My Sister's Baby Momma

By basicbitz

31.5K 587 169

Stacie is Beca's Friend with Benefits. Things are going fine until Stacie's two older sisters Chloe and Aubre... More

Party time
Oh Baby
The Middle Sister
How it Started
Bath Time
The Dance
The Grinch
Our First Date
Kicking into the New Year
Seeing Red
New Priorities
You didn't
Plans Change
Moving on
Happy Birthday
Its Normal
The Fight
Blast from the Past
Wake up
Hear Me


2.1K 41 2
By basicbitz

Stacie's POV

God that week was amazing. Beca and I were together all night and I got to see my older sister all day. Turns out she heard I was home alone and wanted to give me company... little did she know I already had some. Aubrey gave up on trying to keep Beca away which is great because now we aren't fighting and I missed my big sister. Yes she can be a pain in my ass but we're still really close, even though Aubrey and I have a bit of a strained relationship.

Its been nearly two months since that amazing week and it was time for winter break and our winter formal. My sisters will also be home for break. I really did miss seeing them, they've been so busy with school and their acapella group we haven't been able to see much of each other. Aubrey is back home for winter break and Chloe is coming later in the week so I can see her, she had to stay a few extra days to work on a project and for her last class.

As my usual luck though I've been feeling sick for the last week or so. Beca was sweet and understanding when I didn't meet up for our weekly session. Aubrey knocks on my bathroom door where I'm puking my brains out. "Ugh nows not a good time!" I yell while hunched over the toilet. She ignores me and peaks in to looks at me. "Still not feeling good?" She asks coming over to rub my back. "What gave it away?" I ask sarcastically as I wipe my face and flush the toilet. Aubrey chuckles and keeps rubbing my back. It actually feels amazing and keeps my mind off of the sickness.

"I feel like shit." I confess leaning into my sister who hums and rubs my back. "Yeah you look like shit. If I didn't see you with a girl I would think you were pregnant." She says as she laughs. But everything around me freezes. Beca told me she is fertile but we always used protection. Right?

I can't be pregnant... can I? Aubrey senses my change in mood and turns me to face her. "Stacie are you okay?" She asks as she inspects my face. "Aubrey... I need a pregnancy test." I whisper. Aubrey looks at me confused and sits back a bit. "What? How? I thought you've only been with that Beca girl?" She asks as I start to panic, I feel sick all over again.

"Beca is intersex... she could... oh god!" I lean over the toilet and hurl a few more times. Aubrey is frozen besides me. "I can't be... we used condoms... I can't." I mutter. Aubrey suddenly gets up and heads towards the bathroom door. "I'm going to get you a pregnancy test just to be sure.... stay there." She says. Like I have the energy to go anywhere. I groan and fall backwards against the wall.

I sit there as the panic sets in. How could this happen? I can't be... there is no way. "How you doing?" Aubrey asks as she slowly reenters what feels like a second later. I glance at my phone realizing I have been sitting here for almost 30 minutes. I groan and continue laying against the wall. "I probably look like shit." I sigh as Aubrey wets a wash cloth. "Yeah you do." She teases as she cleans the sweat off my face. The cool cloth feels amazing. She finishes and sits on the edge of the bathtub.

She opens the bag and pulls out a pregnancy test. Tears start to form and the panic sets in. I sniffle loudly and wipe my eyes. I wait for Aubrey to yell at me and give me a big 'I told you so' speech.

Instead I feel her hugging me. "Shhh its going to be okay. I'm sure its a false alarm." She coos into my ear. I cry into her shoulder and she rubs my back. I give her a nod as she takes out the test. "Go ahead and... do your thing and then I will come back in." Aubrey says kissing my cheek and giving me the test. I take a deep breath and nod.

As soon as I do my thing I let Aubrey back in. "Remember when we went to camp at Lake Henswork?" Aubrey says with a bright smile. I'm thankful she's trying to keep my mind off everything. "Oh my god that was a horrible trip." I chuckle remembering how bad the camping trip went. "God the tent was so small we were all hunched together all night... but we needed the warmth because who knew it got so cold there at night." Aubrey adds in.

We laugh and share a few childhood memories before the timer on my phone goes off. I gulp and stand up, looking into the sink where the test is sitting. My whole world stops looking at the test. "Well is it negative like we thought?" Aubrey asks from behind me. I have to use the sink to hold me up. I think I'm going to be sick again.

"It's positive."

Beca's POV

"Is this lame? Am I crossing a line?" I nervously ask Emily as we scoop some soup into a container. "I think its really sweet! You're losing badass points for sure though. Also mention to the blonde that I helped because wow." Emily says with a dreamy look. I roll my eyes as we finish putting some chicken noodle soup into a container. Stacie told me was sick and hasn't been feeling well all week. I decided to make her some soup and Emily helped.

It took us three attempts and the kitchen looks like a tornado hit it but we finally got it right. "You know they also say orgasms help with sickness. I'm sure you can help her there." She says with a teasing smirk. I shake my head and lean against the counter. "Dude no." She laughs harder as I grab the bowl and head to Stacie's. I nervously knock on the door and wait.

