Found Myself Back To You โœ”๏ธ

By marichat_adrienette_

70.5K 1.6K 1.2K


Picnic lunch
Lila's Plan
Best friends reunited.
Best friends reunited. Part 2
Squad Reunion.
Anniversary Proposal.
Moving Out
Lazy Day.
First day at work as an engaged couple
Face it!
A/N for new part
A day with the future in laws
Volpina's back!
Lying cheating
Heartbreaks and Breakups
A family reveal
Reveal-part 2.
Oh no.
Returned-part 1
Sad A/N
Returned- part 2
Battle with Volpina.
Wedding Day

Missing Marinette.

1.8K 51 25
By marichat_adrienette_

Another day for Marinette Dupain Cheng. Another normal day. The normal routine.

With the bitch.

"I heard you and Adrien broke up. I told you he would have had enough of you." The brunette chuckled, eyeing Marinette.

"Actually, was the one who broke up with him." Marinette cleared out.

"Which makes it all the more better." Lila giggled devilishly.

"Yes it does and I give you all the more pleasure to go after him since he's now single."

"Thank you. Speaking of Adrien, he's coming our way right now." Lila pointed to a distant blond coming their way.

"Hey Adrien~" Lila sang, her fingers interwoved and raised to her cheek.                                                    Her face dropped into a frown when Adrien walked past her. "A-Adrien?" She stuttered.

Adrien took no notice of her, in fact, he was avoiding her and everyone else. By everyone else he meant by Marinette, but mostly Lila. He needed to sort out the things between them and if he asked Nino he would get suspicious and probably tell Alya who would gossip and tell everyone in this world if possible.

He landed into his room and slung his bag into a corner, dunked into his chair and let out a huge groan which felt extremely good. He reflected on the morning that he had just experienced.


I walked into my mother's workroom to say goodbye because I was going to work. When I knocked and entered without an invitation, I saw my father talking to mom about some private stuff I couldn't properly make out due to the fact father was whispering. He stole a glance at me and by the looks of it was a bit taken a back by my sudden appearance.

"Adrien." He said coldly, fixing his blazer.

"Umm good morning mom. I came to tell you that I was going to work." I replied, completely ignoring my father's presence.

"I beg your pardon." My father spoke.

"Yes father?"

"You came here to tell your mother that you were going to work? Quite idiotic. You live with Marinette, there's no need for you to come here anymore."

"Are you trying to kick me out father?" I asked, stunned by my father's remark.

"Not entirely, although as this is still your home, you can come visit but for urgent matters for example if Marinette was to deliver her baby. You know your mother is a paramedic too."

"Of course I do. She's the best nurse ever and actress and female model!"

"It's called multi tasking Adrien." He stated.

"Yeah. Ok so I'm only allowed to be here for urgent matters or messages. For example dropping my future kids off here with their grandparents or Marinette deliver--"

"I'm sure your kids other grandparents can look after their grandchildren. That would put shame on them if they didn't do a good job."

"Love, you should look at how you've been raising our only child."  My mother scolded. She's the only one who can stand up to my father in such a way.

Father didn't say anything. Instead he looked away. Cant take the embarrassment. Haha. Whoops! I shouldn't have said that, father would kill me!

But then again, who am I to judge. It's the truth. Father may have control over me but he cant read my mind.

"Oh and Gabriel." My mother spoke in her oh so gentle and loving voice. "Adrien will be staying here until the wedding. He and Marinette have decided to stay at their parents house before thir big day. Try to understand that."

Father just huffed. Typical.


Marinette was currently in her workroom, designing the last piece of her friends' dress. Once she was done, she instantly grabbed her phone and dialled the caller.

"It's Chloe Bourgeois!" The voice at the other end spoke.

"Hey Chloe. It's Marinette. Just called to let you know that your dress is ready and you can come over to check it out."

"Thank you so much Marinette. I'll come by in around an hour, I've got some meetings to attend to but right after that I'll be at the Gabriel Industry."

"Sure. See you then." Marinette said, receiving a 'bye' from Chloe and they both hung up.

Marinette dived into her chair and closed her eyes.

I was walking to my room when I bumped into that cow. Ugh! Out of all people.

"Watch where your going Dupain Cheng!" That voice made my ears explode.

