Klance || Hawaiian Vacation

By wong_yukheii

3.9K 138 62

Keith and Lance were friends since birth, their parents being high school best friends. Despite this, they al... More

Chapter 1~
Chapter 2~
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

219 12 6
By wong_yukheii

Lance gripped his hair, tugging at the innocent chocolate strands violently. He cursed at himself, wanting the sky to magically suck him up into a black abyss. He knew what he did was stupid, he knew he really fucked everything up, he knew crossed a boundary of no return. The boundary that ruined something beautiful they once had.


They say the best relationship ships start with friendship. Whose brave enough for that though? What happens when you reach the point that you can't stay friends any longer? When you need more. Are you willing to risk it all? Rejection tastes bitter.

That's exactly why last couldn't return to their hotel room. He couldn't face Keith anymore, he knew rejection would slam him in the face. He couldn't handle that right now.

So he texted his sister.

"OMG LANCE YOUR A DICK" Lance slumped on this sister and her best friends couch.

"I know, know" He signed with a frown.

"YOU FUCKING KISSED HIM AND RAN" His sister looked like she was about to burst.

"Yes I know, I know. I don't know what I was thinking. I've ruined everything Veronica!"

"Well, you know what that means" The University student smirked. Lance was scared. What was his sister thinking?

"You've got nothing to lose now. You need to confess. You need to confess your love!"

She fell on the couch dramatically.

"Claim your lover! Make him yours! Fix your absolutely STUPID mistake"

"You're so damn extra"

"And so damn single" She sighed. Lance snorted.

"Not surprised" He jumped as a pillow slammed into his face. He looked across to see the devel herself glaring flaming daggers into his soul.

He missed this Brother Sister time.


Veronica wasn't joking when she told Lance to confess to his crush. She was right too, he had nothing to lose. He ruined everything already.

But why did the raven-haired boy kiss back?

That was one thought his mind tried numerous times to rationalise. He just couldn't create a reasonable explanation.

It seemed denying was the best coping mechanism.

Yet here was now cruising down the streets of Hawaii very early in the morning. By very, I mean 4 am.

He pulled up in the parking lot, anxiety filling his stomach and he made his way to the cleanly kept hotel, his sisters keys in sweaty palms. He entered the building, stepping inside the mirror wall elevator. He selected the floor and the doors closed. As the machine when up, his stomach dropped.

He felt sick.

The kind of sick where you're so anxious you feel like you'll throw up. He couldn't believe one boy could affect him physically this much. He looked at his reflection, he was a mess. Lance struggles more with his body image than people give credit for. He's not as confident as people often are lead to believe.

The doors and opened and he made his way down the corridors towards their room.

Lance turned the last corner. That's when his eyes fell on the most heartbreaking sight. Keith was curled up outside the door, fast asleep, in the most gruelling position. He must've been exhausted to be able to manage such a task.

Lance felt his tear in two and he mental blamed himself and tore his esteem to shreds. He really did this Keith.

He really fucked up.

Lance unlocked the door before pushing it open carefully and quietly. He then bent over and scooped the boy up in his arms bridal style. He held the precious raven close to his chest as the Cuban boy's plump lips turned down into a pout. The boy's violets eyes didn't even flutter in disturbance, he was knocked out cold. The stubborn, charcoal strands hiding his best friends face annoyed Lance, but his hands were busy with a far more important task. He focused on carrying the precious cargo through the door without bruising his beautiful, pale skin on the solid door frame. He pushed the door closed with his foot, cringing as the noise bounced off the walls. He shuffled over to the boy's bed.

After placing him down carefully, he finally pushed the strands out of his face.

That was when his heart shattered.

He looked terrible.

His eyes were puffing and swollen, tear trails staining his smooth flushed cheeks. The sight was torture to Lance, it was, in fact, all his fault. All he wanted to do was pull the boy close to his chest and comfort him, tell him he there, tell him he's sorry, but he didn't.

He removed the boy's shoes and turned the ceiling light off so it was just the soft glow of the nearby lamp illuminating their room.

Lance sat in the chair in the corner, his mind going far away from reality.

He remembers the way the boy held him close, the way he clung onto him, the way their lips moulded in perfect harmony as if second nature. It wasn't normal, it wasn't casual, it was passionate and emotional. He remembers the way the boy called out at him desperately, maybe he should have turned around, maybe he should have taken the boy home and continued their fun there.

Maybe Keith did have feelings.

Keith never lets his guard down, he never loses himself in other people, in a heartless moment. There had to be feelings behind those actions. He never cries either, why else would he cry?

Keith probably did have feelings.

Lance sighed. He had to fix this and fast. He knew exactly what he wanted to do and when.

Problem is he still has to convince Keith to go with him. He's sure he embarrassed the boy. The next time they're both awake would be interesting.

Lance ended up falling asleep in that chair, deep in slumber all night.

Maybe tomorrow would be a disaster, maybe it would be beautiful. Who even knows anymore?

Lance just hoped like hell he could fix this, it made him anxious but they had to talk.

It wasn't something he could, nor wanted, to ignore.

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