It Started With a Whisper- A...

By biafrafalls1D

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It Started With a Whisper- A Niall Horan Love Story
Chapter One- No.
Chapter 2- Believe
Chapter Three- Never Hesitate
Chapter Four- Chinese Takeaway and Butterfly Kisses
Chapter Five- Discovered
Chapter 6- A Good Magician Never Tells
Chapter Seven- Safe and Sound
Chapter Nine- Girls Night
Chapter Ten- Dirty
Chapter Eleven- Perfect
Chapter Twelve- Please Stay
Chapter Thirteen- What He Thinks
Chapter Fourteen- A Pictures Worth a Thousand Words
Chapter Fifteen- Two Can Play
Chapter Sixteen- Ice Queen
Chapter Seventeen- Fake
Chapter Eighteen-Luck of the Irish
Chapter 19- Right Where I Belong
Chapter Twenty- The Buzzkill
Chapter Twenty-One- First Time
Chapter Twently-Two-Indeed

Chapter Eight- I'll Take Care of You

2.6K 44 7
By biafrafalls1D

“Shut up, Lou, you’ll wake them up!” A voice whispered.


“Quick, get the picture you moron.”

“I’m going!”

“Hurry up!”

“Calm your tits.”

“I don’t have tits!”

“Can you please shut up?!”

I slowly opened my eyes to see Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Harry crowded around my bed. “Whats the show?” I asked, confused. The boys just stared at me. I looked up to see Niall sleeping peacefully underneath me. “Oh.”

“Yeah, oh.” Louis mocked. “Care to explain?”

“I got scared. I hate thunderstorms.” I answered simply. More like dad would always yell or hit me during thunderstorms so no one could hear. I thought to myself. I shuddered at the thought. “So, can you not share that picture with the entire world?” I was hopeful, but realistically, it was going out there because it’s the boys.

“Oops. Too late, already on twitter.” Louis grinned sheepishly.

I groaned. “I hate you so much. I am going to get so much shit for that you don’t even know.”

“Its okay, the caption was ‘Awww look at them. #classiccouple’ So its all good.”

“Louis!” I whisper yelled.

“What? You know you would love it if he kissed you.” I couldn’t argue that. “And anyways, you’re all clear with the paps.”

“No, Lou, they all know me now that some dumbass tweeted pictures linked to my personal twitter which has been blowing up for almost two days.” I scowled.

“Oops?” Louis laughed nervously, then grinned at me. “But you two are just too damn cute. I cant even handle it.” He pretended to faint.

“Oh my God Lou you’re such a drama queen.” I teased quietly, still careful not to wake Niall. He looked so peaceful. Plus I was really comfortable. I frowned. “How the hell do you guys always get into the flat?!” I whisper-yelled.

“A wise woman once told me, ‘A good magician never tells their secret.’” Louis winked and ushered the other boys out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind him. I sighed and closed my eyes, resting my head back on Niall’s chest.

“You’re cute when you sleep.” Niall’s husky morning voice whispered, tickling my ear with his warm breath. I blushed and hid my face from him. He chuckled, shifting underneath me.

“Thanks for staying with me when I was afraid. I really appreciate it.” I told him seriously.

“Any time you need something you tell me, I’ll always be here for you.” We lapsed into a moment of silence. “If you don’t mind me asking, why do you get afraid of thunder storms?”

I hesitated, uneasy. “Um, I’m not ready to talk about it yet, but I will tell you one day.” I smiled weakly.

“Its okay, I understand. Just remember that I’ll always listen.” We fell silent again. “Hey, are you hungry? I’m starving.” I laughed.

“Of course you are, silly. Always hungry.” I got up, pulling Niall with me. “Lets get going. The boys probably ate all the food.” Niall’s eyes widened, then he ran out of my room at lightning speed. I laughed, running after him, skidding to a halt when I got to the kitchen. Niall already had his head buried in the fridge. I smiled at him, then snuck up behind him, smacking him straight in the ass. His eyes bugged out of his skull as he whirled around in shock. “Gotcha!” I giggled, sprinting out of the room, searching for a place to hide. I heard Niall’s footstep approaching and took a dive under the sofa, barely breathing. The door burst open.

“I’m here!” Louis’ voice rang through the flat. Niall groaned.

“Why can’t you guys ever stay at your own flats? Or at least knock?” Niall whined.

“Why?  You want to do the dirty with Ashlyn? Atta boy, Horan.”

“Actually I have no idea where she is. Shes hiding.”


“She slapped my ass!” He exclaimed. Louis snorted.

“You totally loved it.”

“Louis! Just help me find her.”

“Oh, and the other boys should be here right about-“

“-Hello humans! It is I, Cyborg of the aliens!” I peeked to see Harry in an alien outfit. I snorted.

“Did you hear that?” Niall asked.

“Yes, sounds like Ashlyn is….. UNDER THE COUCH!” Louis screamed, poking his face under the sofa. I yelped, startled. “Gotcha! Now that we are all accounted for, lets play hide and seek. I’m it!” he announced. “I’ll count to 100. Ready, GO!”

