A Girl Named Ecstasy

De gericcelestino

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The fourth story in the Saiko Wylde Universe. There was a woman named Ecstasy "Stacy" Miller who lived in an... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Finale)
List of Characters

Chapter 15

102 1 0
De gericcelestino

2018 - Wednesday
Five years later

At the Grand Snowflake Hotel in Toronto, Canada is finally re-opened and renovated. Many guests are coming inside the hotel and want to check in. Inside the hotel, bellhops are carrying luggages for the guests and riding in the elevator, a tour guide showing guests to the hotel and a receptionist named Stephanie (22 years old), who is wearing a white polo shirt and blue shorts with white shoes, hands over a room key to a happy couple.

The couple asks about the incident happened last four years ago and she replied "Yes, this hotel had a bad history like zombies, killers and creatures  but they all dead now, all thanks to us". The couple thanks her for the sacrifice she did and they couldn't imagine of what you been through, but she shrug it off and tells them to enjoy their stay.

Stephanie sees the magazines on the glass table over by the waiting lounge, so she went over to fix because every staffs are busy. While fixing it, a man scares her from behind her and then she turns around, only to see her friend named Mason Howell (23 years old).

Stephanie: (slaps his chest) How dare you scare me like that!
Mason: Hey, that's not a nice way to treat the new manager like that.
Stephanie: (sarcastically) Oh, my apologies. Should I suck your toes to please you off.
Mason: (laughs)
Stephanie: (chuckles)
Mason: It's good to be back, right?
Stephanie: Four years of renovating. Yeah, it's good to be back!
Mason: I just can't believe that everyone knew the hotel's history before.
Stephanie: Yeah, in fact, the entire whole world knew about it ever since Sam uploaded that video with us killing zombies and running away from the creature.
Mason: Well, those memories will stay with us forever and plus everyone knows that we are the "Zombie Slayers" (strikes a superhero pose).
Stephanie: (facepalms) We are not calling us that. Not even Cassie would agree.
Mason: (scoffs) Sam would.
Stephanie: (laughs) Of course, he would. I heard the two of you talking about it before. Damn, I really missed them.
Mason: Yeah, me too. Have you heard that she's graduating this year?
Stephanie: What! No way! Good for her.
Mason: I hope we can see her this Summer
Stephanie: I hope so. Well, I think we should go back to our job.
Mason: Yeah, alright. See you at lunch?
Stephanie: Sure!

After that, Stephanie is roaming around the hallways and sees the door before, where the creature is devouring the reporter. She got curious and went to peek inside until she sees the Creature in front of her, then it roars when it sees her. She got scared and immediately shuts the door and heard the door shaking. Few minutes later, the sound is gone and she tries to peek in again and realizes that the Creature wasn't there in the first place, it's just a vivid of her imagination.

Stephanie just walks away from that door and went somewhere else. While waiting for the elevator to arrive, she is later confronted by a famous travel blogger. She turns around and sees a man named Jeffrey (23 years old), both of them are surprised and hug each other.
In the mall, Damien (23 years old) is helping his parents, who is the owner of a medicinal cannabis dispensary called "Emerald Farm" in selling their products to their customers. The showroom floor includes wood floor, two large display cases illuminated by hanging lights and so-called "living wall" of leaves, plants and moss in front of the checkout area.

Benjamin (23 years old) came to the store and sees Damien is putting a jar of legal marijuana on their eco-friendly plastic that says "heroes don't take drugs". He later gets aroused when he sees him wiping his sweat on his forehead in slow motion speed and sensually drinks his water bottle. Damien sees his husband and notices that he bought lunch and his backpack full of his graphic comic books.

Damien said goodbye to his parents and leaves the store, then he kisses Benjamin on the lips and strolls away. His parents are chatting about them, Patrick said "You're right, they do make a perfect couple" and Vanessa replied "Told you so and I'm happy for them both. And God bless their marriage as You did to us". Patrick agrees with her and the both of them continues selling legal marijuana to customers.

