A Girl Named Ecstasy

By gericcelestino

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The fourth story in the Saiko Wylde Universe. There was a woman named Ecstasy "Stacy" Miller who lived in an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Finale)
List of Characters

Chapter 14

81 1 0
By gericcelestino

Few days later - Monday

Ecstasy arrived early to Hashmore High School and sees her friends talking at the locker room, they greeted her a "good morning". Ecstasy asks Rebecca "I hope you're not still angry on me for betraying you" and she replied "Of course not, it's no big deal for me, really". Ecstasy hugs Rebecca and opens her locker, where a drug bag of ecstasy falls in the floor and everyone is shocked including Ecstasy.

At the Principal's office, where Ecstasy and her father are sitting on the chair and talks to Principal Hashmore about the drug bag.

Principal: I just can't believe that one of my best and most favorite student has brought something horrible to my school. How dare you!
Ecstasy: I swear to God, I never seen nor use that for my whole life. Just ask my dad.
Steve: Its true, I knew my daughter more than you, Mr. Hashmore will all due respect, sir.
Ecstasy: And plus, I don't even have the money to buy something like that. I don't even have a part-time job and I would never ever stole money from my father's wallet.
Principal: Well, I hate to say this, but you are expelled from my school.
Steve: What?!
Ecstasy: No, why. That thing is not even mine!
Principal: I'm sorry, once you violated my rules, you'll have to pay the price.
Ecstasy: Please, you can't do this.
Principal: Why don't you wait outside while I talk to your father. Maybe we could come up with a better plan, okay?

Ecstasy steps of his office and sits at the waiting lounge, then sees his assistant looking so disappointed at her. She decides to ignore her and reads a magazine on the glass table in front of her.

Steve: Please, my daughter is a good girl, I guarantee you that. There's must be another way. She really cares more about her education and future than taking some vile things like that (pointing at the drug bag on the table)
Principal: (starts thinking and rotate his around)
Steve: (sighs and then realize something) Wait! I have a great idea!
Principal: (turns his chair around, facing him) What is it then?
Steve: Maybe she could still learn at home.
Principal: Mr. Miller, are you suggesting homeschooling your daughter?
Steve: Yes! And I know a person who can help us with that.
Principal: Someone... who's not you?
Steve: Oh, not me 'cause I'm a very busy person. I worked at Hills Enterprise.
Principal: Alright then! At least she can learn something in the future and I wish the best of good luck for her.
Steve: Thanks.

Steve went outside of his office and informs Ecstasy that she'll be homeschool by Margaret Bakers for the rest of her life. Ecstasy has no choice and nods her head instead. As she and her walks in the school corridor, many students and teachers are gathered there and heard what happened. Some of them look shocked and disappointed for her because she changed into a bad person or something. Some of them look pity and sad for her because they won't see her in school again and they would probably miss her.

Ecstasy looks at everyone where she started crying and gets angry afterwards because she felt betrayed by one of her friends because she accidentally wronged them all in the past, and now, they finally seek their revenge. When she saw her friends at the locker, she snobs and left the school with her father. Her friends watch her get in the car and notice that she never looks back at them, then they drive away.

Her friends went outside and talks about her.

Stephanie: Why would anyone do such a horrible thing to her like that?
Marty: I know right.
Jeffrey: I feel bad for her.
Marty: I guess this is our last time we saw her ever again.
Melissa: Marty, you do know we know where her house, right?
Rebecca: Marty's right. I mean have you seen the way she look at us. She's angry at us.
Melissa: What?! That's preposterous!
Rebecca: We all know that she wronged us before like she betrayed me during the debate, and then...
Jeffrey: So that could means that you betrayed her.
Rebecca: Me! Hell no! What about you, Jeffrey? What she did to you before, huh?
Jeffrey: (panic) Nothing.
Melissa: Liar! Stop lying and spit it out!
Jeffrey: Fine! She accidentally ruined my poems because she spilled her juice on it during lunchtime.
Marty: One time, she tries to skate like me and my friends, my other friends, of course. I let her practice using my skateboard and then, she broke it by accident. And that skateboard was given by my mother before she left my dad.
Melissa: During the Science Fair, I heard her talking to Beverly and she said so many bad things about our project she doesn't like it and we even fought about it.
Stephanie: We fought... like a lot times because we don't understand each other properly. Fighting like some dysfunctional couple and we always said our sorries. It's like a cycle now and its so exhausting
Rebecca: I'm sorry. What is this, some support group. And can you see, we hate her and some of us got their revenge. And now, she's gone and there's nothing we can do about it because it's too late.
Jeffrey: And Mels, how did you know I was lying?
Melissa: Your face turns red and starts to sweat.
Jeffrey: You do really know me better!
Melissa: Oh, shut up.