I took off upstairs, nimbly sliding into the secret closet I found in the guess room’s closet. Its like Inception- a closet in a closet. There was barely enough room for me to fit in here. I jumped as the door was flung open. My eyes met Niall’s, whose were frantic, searching.

“Shit!” Niall swore.

“One Hundred! Ready or not here I come!” Louis’ voice rang.

“Get in here.”I yanked on his arm.

“We won’t fit.”

“We’ll make it work. Here you get in first. Ill sit on you. You’re too fat for me.” I whispered with a wink. He quickly crawled in the closet, I followed behind, silently shutting the door as I clambered onto Nialls lap. It wasn’t comfortable at all. I shifted slightly, trying to relieve the discomfort with no avail.

“Here.” Niall moved my legs so I was straddling him. “Better?” I nodded, putting a finger to my lips. I then realized how close we were.

Our chests were pressed on each others, I sat, straddling his lap, and our faces were mere inches from each other. I blushed, grateful for the darkness that hid it. I shifted awkwardly.

“Oh Niall!” Louis’ voice called. “I know you’re in here somewhere! I watched you come in here!” Niall looked at me. I mouthed peeking and he nodded. “What the hell? How could he just disappear? Oh right. He’s a freaking leprechaun.” Lou muttered to himself. “A damn leprechaun.”

I snorted and Niall’s eyes bugged as I tried to control the giggles that were trying to erupt from my mouth. Niall clamped his hand over my mouth, shushing me as he tried to not laugh himself, amusement evident in his eyes.

“You’re gonna get us caught.” He whispered into my ear. It only made me want to laugh even harder. I pulled my head away from his hand, just to bonk it on the wall.

“I hear someone in the closet!” Louis squealed in glee. Niall stared accusingly at me. I shrugged with a smile as we squished further behind things and into the corner, trying to mask ourselves. “What is this door. The little brats for sure in here. There’s no way he could have escaped without me seeing.” The door was flung open and Niall tightened his grip around me. “I FOUND YOU NIALL!” Louis screamed, flinging the clothes aside. “OH MAN. I hit the jackpot! I got Ashlyn too?! Wait, what were you two doing in here? Actually, scratch that I don’t even want to know.” Louis sassed, walking out of the closet and off to find the others.

“You got us busted.” I teased Niall.

“You’re the one who was laughing!” Niall defended, laughing, nudging my shoulder. I smiled at the ground and nudged him back.


“Found you!”

“More like scared the shit out of me!” I laughed and followed the voices to see Louis standing over Harry. “Ashlyn save me!”

“Nah.” I smiled, leaning on the doorframe, Niall standing, resting his hand on my hip. I looked at his hand and he quickly moved it. I sighed. Harry noticed my look and smiled sadly at me, standing and walking past, squeezing my hand secretly. I closed my eyes and gave a grim smile as he walked down the hall, turning to see my reaction. He mouthed later to me and I nodded, following him down the hall.

I don’t know why I get so upset. I like Niall so much, and not just in a friendly way, but its too soon. He can’t like me like that, I’m not pretty enough for him. For God’s sake he’s a world famous pop star who can have any beautiful girl he wants. Plus we’ve only known each other for a few days.

That’s the problem with me. I fall too hard too fast and always get hurt in the end. I don’t want that. The boy that loves me has to fight and prove themselves. I don’t want to be hurt like I was last time.

I am not up to his standards. I am nothing.

I breathed slowly, plastering on a smile as I chatted with the boys.

“Hey Ash,” Liam caught my attention, “Louis and my girlfriends want to meet you! Is right now okay?” I nodded, laughing.

“Its not even my house, you don’t need to ask me, silly!” Liam turned slightly red and looked down at his phone, texting his girlfriend, I assume. He smiled brightly.

“They’re on their way! Yay!” Liam yelled, clearly excited.

I smiled sadly, hoping one day that I would find a love like theirs. I sighed and went into the kitchen, grabbing a cup of water and staring out the window as I drank.

“You okay?” Harry asked, coming up and leaning on the counter next to me.

“Yeah.” I trailed off, looking down.

“Talk to me.” I huffed.

“I just am hurting. I don’t want to like Niall, but I can’t help it. I’ve fallen so hard and I just don’t want to get hurt again. He cant like me like that, he’s a popstar, he can have any girl he could ever want. Girls who are twenty times more beautiful, twenty times smarter, and a million times more stable. So why would he ever want me. It hurts. So much.” I buried my face in Harry’s shoulder, clinging to him like he would disappear.

“Ashlyb, do you realize how much Ni-“

“Hello! You must be Ashlyn!” A beautiful girl with olive skin and crazy, brown curly hair came into the kitchen and gushed. I blushed and pulled away from Harry. “Oh, did we interrupt something?” The girl looked worried. I shook m head in sync with Harry. “Oh, well I am Danielle, Liam’s girlfriend.”

