Love Overflowing (KimXi One-S...

By fangirlincognito

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The Admittance

Love Overflowing (KimXi One-Shot)

2.3K 38 5
By fangirlincognito


Hello readers! This story just came on to me and I wanted to write it down. It's inspired by KimXi (Kim Chiu and Xian Lim). The characters in this story are based on real people, just havent used their names. Instead I used their second names and whatnot. This is clearly fictional and is just pure imagination. Um, so yeah. Hope you enjoy!

P.S. I've decided to just put the story in one chapter, but with two parts. So it is long. This is my first time writing a oneshot, so it might not be as good as others. 

So, without further adieu. Here's my story for you! ^-------^ 

 Love Advices (Part 1)

"Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risks." -Dalai Lama

Alex's POV

"HOI! KUYA!!!" I was snapped back into reality by my sister's loud voice. 

"Ha? Why are you yelling? Lower down your voice, you're so loud." I told her, partly irritated because she ended my daydreaming about "my" girl. 

I chuckled at the thought.

"Oh well if you haven't noticed my dear brother, I've been trying to get your attention for about 5 minutes now. But, you're way too busy drowned in your thoughts. Let me guess, you're thinking about her again aren't you?" She replied back, and sat beside me.

"Uh, no. What are you talking about?" I denied, 

"Tsk. You don't have to hide it Kuya, it's way too obvious. And plus, I know you too well." she said while scanning through the fashion magazines that were displayed in the glass table in front of us. 

I sighed. She is right. I'm being way too obvious. But, what can I do? I'm just another man victimized by this so called "love". 

"You really do love her, don't you?" she asked,

I just simply nodded. 

"Then why don't you tell her? Why do you keep on shutting off your feelings for her? I mean, it's pretty obvious that she likes you too." she said, putting down the magazine she was holding. Then she looked at me, with a questioning look. 

"You know it's not that simple Sofia. We don't live normal lives. Being in the showbiz industry is not easy. People watch your every move. Judge you for every little thing you do. I'm just scared that people might misinterpret my intentions. That people will think it's all for "promo"." I answered. 

"Well Kuya, no one said it was going to be simple. Life is simply not simple. If you really love her, you will fight for her. Fight for your love. Other people's opinions don't matter. So what if people misinterpret you, so what if people think it's only for show. In the end of the day, what matters most is you and Ate Sue's decisions and choices. What you truly feel for each other. If you really love her, fight for her." Sofia advised.

I ran my fingers through my hair, then heaved a sigh. 

"Thanks So." I said. 

"You're most welcome, big brother." she said and patted my shoulder.

"I'll go ahead. Think about it okay?" she added then stood up and left.

This is it, I thought to myself. I made a decision. I'll fight for her. I'll tell her I love her. And give "us" a chance. 

I was pacing back and forth in our dressing room, holding my phone, contemplating whether I should call her or not. I have been trying to avoid contacting her since this morning. I was nervous alright, and that is an understatement. I was nervous because today's the day. The day I'll tell her. 

"Chill Bro. You're making me dizzy. Just sit down and call her." Gian, my friend/co-actor said. 

We were in our dressing room prepping for a show that starts in 30 minutes. Along with us were my other friends who were also part of the show; Enzo, Edward, Ken, and Samuel. 

"You know Alex, you really are a sheepish guy" Enzo commented and chuckled. 

"Shut up." I threw a balled up tissue at him, "How would you feel if you were in my position? For instance, what if it was you and Mara-" I added,

Enzo cut me off.

 "Be quiet. Me and Mara's situation is far different from yours and Sue's, okay?"  he said,

Enzo had been vocal about his feelings for Mara. But, he was just waiting for her to turn 18 till he can finally court her formally. 

"K boys, are you guys ready? Show starts in a while. Come out of there and get ready for the opening prod." Sir M., our director, said while poking in through the door. 

We motioned to go outside, and get the show started.

Sue's POV 

I looked at the clocked pinned on the wall. And continuously looked at my phone, waiting for a text or call from him. 

"Aaaarghhh!" I threw my phone at the sofa. Why haven't he texted or called me. It's been more than 24 hours since the last time we had a conversation. I know something was bothering him, and I just can't seem to figure it out. 

"Chill girl! What's your problem?" Ross, my bestfriend, asked me. 

We are currently at my house, having a movie marathon. Along with us were my Ate Lani and my other close friends; Catherine, Ricky, Carlo, and  Angela. 

"He haven't called in a day. It's like he's avoiding me. Should I be worried?" I asked and pouted. 

They broke into laughter. I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"What's so funny?" I asked, irritated.

"Gosh Sue, I thought it was a bigger problem. The guy is just busy, and plus don't they have a show today? Along with Samuel them?" she replied.

"But Ross, it is a big problem. Alex is not like this. No matter how busy he is, he still somehow finds time to call or text me." I said. I took some popcorn from the bowl on Ross' lap, and shoved it in my mouth. I focused my attention on the screen right in front of me. 

They were watching "The Lucky One". Gosh, out of all the movies they could watch, why this? I suddenly remembered that date I had with him months ago, just us two. We watched this movie together, alone. I don't know how we survived though; I mean there were a lot of "sexual" scenes. It was just plain awkward. 

"Don't you think you're overreacting, Sue? I mean, you're not even together yet. Heck, you guys don't even know what you have. Just chillax girl." Ricky said.