Benjamin who just arrived to school and asks them why are they doing outside and where Ecstasy is. Rebecca wraps her arms around his shoulder and tells him about Ecstasy while going inside the school.
2013 - Tuesday
One year later

In the Millers residence, where Steve, Hailee and Chelsea are standing in the kitchen while staring at Margaret and Paul homeschooling Ecstasy (17 years old) and Ashton (18 years old) over the window.

Steve: (sipping his hot coffee) It's kinda nice seeing them like that.
Chelsea: I know right! At least our little sister can finally learn something once in her life ever since she got.. you know... expelled.
Steve: I just can't believed that they're willing to homeschool her.
Hailee: Yes and God wants more people like that.
Chelsea: (annoyed) We get it! They're good people and they're probably welcome to go to Heaven and God would undeniably honor them for their generousity and kindness! Your religious persona is getting annoying, sis!
Steve: Really... really annoying, no offense.
Hailee: Point taken.
Chelsea: And also, at least she can see Ashton everyday and everynight.
Hailee: Forever (makes a romantic excitement with Chelsea)
Steve: Do you think that they somewhat together and they're too scared to tell us.
Hailee: Probably too embarrassed to update their relationship status to the public, to us specifically.
Chelsea: Yes, indeed. We should definitely asks her after their class.
Hailee: Ooh, yes!
Steve: No, you should not! Leave your sister alone, do you understand?
Chelsea: Fine!
Hailee: (slowly) Yes, father.

At the Bakers residence, Paul is teaching Ecstasy and Ashton about philosophy and they are called by Margaret, telling them its time for a snack break. Everyone are gathered in the dining table and have a slice of delicious homemade summer squash tartines with ricotta, rosemary and lemon, and a pitcher of refreshing coca cola.

While everyone are eating at the table, Ecstasy tells them "I just want to thank you guys so much for doing this to me" and Margaret replied "Oh problem. Anything for our neighbor", then smiles. Paul clears his throat, which caught the attention of Margaret, she looks at him and he whispers "Maybe it's time we should tell her". Ecstasy heard their silent conversation, then Margaret grabs her hand with a sad look on her face.

When Margaret is about to tell her something inportant, but are interrupted when they heard a scream coming from next door. Ecstasy, Ashton and his parents immediately left the table and went outside to see all the residents are gathered outside Ms. Goldweth's colorful house.

Ecstasy sees her father and two sisters outside, and they got reunited. Ashton approaches and asks them "What is going on? Who was that screaming?" and Chelsea replied "It was Ms. Goldweth... she died". Ecstasy and Ashton are both shocked and sees the police officer named Joe Swanson entering her house.

Ecstasy and Ashton rapidly run towards Joe and ask him "Can we come inside?" and he replied "Alright, but you must stay behind me, okay?". Ecstays and Ashton nod their heads and follow him inside her house. While investigating in her house, they caught her at the bottom of the stairs, Joe assumes that she falls or trip on something by mistake. They all hear meowing and they felt pity because no one will ever take care of her cats, then Joe decides to call his friend who is a friendly pet store owner to come and picks up her cats.

From outside where many people are talking about it. Paul grabs Margaret's shoulders and tells her "We need to tell her as soon as possible before we leave to our hometown" and she replied "I just don't know if she could accept it". Paul wraps his arms around her shoulders and said "She will", then kisses her on the forehead until the ambulance finally arrived.

The paramedics place Ms. Goldweth in a gurney and brings her inside the ambulance truck, then drove away. The friendly pet store owner along with his employees also arrived, they find all of her cats in the house and places them inside their company's box, a yellow box with a cute dog and cat's logo in front. Joe Swanson thanks him and he replied "No problem. These cat will have a new home and a new owner", then left in their company's car, same design and color as the box and their uniform.

After that, Paul and Margaret tried to confront Ecstasy, but she tells them "I'll you guys tomorrow. My dad is calling me right now". They watch her walk through the house and closed the door after waving goodbye to her. Paul and Margaret look at each other, worried because they will leave tomorrow.
The next day - Wednesday

Ecstasy wakes up in the morning and plays her favorite song playlist, then start dancing on her underwear. She used her gigantic teddy bear as her dance partner and sways going to the bathroom. She takes a hot shower that steams up the entire room and went outside after changing her clothes.

She immediately went downstairs and sees the Bakers from the window, leaving on their car with their luggages and sees Ashton waving goodbye to her. She looks very confused until her father gives her a letter from them, she reads it and learns that they are going back to their hometown in Vermont. She said to herself "I didn't even said goodbye yet", then she angrily crumples the letter, throws it outside and went inside the house after slamming the door hard.

Chelsea and Hailee are alerted in the kitchen and try to follow her upstairs, but Steve tells them to leave her alone and they'll talk to her when's okay.