“And I’m Eleanor, Louis’ girlfriend. I hope he hasn’t been too annoying. I promise after a while you just tune it out.” Eleanor smiled warmly, walking up to me, grabbing my shoulders. “I can already tell the three of us will be best friends.” I smiled back, laughing at her comment.

“I see you’ve met the girls.” Liam came in with a huge grin plastered on his face. He immediately scooted over to Danielle, pulling her to his side and kissing her on the top of the head. She looked up into his eyes. They were so in love.

“Yeah. Look, I know you guys just got here, but I’m not feeling well, I think I’ll just go lay down.” I grimaced. They looked at me with pity, then ushered me upstairs.

I flopped onto my bed with a groan. I was so stupid. Why couldn’t I have just gone home with Mara. Then I wouldn’t be in this mess. I wouldn’t have lost a friend, my apartment, some of my stuff, my privacy, and most of all, I wouldn’t have to worry about my dad. I stared out at the balcony before quietly slipping out with my guitar. I sat, legs dangling through the railing as I began to sing, the familiar chords floating through the air softly.

“A drop in the ocean

A change in the weather

I was praying that you and me might end up together

It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert

But I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my heaven

I don't wanna waste the weekend

If you don't love me pretend

A few more hours then it's time to go

As my train rolls down the east coast I wonder how you keep warm

It's too late to cry

Too broken to move on

And still I can't let you be

Most nights I hardly sleep

Don't take what you don't need from me

It's just a drop in the ocean

A change in the weather

I was praying that you and me might end up together

Its like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert

But I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my heaven

Misplaced trust and old friends

Never counting regrets

By the grace of God I do not rest at all

New England as the leaves change

The last excuse that I'll claim

I was a boy who loved a woman like a little girl

And still I cant let you be

Most nights I hardly sleep

Don't take what you don't need from me

It's just a drop in the ocean

A change in the weather

I was praying that you and me might end up together

It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert

But I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my

Heaven doesn't seem far away anymore



Heaven doesn't seem far away

Heaven doesn't seem far away anymore



Heaven doesn't seem far away



A drop in the ocean

A change in the weather

I was praying that you and me might end up together

It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert

But I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my heaven

You are my heaven”

I finished the song with a tear rolling down my cheek. When did I become so damn emotional? I angrily wiped the tear off my face, standing up. I turned to see Niall. I screamed.

“Niall you scared the shit out of me!” I exclaimed.

“What was that song?” He asked. “Who was it for?”

“Its nothing.” I muttered, mood turning sour. I tried to brush past him, but he blocked me.

“Its definitely something, Ashlyn or you wouldn’t be so upset. Whats going on, you were fine yesterday, talk to me.” I shook my head, trying to push past him more, but he still blocked me.

“Niall, stop. Let me through.” I pushed harder.

“Ashlyn, just tell me whats wrong! I need to know!”

“It doesn’t concern you!” I snapped.

“Apparently it does because you’re fine with everyone else. What did I do?”

“Goddammit Niall just leave. Me. Alone!” I screamed. Finally breaking past. I ran to my closet, grabbing my suitcase, cramming clothes into it hastily.

“Ashlyn where are you going?” I ignored him. “Ashlyn, stop, you can’t just leave. Please stay.” He pleaded. I shook m yhead in disgust. “Please tell me whats going on. What is going on? This isn’t the Ashlyn I know. This is someone different.” I zipped m suitcase in a huff and stood up.

“Well, people change.” I snapped, walking out and stalking downstairs, suitcase in tow. I whizzed through the livingroom in a breeze, with questions being fired at me by the boys. “Where is Zayn?” I demanded.

“He’s at home.” Louis offered. I nodded, then left the flat. I hailed a cab.

“Ashlyn wait!” Niall yelled, chasing after me. I moved quicker, cramming my suitcase in the back and nimbly climbing in. Niall caught the door. I cursed under my breath. “Stop, don’t do this to me.”

“Do what to you? I’m not the one doing anything. I’m nothing but your charity case, aren’t I?”


“You felt bad didn’t you?”

“No, I took you in because I think you are fabulous. You’re so kind. I think that you’re the nicest girl I know. You have a special place in my heart.” I shook my head.

“Y’know, save it. I’ll be back in a few days, okay? I just need a little space.” I shut the door, instructing the cab where to go.

I paid the cab driver and walked up to the door, knocking timidly. I was greeted by the familiar face that brought so much comfort to me. I started to cry, flinging myself at the disheveled boy in front of me.

“Ashlyn, sweetheart, whats the matter?” Zayn’s voice cooed into my ear. I didn’t reply. “Its Niall, isn’t it?” I nodded. “Do you want to stay here for a couple days while it simmers down?” He chuckled, looking at my suitcase. I nodded. “Come inside. I’ll take care of you.”

Hey its Audrey. A bit of a depressing chapter, with some drama, sorry :/ But its okay, more stuff to come in the future :)

And again, please:




And seriously, please comment your thoughts! I want to know what you all think or your ideas!

Thanks :)

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