A Girl Named Ecstasy

By gericcelestino

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The fourth story in the Saiko Wylde Universe. There was a woman named Ecstasy "Stacy" Miller who lived in an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Finale)
List of Characters

Chapter 10

89 1 0
By gericcelestino

Later that day - Thursday

After Ecstasy brought the Grade 10 student to the Principal's office for skipping class, she is confronted by Rebecca, which scares Esctasy, but recovers herself afterwards. Rebecca asks her that she wants to take her place as Hall Monitor, Ecstasy refuses and asks "Why?". She explains that being Hall Monitor is her all time dream and she wasn't up for the job in her previous school.

Rebecca continues to asks her "What did you do to get this role?" and Ecstasy replied "I did nothing. He just made me one. It's probably that I'm his pet, like a teacher's pet, you know?". Rebecca stares at her with flames on her eyes and breathes deeply, then Ecstasy also tells her that she won't get the job or to be called his pet. Rebecca is confused and asks "And why is that?", and Ecstasy explains "Because I know that you are not a nice person". Rebecca smiles, assuming that she understands her and they both walk together at the school corridor going to their next class.

While walking in the school corridor, they are confronted by Drake and asks Ecstasy if they could talk alone, then Rebecca excuses herself instead.

Ecstasy: I'll see you later, Beca.
Rebecca: (from the distance) Yeah! Don't call me that!
Ecstasy: (laughs) What is it, Drake?
Drake: Are you busy tonight?
Ecstasy: Not really. Why though?
Drake: Well in that case, I was... uh... I was wondering... maybe you wanna watch a movie together?
Ecstasy: Yeah. Yeah! That sounds nice. I'll go tell my friends!
Drake: No. No! I mean, maybe just the two of us?
Ecstasy: Oh okay. Like a date, I believed.
Drake: (in panic) No. No! Its not a date. Not a date at all! (nervous laughing).
Ecstasy: (clicks her tongue) Oh Drakey. Drakey. You think I'm too dumb enough to fall for that? It's definitely a date.
Drake: Yes. But its only friendly date.
Ecstasy: I see. Let me ask you... why me? I thought you said you like bad girls?
Drake: I did not said that.
Ecstasy: Yes! You did! You told me that since I was new here. At the library, remember?
Drake: Can it be both? (smiles charmingly)
Ecstasy: (laughs) How could I say no to that award-winning smile?
Drake: So... is that a yes?
Ecstasy: Why don't you figure it out.

Ecstasy smiles and walks pass him. Drake shouted that he'll pick her up at 6pm tomorrow night. Ecstasy turns around and said "I can't wait for it", then turns around and continues walking. Drake could't stop staring of how her butt bounces when she walks, he breathes heavily and proceeds to class.
In the gymnasium, Ecstasy and Rebecca enters the room and saw everyone sitting on the bleachers, so they find where their other friends are seated. Once they find them and sit together, The Principal welcomes the Grade 11 and 12 students to their new teacher for their new subject, so he introduces Mr. Edward Jacobsen, their Sex Education teacher. All the students are shocked and surprised while Chrystal, who's sitting with Beverly and Vivian, is feeling excited and sexually crosses her legs.

The Principal shakes his hands and tells him "You don't know how excited and thrill I am that you are here in my school!", then Mr. Jacobsen replied "I'm very happy that he chose me and I'm eager to teach this subjects to your students".

The Principal appreciates his enthusiasm and also informs him about the incident last year where a Grade 10 male student impregnate a Grade 9 female student before, and then they were both expelled afterwards. Mr. Jacobsen, in great shock, immediately tells him that he'll do his best not to let that happen to his students especially to those students who are graduating, the Grade 12 students namely.

The Principal faces the crowd and instructs them to listen to the teacher and do their best behavior. Once the Principal left the gymnasium, Mr. Jacobsen properly introduces himself to the students about his life where he considered himself a lustful person, but he was cured by the help of a support group and the God himself. He also shares with them about the incident happened last year, which the students weren't aware of it.

After telling them the story of what happened last year, he advices them all to control their sexual urges to themselves because it's wrong and it can and will ruin your chances to graduate. He points his finger to the Grade 12 students and warns them about it.
In the cafeteria, Ectsasy and her friends are talking about Mr. Jacobsen and their new subjects that only tackles how to be safe fron sex while eating their lunches.

