The Stalker-- sorry My Stalker

By Peace_life_Nh

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"Adventuring aye? Looking turns to seeing and seeing transforms into watching. Sometimes you can't control w... More

Chapter 1: Cuts
Chapter 2: Unexpectations
Chapter 3: Help!
Chapter 4: Judy
Chapter 5: Weird
Chapter 6: Death seems better than this
Chapter 7: Oh no
Chapter 8: Days.
Chapter 9: hm.
Chapter 10: Names
Chapter 11: Scare me
Chapter 12: Lies
Chapter 13: owner
Chapter 14: what?
Chapter 15 Part one: Cries
Chapter 15 Part two: Cries Blake's P.o.v
Character selections. (In my mind)
Chapter 16 Part one: Beg
Chapter 16 Part two: Beg Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 16 Part three: Beg Blake's P.o.v
A/n: Important!!
A/n yoooo
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Hot
Chapter 19: Vulnerable
Chapter 20: Dead roses
Chapter 21: He knows
Chapter 22: Forever
Chapter 22: Forever Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 23: Confusion
Chapter 24: Break
Chapter 25: Chica
Chapter 26: Daze
A/n What's up?
Chapter 27: Masochist
Chapter 28: Strays
Chapter 29: Blushes
New Character Selections: Part One
New Charater Selections: Part Two
A/n Amazing
Chapter 30: Ooze
Chapter 31: He
Chapter 32: will
Chapter 33: kill
Chapter 34: her
Chapter 35: soon.
Chapter 36: Sinner
Chapter 37: Blue
Chapter 39: Drunk
Chapter 40: Wicked
Chapter 41: Company
Chapter 42: Guilt
Chapter 43: Burnt out
Chapter 44: Ditching
Chapter 45: Ice Cold

Chapter 38: Fear

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By Peace_life_Nh

Hey guys I'm mother fucking baaack babyyyy I finished this chapter final-fucking-ly. It's amazing honestly. Chapter 39 is almost doneeee likeee I'm getting there don't worry.

Past Chapter

Read if you dare.
"Where we going?" I asked it's six am. I have to get to school. I have to figure out what's going to happen now that my brother thinks I slept with his friend. Thomas was stretching before staring at me.

"Breakfast. Can't go to school on an empty stomach." He stated.

"Thomas— my brother! He thinks we—you know. Don't make me say it, Thomas!" I exclaimed frustrated. I can't believe this is happening right now.

"Trinity. Breathe. He's not gonna do anything about it." Thomas said. I scoffed hearing that statement from him.

"Yes he will." I was sitting on my bed as Thomas was still on Serenity's.

"You don't know your brother very well," He acknowledged looking at me.

"He's not gonna rat you out. He was in the wrong too. He was supposed to watch you, he didn't and how will he tell your father that he didn't and his charming handsome best friend did." He said smirking showing dimples, cheekbones.

I scoffed rolling my eyes slight smile, but quickly got back into reality.

"He'd say he saw me with a guy Thomas." I stated annoyed.

"Touché but he'd be to blame. Either way you win. He can't say you were with me? and he can't say he wasn't with you either. Problem solved now let's go eat some food. I'm craving bacon."

"Thomas." I groaned standing up. He stood up as well. Rubbing his eyes staring at me.

"Look," he acknowledged, placing his hands on both my shoulders.

"If what I said is wrong pfft shoot me. But I guarantee you that you will be fine. If there's a problem call me." He emphasized.

Visibly I was still unsure of his tactics. He rolled his eyes.

"You'll be alright. Besides it was my fault I forgot to move last night." I bit my lip. Staring at Thomas. My he is something else.

"Don't look at me like that, Trinity. You hurt my feelings." He smirked, pinching my cheeks. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Gosh you're so cute." He slyly walked back to Serenity's bed.

"What do I do with you?" I asked walking to my drawer pulling out some socks.

Putting them on one by one.

"You can do anything you'd like," He slyly muttered seductively. I turned my head seeing him wink. I rolled my eyes.

"Mhm." I hummed.

"Where you going?" I turned my head at Thomas tilting it.

"I gotta brush my teeth. Wash my face. See how bad I look." I spoke realizing the realization I will soon be facing. I opened my door rushing towards the bathroom getting stopped by my brother.

"Luke come on leave me alone." I said as he blocked the bathroom door.

"What happened here last night, Trinity?"

