Taming Scar (Lesbian Story)

By loveanoutcast

432K 12.9K 3.7K

Scar skär/ noun a mark left on the skin or within body tissue where a wound, burn, or sore has not healed com... More

Ages and Rules.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 23.
Author's note.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Author's Note.
Chapter 28.
Taming Scar & Fixing Izzy
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Bonus Chapter: Nova & Ace's Wedding.

Chapter 22.

10.1K 381 47
By loveanoutcast

"I will give you all my heart so we can start it all over again"
-One Direction


Humming along to the song in my head, I twirled as I put the large bowl of popcorn on the counter before going to the fridge.

Seeing the drinks were at them bottom I grabbed Aprils favorite--Pepsi--and my own, Sprite.
My hips were shimmied as I stood back to my full height and twirled around-

"Shit!" I jumped my grip on the cans tightening before placing them beside the bowl.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" The brunettes voice gushed.

I held a hand to my chest, the steady rhythm of my heartbeat had quickened with shock.

"It's not your fault. I didn't hear you come in." Was my response after a few minutes passed.

She let out a bell like laugh "Understandable. I am pretty quiet."

Nodding I joined her laughter before sticking out a hand--the one that clutched my chest falling back to my side.

"Hi. I'm Winter."

Realization dawned on her, her grin faltering a bit before a large polite smile took place.

"I'm Ellison." Shaking my hand, she let go before looking at my outfit.

My face flushed, I wasn't wearing a bra and April's shirt was huge on my small figure. Ellison was the same height as myself but a few pounds over curvy, gorgeous nonetheless. Light blue jeans covered her legs as well as high top boot sneakers.

"That's a cute sweater!" I complimented pointing to the sea blue pullover.

Looking down at herself I watched her face flush. "Thank you."


An awkward silence filled the air, both of us not really knowing what to do. Racking my brain to say anything just to make this less tense, I was relieved when Ellison spoke.

"The boys weren't kidding when they said you were-and I quote--"Smoking hot."."

"Was it that really tall one with nose hoop?" My tone pitched.

"Jerome?" she chuckled "How'd you know?"

"Lucky guess." I smirked.

"I see you have a hoop like him too." she noted.

"It was Scar's idea. It was get matching tattoos or piercings. I chose the latter of course." explaining I realized how dumb it probably sounded, getting a piercing because your girlfriend made you choose.

"Didn't peg Scar as the sentimental type." Ellison's voice was steady but I detected something else--I just can't put my finger on it.

"She isn't." I chuckled "We were both drunk, but even then I knew it's a bad idea to get matching permanent ink on your skin."

"But she has sleeves?" her eyebrows furrowed "And the ones on her thighs and feet, even one her stomach?"

I had only been paying half attention but the last word made me cough.

"You-you've seen it?" I gaped.

"The one on her side?"

I nodded slowly.

"Uh...um well not really. More like on accident I suppose, she had been jumping on the trampoline outside and I got a flash of it."

Not realizing I had stepped closer to her our eyes were at the same level. "Do you know what it is?"

"No, just that it seems pretty dark colored." giving a look of interest she continued "Why what is it?"

Shaking my head, I took a step back before casually leaning on the counter "It's not my place to tell."

"I asked her myself, but she got all defensive and blew up in my face."

I snorted "That's A-" Catching my almost slip up I pretended to cough "Sca-ar for you."

"Has she always been like that?"

"Rude and ignorant?" I continued "Or generous and caring?"

"Both I suppose."

"No. Believe it or not Scar used to be kind of shy. When I met her she was already a troublemaker, but she can be real quiet without realizing she is."

"How did you two meet?"

"At a party. I caught her eye apparently, though I'm almost positive it had something to do with my hair." I chuckled.

"It suits you."

"Thank you. The first thing Scar did was insult it, though she was bloody wasted at the time and tried to kiss me various of times that night--no matter how many times I gave her a good whack 'cross the head. She was a persistent little shit."

"She really likes you, you know." Ellison let out "She talked about you all the time."

"I know." The corners of my lips tilted up. "She talked about you too."

"Really?" The shock was evident on her face.

