A Girl Named Ecstasy

Da gericcelestino

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The fourth story in the Saiko Wylde Universe. There was a woman named Ecstasy "Stacy" Miller who lived in an... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Finale)
List of Characters

Chapter 13

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Da gericcelestino

Melissa went upstairs and slowly enters his room after knocking the door. In his room, she sees him facing the window, crying. Melissa calls his name and Dylan turns around, only to reveal himself to her and she is flabbergasted to see his hideous and deformed face. Then, he start calling himself a "monster" repeatedly while she covers her mouth in terror.

His mother suddenly came inside and grabs her arm, then brings her outside of his room. She closes his door and talks to her about his son's condition.

Melissa: What's wrong with his face? I thought he is sick or something.
Mother: Well, he was sick yesterday, but now, he has some severe allergies.
Melissa: What kind of allergies?
Mother: My son is terribly allergic to any kind of nuts like peanuts, cashews, you name it.
Melissa: Did you bring him to the doctor's?
Mother: Yes, earlier this morning. We had the same reaction as you are today. The doctor gave us an EpiPen and I'll use it on him right now.
Melissa: EpiPen?
Mother: It's an injection containing epinephene so that means.
Melissa: It can reverse severe low blood pressure, wheezing, severe skin itching, hives, and other symptoms of an allergic reaction.
Mother: Yeah, like that. How did you know that?
Melissa: Science class. Plus, my mother is a doctor. Anyways, how did this happen? Like did he accidentally ate something or what?
Mother: Yeah, we had breakfast and he ate a cookie this morning and then this happen.
Melissa: A cookie, you say? Who gave it to him?
Mother: He said it was a Grade 11 student, girl, who has a British accent.
Melissa: (surprised) Oh, thank you so much for that information. I should get going now. It's getting late.
Mother: Alright! Thanks for stopping by. Hey, by the way, you said you and my son are friends?
Melissa: Yeah, we're seatmates actually, so yeah.

Melissa left Dylan'a house and said to herself "I can't believe Rebecca would ever do this. I mean that man is a worst, but he should not suffer like that. She must pay for this". Then, walks away going to her apartment.

After school, the limousine arrives to the Hills residence and Beverly steps out of the limousine. She came inside and sees Rebecca talking to Dovelyn and her boyfriend Jackson Spears in the kitchen, laughing of course. Beverly asks them "What are you guys laughing at? Is it Jackson's newest comedy skit in Instagram?" and Dovelyn replied "No, we were laughing of how you were humiliated at the cafeteria by Rebecca".

Beverly denies that she wasn't embarassed, but she was offended instead, Rebecca confronts her and said to her "You sure about that" and smacks her butt. Rebecca also said "Ooh, you haven't work out on that flat arse, yet. I was expecting to get bigger by now, what a shame". Beverly notices that Dovelyn and Jackson are laughing at her again, so she slaps Rebecca in the face and said "You like that, English bitch?!"

Rebecca smiles at her and claps for her, saying that she finally learns how to fight back and she was waiting for that to happen. Rebecca tells her she will no longer make of fun, if she only joins her side. Beverly refuses to, but her friends said that they would support her if they go to same school, but sadly they dropped out and get famous instead. Beverly still declines until Rebecca said that Drake is on her side, and from that, she changes her mind and picks her side.

After Dovelyn and Jackson left her house for their photoshoot together, Rebecca and Beverly are drinking their pink lemonade and Rebecca starts sharing her thoughts with Beverly about her friends. She thinks that Jackson is extremely awful in making comedy skits on Instagram, like most of his videos are badly written, poorly executed, too cringey in so many ways and lack of content and originality. And she also said that Dovelyn is racist and sizeist, too narcissictic by her beauty and an attention-seeking whore.

Beverly kinda agrees with her, but she's too scared to tell them the truth about how they really are, then Rebecca encourages her to "say what you wanna say because you have to power to speak and it only help them change themselves". Beverly appreciates her advice and cheers their drink together. Beverly then asks her "Are you always like this, do you really have to act like a villain?" and Rebecca replied "I have to. I feel like being nice to other people will definitely full you down when they stab you at the back, leaving you nothing but pain and betrayal, and nothing itself. Believe me, I been there", then finish sipping her pink lemonade.
The next day - Thursday

At Hashmore High School, Melissa angrily went inside the classroom and sees Rebecca peacefully reading and studying her notes about Mandarin. So, she approaches and drags her and discusses to her about the cookie she gave to Dylan, they only whisper, so that no one can hear them.

Melissa: Did you or did not know that Dylan was allergic to nuts?
Rebecca: No. Why, he was sick, right? That's why he back out.
Melissa: Why don't you give up the act and tell me the truth. Did you know about his allergies?
Rebecca: For the last time, I did not know that.
Melissa: Then, why would you gave him that cookie last Monday?
Rebecca: Because, you heard what Mrs. Picketts said. You gave the cookie you baked to someone you admired, so I gave it to him.
Melissa: Do you... like him! (shouted and noticed that everyone are looking at them, then chuckles, but they ignore them)
Rebecca: Keep your voice down. And yes, I do.
Melissa: Awww, Rebecca... Do you actually think I would fall for that lies of yours. As if you like Dylan, you just wanted to win the election, so you have to get rid of him. (chuckles) I know you, Rebecca and I know what you are. You are one piece of shit!
Rebecca: (angrily stabs her with a sharp pencil, but landed in between her fingers)
Melissa: (groans and relieved) Woah! Nice aim!
Rebecca: What are you talking about? I missed.
Melissa: (removes her hand out of her seat) I don't know what could happen to this school if it falls into your hands?
Rebecca: It would be like... my school but even more better than before (laughs evilly)

Mr. Daniel Chu finally arrives to the classroom and informs everyone to prepare for his long quiz, Melissa and Rebecca turn away and take the quiz.