"Nothing happened. Luke. We both said nothing happened." I exclaimed trying to push past him.

"I hope to god nothing happened. He's a bad influence, Trinity. When I said hooking up with a guy I would have never said Thomas. He is off limits Trinity."

I scrunched my eyes laughing a little.

"Off limits?"

"Trinity. Thomas is different. He's my friend you know nothing about him." I looked at my delusional brother. He looked like a mess. Hair all over the place, green polo shirt, weird plaid pants.

"Did he stick it up you're ass or something?" I joked. Immediately Luke pushed me against the bathroom door.

"Don't fuck with me, Trinity. He's a bad guy."

"Get your hands off of me!" I screamed shoving him back.

Opening the bathroom door slamming it shut locking it.

Crazy the hells wrong with him?

I walked to the mirror staring at my awful reflection.

Oh god.

I washed my face, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair  parted it into a different part. I need something to spice me up. I guess some lipstick.

Oh well.

I walked out of the bathroom towards my room again.

Thomas who I assume already gathered his things. His coat on, everything else he had with him.

"Trini." He exaggerated clapping his hands.

"I'm hurrying." I mumbled getting my things. I looked in my coat pocket trying to see if I had any lipstick feeling it.

I'll just put it on in the car.

I put my coat on grabbing my phone and charger. Pulling Serenity's covers up and fixing it.

I sprayed my favorite perfume. Black orchid. It's an amazing flowery scent. I could use it every day if I could.

I zipped my coat up. Grabbing my book bag.

"Ready." I emphasized.

Thomas walked out of the room me following him.

"Hurry up before my brother says something." I whispered. He then smirked and walked slower.

"Scaredy cat." He mumbled hazel eyes dilated. I rolled my eyes.

"Wouldn't you be?" I questioned.

He stopped me. Lips right by my ear.

"You're just my dirty little secret," He walked faster toward the living room door opening it.

He opened the outside door and exited. I locked both doors.

It was freezing outside.

Absolutely freezing cold.

We walked to Thomas' car I nearly ran I should say just wanting to get away from the cold.

Thomas was heating the car while I was making sure I had everything I needed.

I looked in the mirror adjusting my outfit. Then I pulled out my lipstick ready to apply.


I turned my head confused.

"Don't what?" I asked him.

He stared at me serious.

"You don't need the makeup, Trinity." I gave him a slight smile rolling my eyes.

"Mhm sure."

"I'm serious."

"Thank you though." I mumbled. Opening the top applying the lipstick on anyway. He had started driving glancing at me, then huffed loudly.

"And you put it on anyway."

"What did you expect?" I asked uncomfortably.

"I told you. You didn't need it."

"And I told you thank you."

He looked over at me his eyebrows furrowed in complete frustration.

"Why can't you just stop?"

"Stop what?" I questioned.

"This act Trinity. Do you want the attention or something?" He asked rudely.

"You're beautiful." He continued abruptly.

His hands were gripping the steering wheel tightly. He huffed again.

"You're probably the only one to think so." I said not staring at him anymore, but at the passing trees and grass.

"You're insane if you think I'm the only one." I laughed at that one.

"Someone once told me I'd look better if I had a paper bag over my head. Same guy said that my body is alright but my face is 'woah who would want that,' This one guy stated and I quote, 'we're both ugly and you know we should be ugly together. You're not all that but I'm not either so we make a great team' I mean I have my reasons to believe—"

"To believe what these assholes said?" I turned my head to see Thomas staring at me. As if he was seriously angry at the fact of what I was saying.

"Are you okay?" I asked confused.

"Trinity are you okay?" He asked staring back at the road.

"Just because a couple dickheads said what they wanted to say doesn't mean you should believe them. No wonder you're so insecure—"

"I'm not insecure."

"I beg to differ. You're the most insecure person I know. Besides my ex. She was insecure, stupid manipulator. You're a smart girl. Maybe that's why I'm so attracted to you. But you can be really dumb at times too, Trinity."

"So you think I'm stupid—"

"I think you shouldn't be taking anyone's shit. Especially these teenage boys that just want to fuck. They don't care about what you want."

"Then what about you then?" I asked suddenly.

'He acts like he doesn't just want to fuck. He acts like he knows us.'

It slipped out and I wish it didn't.

"You're comparing me to those assholes seriously? None of them would do this for you. They wouldn't even buy you fucking McDonald's—"

"I didn't mean it like that—"

"Then how did you mean it, Trinity?" The car stopped at a red light both of us staring at each other.

