Tom Holland and Friends: Imag...

By sadSche

4.5K 68 14

Just some day dreams that I decided to write about. Some of them will have multiple parts to them, but others... More

Tom Holland/Your First Premiere
Tom Holland/Young Lovers
Peter Parker/I have a question
Peter Parker/ Why Her?
Harry Holland/ Meeting the Family?
Peter Parker/ He saved my life, but somehow I saved his
Tom Holland/ Your Best Friends Brother
Tom Holland/Grounded
Peter Parker/Why Her? Pt. 2
Tom Holland and Harrison (AU)/A Sociopath
Tom Holland AU/ A Selection Tale
Tom Holland/ You know whats sad?
Tom Holland AU/ A Selection Tale pt. 2
Peter Parker/ Lemon the Cat
Peter Parker AU/ The Young
Peter Parker AU: The Young pt.2
Peter Parker AU/ The Young pt.3
Tom Holland/ i just thought id let you know...

Tom Holland/ Young Lovers Pt. 2

184 4 0
By sadSche

After the incident with Tom, you really never wanted to see him again, so you managed to convince your mom to move to the other side of London. So then you would have a very low chance of seeing Tom, but your mom and brother could still hang out with the Hollands. You go to a different school, and since it's really hard for you to make friends and it's your last year of high school, you didn't have many friends. Two close friends, but nothing close to what you and Tom had.

"Y/N!Can you believe that we graduated!? Oh my gosh this is amazing!" Your friend Rheagan shouted in your ear, jumping up and down.

"Calm down, Rheagan, gosh." your other close friend Emily said, smiling ever so slightly, clearly glad that you all managed to graduate.

"Tone it down a bit Rheagan, but Emily you should cheer up! I mean come on, we graduated!!! No more school until college!" You said enthusiastically.

You all started making your way to the exit when another group of guys stopped you. You were kinda friends with them, but more so Emily and Rheagan than you.

"Hey Y/n! How are you?" A guy named Devin asked you, coming up to you and hugging you, practically lifting you off the ground.

"C-can't breathe Devin." you say, out of breath and trying to free yourself from his arms.

"Oh sorry, I forgot about how small you are." He said, laughing it off.

"I'm not small." You fold your arms and frown, fake pouting.

"Y/n, you're always saying that I'm a little baby, but one thing that I will always have on you is my height." Another guy, this ones name being Ryan.

"Ryan, you are so young, but you do make up for it with your height. Your age is the only thing that would stop me from dating you if I was interested." You tell him.

"I'm only like 4 months younger than you. We are practically the same age." Ryan says, he's been trying to date you since you came to the school, but you always deny him. It's not just the fact that you don't want to date someone younger than you, it's that a small part of you still likes Tom. Your heart just won't let you like someone else.

"Come on, I just want a ch-" Ryan was cut off by another guy.

"Lay off man, you don't have a chance. Me on the other hand, just might." The guys says cockily, smirking down at you.

"You keep telling yourself that, Alex. But anyways, I really should be leaving, I've got to go get ready for the dance." You say, quickly walking away with Emily and Rheagan in tow.

~two years later~

Outside of your limo you hear lots of screaming. You shift in your seat uncomfortably, adjusting your dress and fixing your hair, Checking in on your make up and making sure there wasn't any lipstick on your teeth. You feel a hand on your knee, and you look over at one of your co-stars Chris Evans.

"Calm down, Y/n. It will all be over soon. You will be by my side the entire time." Chris says softly, rubbing your back.

"Ok I've got this. I am Y/n Y/l/n, I am invincible, and I play the most badass character on the planet. Everyone loves me." You say, trying to hype yourself up.

"That's right. Now we're getting close so make sure to keep your cool when greeting the fans." Chris tells you.

Captain America: Civil War is your first ever movie that you've acted in. You're Steve Rodgers adopted daughter, Laney Rodgers. She isn't a very big role in this movie, but according to the director, she becomes a big deal. Throughout the movie, your character doesn't see much action, so you haven't met the actor for Spider-Man, Black Panther, Vision, or basically anyone else on Team Iron man other than Scarlet Johansson and Robert Downey Jr.

"Alright we're here kid. You ready?" Chris asks you.

"I'm ready, let's do this." You put on a brights smile and step out of the door as the chauffeur opens it. You are quickly greeted with loud screams, lots of people calling for you, all of them wanting pictures and autographs.