 He was right. There isn't even a clear description of what we have. 

"Girl, take my advice. Follow your heart. No matter what happens, just follow your heart. And I guarantee you, you will never have any regrets." Catherine added. 

Yeah, follow my heart.

 My heart tells me to go for him. 

And I will. 


Officially Yours (Part 2)

Alex's POV

We were currently at Shang's for a celebratory dinner for the successful show earlier. 

They were all busy eating and chatting. And here I am, deep in thoughts about her again. 

I sighed.

"What's up Bro? Thinking about Sue again?" Enzo asked, noticing that I was too quiet.

"I don't know man; I can't stop myself from thinking about her all the time." I replied, and then shoved a piece of steak in my mouth. 

"It's just simple. You're inlove." Samuel said, joining in the conversation. 

I snickered. 

"I guess I am." I replied. 

After eating dinner, everyone started making their way out. They were all busy in their respective schedules. Ken had an early shooting for his soap with Chandria Manuel and Dan Estrada. Edward has a recording for his band's new single. Enzo has a shooting for a commercial. Samuel has taping for his new soap. And I, on the other hand have taping with Sue for our new movie. 

Before leaving, Randolph, who was also part of the show approached me. He was Sue's ex-boyfriend and ex- loveteam partner. We were friends nonetheless.

"Hey Bro, can I talk to you for a second?" he asked,

"Sure. What is it about?" I replied,

"About Sue." he said, 

"Alright. What about Sue?" I asked,

"Everyone knows about me and Sue's past, and everyone knows you guys have something going on. I just want to tell you, take care of her Bro. Sue's a great person in and out. Please don't ever hurt her Bro, don't do what I did to her." he said,

"I promise. I won't ever hurt her. No matter what happens. And thanks Bro." I said,

"For what?" he asked,

"For caring about Sue despite what happened between you two." I replied,

"It's nothing. It's the least I can do. All right Bro, I'll go ahead. Busy day tomorrow." he patted my shoulder, then left.

I checked the time, it was 10 o'clock. Sue might still be awake right now. 

This is it. 

This is it Alexander.

Sue's POV 

I was staring at the ceiling, deep in thoughts when...

*rrrring* *rrrrriiing* 

I picked up my phone from the bedside table and looked at the caller ID

Calling: Alex Uy<3 

Why is he calling this late? 

I finally answered after about a minute contemplating whether I should answer or not. 

"Hello?" I asked, pretending to be sleepy. 

"Hey. Can we talk?" he asked, 

"Can't it wait till tomorrow? I'm sleeping." I said, 

"Yeah? I thought you can't sleep with your lights on?" he asked,

"Well I do... Wait... How do you know my lights are on?" I asked. My heart started beating fast.

Is he here? 

I walked to the window and looked out.

And there he was, looking handsome in his tucked-in dress shirt and black jeans. He was leaning on his car hood, holding his iPhone to his ears, and staring at me. 

I was dumbfounded. What am I going to do? 

"Wait... I'll come down." I said then hung up. I changed into my white tank top and shorts. Then headed outside.

I opened the gate, and there he was. Smiling at me. 

My knees trembled, and I had the sudden urge to hug him. I missed him, even if I haven't seen him for just a day.

"Hey," I croaked, 

"Hey. For you." he said, handing me a bouquet of red roses. 

I blushed. 

"Thanks. What are you doing here by the way?" I asked, 

"Can we talk?" he asked back,

"Sure. About what?" I said,

"About us." he answered. 

"U-us? What about us?" I stuttered, 


Nervousness took over me.

"Can we go inside first? It's kinda cold in here." he said and chuckled.

"Uh, Sure. I'm sorry. Come in." I said. 

We headed inside the house,

"Do you want anything to drink? Water, Juice, Coffee, Tea?" I asked while we were headed in the living room. 

"No. It's fine." he replied. 

He took a seat in the sofa, then motioned me to sit by him. I obeyed. 

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked, acting as calm as possible. Although, deep inside my emotions are exploding. 

He cleared his throat.

"Yesterday, I had a talk with Sofia..." he started,

"About?" I asked,

"About Love." he replied.

I gulped. 

"About taking risks. About taking chances. About doing what you want to do, without thinking of other people's opinions." he continued,

He looked at me. His eyes speaking volumes. 

"Sue, I've been very vocal about my feelings for you. I like you. Very much." he further added, not taking his eyes off of me.

"I was wondering if..." he said,

"If?" I disrupted,

"If we could take our relationship to the next level? I wonder if we could be "real", instead of "reel"?” he asked.

I was stunned. I didn't know what to say. 

And before I knew it, I hugged him. Tight. 

He was shocked at what I did, I am too. But then he hugged me back, even tighter.

I felt so safe in his arms.

It was then that I knew. 

I love him too. 

"So?" he asked when we finally let go of each other. Nervousness was evident in his voice. 

I nodded. 

He gave me a questioning look.

"I don't--" he started,

But I didn't let him finish. 

Because I shut him up with a kiss.

The kiss was passionate and tender.

I could feel the love overflowing between us.

We've kissed so many times on-cam. 

But this was different.

This was "real".

A teardrop escaped from my eyes, and slowly ran down my cheeks.

This is it. 

I love him.

And he loves me too. 

I, Sue Yap am officially in a relationship with Alexander Uy. 

And it feels amazing. 

Love overflowing. 

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