Impulse (Published)

By fl0wersniffinwh0re

3.9M 87.2K 17.3K

She realized that her love for her professor was probably nothing more than a childish infatuation. She wasn'... More

Authors Note
Chapter 11
To Those Who Can't Read Chapter 11
Authors Note
Another A/N
Fifteen: Homecoming Horror Part 1
Good News
Bad News
Twenty- Six
Twenty- Seven
Twenty- Eight
Twenty - Nine
Thirty- One
Twenty-Three: Russian Roulette Part 2
Quick A/N
Thirty-Four: Russian Roulette Finale Part 3
Another Quick A/N
Moral Of The Book
So Long Farewell To My Teachers Pets
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Thirty- Two: Russian Roulette Part 1

34.7K 1.3K 157
By fl0wersniffinwh0re

To The right is Violet


God Damnit 


There werent enough curse words to cry out because I was petrified with fear. I couldn't run because he had the gun and now I was just afraid to breathe.

" aren't as sneaky as you thought." Zachary laughs manically and rubs his temple with the butt of the gun and I exhale shakily.

He had this planned? "I knew you'd come eventually. I knew for sure. I just knew it. You want to know how?" He asks and I say nothing, just stare at him silently.

He's crazy. This motherfucker has lost his damn mind and I was scared shitless. Zachary tilts his head up and groans then points the gun to the air and shoots and I squeal and cover my ears.

Aryiana and Sage would hear the gunshots. They'll come save me. "Now that's not nice Marley. You should speak when someone is talking to you. But don't worry I have plenty of bullets Marley. But-But you already knew that because you went snooping in places you don't belong." Zachary's facial expression switches completely. Going from calm to angry in a matter of seconds. 

I struggle to breathe and I try to keep a strong composure but I knew I was going to was my fate. I just knew it.

"But seriously this isn't your fault that this is happening. You're just a catalyst. In my fucking way and so when I get rid of you....the loss won't weigh heavy on my heart." Zachary says giving me a sarcastic drop in his face.

"You have no heart." I growl and he chuckes and sits down on the white sofa, leaning back and resting the gun next to him.

"Poor, poor English Marley. I would expect a writer such as yourself would know of that. Although I do have sympathy because I did spare Aryiana." Zachary says and I frown.

He was wrong about that, like the little dumbass he is but I didn't test him. Little Bastard has the gun!

"I know you raped her." I whisper. 

"Well it's not a surprise to either of us. I know I did too. But the pregnant thing just worked in my favor. Now I have an excuse to put the blame on someone else." He says with an excited tone.

"Unless she keeps it and uses the baby as proof." I reply back, trying to maintain a steady voice.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. There's going to be more than one body bag. And it has your friends name on it too." Zachary says, stretching as if he were disinterested. 

"Now sit down, you make me nervous." Zachary quickly says and I swallow again.

"I said..sit down." He growls and I lick my dry lips and take a seat across from him, watching his right hand twitch over the gun.

"You're crazy." I whisper and he throws his head in a fit of laughter and shakes his head. His eyes wild as he sucks his teeth, "The correct term that I was given is Psychopath. And the greatest of them all. Only the fallen will know of my great powers because all greatness is done in silence. The shepard gets far with his fleek as long as the wolves hear no movement." Zachary says leaning forward in a dark tone.

"But the wolves can smell them...from a mile away. You'll get caught eventually." I say, spitting the words like venom.

"That's why you kill the wolves." Zachary says in a matter of fact tone and rises to his feet.

"You son of a bitch." I hiss and he frowns for a moment.

"For a woman without a gun, you're pretty damn bold to be talking to a guy with one. Haven't you read any of the good criminal books?" He asks me and I shake my head.

"The victim always gets to talk because you won't kill me yet. You wouldn't get the joy." I point out and he shakes his head.

"I'll get the joy of watch you bleed to death."

"Not if you shoot me." I remind and he stands up and reaches into his back pocket. "That's why I got something special for you." He pauses and lifts his arm to reveal a Swiss Army knife and my heart drops.

A slow....painful...death. I wanted to cry but apart of me was almost relieved....peace. Finally mental peace.

"I'm going to cut every part of your body that my perverted Uncle touched."

"But you don't even know what he touched." I blurt out and he shakes his head and smiles again.

"I've read your books Marley Winter. I fooled you. Naiv....Ian Valente. That's too damn of course I made it seem like him." Zachary admits.

So then he had guessed some of the student-teacher interactions were actually Ian and I. "It's fiction."

"That's bullshit." He retorts. "Seriously. I'm a virgin. Come and check." I blabble and he raises and eyebrow and I nod.

He walks forward, his eyes fixated on my pants and I lean back. 
Just get a little closer....

As soon as he's right in front of my I extend my leg and kick him right in the balls where I should've intially. He groans I rise to my feet, running towards the door and swinging it open. "Sage, Ary, call 911!" I cry out and suddenly there is a hand around my mouth that drags me back in.

I thrash and scream, trying to pull from the grip but as I notice it's Zachary I pause. 

He grips my neck for a moment that throws me backwards, cascading my body across the floor until I hit a closet door. I grip my head and fight back a groan and reach for the doorknob. 

"I wouldn't go in there. You won't like what you see..." Zachary pauses, rubbing the front of his pants. BUt then he snaps his fingers as if having an idea.

"Perfect." He exclaims and moves behind me to swing the door open.

"Ta- Da!" He says, throwing his hands up as if it were a surprise. "Mom?" I whimper.

My mom is alive but she has her hands tied behind her back with duct tape over her mouth.

"What have you done to her?" I cry out and her gaze meets mine.

"Nothing yet.'s too silent." Zachary says, ticking his teeth. 

He reaches into his pocket again and takes out the gun.

"I think we need some entertainment." With that, he aims the gun and pulls the trigger.

The bullet landing directly on my mother.


The next chapter is when information pours out. I'll update again possibly..

x flower

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