In the food court, Damien and Benjamin are eating honey Chipotle meatball with sweat peas and saffron, one pan Thai coconut yellow curry and rice and turkey pinwheels. While eating, Damien saw Benjamin too busy drawing his comic book, so he hold his hands and Benjamin grabs it and kisses his hands.

Damien: You're so sweet.
Benjamin: I know. Its my special move (chuckles, then continues drawing)
Damien: Benjie, can we eat together. I mean you can finish your comic book anytime soon, right?
Benjamin: Yeah, I guess you're right. What I was thinking. I bought lunch so we can eat together and now I'm foucing making this.
Damien: So, how things at your comic book store. Any sales yet?
Benjamin: A lot to be honest. I sold so many superhero comic books and horror novellas in just two hours.
Damien: Wow! I'm so happy for you.
Benjamin: And I'm also happy for you, too.
Damien: For the both of us.
Benjamin: (chuckles) Whatever you say, babe. Can I ask you something?
Damien: What?
Benjamim: I was wondering if we should get a kid?
Damien: A kid?
Benjamin: Imagine, we can be a family. Taking care of your precious little baby. Sending it to school and watch it grows.
Damien: You know what why not, right?
Benjamin: But, let's wait for it a year later.
Damien: Oh, absolutely!

After eating lunch, Benjamin and Damien kiss each other on the lips before heading back to work.
At the Los Angeles International Airport, a flight attendant named Vivian (22 years old), who is wearing a blue suit and skirt with a gold scarf around her neck and heels, is strolling her luggage along with her friends who are also flight attendant. Together, they board a plane called "California Pacific Airlines" where they greet the passengers with a positive energy and a smile as they enter the plane.

Vivian walks in front and performs the things to do and not to do while boarding the plane like fastening seatbells, exits, breathing on your mask and etc. After that, Vivian begins to stroll the food cart and giving snacks to hungry passengers. She is later assigned to deliver a plate of creamy scrambled eggs with black caviar, sausage cheese balls on a stick and an expensive wine 1947 Château Cheval Blanc to a famous actress staying in the first class section.

There, she is incredibly flabbergasted to see her friend from high school named Chrystal (22 years old) who is now a high paying actress in Hollywood. She puts the food on the white table and sits down with her, where they hug each other because they haven't seen each other since they graduate.

Vivian: Oh my God! I can't believe it's you!
Chrystal: Yeah, it's been so long.
Vivian: Yes, actually. Like... (counting with her fingers)
Chrystal: Five years to be precise. And did you know I become valedictorian in college and got my medal?
Vivian: (shocked) No, I did not know that.
Chrystal: I was so dumb in high school and then I became so perspicacious in college. Can you believe how staggering that was?
Vivian: Totally (chuckles)
Chrystal: Anyway, enough about myself. What about you, Vi? Besides rather than this beautiful flight attendant. I'm sure thats pretty obvious (drink her wine).
Vivian: Well, for starters... I'm single who travels a lot and made a lot of money.
Chrystal: Same here. I guess both of us are very rich and happy, right? Are you happy?
Vivian: Always! You?
Chrystal: Honestly, not.
Vivian: How come? You're smart, rich and famous.
Chrystal: That's the point, you have everything you always wanted but it feels like i'm missing something.
Vivian: Girl, I know what your missing.
Chrystal: What?
Vivian: Love.
Chrystal: Ooh, have you found yours yet?
Vivian: I... don't believe in love anymore.
Chrystal: Why not?
Vivian: I found someone in college and it didn't worked out pretty well.
Chrystal: How come?
Vivian: I caught him with another woman in his dormitory and so we broke up.
Chrystal: That's sad. You know, I missed having sex with random people. I was so busy filming a movie, I forgot to fuck anyone I admire on set.
Vivian: Well, if you really want to fuck someone so badly. Look around you, you're surrounded by hot guys in here and not mention... foreigners.
Chrystal: I think I know who I really admired.
Vivian: Great! Go for it, girl!