Ecstasy went to her bedroom and closed her room, she pulls down her shorts and talks to her mentor, Gina the talking vagina, who have a New Jersey accent.

Gina: Hey! Girl, what's up?
Ecstasy: (starts sobbing)
Gina: Oh, what's wrong, girl? Tell me.
Ecstasy: He... he left... they left.
Gina: Who left? (gasps) Did your father and sisters left the house without leaving a note and also forgot to made you breakfast?
Ecstasy: (continues crying) That was one time only and... its the Bakers.
Gina: Oh no.
Ecstasy: They left without even telling me yesterday.
Gina: Where are they going to?
Ecstasy: To their hometown in Vermont and they will never ever coming back.
Gina: Aww, girl?
Ecstasy: I didn't even said goodbye yet... to them... not even to Ashton
Gina: Don't worry, girl. Your family got you and they will never ever leave you alone.
Ecstasy: Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks, Gina.
Gina: You're welcome!
Ecstasy: You know it's weird that I'm talking to my vagina and asks for some advices.
Gina: Meh! It's practically normal, right, girl?
Ecstasy: Oh, totally. I guess you won't see Penn from now on, huh?

Ever since Ecstasy mentioned Penn's name, Gina sooner realizes that she haven't said goodbye to him also and started crying. Ecstasy tries to cheer her up, but she cries instead.

At night, Steve is cooking weeknight lemon chicken skillet, honey garlic shrimps and homestyle beef casserole for dinner while Hailee and Chelsea are setting up the table. Steve places his dishes on the table and gets complementa from his two daughters. Steve blushes and tells them that he his wife's recipes, they all smiles and Steve tells them to call Ecstasy.

Hailee and Chelsea went upstairs and knock on her door, but no response. Hailee said "Come out, sis. Dad made us a delicious dinner" and Chelsea also said "Yeah and we can't eat without you". Ecstasy hasn't respond yet, and the two sisters decided to peek in her room where they found out that she's gone and window is widely open.

Both of them started panicking because all of her things and clothes have been packed up including her school bag except for the school supplies because she doesn't need it anymore. They immediately went downstairs to inform Steve and his reaction is speechless.

Steve, Hailee and Chelsea went outside with their cozy jackets and hop into his car, on the way to find Ecstasy somewhere in the streets. He turns on the engine and drives the car away.

In the convenience stores called 7-Eleven, where Ecstasy are trying to purchase some junk foods, sodas and some frozen treats, but doesn't enough money. She hears her stomach growling and sits on the floor, starts sobbing until she is confronted by the school nurse named Marisa Coleman. Ecstasy looks up at her and sees her beautiful angelic smiles, so she sits with her and let her explain why did she run away.

Marisa: Why don't you tell me from the start?
Ecstasy: I was homeschooled by my next door neighbors for over six months now. And then now, I just woke up in the morning to see them leave without telling me about it, its like a secret they kept until you get hurt when you found out at the end. I didn't even said goodbye yet.
Marisa: Are they coming back?
Ecstasy: No, not ever. I won't see them anymore.
Marisa: That's sounds awful.
Ecstasy: I know right!
Marisa: Are you here alone. Where's your family?
Ecstasy: They're not with me.
Marisa: So you're alone. Did you tell them where are you going?
Ecstasy: No, I didn't want them to know.
Marisa: What! Why?
Ecstasy: I just don't want to see anyone right now. Not my friends nor my family. I'm done being so nice and then this is what I get. I got expelled because my friends took revenge on him, my family thinks I'm a drug addict, which I'm not and then my neighbors just left without even have to gut to tell me about it.
Marisa: I understand what you're feeling right now. (hugs her)
Ecstasy: (stomach growls)
Marisa: What was that?!
Ecstasy: My stomach. I'm hungry. I didn't ate dinner yet.
Marisa: And that's why you're here. Let me see what's on your cart. (clicks her tongue) You do know that junk food and sodas won't help you, right? This food are just unhealthy to eat.
Ecstasy: Well, too bad because I haven't got any money with me.
Marisa: Why don't I take you someplace we can eat? How's that sound?
Ecstasy: You're so nice.
Marisa: Well, I'm a school nurse and it's my job to take care of students. And you, are still my student.
Ecstasy: Are you gonna betray me like my friends or left me like my neighbors?
Marisa: I would never. I promise. And I would never tell your family where you are right now.
Ecstasy: Okay, let's go.

Ecstasy and Marisa hold hands and left the 7-Eleven store, then had dinner at Toybox's Pizza Parlor in Dreamland, where they ordered a brown butter lobster and spinach pizza with bacon, two classic spaghetti bolognese and a pitcher of cold iced tea.

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