Forest Sister

By elfwitchof221B

54.7K 1.1K 238

A female elf joins Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and Gandalf at the Fangorn Forest. She hates Legolas more than any... More

I Will Go With You
I Release You From The Spell
Journey To Helm's Deep
Nothing To Lose
Small But A Great Cost Paid Battle
Helm's Deep And A Friend From Rohan
Friend? No, Friend 's'
Mission Suicide
Preparing For The Battle
battle at helm's deep
end of the battle
the truth
500 years ago
back to Edoras
the palantir
a light in the dark
off you go
crying out loud
and Rohan will answer
the road to the Dimholt = the road to the dead humans
The dead and more
on the boat to Gondor
Legolas is leveled up
Thank You
Chapter 31
I Love You
Another Suicide Mission
To the Black Gate We Go
We go to kick Sauron's ass
The end of all things
Getting ready for the coronation
The coronation
Thank you
Into the woods
Thranduil 2
I will stay with you
Author's Note

One More Reason

1.6K 41 0
By elfwitchof221B

 Legolas snapped himself back to reality. Taurieth was looking away in the distance again, to where Fangorn was. Legolas's mind was filled with thoughts. Lenian, the elf he cared about, who was dead, was the sister of an elf who now hates him very much. Lenian wasn't her real name. It was Aldawen according to her sister. Now that he thought about it, they looked very much alike. A little change of the hair and eye colour, and they would look the same.

 "She was very brave," Legolas said to Taurieth. She nodded.

 "And also very beautiful," Legolas added. Taurieth looked at him with a slight interest in her eyes.

 "Did you like her?"

 "Yeah, sure. She was a great friend," He answered.

 "I mean, did you like her in any romantic way?"

 Legolas stared at her in disbelief.

 "No. We were just very close friends. And yet I didn't know a single thing about her family," Legolas leaned over the wall, sighing. Taurieth looked at the elf prince. The truth was, that when Aldawen met Taurieth, she would always talk about the elf prince. About how brave he was, how kind he was, and how handsome he was. And yet there was no sign of any romantic relationship? That was weird.

 "She died saving me," Legolas said, not thinking about the effect it would bring. As soon as Taurieth heard it, she froze. She had been told that Aldawen died from spider poison, on her unlucky day. That the healers tried to save her, but she couldn't be saved. Now Legolas was saying that she died saving him.

 "Tell me more," Taurieth demanded. Legolas was surprised. He didn't expect that she would say what she just said. However, Legolas told all about it to her. About the patrol attacked by spiders, how Lenian, Aldawen has saved his life. Twice. When he had finished, Taurieth remained quiet.

 "She saved your life, twice?" Finally, she asked. Legolas nodded.

 "Now I have one more reason to hate you and your so-called Mirkwood," she spat coldly and went inside. Legolas stared at her.

 Why was this so hard? All he wanted was to be friends with her. He was really, really sorry for what happened to her family, yet she refused him. He was already a friend with a dwarf. Why couldn't he be friends with one of his own kind? He sighed and walked inside the palace, swearing he will make her open her heart to the world someday.

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