Somebody knocks on the door, the pilot of the plane puts the plane on auto-pilot and opens the door where he sees Chrystal. She grabs his long neck tie and said that she really likes him ever since the day she first saw him on board. She pushes him to the chair and kicks the door with her pink high heel, then wears his cap and locks the door while the pilot stares at her black skirt.

Chrystal sits on his lap and sexually bites his ear off while the pilot moans. From outside, Vivian with her arms crossed said to herself "Yep, she's back. Just like in high school", laughs and continues to stroll the food cart.
At the Hills Enterprise, which is now called "The Space Ship Headquarters". Inside the ring-shaped building, an employee named Melissa (22 years old) is testing their latest product, a hoverboard. Melissa hands it over to her fiancé named Marty (23 years old) to try it out for himself, he places the hoverboard on the ground and steps on it, which levitates him up.

Marty is excited and nervous at the same time, then Melissa tells him "Now, get out and have fun with it". Marty smiles and flies away with his hoverboard, he leaves the room and rides going down the stairs. Melissa and other employees including Vincent and Maria Hills watching him enjoying and fooling around.

Melissa said to them "It works. Imagine the people buying and trying it for themselves!" and Maria replied "The future is now approaching and we're the first company to make it happen!". Vincent looks happy and shake hands with Melissa, telling her that she did a splendid  job, she smiles and hugs him. Melissa thanks him and Maria gives her a thumbs up until Marty falls in front of them, but the hoverboard is unscathed.

Vincent is surprised that the hoverboard survived from that incident and Melissa explains that she specialize it to be unbreakable. Everyone laughs and Marty begins to soars from the pain.

In Melissa's office, she never felt so blissful and accomplished before, then kisses Marty on the lips.

Marty: I'm happy for you, babe!
Melissa: Marty, sweetie... remind me when is your skating championship again?
Marty: This weekend, why?
Melissa: Oh, I can wait for you to take home the trophy!
Marty: (laughs) But I'm not even sure that I'm gonna win. I mean, have you seen the other skaters. They're all unbelievable!
Melissa: I know that. Whether you lose or not, you're still a champion to me no matter what. You can't win without experiencing failure.
Marty: You're right! Thanks for that.
Melissa: But also, try and try until you succeed. So do your best this weekend.
Marty: Got it, babe (kisses her hand). Babe?
Melissa: Yes, Marty?
Marty: I think we should set the date.
Melissa: Oh, maybe on December? We can get married at Grand Snowflake Hotel, where you can have snow on your wedding day.
Marty: Didn't Stephanie worked there?
Melissa: Oh, you're right! We're going to see her again.
Melissa: Ooh, how exciting!

Melissa and Marty said "I love you" to each other and kiss on the lips until they sees the hoverboard changes color from red to purple. Marty is shocked and said "Huh, I didn't know it could change colors" and Melissa replied "I know and it comes with a remote". Both of them laughs.
At the male-only state prison called California Institution of Men, where Zack (23 years old) is finally been released from his life sentence which 6 years in jail. A prisoner named Zack grabs his things and clothes, and went outside only to see his best friend named Joseph (23 years old) again, waiting outside with his white 2008 Hamann Lambourghini Murcielago.

Zack approaches his buddy and shake hands with him, then pats his back and complements about this expensive car. When Zack opens the door, it opens upward than sideward like normal cars do and it suprises him. Zack tells him "You're a rich man" and Joseph replied "On the contrary, I'm a philantropist. I help people with my money" but Zack finds that disgusting. Then, both of them ride the car and drive away, going to a restaurant.

At the ninja-style restaurant named Stake-Out Steakhouse, where they ordered balsamic steak with eggplant and peppers, smoked baby back ribs with a tangy barbeque sauce and skewered garlic shrimp blend of seasonings and wood-fire grilled. Zack and Joseph cheers their drink, sips and had a conversation about his plan.