The school bell rings and Mr. Chu tells the students to pass all their test and go to their next subject. Melissa confronts Ecstasy and asks her "I have to tell you something and you won't like it", Ecstasy looks confused, but nervous, so she listens to what she's about to tell her.
The next day - Friday

Today is the election, where all the students and faculty members are gathered at the auditorium with two candidates are standing onstage behind their presidential podium.

Melissa, who is wearing a blue suit, pink shirt inside and blue skirt, trying her best to memorize her speech and feeling nervous for the first time. And Rebecca, who is wearing a red suit, white shirt inside and green and black checkered skirt, feeling calm and confidence because it's not her first time doing this. She sees Melissa looks so timorous, and she chuckles a little bit for her.

Melissa hears someone whispering behind her, she turns around and sees her boyfriend Marty backstage. Melissa smiles and approaches him, where she hugs him and then tells him that she's can't do this. Marty tries to stop her from panicking and tells her "I know what are feeling right now, it's okay. We all been there. And remember, you are doing this to change the school to a better place like how you envision it".

Melissa thanks him for his advice and embraces him until the Principal calls her attention to be on stage. Melissa kisses Marty for the last time and went seperate ways.

The Principal comes to stage and everyone applauds for his grand entrace, he introduces the audience to the two canditates on stage. The Principal tells the candidates to conduct their speech for over 10 minutes only.

Melissa volunteers and begins her speech:

"Good afternoon, students and staff members! My name is Melissa, and I'm running for student body president. I'll keep this quick as I'm sure you are ready to get out of here.

You might be saying to yourself, "Should Melissa really be the student body president? After all, she's only been at our school for three years."

Are you tired of doing the same old things year after year? Are you ready to do something different?

One thing I noticed about this school when I came last year is that most of the students didn't really get to make any of the decisions here at the school.

Did anyone ever ask you what you wanted to do for a fundraiser? Did anyone ever ask you what you wanted to buy with the money we raised? Who makes these decisions?

Those types of decisions are left up to student council. The person you choose to represent you as president will speak for the entire senior class. Do you want to choose someone who will make those decisions for you without knowing what you want?

If you vote for me as student council president, I promise to always get your opinions before making any decisions. You should have a say in the actions that will affect you.

Every single one of you can come to me with your ideas, and I promise to listen and speak for you. And that is why you must for me as student body president. Thank you!"

After that amazing speech, all the students and faculty members started clapping at her and she smiles.

Rebecca is turn to make a speech and she begins:

"It's true that I am fairly new to Hashmore High School. At first glance, this may seem like a disadvantage. I didn't attend this school for my freshman and sophomore years, and I've only known most of you for a couple of years.

When you think about it though, there is actually a benefit in choosing someone who is coming into the school from somewhere else. I have new ideas that I can bring in from the school I was at before.

By the time I arrived to this school, I began to notice that there's something wrong about this place. Based on my perspective, I saw many bullies victimizing weaker and defenseless smaller students, shoving them inside their locker, taking away their own lunch that their parents made specifically for them and calling names that can offend them. And what did the school do, I know one thing, they just send off to detention and expect them to learn their lesson. Well, let me tell you this, they don't from that and they would continue to torment until they get expelled.

Well now, that is going to change now when I'm around. And yes, I did some little changes for all of you. Starting off with the Principal of our beloved school, Mr. Dax Hashmore. I made him a man, not just a pussy who's too afraid to speak to his friend of how inappropriate she dressed namely Ms. Sofia Esperanza, the hottest teacher in the world. And from that, he became a man and has the gut to tell her about it. I transformed Ms. Esperanza, from an unaware sexy harlot to a professional self-respected woman. And tell me teacher, does the boys stop staring at you, did they stop? I'm sure they would because I did that. I save you from prostitution that you're not fully aware about that. I also threaten all the bullies in school to stop torturing these poor innocents students and now, I made you all feel safe and free to enjoy school 'till the end of the year.

And that is why you must vote for me as your student body president because I, Rebecca, can promise you great changes to our school. It would be an anti-bullying place for everyone and proper order and discipline will be restored to this place once i'm around. Thank you!"

After that explicit yet controversial, but true speech, everyone are started applauding at loud while the bullies, the Principal and Ms. Sofia Esperanza are embarrassed.

His assistant places a box in the middle near the stage where everyone must cast their vote to elect who is the student body president will be. As everyone voting, Melissa and Rebecca are waiting patiently and breathing heavily on stage, seeing everyone having a hard time choosing between them two. They look at each other, smiles and turns back when the Principal said the voting is done.

After calculating the overall votes of two candidates and the Principal is about to declare who is the student body president until Ecstasy along with Dylan come inside the auditorium, where she exposed Rebecca for what she did to poor Dylan. Everyone is shocked, the Principal comes to stage and disqualify Rebecca, then he declares Melissa as the winner and the new student body president, and everyone applauds to her.

Melissa confronts Rebecca and tells her "Just because I won the election, doesn't mean that your platform and plan to change the school will not happen. Well, I'm going to make it happen because I kinda agree with you by that". Rebecca sniffs and embrace her very tightly, then thanks her and now this school will be a better place for everyone. Rebecca turns around and stares at Ecstasy, looking so angry and betrayed.

At night, where all the surveillance cameras are offline, a mysterious hooded person breaks inside the school and places a drug bag of ecstasy in Ecstasy's locker, then that person left.

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