Melissa: I don't know if you agree with me on this but I think that Sex Ed is dumb and unnecessary.
Rebecca: How can you say so?
Melissa: I mean, why would we risk our future to sex, right? Like we would rather lose our virginity than having the chance to become succesful in life. Is that what we, students, are aiming for? Would we risk it? No! Because we have the ability to think about it and we know the consequences.
Jeffrey: I gotta say, Melissa, you made a compelling arguement there.
Melissa: Thanks. For the first time, you finally agree on something I've said.
Jeffrey: Although...
Melissa: Here it goes.
Jeffrey: I think it's important because nowadays, teenagers are becoming untamed even more wilder than animals. Namely like Chrystal.

Ecstasy and Rebecca slightly choke on their food and confusingly said her name. Stephanie tells them that she went to the boys' locker room, so that she could see them in their wet bodies and without their towels on.

In school, Chrystal are watching boys running at the field over by the fence, she sees them how sweaty and thirsty they look, and from that it kinda turns her on. As all the boys are gathered in the boys' locker room to take a shower and to goof around, she barges inside and pretends that she's too stupid to not recognize the bathroom signs, which she clearly knows.

She is caught by Damien and asks her "What are you doing here? It's restricted for boys only, no girls allowed", then she replied "I forgot my towel. I'll be happy if someone would take off their towels and give it to me". Drake tells her that they're just got off from the showers and not wearing anything inside. She rolls her hair and said "So?", then chuckles while the boys are gettung conscious and disgusted by her.

(End of Flashback)
Ecstasy and Rebecca are still in shock that Chrystal is a nymphomaniac, then Jeffery concludes "And that's why Sex Ed is very important and necessary to our school to tame sex-crazed and perverted students from ruining their future and themselves". Melissa agrees with him, which Jeffrey tells her "For the first time, you finally agree with me on something I've said", then she snobs while he smiles.

Beverly angrily approaches Ecstasy and slaps her in the face, but Marty was able to catch her before she falls to the floor. She stands up and talks to her.

Beverly: How dare you went on a date with my boyfriend!
Ecstasy: You mean your ex-boyfriend.
Beverly: Even though, I still treated him like we are still boyfriend and girlfriend. Whether he like it or not, my love for him is still not over.
Ecstasy: Then, what's the problem?
Beverly: I don't my friends hanging out with my boyfriend.
Ecstasy: Ex-boyfriend.
Beverly: Who gives a fuck! (calms herself down and asks her politely) Please, Ecs. Be my friend, not my enemy.
Ecstasy: (breathes deeply) Fine. I'll cancel our date.
Beverly: (feeling excited) Thanks, bestie! You're the best!

Beverly hugs her, then Vivian and Chrystal join in hugging them. They all blow a kiss to her and walks away. Ecstasy sighs and sits down on the table, Rebecca grab her shoulder and asks her "You're friends with her?!".
As the school bell rings and all the students in school are being dismissed, Ecstasy and her friends including Rebecca are walking in the school corridor until she is confronted by Drake. Her friends decide to leave them two alone and said goodbye to her. Drake is very excited about their tomorrow's date, but sadly, Ecstasy tells him that she can't because she'll be busy studying for the big test on History this Monday.

Drake insists her to study the day after their movie date tomorrow and he knows that she can get perfect scores in any tests even if she studied or not. Ecstasy scoffs and tells him "With all due respect, I'm not like you, Drake. I'm not going to do what you said and you know why 'cause i'm a good girl, not bad nor rebellious". Drake smiles and respects her decision, he said "Maybe next time and no buts" and Ecstasy agrees before he left.

Beverly overhears their conversation and informs Ecstasy that there's no big test on History. Ecstasy tells her that she just made it up because she saw Drake sleeping in class, Beverly finally realizes and laughs with her. Ecstasy and Beverly left the school and decide to walk together.

Outside the school, both of them see Chrystal talking to Ashton and they are surprised especially Ecstasy who can't believed that he's here. She immediately embraces him and asks "What are you doing here?". He tells her that he wants to tell her something, but got interruped by Beverly, asking her who's this handsome man is. Ecstasy introduces Ashton to Beverly and informs her that he is her neighbor and best friend.

Chrystal feels the muscle in his arm and tells him what a strong man he is, but Beverly grabs her and said "Back off, slut. Can you see he's already been taken? We should probably leave these lovebirds alone". Chrystal agrees and walks with Beverly after saying goodbye to her.
While walking home, Ecstasy and Ashton are having a conversation about he has a weekend plan with her.