"Why do you do this, Thomas?" I asked.

We both stared at each other in silence.

Both our lips were sealed.

Why is he so kind sometimes?

Why is he such an asshole at times?

His attention looked towards the side of me.

Before leaning over aggressively. My eyes widened.

"Trinity please for God's sake put you're seatbelt on." He said clicking it in the socket.

The light had turned green and he started driving.

I let out a breath of air. Both of us just silent.

"I don't like this," I stated. Slumping back in my seat.

Staring at the road.

"Don't like what?" He questioned. Curiously annoyed.

"This silence— feels like you're judging me." I rambled.

"I'm not judging you," He muttered.

"You do that by yourself." He continued. I didn't say anything. He was right.

I let out a breath of air my emotions getting the best of me again.

'You're really gonna make him let you cry? Pfft pathetic.'

"What's wrong?" He asked me. I laughed wiping the slight tear off my face.

"Nothing I'm just still tired. I have a long day ahead of me." I lied. Briefly looking over to him and then I looked back at the dark road.

"Okay, Trinity." He said.

I went to pull my phone out of my pocket when I felt leather where my hand was. I pulled them out staring at them.

Oh shit I forgot.

Forest's gloves. I have to give them back to him—

"That's a nice pair of gloves." Thomas yanked them out of my hand.

I widened my eyes trying to grab them from him.

"Give them back, Thomas." I whined. Trying to get them. He shook his head.

"You're not the type to wear gloves."

"They're not mine." I stated. Trying to grab them from his hands.

"Hey watch it! I'm trying to drive." He yelled lips forming a huge smirk.

I smiled rolling my eyes.

"Drive then. I don't know where you're even going." I said. He nodded.

The sun started to come up. It was subtle but still primitive.

The stores we passed along the way I looked over mortified to Thomas with both gloves on. He glanced over briefly chuckling.

"They're kinda big but I like em." He muttered. I put my hand on my head. Oh brother.

'Oh brother is correct. When Luke tells on you that you were with Thomas all night.'

I gulped.

Thomas smiled at me. He was so happy and unfilled with consequences. While I was doubtful and nearly nauseous with mine.

Thomas pulled into this little hole in the wall store. He gave me the gloves back teasing me.

"Where are we?" I asked him. He laughed.

"The best breakfast place in town." I went to open my door but he immediately locked it.

"Why'd you do that for—"

His hand went up to my cheek. Hazel eyes intimidating me.

"I know a liar when I see one." I scrunched my eyes confused.

"I've really never been—"

"Not that. There is something off with you. I can see through your bullshit." He unlocked the door and went out.

'Um okay?'

I didn't even get a chance to unlock the door. I was puzzled. Besides he was already on my side ready to open the door by the time my mind registered what had happened.

I opened it as he swung it open.

I wanted to face palm myself as I tried getting out of the car with the seatbelt still on.

I felt my face heat up when Thomas started laughing.

Way too early for this.

I unbuckled myself

Getting out the car.

Thomas was staring at me making a silly face. I smiled closing the door.

"What is this?" I asked curiously.

"Steven's Sandwich shop. Egg, sausage and gooey cheese mmm yum!"

Thomas embraced to himself opening the door.

There was a bit of a line, but that wasn't too crazy.

Once we got to the front he had ordered everything.

I stared at the person on the cash register as he stared me down. He licked his lips as he flipped through bills Thomas gave him. I was extremely uncomfortable.

Unconsciously I turned my head.

A man with a hood on his head. Forest. Forest.

I reached in my pocket his gloves. Where the hell are his gloves?

I sighed in relief feeling them in my other pocket.

I stared at him. Is it forest?

"Food is ready, Sweet pea." I turned my head seeing the cashier wave his hand in my face. I gave a small smile letting go of the gloves grabbing the food.

I turned my head seeing no one.

I huffed.

I turned around looking at Thomas. His back was towards me.

I raised my brow.

"What're you doing?" I asked confused.

He turns around slouched with a rose in his hand his eyes slightly shut as he smirked.

"For you my good lady."

I rolled my eyes.

"Where'd you get that?" I was chuckling asking him.

He pointed to the man outside I didn't notice a man selling flowers till just now.


Nice dark red roses, carnations, even sun flowers.

"When did he get there?" I asked curiously. Thomas frowned.