I glared at Lila, not knowing what to say. I took a moment and stared at her clothes. A buttoned up black jumpsuit and black pump heels. Her hair was all back in a ponytail. She, out of all the days she tried to look good, looked alright today. Simple and classic.

"What? Can't take my beauty? I know, I couldn't, myself when I looked in the mirror. Unlike a cheapskate like you. Where'd you get your clothes from? The dumpster?"

"OK. That was the most lamest insult ever." I told her bluntly.

"Whatever. All I know is I look FAB! Sorry to burst you but I'm not lesbian, especially not lesbian to you."

"You know you should try it."

"And why should I do that when I could have men falling at my feet?"

"That's the point. You wont have any men to fawn over you for that type of style. I mean you look ok today but normally you look like as if your going to battle." I spoke. "Oh and the circus clown called today wanting to speak to you, apparently he wanted his face back." I insulted her with a witty comeback.

She was now burning with flames. GREAT!

"P-lease. Have you seen what you're wearing? Did you check the mirror?"

"Yes I did. Besides I'm not wearing anything that bad." It was true, I wasn't. Now that I'm a single lady, I can hang out with anyone. I was wearing a white belly top and black jeans with black flats and my hair was in a ponytail. "At least I have better fashion sense than you do."

"That's the funniest joke I heard all day." She laughed. "I heard you and Adrien broke up.." She said, circling me like predator and prey.

Marinette decided to calm herself with some nice and warm tea, just the way she liked it. So, as she made her way down to the cafeteria and ordered her tea, she accidentally bumped into a worker and they both fell on the floor.

"I AM SO SORRY!" Marinette apologised, not intending to do her mistake.

"It's ok." The person who bumped into Marinette said. As they opened their eyes, they couldn't help but to let a gasp slip through their lips. Marinette was still rubbing her head from the fall, her eyes were still clenched closed that is until they fluttered open when she heard a gasp.

"Adrien!" Marinette's eyes widened but then narrowed stubbornly.

"Hey Marinette." Adrien said awkwardly. He got up from the ground and extended his hand for the damsel to take.

She hesitated to take his hand. No. She pulled herself up from the ground and crossed her arms, advancing her head away.

"I'm sorry too." Adrien finally spoke.

Marinette jerked her head to face him and made a sound in her throat. "Sorry?"

"For bumping into you." The blond dusted some dirt off his cream jeans. He wore cream jeans, a white shirt and a black blazer. For some reason to Marinette he looked quite cute. Why? Because now that they weren't a thing, she could think whatever she wanted about him~ good or bad. 'For bumping into you.' Of course he wouldn't say sorry for cheating on you. Oh hey Marinette, I just wanted to say sorry for cheating on you even I know I didn't. A simple sorry wouldn't fi anything. Buuuttt nooo~ sorry for bumping into you.

"You know you said that out loud?" Adrien pointed at the lady.

"How much did you here?!" Marinette panicked.

Adrien smiled softly. "Quite enough." He stuffed his hands into his pocket.

"Tea for Miss. Dupain Cheng?" The waitress called and Marinette went to retrieve her liquid.

"Say, because I bumped into you, why dont I pay for you?" Marinette requested. What was she doing? WALK AWAY!

"Umm.. sure?" Adrien went over to the till and went to order his food.

Marinette took a breather. "What am I doing?" She asked herself. "Hold self defence Marinette. Dont let him win again. Take control!" Marinette was now trying to be angry at Adrien. "He doesn't deserve anyone who has a good heart." She muttered.

She went over and payed the amount of money.

"Dont you want to sit down?" Adrien asked.

"No." Was all the bluenette replied before taking her leave. Adrien sighed.

In Marinette's office~

"Why did I pay for him? Why?!" Marinette looked up at the ceiling and ran her palm through her hair. "He's just like Lila, TWO FACED!" She frustratingly and forcefully dunked a sip of hot chai down her throat, squirming at the heat that burned her mouth entirely.

A knock was heard at the door as Marinette straightened herself in her seat and quickly slipped on her black blazer that was placed around her chair. She threw the blazer right across her shoulders. "Come in." She croaked.

"Marinette?" That voice belonged to the person Marinette had called earlier.

"Hey Chloe!" Marinette got out of her chair and her jacket fell into her seat. They shared a quick squeeze before the bluenette pulled the mannequin towards Chloe who was sitting in the seat that was offered in front of Marinette's desk. As the designer sat down, she asked the future mayor how she thought of it.