Ashton: What are you doing tomorrow night?
Ecstasy: Nothing much. I already finished all of my homework, so there's nothing for me to do at home... well, expect for chores. Why?
Ashton: You wanna watch a movie with me?
Ecstasy: Wow, that's very straight-forward of you. Yeah, I'll loved that.
Ashton: Great!
Ecstasy: What kind of movie?
Ashton: The one you been so excited to see.
Ecstasy: Ooohhh. Can you handle the scares? The blood? The suspense? (laughs evilly)
Ashton: Oh, please. I've seen a lot of horror movies than you.
Ecstasy: I don't buy it. Let see tomorrow.
Ashton: So, I'll pick you up?
Ecstasy: Yeah sure. And also I think our parents would let us go right?
Ashton: Totally.

At seperate houses, Margaret and Steve allowed them to go and watch the horror movie that they been praying to see. Ecstasy and Ashton hug their parents and went upstairs. After their kids went to their room, Margaret and Steve happily sat on their sofa, Margaret reads the newspaper while Steve watches the news on the TV until they finally realize something, a mistake.

Both of them immediately left their house and unexpectedly and coincidentally see each other outside. They scream "They're going on a date!" and cover each other's mouth, then they decide to talk privately at Steve's backyard to discuss what they have done without realizing what's actually going on.
Ecstasy and Ashton arrive at the movie theatre and enter the place, where they buy snacks and tickets. While falling in line, Ecstasy spots two strangers that reminds them of their parents, but she shrugs it off because she might be hallucinating or something. After they bought their tickets, they all went inside to watch their favorite horror movie.

Steve and Margaret also got their tickets and snacks and went inside, they struggle to find a seat that is slightly closer to them, but makes sure that they won't seen them. They finally found a perfect spot and watch the movie while keeping an eye on them.

During the movie, Ecstasy got scared and immediately embraces Ashton without noticing, but he doesn't care, so he decides to comfort her while eating her popcorn in secret. Margaret got scared and accidentally spill her popcorn, it was like explosion and she apologizes to the movie goers for that. She tells Steve "Don't judge me. I really don't like horror movies" and he said "I don't mind. I watch horror movies with my girls like all the time".

Ecstasy notices that voices kinda sounds like her father  but doesn't mind at all until she realized something fishy. She looks back and shockingly sees them, and she informs Ashton about it. Steve tells her "It's a good thing that they haven't saw us" and both of them started laughing  but they are shushed by the person beside them.
After the movie and everyone went outside, Ecstasy and Ashton are angry why their parents are spying on them until they are caught Drake along with the boys Damien, Zack, Joseph and two other friends.

Drake: Ecstasy... I can't believe this. Are you guys on a date?
Steve: (behind Ecstasy and Ashton, walking with Margaret) No, they're not going on a date. They're here with us.
Margaret: Why is there something about that?
Ecstasy: Yeah, Drake. Is watching movies with your neighbors a bad thing?
Drake: (nervous laughing) No no, not at all. I just thought...
Ecstasy: Drake, I would never decieve you like that. Like what I said earlier, i'm a good girl (smiles).
Drake: I'm sorry for misjudging you. But what about studying for the big test on History tomorrow?
Ecstasy: Oh don't worry, I just made it up because you were busy sleeping in Mr. Griffin's class. Maybe that will teach you a lesson to pay attention.
Drake: (laughs) You really got me. Well, its really good seeing you all tonight.

Drake introduces himself to Ashton and shakes his hands, then Drake and the boys left the movie theatre.

Steve: I hope this makes us even (nervous laughing)
Ecstasy: (angrily turns around Steve and Margaret) Yeah and also why the heck are you guys doing here.
Margaret: We were just worried that you guys are going on a date.
Ecstasy: (laughs hysterically)
Ashton: (laughs hysterically) Mom, Mr. Miller, we were just watching movie as friends.
Margaret: (slaps Steve's shoulder) That's what I told you.
Steve: (annoyed) Yeah yeah.
Ecstasy: (clears her throat)
Steve: And also we're sorry for spying on you guys.
Margaret: It won't happen again. From now on, we'll stay out of it, we promised.
Ashton: Okay
Steve: I can't believe that you guys haven't caught us.
Ashton: Oh, please, Mr. Miller. We know you guys are here by the time we were buying tickets.
Margaret: You saw us?
Ashton: Yes, mom and I know what you sound like when you got scared.
Ecstasy: And dad, seriously those glasses... what are you Clark Kent? You can't fool your own daughter.
Steve: (nervously laughing)
Margaret: Come on now, let's go home now. It's a school night after all.
Steve: Yeah! I think we should.

Ecstasy, Steve, Ashton and Margaret left the movie theater and ride in Steve's car, then drives going home.

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