"He's always been there silly." He dragged me out of the store, into his car. I looked at the man selling flowers.

'He wasn't always there'

He placed the rose on the dash board. I guess for me to grab it. I did putting it on my lap.

"What time is it?" I asked as he started his car.

"A quarter to seven almost." My eyes widened.

"Six forty five! I'm gonna be late!" I screamed. Grabbing my phone seeing the time.

"Dragonfly shush your mouth it's too loud to be yelling." He mumbled.

"I can't believe it's so late."

"Put the address in my phone. I promise you won't be late."


Unfortunately we were late.

Traffic was terrible all of a sudden. Thomas was upset visibly.

"Come on, Bastard move your car already!" He screamed lastly.

I grimaced holding onto my seat seeing my school in the distance.

"It's not that serious, Thomas. Don't worry about that guy." I exclaimed seeing the white car drive off.

"I don't care about him. I'm annoyed I made you late after you told me you couldn't." Thomas huffed reaching the front of the building. I shrugged.

"It doesn't matter you're currently getting me out of pre-calc anyway." I smiled to him.

A smile started to appear on his face. Rose lips slightly parted. I grabbed the rose putting it on his dash board.

"Go before I make you even later." He acknowledged.

I turned my head to see a security guard outside well I'm not that late. I grabbed my book bag putting it on my back placing my school ID in my coat pocket.

I rolled my eyes opening the door.

"Bye, Thomas."

"Bye, Dragonfly." He said as I closed the door. I rolled my eyes with a smirk. Turning around viewing him. I shook my head.

He rolled down his window but I started walking in the school doors laughing.

"ID's out, hoods off, headphones away or I'll take them away." The security guard in the building stated. I swear he was a broken record.

Hm. I turned my head looking in the main office a teacher never saw him before.

'Who cares. You haven't seen a lot of teachers here.'

True. I trudged on my way going to Pre-Calc to suffer.


I couldn't tell you what we were learning at all. I didn't know myself in Pre-Calc. My Spanish, English and Finance class was pretty good. Only to say this to distract me from not understanding anything in Pre-Calculus.

Lunch was great. No one was sad or angry, but I was a little out of it I suppose. Considering to my friends at least.

"Trinity what's up with you man? You're like really out of it today. What happened?" Abby said staring me dead in the eyes. Gloria continued eating, but nodded looking at me.

"Yeah you seem like something is bugging you."

"No nothing is." I lied. I was thinking about Forest. As per forgetting I still had his gloves. He hadn't messaged me which I guess was good.

'You guess? Pfft it's great don't need some weird rando watching you,'

But there is a catch I can feel it.

I just want to give him his stuff back and his money.

"Oh! It's Jackie and Chase isn't it?" My eyes widened at that.

I was ready to laugh in Gloria's face.

God no. I would've said. But then I realized that maybe agreeing to that was easier than explaining to both my friends that there is some random guy following me and somehow knows my number...

'Sounds pretty bad,'

I laughed.

At my subconscious before Gloria and Abby stared at me weirdly.

"Yes you're definitely right Gloria. It is because of them." I lied smiling. Gloria was proud to be correct while Abby just squinted her eyes at me.

"When you're ready to tell the truth call me." She said.

I unexpectedly gulped.

"It's this school isn't it? This place is royal hell. Without the royal aspect." Abby stated. I laughed nodding.

"Yeah I hate this place." I stated thinking about pre-calculus. Ugh.

"And this lunch. If we can even call it that." She stated looking at my dry squished burger on a styrofoam plate with a carton of milk.

"It's horse meat." Gloria spoke confidently.

"Oh god, Gloria. I'm trying to eat."  I let out completely disgusted now.

She chuckled.

"Hi class. I'll be your new US II history teacher." I picked my head up confused.

New teacher?

What happened to Mrs. Harrison?

My eyes shot up to this random man.

He had an intense smile. He was older but didn't seem that much older than all of us by his features. He had sandy blonde hair and green eyes.

I turned my head to see this girl biting her lip.

Grey suit with a multicolored tie.

I turned my head the other way. Seeing my study buddy, Jimmy winking at me then turning his head to the teacher.

He so wanted him. I amused myself looking at the teacher.

"My name is Mr. Harrison. Mrs. Harrison is having some health problems right now so I'll be her substitute until she gets back." I raised my eyebrow confused.

