!
5k Special Side Story!
Should I do a 10k Q & A?
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Seven
I'm doing a Q&A!
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Author's Note

Twenty Six

7.8K 171 254
By star_roses

After school, I got to my dorm and started to get it back into shape. I put all my clothes away that I brought from my mom's and the clothing she got me, the duffel bag I stuffed back into my closet, and anything that was on the floor I shoved under my bed. 

Once I was all done 'Cleaning' I sat down at my desk to do my homework. I had to do seven Math problems, study for a History test, finish up some English sheets and get a little head start on my Art paper.

It took me three to almost four hours to get all of that done, and once I finished I got into my PJ's and threw myself onto my bed. Right now I was sleeping until I heard a few knocks at my door, I sat up in bed and squinted my eyes to look at my clock on my bedside table, which read 11:20 pm.

I got out of my warm bed and opened my door, revealing Shoto, which surprised me. "Shoto? Do you need something?" I asked, yawning and rubbing my sleepy eyes. 

Shoto looked down at me, "I'm sorry that I woke you up, I'll just go back to my dorm-" He was about to walk away when I gripped his hand a little, trying to get him to stay.

"Shoto, you don't look good...Do you want to come in?" I asked him, motioning to my dorm room. It was true about what I said, he looked paler than usual and seemed distraught and scared, his eyes screamed 'Help Me.'

My boyfriend slowly nodded and he followed me into my dorm. We both sat down next to each other on my bed, and Shoto just looked down at his lap in silence. I was worried about what was happening right now.

I nudged Shoto a little, trying to get his attention. "Hey, do you want to tell me what's wrong? I can tell something isn't okay right now."

Shoto looked away from his lap and looked at me, some tears forming in his heterochromatic eyes. "When I went to sleep, I had this horrible nightmare, and I haven't had one since I was eleven. In my nightmare, my old man found out about us. He was so angry that he turned to your direction and used his quirk, I tried to block but I was too late and-" That's when his voice cracked slightly and put his hands over his face, maybe even talking about it made him angry and sad.

That's when I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in the crook of his neck. "I'm right here, Shoto, and I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

I felt him hug me back and I looked into his eyes, smiling. Shoto then leaned in and kissed me softly on my lips, I kissed him back and I felt him smiling as we broke apart. "Thank you, Izuku. I'm glad you're here with me."

"Like what I said before, I'm not going anywhere, you don't have to worry."

With you, there's a lot to worry about."

I playfully pushed my boyfriend back, and Shoto softly chuckled. "You ruined it, Shoto."

The red and white-haired boy smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me down with him onto my bed. I giggled as I hit my pillows and Shoto didn't let go of me. After some time, we decided to get some sleep because it was almost 12:00 am. 

Shoto and I got under the covers of my bed and he pulled me close to him like he never wanted to let me go. I smiled and nuzzled into his muscular chest, falling to sleep with Shoto right next to me.


"Alright class, pay your attention to me," Mr. Aizawa got all of Class 1-A's attention. It was now Tuesday, and our homeroom teacher was telling us about our activity today. "Since you just got back from break, and we didn't get to get you back into training since all of you had to do After-Break work yesterday, we will do it today. For training, you are going to get into teams of five and we are going down to the fake city. I'll explain more when we get there, now go and get your hero costumes on."

Everyone nodded and went to the wall full of cases to get our costumes. I grabbed mine and followed all the girls to the girl's locker room.

While everyone was changing we heard some chatter from the boy's locker room next door. Which was weird, because the walls were supposed to be sound proof... We then heard Mineta's voice. "Guys, look at what I found! Now we can see into the girl's locker room. Whoa, look at Uraraka and Midoriya's boobs! Wow, see Yaoyorozu's butt!"

I stopped in my tracks and covered my chest with my costume, my emerald eyes were wide when Jiro discovered a little peephole in the wall of the girl's locker room. The girl with the purple hair then saw Mineta and used her earphone jacks and stabbed the pervert with them.

"What is wrong with you?!" We heard Iida scold Mineta.

"You're a little bastard for doing and talking like that," I heard Shoto say to the pervert, then we heard a loud slapping noise, probably meaning he hit Mineta on the face.

Yaoyorozu walked over to me, "Are you okay Midoriya? I know that comment upset you." I looked at the taller girl and nodded.

"I'm fine, what about you? That must of made you pretty angry," I said to her.

"It's okay, I sit in front of him, I am already used to it."

Uraraka joined into the conversation, "that perv needs a lesson!" The brunette stated to us.

Asui nodded, "he grabbed my breasts during the villain attack at the USJ, he's disgusting."

"I wanna give him a swift kick in the crotch," Jiro told the group, putting on her leather jacket.

The girls and I finished dressing, and I still felt very uncomfortable about what Mineta did. When all of us made it to the fake city, Shoto made his way over to me. "Are you okay? I can't believe Mineta said that to you."

I looked at the taller male and nodded, "I'm fine, but I wanna stay away from the creep as far as possible knowing he saw my chest..." I confessed, looking down at my shoes.

"I already gave him a good slap on the face, so I think he knows what's coming next if he comes near you or any of the girls," Shoto said.

"I know, I heard the loud 'smack' all the way in the girl's locker room," I laughed. Shoto chuckled a little and we both quieted when we saw Mr. Aizawa make his way in front of us.

"Let me explain what's happening today. There is one Pro-Hero hiding in one of these building, pretending to be a hidden victim. When you get into your groups of five, you will start looking when I say go. Get into your teams!"