The blonde answers and glares at me, what did Stacie say her name was? And what's her problem with me? "Stacie doesn't feel good. She isn't looking for one of your little hook ups right now." She says before she tries to slam the door but I stop her. "Wait! I know... I just got her... I made her soup, you know to make her feel better or whatever." I say feeling my cheeks heat up. Her face softens as she looks at the container in my hands.

"Oh... that's sweet of you." She says taking the dish from me. "Who's at the door Bree?" I hear Stacie's voice calling from somewhere in the house. "Um Beca... she made you soup." Blondie replies nervously. I'm not sure why but I suddenly feel tension building up. Stacie peaks out from behind the blonde. Her eyes are a little red and glassy and she looks pale. I give her an awkward smile and wave.

"Hey Stacie... just thought I would get you soup... I feel awkward now so I'm just gunna go." I turn to leave but I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Wait Beca, come in." Stacie says. I look at her face, full of worry. "No offense but you're sick and I would like to stay healthy." I tell her and she rolls her eyes. "Can you come inside, to my room?" She asks.

I nod and follow her into the house. The blonde glares daggers at me as soon as I enter. Geez she really seems to hate me. Stacie leads me to her room and closes the door behind us. She has me sit on the end of the bed and she sits down next to me. "Stacie what's wrong?" I ask as tears start to form in her eyes. She quickly wipes them.

"I ummm... I think I'm pregnant... I took three tests and they all came back positive." She says before she starts crying again. My mouth drops open and the whole world stops. I feel like the air was taken from my lungs. I need to go. Stacie calls out after me as I run off and back to my house. I hop on my bike without a word and start driving. I reach the small overlook outside of town and park, I found it a few years ago with my sorta ex and I come here when I need to think.

I start pacing back and forth. How could this have happened? I reach into the bag on the side of my bike and grab a bottle of whiskey we keep for emergencies. I flick the top off and take a long sip before putting it back. This can't be happening.

My legs give out and I sit next to my bike. My head falls between my knees as I process what Stacie said and what this means. I'm going to have a kid? I'm too young for this! I'm not prepared. What if I lost my temper with it?

Then my mind drifts back to Stacie... shit I just ran off.

I jump back on my bike and drive back to my house. I sprint to Stacie's and roughly knock on the door. The blonde steps outside and pushes me back, closing the door behind her. "You have some nerve! You just left her! She locked herself in her room and has been crying!" I feel even worse as I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"I know I fucked up! I came back though! I want to talk to her." I explain. The blonde just rolls her eyes and walks inside. "She needs space, and I can smell the booze on your breath, real stupid." She says. With that she closes the door, leaving me outside. I sigh and head to the side of the house. I start climbing the tree until I get to Stacie's window. Luckily its still unlocked so I can slide inside.

"Beca get out!" She yells throwing a pillow at me. I catch it and walk up to her, placing the pillow on the bed."I'm so so sorry I ran, this is just a lot to process." I tell her. She rolls her eyes and lays back down. "Yeah you think?" She mumbles sadly. I slide off my shoes and crawl into bed next to her. It takes her a few minutes but she turns to face me. Her eyes are puffy and red from crying. I gently reach out and push some hair behind her ear making her blush and look down.

"What are we going to do?" I ask scanning her perfect face. "We?" She asks in a scared tone. "Well yeah we... I mean its your body and your choice but I'm going to be there too... If you will let me... cause I am responsible." I start to ramble but Stacie shuts me up with a slow kiss.

"Beca it isn't a definite yet, I'm going to go find out for sure. But I think its good to talk about what happens if I am... Pregnant." She says with her voice cracking a little. I nod and grab her hand. "What do you want to do if you are?" I ask as I rub soothing circles on the back of her hand.

"I don't know... I don't have any money and I'm suppose to graduate and go to college next year... I can't afford to do that and support a baby." She says as she starts to tear up again but I quickly wipe them away. "Stacie you don't have to worry about money... I have a lot in my fund... and I can start working at the club with Luke, he has been nagging me to do it for a while now anyway." I tell her. She rolls her eyes and turns away from me.

"No offense Beca but I don't think you have the money to support me and a baby." She mutters. I sit up and run a hand through my hair. Time for my family secret to come out. "Stacie, did you ever wonder how a 22 year old, 17 year old, and a 16 year old could afford the house in this neighborhood." I start. Stacie slowly turns to face me. Our house was the smallest in the neighborhood and not nearly as impressive as Stacie's house but still.

"Or our cars and motorcycles? And the fact you have never seen an adult besides Luke care for us?" I continue. Stacie slowly sits up, her eyebrows furrow as she thinks over everything. "We changed our last name when we moved here... my mother was Katherine Junk." I finally say. Her eyes widen hearing the name and her mouth drops open. Everyone knew my mom, a sweet pop star who was killed too soon.