"So you're Mrs. Harrison's husband?" I asked loudly. Everyone looked at me when I asked that question.

It's not a coincidence that his last name is Harrison too.

He laughed. Shaking his head staring at me.

"Not married. However, she is my aunt." He stated staring at me. Ah I guess that makes sense.

"You're very observant. That's what history is about being very observant knowing your—"

He continued to talk about history I turned my head to look at Jimmy as he had tapped me.

He picked up his phone and motioned look.

I didn't even feel my phone buzz, I picked it up and looked at it.


Mister hottie already got his eye on you.

I choked in quiet laughter. Unexpectedly.

I looked at Jimmy rolling my eyes. Turning my phone on.


Jimmy you and I both know he wants you I see you getting it down don't worry I won't steal your man (;

I texted him.

My eyes shot up as the teacher stopped talking. He smiled looking over at everyone.

"What are your names let's introduce ourselves. Starting with.." He said his eyes traveled the room.

He glanced over to everyone but he stared at me too long to which I immediately stared at Jimmy because I was not introducing myself first.

"You." I turned my direction towards Mr. Harrison seeing he was staring directly at Jimmy.

I smirked at Jimmy.

He flattered himself. Standing up.

"I'm Jimmy Garcia. As you can already tell. I'm kind of a big deal." He stated confidently. I immediately started laughing. Covering my mouth at his pure confidence.

"Jimmy dude." I chuckled looking at him. His red flowery print shirt and black skinny jeans. He bowed.

"What? It's true." Jimmy defended smirking. The teacher chuckled shaking his head.

Jimmy smirked.

I smirked right back at Jimmy.


You got him in the palm of your hand.

Jimmy looked at his phone smirking.


Oh you already know sweetheart.

"Let's go down the line." Everyone started to introduce themselves

Till finally it was my turn.

"I'm Trinity."

"Trinity what?" Mr. Harrison asked.

"Trinity Elena." I mumbled. Staring at his green eyes.


He stared at me as if realization coursed through his veins.

"You have a brother?" That made me freeze.

"Yeah I do."

"Luke Elena?" He asked. I nodded feeling uncomfortable. He laughed.


"That guy was a partier."

A couple of the other students laughed. Great. What an embarrassment.

I almost shrieked when Jimmy grabbed my arm pulling me towards his face.

"You better figure out a way to get him to you."
He whispered I scrunched my eyebrows. Shaking my head thinking of Thomas. I smiled.

"History! What do any of you enjoy about History?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes at this question. Not paying attention. I turned my head to see Jimmy stand up again.

"You know they say James Buchanan was a gay president? Only president without a wife in office but a long term friend. Coincidence I think not." Jimmy defended.

The teacher was taken aback by this statement but clapped.

"That's right. Historians do have a conspiracy that Buchanan was indeed gay. Is that the only thing you enjoy about history though?" The teacher asked smartly. Smirking at Jimmy with a raised eyebrow.

Jimmy sat on his desk shrugging. Giving the teacher a wink.

Then in a moment he thought of something.

"John F. Kennedy. What a bachelor."

"Cheating bachelor." I re-uttered. Mr Harrison looked at me. Intense stare.

"A dead bachelor." My eyes diverted to Janine.

"Who killed him?" Mr. Harrison asked Janine. Rubbing his chin.

"John Wilkes Booth." People started laughing as the dumbest guy in the room answered that question.

'Common misconception'

Commonly idiotic as that happened nearly two hundred years before.

Janine looked annoyed at humanity.


'At least he had courage to answer the question'

"That was Abraham Lincoln, Chris. Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK." Janine stated. I smiled we have some intelligence.

Mr. Harrison applauded us, envisioning a very proud educator.

"Do I even have to teach?" He asked. Sitting on his desk.

"No sir. Unless it's something else." Jimmy mumbled the second part hitting my knee.

"Sex Ed." He mouthed. I rolled my eyes. Looking back at the teacher.

He was happy. That's good.

'He'll last here.'

He'll hate every minute of it.

He was amused with history. Continuing to talk about it. That's nice.

I wish I was that passionate about something.

'We're passionate about winter break'

Almost forgot. Winter break.

"He's so hot." Jimmy exclaimed. Staring at the teacher talk on an on about meaningless topics.

"He's attractive." The bell rang right after I said that.

Thank goodness.

One more class. I got up ready to leave almost the first one out the door.


I turned my head looking at the teacher. Everyone leaving.