"So?" She asked anxiously, biting her lip.

"This is amazing. Beautiful. I love it." Chloe replied in awe. The dress was simple yet magnificent. It was long and didn't puff out like a ball gown. Chloe asked for a dress that showed her figure but not too much of it and the dress that was created for the world to see was beyond Chloe's expectation.

When Chloe took the dress home, Marinette instantly started working on her dress. A cute long sleeveless evening gown. Red from the top and it synchronises into a wine red the into black. She would wear black stilettos that Emilie had bought her. Apparently they were Gabriel branded and limited edition.

Two days later~ I know! 😔

Marinette was in her apartment room getting ready for the evening. Today was the day when Chloe would be the mayor of Paris. On top of that, she has to choose a good husband mayor too, that would be hard, although, Marinette did have a few people she knew from high school in mind. One was the strongest, she thought, could make the perfect match with Chlo.

Chloe had arranged a limousine for her dress' creator to come to the commemoration. Beep! Right on time. Marinette thought.

She locked her front door and plopped herself into the seat that the driver had opened for her. She felt so good to be in such a high position. She fixed her bun so it was still neat with her side bangs sticking out.

Pulling up, the driver opened the door and as soon as Marinette cam out, flashing beams of lights blinded her. She used her inner part of her arm to cover her eyes as she walked down the red carpet. Paparazzi. Paparazzi. Questions. Questions. More paparazzi. "Miss Dupain Cheng, where is Mr. Agreste?" One of them asked. Geez. Nosy people. Keep your noses to yourself. Marinette thought.

"Umm, he should be here any time soon. he wanted to get ready?" Marinette stated and the press bought it. As she walked down the aisle, Marinette couldn't help but to wonder, Adrien was supposed to come? Why should he come? Everyone's going to expect us to stand together. For the first time in forever, Lila please be here!

Another limo pulled up, a black one, and out came the Agreste family. Mr. Agreste, Mrs. Agreste and their son, Cheating agreste. Gabriel was wearing a navy blue blazer with a purple shirt underneath and dark blue pants. Mrs. Agreste wore a pale pink jumpsuit, her hair was in a braid and their son wore a black t-shirt and black skinny jeans. A midnight blazer was hooked around his forefinger. The family walked down the aisle and Adrien and Marinette both exchanged glances.

The bluenette quickly rushed forward, trying not to keep up with the family behind her. She was in a crowd where many friends and family of Chloe were standing.

Ladybug's civilian felt a wash of uncomfortableness devour her until a hand reached her shoulder.

She peered around and saw the person she expected the most.

"How's my favourite person doing?" Marinette asked.

"Fab. And you look fab. Girl, you look hot. Did you take Adrien's breath away?" If you haven't guessed by now then.. it was nice for you reading this story.

Marinette giggled. "Thanks Alya. You look fantastic tonight too. Where's Nino?" Alya was wearing a short purple laced dress and black Chelsea boots. Her hair was in an up do.

"Nino's talking to Adrien. Let's go to them." Alya said and pulled her best friend's bare arm towards the two gentlemen.

"Hey Nino." Alya hugged her boyfriend and he hugged back, leaving Marinette and Adrien in a uncomfortable silence. Adrien cleared his throat.

"You two could hug too." Nino pouted.

Marinette instantly stepped back slightly, avoiding her ex's gaze. As soon as Adrien was about to speak, Chloe came in, leaving the room silent. Everything was broadcasting live. From people's phones to the actual tv station.

"Our new mayor. Mayor Chloe Bourgeois." A coachman announced and the audience clapped. Next to Chloe was her father, Andre Bourgeois, he had grown incredibly old and soon enough his time would be over and away from this world.

After the reception, Marinette rushed home. She didn't want to be any where near Adrien or his family. That would be way too awkward. "Tikki, I'm back!" Marinette shouted.

"How was it?" Tikki flew to her owner and hugged her cheek.

"Too dangerous. I had to keep an eye out for everyone and hide to hide my left ring finger at all times which was so exhausting." Marinette complained.

A knock was heard at the door. "Hide Tikki!" Marinette ordered.

As the bluenette opened her door, a mist shadow towered over her before capturing whole.

The room fell silent.

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