What is Love?

By Destiny_Writestuff

10.5K 353 241

It all started when they moved into the dorms. A friendly game of truth or dare gets complicated, and things... More

"What do you think, Round-face?" Ep.1
"You look decent I suppose." Ep.2
"You could have died!" Ep.3
"It's so warm." Ep.4
Thanksgiving Extra.1
"Hope." Ep.5
Christmas Extra.2
"Angel-Face" Ep.7
"Truly sorry." Ep.8
Fireworks Ep.9
"I wont be leaving anytime soon." Ep.10
"I think I know now." Ep. 11
Final Notes.

"It's how I was raised." Ep.6

655 24 9
By Destiny_Writestuff

Hey my dear readers! In case you  forgot, last episode bets were made and with Uraraka having lost, she  now has to be Bakugo's personal maid for a week! In return, Bakugo will  be training with her till the week is over. I now bring you...

Chapter 6 - It's how I was raised.


Class  today is particularly boring. Probably due to the fact it's just recap  of what we've learned earlier this year. My phone buzzes in my desk and  thankfully Aziawa doesn't seem to notice. I open it under my desk ,  slightly relieved to be given a distraction from this shitty snooze  fest. Apparently the girls have started a group chat.

Mina: "Urarakaaaaaa how was your date? It isn't often you get so wet on the first date ;)"

Momo: "Mina, please don't make me regret letting you join."

Mina: "Too bad ya' can't lol :p My idea, my group. Deal with it O.o"

Jiro: "You guys felt the need to include me in this useless banter, why? If we get caught, Aziawa will take our phones away again."

Uraraka: "Yeah, whats this about? And why is everyone else listed under my first name but not you guys?"

Mina: "Cause only your boyfriend can call you by your first name now! Obviously."

Tsuysu: "But I let everyone call me by my first name. Does that mean I'm dating everyone? Kero."

Mina: "What, no? Why did you type out kero though? We're texting..."

Tsuysu: "Force of habit I guess, Kero."

Toru: "Wait, I'm listed by my last name too? I don't have a boyfriend though?"

Mina: "Oh, come on -.- We've all seen how you look, er, act around monkey boy. "

Toru: "Stoppp you're making me blush and Aziawa is going to notice. He has a name ya' know"

Momo: "I think your just proving our point. However, we came here to talk about 'Round-Face's' date though. So whats the scoop?"

Uraraka: "Hey  you guys were acting like he was going to kill me yesterday. Why all  the sudden are you guys acting like we're engaged?! Whatever,  anyways..."

I tell them what happened. Everything from dinner to  the race through the rain. I decide it's best to leave out the fact we  cuddled a little in the theater and he gave me his jacket though. I can  feel my face getting warm just thinking about it.

Jiro:  "I don't usually care about these things, well, I still don't, but it  sounds like Bakugo MIGHT actually LIKE you considering he scheduled not  one, but TWO extra ways to see you."

Momo: "I think Jiro is right. Wouldn't that be something, the wild beast being tamed by none other than our local gravity lady lol"

Uraraka:  "Har, Har. No way in hell would he ever like me like that. Even if he  does like someone, he wouldn't like someone so plain and average as me."

Mina: "Oh my... Did you just swear?! Murder face is rubbing off on you! XD"

'As  much as I hate to admit it, I think Bakugo is rubbing off on me.  Normally I would never think of saying shit like this. Crap, I did it  again! GAH'

Jiro:  "Uraraka, best of luck. Imagine though, if Uraraka started ranting  about killing people too, especially with HER face lol. She's too cute, I  cant see it lol"

I hear the other girls laugh a bit only for  Aziawa to whip around from the board and scold, "What do you think your  doing during class?! Are you texting again?" He glares at Mina "You did  it again didn't you. Girls, I want all your phones, now."

"Yes sir." We answer in unison.

The rest of the class goes by in a daze.

I pack up after class and start heading back to the dorms to start on our assignment when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Your not running, are you?" The familiar voice says.

"Oh,  Bakugo! I'm sorry, I completely forgot." I apologize. "N-not that I  don't want to train with you! It just slipped my mind." I quickly add.

"Whatever, lets just go." He starts walking off and I hear him grumble something.

'What's his problem?' I  wonder. I catch up to him and ask. "Whats on the agenda? I'm assuming  your just going to use my quirk and practice drills in the air."

"Eh you'll see. I just hope the stuff is there like usual." He replies.

We  arrive at the gym and head to our respective locker rooms to grab our  training suits. It's really nice that the university has all sorts of  places to train. 'Thank goodness the gym is just a large empty room. Considering what Bakugo's quirk is...'  Of course this is just one of the many training buildings. This  building is usually set up for sports such as basketball or just to  practice in a large area. However, there is a gym with actual weights.  But the point of us training together was to practice with our quirks. I  finish changing and head out to discover Bakugo is already there  waiting for me.

"Ready to start, round-face?" He inquires.

"Lets do this, murder face." I laugh.

"IT WAS A GOOD NAME!" He retorts, causing me to laugh even more.

"Guhhhh" I moan. I'm lying on the ground from exhaustion and Bakugo is a few feet on my right bent over panting.

"Why did we train for three hours. More importantly, why did you decide to bring out those." I ask, pointing over at the 500 pound giant balls of metal.

He had decided I would throw them at him, he would use his explosions to knock them back, and I would hit them back towards him again with  a giant metal pole. The point was to not let any of them pass us which  was hard considering how fast those things were going after a while. It  was basically like a really weird and giant game of ping pong.

In  between breaths he asks "Whats the point of training if only one of us  gets better. You needed to practice pushing your three ton weight limit.  I figure keeping ten of those plus the pole floating would do the  trick."

"Yeah, I guess your right. Thanks for that, I figured I  would just help you with air maneuvers the whole time." We only did that  for a few minutes.