After about 15 minutes of talking with the fans, you move on to the paparazzi with Chris. You quickly pose for photos, some with Chris and some without.

"Alright everyone, I am here with Chris Evans and Y/n Y/l/n. How are you guys doing?" The interviewer lady asks you both.

"I'm doing great, there is so much enthusiasm from the fans, it's absolutely incredible. I guess it's to be expected from a Marvel movie though." Chris says smoothly.

"I agree with Chris, although I am a little bit nervous." you admit.

"Aw, there's not reason to be nervous, you are the star here, everyone loves you." The lady smiles at you encouragingly.

She then goes on to ask both you and Chris more about the filming process, as well as what it was like working with certain people.

"So Y/n, you are 20 years old correct?" The interviewer asks you.

"I am."

"So, have you met Tom Holland then? You guys are only a year apart, I'm sure you would get along amazingly just judging by your personalities." She says.

No one other than your mom, brother, and Toms parents, as well as old classmates know that you used to be good friends.

"Oh, um I didn't realize that he was in this movie." You say nervously.

"You didn't!? Wow! So you guys never met?" She asks, clearly shocked.

"No we didn't, he wasn't in any of my scenes." You say, trying to veer away from the subject.

"Oh, interesting. Well that's all I have for both of you. Thank you, and back to you Joe." The interviewer says, smiling and waving bye to you as you walk off.

"Y/n, are you ok?" Chris asks, pulling you aside.

"No Chris, I'm not. But it doesn't matter. I'll be fine. Let's just go into the theatre." You say, quickly walking into the theatre.

Throughout the entire movie, you continuously fidgeted with your hands. Chris would sometimes check on you, same with Scarlet, but you would just tell them that You're fine.

After the movie, you all walked into the beautiful after party. There was music playing, lots of food set up, and a great bar. Which you unfortunately weren't old enough to drink at.

"Hey kid, I'm going to go get some champagne, do you wanna come with or are you going to stay here?" Chris asks.

"I'll stay here, bring me a glass please." You ask, hoping that Chris will let me drink just one glass.

He looks at you and frowns but then says fine, he then walks off, leaving you alone.

A boy around the age of 13 came running up to you, hiding behind you and holding onto your skirt.

"Um excuse me, buddy, but can I help you?" You ask the boy.

"Y/n, it's me Paddy, I'm hiding from Tom. I need your help, I'm playing a game with him, and I'm not going to loose." Paddy says, looking at me directly in the eyes, practically begging me to help him.

"Oh my Gosh, Paddy!? I can't believe I didn't recognize you. You're a lot bigger than the last time I saw you." You say, your eyes being wide as saucers.

"Yep, I'm almost old enough to date you now Y/n." He says hopefully, but then ducks behind you again, probably seeing his brother.

"Um excuse me, Miss. But have you seen a short boy with red hair by chance?" Tom asks you, not recognizing you at all. Your heart leaps at the sight of him, still having feelings for Tom after all this time, no matter how much you tried to suppress them.

"Yeah, actually I have, in Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone." You say sarcastically, rolling your eyes. Trying your best to suppress your emotions.

Tom laughs and looks at you, Then his face shifts from happiness to realization. Using this to your advantage, you quickly turn around and tell Paddy to scram, hopefully buying him some time. You then look back at Tom, who is wearing the same face of confusion that he wore when You confessed to him 3 years ago.

"Y/n?" Tom asks.

"Yep. Hey Tom." You say, awkwardly waving at him, blushing a bit.

Suddenly, Tom walks over to you and hugs you tightly.

"I missed you so so much, Y/n." Tom whispers.

"I missed you too Tom." You say breathily, kinda surprised that he's actually hugging you.

Continuing to hug you, Tom asks "then why didn't you come back to me?" You can sense the pain in his voice, and feel a wave of guilt wash over you.

"I'm sorry." You say, guiltily. "I just don't think I could have faced you again after what I told you."

Tom pulls back, but doesn't let go. "Y/n, you never even gave me a chance to respond to you." He says.

"I know, I was just scared, and ashamed of myself." You say looking down at your feet.

Tom grabs your chin in between his index finger and thumb, forcing you to up at him.

"Y/n, I liked you. I still like you. In fact i love you. I never want to let you go again." Tom says, leaning in and kissing you gently.

You pull away after a little bit to catch your breaths.

"I love you too Tom."

Thanks for reading everyone! Please Vote!
-Sophie ❤️

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