"My father, Warren Junk, is in jail for her murder. That orphaned me and my siblings, none of my family wanted to care for the three of us so we bounced from orphanage to orphanage until Luke turned 18 and got his fund. He bought us a home and invested in a club and became our legal guardian." I explain. Stacie still looks at me stunned, like I'm a different person. This is why we don't tell people who we are.

"My mom really cared for us and made sure our future was secure in case something happened, so yeah, I can support having a kid... once I turn 18 we won't have to worry about money. I'm sure I can work something out with Luke until then. I can DJ with him at night so you can still go to school... if you want to keep it that is." I add in. I can see a mix of emotions crossing her face before she nods. "I... I wanna keep it... my biggest concern was money now that's solved. I can still attend college in the day if you work as a DJ at night... holy shit we can make this work. It won't be easy but we can make it work." She whispers holding her stomach. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Yeah?" I ask with a big goofy smile. She nods and starts crying again. I wrap my arms around her and pull her in for a hug. "I'm scheduling a doctors appointment to be sure for tomorrow. And to find out how far along I am." She says. I nod as we lay back on the bed. "I will join, I mean if you want me to join." I quickly say. Stacie rolls her eyes and looks up at me.

"Yes I want you to join Beca." She says with a smirk. I lean in to kiss her but a knock on the door breaks us apart. "Hey Stacie... I ordered Chinese, your favorite." A hesitant voice calls in from the other side of the door. I stand up and get ready to go but Stacie grabs me. "Stay with me? I kind of need it." She asks. I look at the window then back to her.

"Is your sister going to kill me?" I ask with a teasing smirk. She rolls her eyes and pulls me close to her. "There's a chance, but if you stay I will split my lo mein with you, I'm sure my other sister will like you more." She offers. Damn I wish I wasn't so hungry or else I would run, I always agree to anything for food. I nod before Stacie unlocks her bedroom door. I hesitantly follow her downstairs. Her sister gives her bright smile which immediately turns into a glare when she sees me.

"Be nice now Bree." She says returning the glare at her sister. I awkwardly stand there looking between the two beautiful girls. Stacie pulls me to the table and has me sitting next to her at their massive dining room table. The other girl sits across from us, still glaring at me.

"Beca I want you to officially meet my oldest sister, Aubrey. Aubrey this is Beca." She says as she starts scooping food between our plates, thank god, I'm starving. Aubrey doesn't say a thing as she looks me up and down.

"So Beca... tell me about yourself. What colleges have you applied to?." The blonde asks while digging into the food. "Ummm I haven't really applied to any. I want to be a music producer. I was planning on working as a DJ to start and going from there." I explain. The blonde looks at me with a mix of disgust and anger.

"Her mixes are awesome. The whole school has her tracks on repeat. I play them all the time." Stacie adds. I smile at Stacie, glad she is attempting to defuse the situation. "How are your grades at school?" Aubrey asks then, now she looks sick.

"Ummm I have mainly Cs?" I confess. Aubrey looks like she might pass out hearing that, this isn't going well. "Look, I know I'm not the ideal person but I promise I'm going to be here for Stacie the whole time. She won't be alone in this and I will help in every way possible." I ensure them both. The two girls look me over again. Stacie sighs and runs her hand through her hair.

"Wait... does that mean you are keeping it? If you are pregnant?" Aubrey asks with a shy voice. Stacie glances at me before nodding. "Yes we are... I know it will be tough but Beca and I can make it work." Stacie says. I smile and nod at her, grabbing her hand in mine. "Stacie I will support you no matter what and we know Chloe will too... but are you sure that's the best choice?" Aubrey asks. Stacie's smile falters and she tenses up. My fists tighten into balls.

"Yes Aubrey, Beca and I already decided." She says slightly bitter. Aubrey sighs and leans back in the chair. "Stacie are you thinking about the big picture? What about college? And money? You need to think about what is best for not only you but the baby! Geez you just turned 18!" She yells. I slam the table and stand up. "Do you think we would have just rushed into this life changing decision!? How about supporting your sister when she needs you most!" I yell feeling my blood boil. Stacie places her hand on my arm and pulls me to sit down. I comply and start eating again.

"Aubrey I have thought about it. I cried all day because I thought I'd have to give it up. But then talking to Beca we made a plan and I'm confident we can handle it." Stacie says as she grabs my hand and pulls me up next to her. I gulp down the lo mein that was in my mouth as she pulls me towards the door. "Where are we going?" I question, slightly scared of Stacie right now.

"We're going to your house. I need to be away from her." She yells as we start going to my house. "Wait Stacie! I'm sorry I was just looking out for you!" Aubrey calls after us. Stacie stops and I nearly crash into her. "I need some space! I'm sick of you making me feel terrible!" Stacie replies as she grabs my hand again and pulls me towards the house, Aubrey continues to chase after us. We all fail to notice a car pulling up in Stacie's driveway in the heat of the argument.

"Stacie? Aubrey? Where are you going? And why is she with you?" The booming voice of Stacie's dad calls. We all stop moving and freeze.

"Well guess this is it for me, tell my future kid I died a hero."

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