Zack: I have an idea.
Joseph: Okay, hit me.
Zack: Tonight, let's find that girl and her boyfriend who put my life on jail.
Joseph: (chokes on his water, coughing)
Zack: What do you say? Are you in or not?
Joseph: No! I am doing this. Haven't you learn anything when you're in prison.
Zack: Six years in prison... nope, I have not. All I been thinking there is nothing but revenge. I wanna end their lives permanently.
Joseph: Do you know that if you killed them, you'll be back on jail again, right... once someone caught you?
Zack: I'll make sure nobody sees me nor you.
Joseph: For the last time, I am not coming with you.
Zack: Oh, you're definitely coming right after you betrayed me!
Joseph: Betrayed you?! (scoffs) Tell me, how did I ever betray you, huh?
Zack: You didn't help me when they're fighting against me. You just ran away like a coward.
Joseph: I am not coward! I just did the right thing and you, did a bad thing.
Zack: (chuckles) You never change.
Joseph: You also.
Zack: You're still a coward even now. Rich, but still a coward. Afraid to kill someone (cackles, then drinks).
Joseph: (scoffs) Whatever, dude. You're on your own.

Joseph places his money on the table and left the restaurant without him. Zack gets mad and finishes his drinks, then leaves.
At the Riviera Country Club, a group of friends named Beverly Hills, Rebecca (both 22 years old), Sheila (13 years old), Dovelyn and Erin are having a wonderful time, chatting and laughing while drinking tea at the outdoor restaurant with umbrella above them.

Rebecca: Now, this is refreshing and how I spent most of my Summer days at home. Just relax all day, bathe underneath the sun and do... nothing... at all (sighs in relaxation)
Sheila: Indeed.
Beverly: You said it, girl.
Dovelyn: Uh huh.
Erin: Totally.
Dovelyn: Shut up, you small-eyed asian bitch!
Sheila: Hey, give her some slacks. Nobody deserve to be mistreated like that. And plus, she's your sister for God's sake!
Rebecca: Yeah! You have to consider about her feelings. She told me that she cries herself to sleep every night.
Dovelyn: Oh, boo-hoo. Crying is for whiny babies. No offense, Shiela.
Sheila: (scoffs) I'm not a whiny baby.
Beverly: Enough!
Dovelyn: Whatever, I'm going to play golf with my boyfriend (stands up and yells) Yo, Jackson! Wait for me. Let's play golf together. Erin, fetch my club.
Erin: Go, get it yourself, sis.
Rebecca: Oh!
Beverly: Oh!
Sheila: You got served, bitch!
Dovelyn: (snobs and gets the club for herself, then leaves)
Erin: Wow! That felt good. No wait, that felt great!
Rebecca: And satisfying. You should stand up for yourself to that bitch and tell her to respect you, and treat like her very own sister, not a slave.
Erin: I will. The new me will evolve from now on!

All the girls cheer their drinks and finishes it. Rebecca grabs Beverly's hands and tells her "Are you coming to the high school reunion this Friday?" and she replied "Totally!".
In the newly opened fitness center, located in the Venice Boardwalk, the owner with an althletic body named Drake (23 years old), who is wearing black muscle shirt and gym shorts, arrives to his gym and every women are staring at him. He is leading an areobics to his fellows gym members and telling everyone to have fun, then plays some 80's tunes.

While doing the hip thrusters, Drake sees a beautiful Russian woman doing the position very sensually while looking at him. Drake grins and pulls his shirt, exposing his abs and the woman moans silently. Drake places his hands behind his head and performs the position more aggresively and the woman licks her lips.

Few minutes later, Drake and the Russian woman went to the shower room, which is closed for some reason, they disrobe and take a steamy bath together while they are kissing each other.

At night, the Russian woman kisses Drake on the cheek and said to him "Thanks for the workout today. I'll see you again tomorrow". While walking to this car, he is confronted by a street hooker with pink hair, who is wearing a black leather corset, small shorts and fishnet stockings with a pink feather boa around her neck. Drake turns around and said "Ecstasy?", then she replied "Aw shit!".

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