"Well you and your brothers. She even mentioned your friend--the one with the blue hair I think?--how her and Jerome seem to have a thing between them."

"Ariana and Jerome?" Ellison's tone made me realize that this blue haired female told her best friend nothing of what had happened the night April and young Gabriel walked in on them flirting.

"Bollocks. Not again." I scratched the back on my neck, my piercing sliding slightly.

"It was nice to meet you Winter." The furrow was deep between her brows and I knew I had to say something quick to make up for my slip up.

"Scar told me Jerome was trying to flirt. Maybe the reason this Blue didn't say anything was because it probably meant nothing. Don't let a small thing get you worked up Ellison--I've seen what anger does to people. If you think negative, negative is what you will receive. Think positive, and everything will work itself out."

After my short monologue she seemed deep in thought before finally nodding.

"You're right. Thank you." Walking out she stopped at the doorway "You're not what I expected you would be, Fall."

"Good or bad?"

"Good I guess."

I smiled "It's Winter by the way."

It was her turn to smile "I know."

Walking back into the room, I noticed April had turned off all the lights, the only thing guiding me being the light from the setting sun. She was already sitting comfortably on the couch, her feet perched up and a blanket covering her lower half.

Seeing me, she smiled.

"Hey what took you so long?"

"I ran into someone."

Her eyebrows furrowed "Who?"

"Ellison Margo."

Her ears turned a bright red but I payed no mind to it and instead set the bowl and cokes down on the coffee table.

"So what movie shall we see tonight?" Settling next to her I turned to her observing me quietly.


"I literally understood nothing of what you said Win. Your accent got in the way, again."

Sighing I pitched my voice "What movie did you pick?"

"Blades of Glory." was her response.

"I always liked that one. Why people don't remember it makes me wonder."

"You can stop with the American voice. I really love your real voice, it just gets too thick sometimes."

"And you don't think yours ever annoys me?"

She faked a gasp but my poker face didn't waver "I'll have you know that many people find my tone quite attractive!"

"Oh please." I snorted "I would need both my hands and feet as well as yours to count how many migraines your Southern accent has given me."

Scowling she huffed "Let's just watch the stupid movie."


We were five minutes in before April finally stopped being grumpy and wrapped a hand around my waist pulling me into her side where I curled up. Placing a kiss on my head she mumbled sweet things into my hair, my hand was taken into hers and I could feel her playing with my fingers as I tried to watch the movie, but with one of her palms stroking my gray dyed hair and the other stroking circles on my thigh and arm I felt my eyes get heavy.

Before I knew it I fell asleep, body still snuggled against the warm tanned skin of my spanish lover.

Sometime throughout the night I pushed April off the couch, my need for space and not so subtle movements causing her to let out a groan of pain before she sat up--her hands supporting her as she leaned back on them.

"Really Win?" she said her voice croaking with sleep that made my knees weak.

I had barely cracked one eye open, not really liking being awakened--especially to her annoyed face.

"I'm sorry. This couch is too small." was my reply before giving an innocent pout.

Sighing she sat up straighter and rubbed at her eyes looking outside the windows. The pale moonlight lit up her features making her look absolutely beautiful and I couldn't help myself as I reached out to stroke her cheek.

"Just like old times yeah?"

Her irritation diminished when she suddenly smiled. Her hand was placed on top of mine keeping it in place as she kissed the inside of my palm.

"Just like old times." she agreed.

"Do you love me?" my mouth blurted.

Turning her head sideways the surprise was clear on her face.

"You know I do. Why would ask me that?"

My hand that stroked her cheek was now laced with her fingers, playing with them I tried to use them as a distraction to not meet her eyes.

"Wondering I guess."

"Marilyn." Her tone was stern but I couldn't help but bite back a laugh--how she came off scary to others was beyond me.


"Marilyn Morn-" she stopped, but not fast enough.

Eyes widened at her mistake and I could bet mine were the same.

We stared at each other for a long while, gulping I was the first to break it.

"What were you going to call me?"

"Marilyn Ashburn."


"Babe it was nothing. It doesn't matter."

"If it doesn't matter why can't you just tell me?" I quietly asked.

