By ShrazyMe

211K 5.9K 327

Luxe Dia-Lopez, the only child of Jennifer Lopez and potentially Sean 'Diddy' Combs. I'm 24 and living the h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
RIP Kim Porter
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest 2
Chapter 70

Chapter 47

1.5K 57 5
By ShrazyMe

"I'm pregnant." I mutter and his eyes go wide.

"No- WHAT?!" He begins to freak out and I look at him confused.

"I thought you knew with the way you dragged me out here."

"No, I wanted to know why Christian is publicly confessing his love for you." Fuck sakes, Christian. I groan once Michael says this because this is not how I wanted to tell him. "I thought you couldn't get pregnant."

"Yeah well, special exception." My tone is dead as I drop my arms to my side, Michael makes a grab for it but I pull away. "Mike don't."

"We're pregnant." He whispers in disbelief. "Why don't you look happy?"

"Because I want to keep the baby and I can't." My voice cracks. "I can't keep the baby but I want to because this may be the only chance that I can get to have my own child."

"Luxe..." He looks at me sympathetically and I look away from him.

"I know." I sigh, "I'm just being silly."

I wipe away a stray tear and Michael pulls me in for a hug which I accept. 

"I will be there for you, every step of the way." I pull away from him, "Whatever you decide to do, I'm here."

"Yo guys." I look up to see Terrence walking up to us. "Luxe, you are beautiful as always."

"Hey Terrence." I give him a sad smile. "My mom told me to let you know that they are drawing up contracts and that you will be contacted by my team next year for my next album."

"Ok..." He looks at both of our sad faces, "Did I interrupt? Did someone die?"

I shake my head while walking away, "Not yet."


Posted 1 day ago

ChristianDeLuca: We may not be together but I love Luxe will all of my heart. I did her wrong on many occasions but she stayed with me throughout everything. She is honestly the kindest, most sweetest warm person that I have ever met. She helped shape me to be the man that I am today and it is a shame that it took for her to move on for me to realise what I truly had. I miss everything we do, I'm half a heart without you. 

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Telling Michael about my pregnancy really made me think so I booked an appointment with my doctor because I want to discuss my options. I've decided against telling anybody about it besides Michael who will be attending my appointment with me.

"Someone's got game." I hear and I look up to see Michael who is casually watching me dribble the ball.

"It's helping me calm my nerves." I reply as I throw the ball in the air, I smirk at him as we watch the ball go through the net.

"Oooh, so you got game?" Michael challenges. 

We spend the next hour playing basketball and once we tied I ended the game. Michael was getting too comfortable and I didn't want him getting the idea that we are back together. This is why I didn't return the kiss that he gave me when he took a shot.

"We should get going." I say, trying to ease us out of the tension. "I don't want anybody finding out."

I am actually blessed that the media have not found about my pregnancy or about my past life with Christian. It's safe to say that Amrezy is no longer a problem, we don't speak and I would prefer to keep it at that. 

I have one of my mom's drivers pick us up and take us to the hospital. Luckily, it is a private hospital so I don't have to worry about people finding out things and if they do then I will pursue legal action. However, I am confident in this hospital because this is the very hospital that treated me when I was paralyzed, no information was shared. 

Since I was paralyzed for almost a year, of course the public knew but nobody knew the cause and we kept it at that. Nobody besides my family and very close friends know about the whole not being able to have children because it's something that I would rather keep to myself.

"I'm nervous." Michael confesses and I nod my head in agreement. "This is all so messed up and I'm sorry."

"It is what it is." I bite my bottom lip as we wait to be called on. "How's your baby mama?"

"Luxe, don't act like that." I look down and my lips begin to tremble.

"Yeah, well atleast she can give you a baby... since I can't give anyone a baby." My voice cracks and by the time I'm done, I'm bawling my eyes out. "This is not freaking fair."

"I know babe." He pulls me close and I furiously wipe at my eyes.

"I wasn't even thinking about kids." I pull myself away from michael, not wanting to seem weak. 

"Luxury Lopez." We hear a nurse say and we stand up. "Dr Jacobson is in room 12." 

I smile at the nurse as we walk towards the room. Once we walked in everything became a blur, words were being spoken but I was unable to process anything that was going on.

"Luxury?" I snap out of it at the voice of the doctor. "You zoned out for a second, are you alright?"

"I'm good." I fake a smile and he gives me a concerned look before pulling out the x ray of my pelvic. He pulls out two more, one from right after the accident and the other from when I got out of the wheelchair.

"As you can see, your pelvic bone have improved. This particular bone," He uses a stick to point to a bone. "is what we was concerned about."

He begins rambling on about what bones were healed, still healing and those that would be affected by the pregnancy. He spends a whole 30 minutes explaining to us how a baby grows and cases where the baby may lay lower than expected.

"What does this all mean?" Michael frustratedly asks.

"I'm giving you a yellow light." We look at him with narrowed eyes and he sighs. "In simpler terms, I am giving you permission to progress further with the pregnancy, shall you wish to do so."

My jaw drops.

"I can have my baby?" I whisper.

"We are still at a critical stage where moving forward with the pregnancy is a risk. I will need you to come in for further x rays and physiotherapy to ensure that you will have no issues when nearing your due date." I gasp in happiness.

"Michael." I squeal.

"BUT!" I go silent. "I am going to assign someone to you who I need you to be meeting for weekly check ups. If you have any pain or feeling any discomfort then I would advise you to come to the hospital immediately. I will send you a list of activities that you need to refrain from doing, if you are on any medication then you need to get off it."

"I'm not on any medication." I confirm.

"I am aware of your profession and all I could advice is for you not to overwork yourself."

"Got it." I bite my lip as I listen for more.

"If the baby should move down further as your pregnancy progresses then depending on whether we can get the baby back up, we may need to have an emergency caesarean." My heart drops at the doctors words. "I cannot guarantee that you will have a full pregnancy because it may become dangerous enough that we will need to terminate the pregnancy. I need you to understand that."

"We understand." Michael holds my hand as he answers the doctor.

"I am terribly sorry, Luxury." He gives me a sympathetic smile. "Although, I wish you the best in your pregnancy."

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