The Lost Cruiser : A Warship...

By Carl-D-Great

41.5K 562 403

A state of the art cruiser by a secret organization aiming for a New World Order mutinied in the midst of the... More

Chapter 0 : Prologue
Chapter 1 - Mutiny
Chapter 2 - Inside the Storm
Chapter 3 - Unknown Seas
Chapter 4 - Alien Fleet
Chapter 5 - Up Close
Chapter 6 - Princess
Chapter 7 - Truth
Chapter 8 - Unknown Island
Chapter 10 - Princess's Secret

Chapter 9 - Island Fortess of Rimarsia

1.9K 38 57
By Carl-D-Great

These past few days have been very eventful. I still wonder why did I quickly decided to shot and sunk those warship shooting at the Princess's fleet. Am I have gotten so low that I could kill with a push of the botton?. And it may look like I am rushing things in this another world. All I can think of, is because of my curiosity got the best of me.

Endea did express her opinion on how hastily I act on the things thrown at me. She specifically told me that if we really are in a another world we should have observed them before even making contact to the locals.

Then I was snapped back to reality when the Captain tapped my shoulders.

"Are you ok, Captain?, the procession would now start, it's a tradition on the Kingdom on how to received a royalty."

"Ah, yes, I'm fine. I was just thinking of something." I replied.

Before the procession starts, I took a last glance on Endeavour as she dwarves the surrounding ships.

The procession took us in the heart of the town. It is lively. And it seems every person living here are welcoming the Princess and her entourage with open arms.

I have been told that it has been decades when the last royalty have set foot on this island fortress.

The main street is jam packed of crowds. If this is the modern Earth, any assassination attempt would be very easy to do. But with the strong Royal Guards, no one would try to bother. Their rifles are crude bolt action magic powered ones, but it is enough to stop a full grown man in one shot. They are also using larger rounds. Larger than our 7.62mm's, so it is still deadly. But of course our guns are a far cry from the best equipment they have.

And some military advisors of the Princess are trying really hard to get their hands on one of our firearms. Some tried to bribe their way in but of course failed.

The lively procession ended at the town square, where the Lord of the Island stood by to received her Princess.

He was an old fat man, a typical politician in my view. They began this tedious process of rituals when the Lord is receiving a visit from a royalty.

A cup of the finest wine we're serve and was drunk by both at the same time followed by their own remarks to the people.

"It is an honor, for us here in this island fortress of Rimarsia. The bastion of the Kingdom against the neighboring Empire. To finally received someone of royalty, it has been decades since the last one cared about the status of our Island. I present to you Princess Clara von Vandervel, third in line for the crown. She's here from the capital to review the progress this island have made!". The Lord exclaimed to the people followed by a large cheer from the crowds.

"Thank you all for your warmest welcome. First of all I'd like to resched out to you people of Rimarsia on how grateful the whole Kingdom is. Grateful for guarding our farthest territory from our enemies. We have been on a skirmish with the neoghboring Empire for years. And still with the pressure you people still stood and continuously blocks advancements of the Empire to our beloved Kingdom. Thus I promise you that your demands would be a priority of the King himself." The Princess added.

She was cheered by the people. And it seems the people really liked her from their reactions.

We then continued on to the Lords Castle.

And it massive and elegant.

A Victorian era castle dwarves the whole city. It is the symbol of power and authority of the island. But it's size would not really compared to the fortifications of this island.

We we're then was received in large party. I ordered some of my crew to split up and be alert for something suspicious.

I then catched up with the Captain. And asked him if they are hiding something from the public.

And he whispers to me," I forgot tell them that we hired you from the Capital, our first encounter "never happened", Captain." As he then tapped my shoulders to as men looking like military ranking officials then approached us.

"Ah, Fortress Commander, it's been a long time how are you?" The Captain of the Flagship said.

"I am very much fine Captain, but I am more interested with the person besides you, May I asked who could you be?" The old commander asked staring at me.

"Oh, I am a mercenary Captain serving her highness." I answered him.

"Can I assumed that the large grey ship is yours. It is quite the eye catcher. Small and limited guns for such a big warship. And it is very much surprising that you were hired by the Royalty." He added while smirking. His tone is a bit sarcastic and prideful.

The other ranking officials then gave a laugh or two on his remarks.

Followed by insults, with them saying that I should have brought a sailboat insead. And a single patrol ship is enough to sink my ship. All I have was size.

I am puzzled and a little irritated by their remarks.

But then the Captain intervened.

"It's very funny gentlemen, but don't let the looks deceived you, He and his crew were not hired just for nothing, I have seen it with my eyes what truly his ship can bring to bear."

His remarks wedge a silenced between us. Before they decided to leave us.

I small voice from my headset then came. It's Endea.

"Captain, I have firing solutions on the target, should I fire?"

It won't be necessary Endea.

"Oh Captain, sorry for what you just have experienced. You see mercenaries here in the Kingdom were treated as like pirates." He added.

"No worries Captain, instead I'll show you my ships capabilities when we have time." I added.

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