Grunting as she picked herself up, she turned off the television. Facing me and tugging at the blanket that laid at my feet.

"Let's get in the bed."

Rolling over I grumbled "No! Not until you tell me."




"Mm. No."

For awhile she was silent besides a few sighs and feet shuffles. I thought she might get annoyed and just carried me to the bed against my will (She has done it before) However those were playful fights, with tickling and fail attempts to kiss me. This was more tense, definitely more awkward.

"Marilyn Morningstar." She huffed "I was going to call you Marilyn Morningstar okay?"

I didn't gasp, nor did I pester her with questions. Instead I rolled onto my back and gave her a sly smirk.

"Now was that so hard love?"

Knowing me all to well April rolled her eyes, in one swift moment she grabbed me by the hips and threw me over her shoulder. My bum received a playful slap, her laughter filling the room when I let out a squeak followed by a string of curse words.

I was laid down on her mattress after she tugged the duvet down, the silk sheets feeling like smooth butter on my bare legs. However my attention was cut short when my tatted lover spread my legs apart making her way between them as she hovered over me. She gave me devious grin but before I could question further, fingers grabbed the hem of her top before she yanked it over her head, the brown locks puffing out messier than before, the only thing on her upper torso being a blue bra and her fathers dog tags.

She was a sight to behold and I couldn't help myself as I wrapped my legs around her waist, ankles locking together before pulling her down to me.

Placing her hands on either side of my head, she used them to support her weight, being careful not to crush me nor cause me harm since she was all muscle and I was quite soft.

Hooking one of my fingers onto her necklace, my other hand traced patterns on her back. Pulling on the chain our faces closed the distance between each other and I could see that her pupils had grown larger with lust, the sight caused me to try and shut my legs to create some sort of friction between them.

As if reading my mind April smirked.

"Tell me what you want."

Feeling my cheeks heat up only made her grin wider. Until i mustered up enough courage to say.

"Don't be a tease. You know what I want."

Lowering her head her lips brushed my neck muttering "Aye."

Uneven gasps and winces were made as she sucked and bit at the skin, I suppose it was revenge from me kicking her off the couch and making her tell the truth.

Once done she watched me as I let out a shaky breath and flinched when cupping my neck. Knowing very well there will be a mark in the morning.

"Sorry babe." she mocked only pissing me off more "Couldn't help myself."

Acting impulsively I rolled our bodies. Me, now on top as i intertwined our hands above her head in a firm hold.

"You're such an arse." I shook my head.

"Well I really like your ass." she winked.

Seeing her smirk once again was all it took for me to hold her captive and repeat her own actions against her.

Her eyes closed shut when her fingers skimmed the red mark that was quickly turning purple. When she let me see her irises again they held a playful glint "Was that payback?"

I shrugged trying to seem casual even though my heart was beating at a fast pace "Maybe."

"Oh baby. You shouldn't have done that."

Before I could stop her she had me on my back again, completely at her mercy as my hands were taken and pinned above my head.

"Although I quite like it when you're rough." Her smile was anything but nice "But I'm in charge."

A whimper left my mouth.

"However. We'll save that for another time. I just wanna love you for now." her pearly whites were shown, the breathy laugh I let out only made them show more.

And as we made love to one another throughout the night I couldn't help but think of doing this for the rest of my life, being with April in our own bedroom, no one else interrupting or judging, just loving each other to the fullest.

Letting out a gasp I was brought back to reality and grinned at her.

"You're gonna be the death of me Win." she groaned, eyes screwed shut in pure ecstasy.

Kissing her heaving chest I giggled against her skin. One move made her body rise from the bed.

"Fuck, I love you."

"I love you too babe." I mumbled.

I really do.

Photo of James and Ruth Margo cause why the hell not>>>>
...Hi guys. So it's been like a month since I've last updated, real sorry bout that btw. I know this isn't much but it's something. Thank you to those who haven't given up on me and continue to vote! I've been really busy and tired. I hope I can update again really soon but if I don't I would really love to see your comments and opinions, because they really motivate me. ALSO ASK MORE QUESTIONS. Didn't receive any on the last chapter so yeah. Bye. X

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