"Of course I'm right. Let's go now." He comes over and offers me a hand. "Besides, you still have to clean my room."

Crap.  "Yeah alright fine." I say as he pulls me up to my feet. "Lets hurry,  its dinner time and I don't want to be cleaning all night."

"Understandable." He notes.

We change back into our clothes and head back to his dorm room.

"Make yourself comfy I guess." he says.

I've  never seen his room before and it's mostly plain. Just a few books on a  shelf, an all might poster, and a TV with a game console and some  movies, oh and coffee table to eat at. Although he does have a full kitchen too. Ok so maybe not that empty.

"When  did you get an oven put in? I know our dorms came with refrigerators  but you have a decent counter space too! When did that happen?!" I ask.

He  shrugs. "I like to cook. Gives me something to do and its better than  microwave noodles all the time. I checked ahead of time and principle  rat man said it was fine as long as I payed for it." He claps his hands  in front of him and states "Cleaning supplies are under the sink,  laundry is in the hamper. I'm gonna take a shower, I'm all sticky and  sweaty."

He grabs a change of clothes and leaves to go to our  communal showers. 'I guess I have my work cut out for me.' It's actually  kinda nerve wracking, being in the room of my crush, alone too. A  slight blush creeps on my face, just thinking about it. 'I should get to work.'  His room is actually fairly clean. I just have to clean the stove and  dust for the most part. So I begin dusting and just as I finish cleaning  the stove, Bakugo gets back.

"I'm almost finished!" I say with  glee. "I don't know why you needed me, your room is already organized  aside from a few water bottles on the table."

"Not bad brown hair. How about you stay for dinner. Think of it as payment for cleaning." He smiles a bit.

"I  wouldn't want to impose, I can just eat some noodles... Besides we made  a bet. Your room isnt even that dirty, I don't know why you wanted me  to come clean." I say. I don't want to bother him anymore. For some  reason, what Jiro said pops into my head. "I think he actually LIKES you." and it repeats in my brain. 'What if he likes me, what if he likes me, what if-'

"Oi!  Earth to Uraraka. Are you staying or not? Hurry up, I need to know how  much I'm cooking." He says, arms crossed. Although maybe perhaps a bit  nervous too?

'It cant hurt, can it? Why am I trying to talk myself out of it? Stupid stupid stupid.' After a bit of thinking, and also mentally kicking myself, I agree to stay for dinner.

"Alright,  I'll start cooking it. Why don't you turn on the TV, find some girly  show that's on or something." He says as he starts rummaging through his  cabinets. "I'd ask you to help but we all know you cant cook from that  thanksgiving extra."

"Wait... Extra, what? What are you talking about?" I ask, puzzled. "Have you lost it?"

He looks back at me, seemingly also confused. "What'd I say? Did I say some dumb shit again?"


"What, what? Oh, I'm just going to make chicken if that's ok."

I must be hearing things...

We  continue idle chit chat while he cooks, talking about family and such.  He brings over the food when I say. "I have a question for you."

"Yeah? Shoot." He says, putting a bite of chicken in his mouth.

"Why are you so violent?" The moment the words leave my mouth, I regret it. 'crap crap crap why would I ask something like that. It was all going good! Why do I ruin everything.'

"How I was raised I guess." He states as plainly as ever.

"Oh, did your parents..?" I ask

"No,  fuck no. I just mean, my mom taught me that sometimes when people do  bad shit, they need an ass whoopin'. That's how you solve conflicts,  fight and see who the winner is." He says as if its fact. "She loves me  though, that's just how I learned to handle things. I'm trying to fix  it, ok."

Now I regret asking for a whole other reason. I kind of  feel bad now, not many people like him and to think he was raised like  this... I move my hand across the table and place it on Bakugo's.

"What the fuck! I told you I'm fine!" He yanks his hand back and his face is turning red.

"It just seemed like the moment to... Wait a sec don't tell me your fucking embarrassed by that! If you were gonna get flustered it should have been on our date!" I yell.

He stares blankly at me for a moment before he starts laughing up a storm.

"What?!" I ask.

"Never thought I'd see the day you cursed round face" He says between fits of laughter.

My face turns red. "S-shut up!" How embarrassing. Ok, maybe a little funny but mostly embarrassing. Bakugo calms down after a few minutes and we begin talking lightheartedly again.

"Darn, Its getting late." I say, glancing at my phone. "It's already 8 and I still have to finish that homework."

"Alright. See you tomorrow, same time?" He asks while he gathers up the dishes.

"Sounds good. I'll see you then." And with that, I leave.

Chapter 6. End


First,  I would like to say NO, BAKUGO WAS NOT ABUSED AND I'M NOT TRYING TO  MAKE HIS MOM LOOK LIKE AN ASS NOR IMPLY SHE ABUSED HIM. I just thought  it would be a good explanation of his personality, as well as flesh out  his character a bit more. Ok?

As you can tell, I  skipped around a bit more than usual and used the divider more as well. I  hope this improves the quality of the story to cut out a bit more of  the unnecessary stuff and not have 2 thousand words but only a fourth  only be important to the plot.

I hope the texts were easy to understand! I know some Fanfics are like "Who is saying what, tf?" so I tried to make mine simple.

No one ever saw Bakugo's room but in my head it was a simple and somewhat bland room.

Here's  the preview! Training must go on but the week will end eventually. Once  the bet is off, what does that mean for Bakugo and Uraraka? Find out  next episode!

Uraraka wants to know what extra Bakugo meant.

Bakugo wants to know why he blacked out for a second.

Hope  you enjoyed it this far! Please leave any feedback you might have in  the review section! If you want to keep up with this series make sure to  follow me! See you next time, Plus... ULTRA! ~ Des

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