The Butler's Babysitter |Shay...

By emmaclosson_

23.7K 796 176

Faith Lansen has a normal life. Well, she thinks it's normal, considering it's all she's ever known. Her mom'... More

Ten (Epilogue)


1.6K 62 15
By emmaclosson_

Shay's POV

Faith didn't wake up tonight, and the kids are, again, fast asleep on the couch after crying themselves to sleep, despite Colette and I's attempts to calm them down. We're upset too, knowing that it's likely for Faith not to be in our lives anymore after tonight. If she doesn't wake up by six o'clock tomorrow evening, they're pulling the plug on the ventilator, the only thing keeping her alive. It's been a total of nine days since she's been asleep, quite a long time for the injury she edured.

We made another one take about the situation yesterday, explaining how tommorrow would go. It was painfull for us to explain it, anyone could see it, but the people who watch our videos are family to us, and it's only right for them to know.

Colette's reading from a magazine, she claims it will keep her mind off of tomorrow, which we've named 'The Dreaded Day'. I'm editing some footage that Casey, Kayli, and the boys had filmed for me, trying to make a small vlog for the night.

I finish and upload it, setting the laptop on the bedside table beside me while I wait for it to be done. "Colette." I say, not very loud. She hums in question. "I'm going for a walk, be back soon." I tell her and get up quietly, going out the door.

"Hey, Shay." Laura agknowledges my presence, and I look to her, smiling small.

"Hello." I mumble, walking over and rest my elbows on the desk. "How are you on this wonderfull evening?" I ask, sarcasm dripping from every word.'

"Hey," She says, swatting my arm playfully, "Aren't you the one to always say that you should find the happy in the situation? You're acting like a hypocrite to all of the kids that look up to you!"

"I know, I know." I sigh. "But how am I supposed to find the good in a situation like this? A girl that's practically part of my family is dying. How am I supposed to be happy, when there's a possibility that she won't make it?"

"Exactly." She says, and I look at her questionably. "A possibility."


Walking around the cafeteria, I decide to sit down at one of the tables. I have no clue as to what time it is now, but it has to be close to nine or ten. There's only one other person in the cafeteria, a girl who looks to be no more than eight, along with her mother. The little girl's in a wheelchair, braces on her legs. She's looking at me, whispering to her mother something that I can't hear. Her mom smiles and begins to push her towards me, and I smile at the girl, despite my mood.

"Hi." Is all she says, her small voice practically echoing throughout the big space.

"Hello." I smile at her, readjusting my hat on my head, and the conversation goes silent.

"She's a big fan of you and your kids, myself included." He mom finally speaks up. "You guys are a big inspiration for our family."

"Oh." I smile a little wider. "What's your name?" I ask the little girl, who's been staring at me wide-eyed, like this was the most amazing thing to happen to her.

"Gracie." She says, her toothless smile making it's way onto her face. "It's nice to meet you." She giggles, and my heart almost melts on the spot.

"Well hello, Gracie." I chuckle, shaking her hand that she stuck out moments before. "I'm glad you like our videos."

"Mhm." She giggles again. "I love you guys."

"We're sorry about Faith." Her mother speaks again. "We've been praying for her."

"Really?" I ask, mentally slapping myself.

Her mother nods again, and we go into conversation about Gracie, who has a form of Cerebral Palsy, due to a car accident they were in a few years ago. She come's here for physical therepy twice a week, a big improvement from about six months ago, when it was daily. They're here for the week, due to a surgery Gracie's getting in a few days. I signed Gracie's drawing notebook, to her request, and I noticed a text from Colette on my phone.

"Well, it was wonderfull to meet you, Gracie." I smile, shaking her hand once more after standing up. "But it looks like my wife needs me. Maybe we can meet up tomorrow sometime, before we go home for a while. That way you can say hello to the girls."

"That would be so cool!" Gracie says. "See you tomorrow!"

"Noon, cafeteria. Be here." I jokingly point a finger at her as I walk towards the elevator.

I read over Colette's text on the way up.

Colette <3:

Come up to the room, now. I'd like to talk :)


I can't help but hope it's about Faith, and the possibility that she's awake. I don't get my hopes up, however, and am silent as I walk into the room. All three of my girls are awake, but Faith's still lifeless. The girls have smiles on their faces, however, which confuses me.

"What's up girls?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Sit down, Daddy! Sit!" Emmi giggles excitedly, practically bouncing on Colette's lap.

"Yeah!" Avia agrees, looking equally excited, despite the late hour. "Go on, tell him, Mommy!"

"Okay." Colette sighs contently. "So the doctors came in while you were gone to test Faith's vitals, you know, the usual stuff..."

"And?" I ask eagerly, my smile growing, because I can feel what's coming next.

"And, they think she's going to wake up tonight!"

"Wait, for real?" I ask, my smile fully blown. "She's really gonna wake up?" I ask, and all the girls do is nod rapidly, obviously trying to hold back squeals of joy.

"She's gonna be okay, Daddy! She is!" Emmi squeals, running over and clinging to me.

"She is, Em." I smile. "She's gonna be okay."


So short chapter, but random update :)

Sadly, this book is coming to an end soon, probably 4 more chapters, plus an epilouge. This book is one of my favorites I've written!


fav part of the book so far??


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