Already knowing who I want to be on my team, I walked over to Uraraka and Asui. We then asked Iida and Todoroki to join us, and they both agreed right away. The other teams of five were Ashido, Kacchan, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari; Yaoyorozu, Jiro, Tokoyami, Shoji, and Sato; Ojiro, Hakakure, Koda, and Aoyama. Mineta wasn't here because Iida reported him to Principal Nezu. Thank you so much, Iida.

"Alright, GO!" Mr. Aiawa yelled, and all the teams started running into the large fake city. My team huddled around each other in a random ally way and started discussing a plan.

"What should we do, team?" I asked everyone, thinking of ideas of my own.

"I have an idea," Iida informed us, "how about you guys split up into two, and I will use my quirk to run around the buildings, looking for any clues for the missing hero."

"That could work," said Shoto.

"I agree, let's do it!" Uraraka pumped her fist in the air.

"It's a good plan," Asui stated.

I looked at my team members and smiled, "looks like we're going with Iida's plan."


All of us split up and started looking around the fake city, also searching for our other classmates who try to attack us. I was with Shoto.

"Where should we look first?" Shoto asked me. RIght now the both of us were leaning against a building, trying to hide from another team since we heard them coming our way.

I tried to think and looked around the area we were in. I soon saw the largest building in the fake city, then an idea sprung to life inside my mind.

"How about we get to the top of that building right there, and look around the city from a high and see what we can find," I suggested. Shoto pondered it and nodded, saying it was a good plan.

I activated Full Cowl, Shoto activated his Ice quirk and we were off. While I was going at fast speeds, jumping onto buildings and rails, Shoto was beating me by making a huge Ice trail above everything else and running on it to our destination. That freaking showoff, I thought to myself with a small smile on my freckled face.

Shoto made it to the building first, and when I got there he helped me up because I was starting to feel a little tired, and I bet he notice it. We started looking over the city, at first we didn't see anything, but then Shoto shook my shoulder a little and pointed to another building on the eastern side of the city. I soon saw through the small window a large adult, and we recognized them to be All Might.

"We need to get there quickly. I checked the time and Sensei said we only had half an hour to find the hero, we only have twenty minutes left," Shoto informed me, getting ready to leave again.

"You get going, I'll contact the others." Shoto nodded at my statement and headed off to the building where All Might was in. I used my microphone Mr. Aizawa gave me and all the other teams and got a hold of Asui, Uraraka, and Iida.

"Midoriya, what's so important you needed to reach us?" Iida asked me.

"Yeah, what's up Deku?" Uraraka inquired.

"I and Sho-I mean, Todoroki, found who the hero is and where they are located. It's All Might. He's in the building on the eastern side of the city, and three buildings down from the fourth stoplight," I told my group.

"I'm over there right now, thank you Midoriya," Iida thank me and got off the call. Asui and Uraraka told me they were making their way over there now. I ended the call and activated my quirk again, and made my way down to the building All Might was in. 

After making my way down there, I opened the door to the building and saw that there were a lot of staircases and doors. Looking around, I decided to walk up the first staircase. I got into the first hallway, and slowly crept deeper and deeper through it. I heard footsteps and loud yelling, and my eyes widened. 

"Look who's here," Kacchan's gruff voice sounded through the hallway. I turned around quickly, putting my hands up to get myself ready for what's about to happen.

Kacchan smirked and used his quirk and sent an explosion towards me, I dodged it and decided to run. I heard Kacchan running after me and I activated full cowl and went faster. 

When I thought I had lost the blonde boy, I was hit by one of his explosions and I got slammed against a wall. On my right arm, my costume's sleeve got singed off halfway and there were some burn marks. I also felt some bruises forming on my leg.

"Why do I feel like you're just getting weaker and weaker, Deku?" Kacchan asked me. I glared at him and got up, a plan started going through my head. 

I was about to use One For All at 10% when another plan popped up in my head. I smiled at Kacchan brightly and asked, "So, how is Kirishima doing?" I asked him.

The angry blonde had a confused expression on his face and he looked at me like I told him to solve a billion times three trillion. "What?" He asked.

I smiled, and at the right moment, I used my plan from before and hit Kacchan with 10% of my power. Kacchan's body slammed into the other side of the wall and he groaned, he couldn't get up off the ground either.

Bingo, I thought and rushed up the stairs that I was by. I soon found myself in another hallway and saw my group members looking around. "Hey, guys!" I waved at the people in front of me.

"Deku!" Uraraka smiled and rushed over to me, "are you okay? What happened to you?" She asked.

"I'm fine, and Bakugo happened," I told her. I looked over at Iida, Asui, and Shoto. "Did you find All Might yet?" I asked.

They all shook their heads no. All of us then started going upstairs and through hallways until we saw one room at the end of the last hall. My group ran up to it and opened it to reveal the large, muscular hero. All Might turned to us and said, "Congrats, you guys! You have found me!" He announced loudly.

My group high fived each other and smiled. Excited we won the training exercise and found All Might before anyone else did.


OH MY GOD, THIS WAS SUCH A LONG CHAPTER! Also, I'm still not used to calling Todoroki 'Shoto.' It's just so WEIRD! I'll try to update more frequenly because soon this story will end. I know, I don't want it to end either, but it has to at some point.

Thanks for reading this very LONG update! Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me on Wattpad! Again, thank you all for your beloved support!


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