"Tell you're brother. Dominick Harrison said hello."

"Will do." I said. He gave me a smile shaking his head. As if he remembered a memory of my brother.

Oh well. I grabbed my phone immediately texting my brother.


Dominick Harrison says hello.

I walked out trying to find Gloria.

"Gloria!" I groaned seeing her with Liam.

God get married already.

"Trini!" She said smiling. All due to Liam. Her 'best friend'.

'They are lovers I swear.'

I huffed staring at her. I waved to Liam he gave me a small wave back.

"I got a new history teacher."

"Is she an ass?" Gloria asked. I shook my head.

"Is he an ass? No he's not, but I really liked my other teacher. He's supposedly her nephew."

"Wow like aunt and like nephew." Liam laughed as Gloria tried choking out that awful sounding line.

I shook my head at her. Liam adored her.

"Yeah Gloria don't say that ever again. Ha. But yeah weird right? He knows my brother too!" I stated.

So weird. Luke literally knows everyone in this school being a loud obnoxious kid. Everyone and I mean every teacher faculty member always assumed I'd be like him, but I'm nothing like him.

And they always tell me that too.

So annoying.

"People are really drooling over him. Jimmy was one of them." I stated.

"He can't be that hot." Liam defensively stated. I raised my brow at him.


Gloria was in outer space probably dreaming of Liam even though he was right there.

"He's that hot huh? Jimmy doesn't drool over anyone." Gloria envisioned him.

I rolled my eyes.

Liam looked annoyed.

Oh Liam don't worry she loves you.

"One more class finally. See ya guys." I said rushing to class.

Finally the day is almost over.

I missed the bus again.

That damn lady saw me and shook her head not letting me in. God I hate this place.

I huffed walking in this freezing cold weather. For another hour. God an hour walking in this weather. I huffed again seeing the frosted dark orange leaves.

There were a few strays of people, but not many. I had long passed the school which was good.

I felt weird. Feeling anxiety ridden out of nowhere.

Almost as if I couldn't breathe.

God I hate this feeling.

I stopped trying to catch my breath. Rubbing my eyes breathing out seeing my breath in the air.

I'm okay.

I started walking again. Same feeling. I stopped.

"You okay?" I turned my head caught off guard.

Then was even more caught off guard at Forest's blue eyes.

"How'd you know I was here?" I asked. He was taking long to answer. Squinting his eyes. I shook my head trying to walk.

"Is this some prank? Is that why you're following me to just try and humiliate me?" I asked wanting to know.

"Huh? Is it?" I asked again walking faster.

"Forest?" I questioned.

I turned my head. Wait what? Where'd he go?

Shit. I stopped.

Looking at the many trees and bushes all around me.

I pulled my phone out.


Forest. Come back.

What the hell? Where could he have gone that fast? I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.


Only if you say the magic word.

I shook my head I can't believe this.



I shut my eyes annoyed at this. I can't believe this is happening.

I really didn't know where he went that fast. We were at secluded area with a bunch of trees he could've gone anywhere.

I felt a tap to my shoulder.

"I'm back."

He mumbled under that cloth.

His eyes crinkled.

I rolled my eyes.

"Where'd you go that fast?" I asked curious.

He shook his head.

"Can't tell me hmm." I said. I shrugged. I wanted to know but I'm not gonna beg.

"Give up that fast?" He questioned. I raised my brow at him.

Raising my hands.

"Tell me where you went." I stated. He shook his head again.

"How am I supposed to see where you went then?" I asked. He stared at me. Stance relaxed. With his leather jacket, black hoodie, black scarf to cover his mouth, black dress shoes, white hands.

"Try harder." He muttered.

"Please show me where you were?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Not trying hard enough."

"Forest what do you want?" I asked wanting to understand him.

"You don't have to see." He said. I huffed. I don't want to anymore.

"Well let's go." I said. As I continued to walk on my way home.

I heard footsteps signifying he was next to me.

"You want me to walk with you?" He asked suddenly.

I scoffed.

"Did I have a choice? You're going to follow me any way. At least I know when you do." I said unconsciously.

'You realize how crazy that sounds, Trinity.'

I don't know what else to do.

"Rude." He exclaimed. I bit my lip freezing.

"Sorry you feel that way. I just meant it in a truthful sense." I said. Staring at the cars.

"What do you like about the world?" I asked. I turned my head to look at him. He was staring straight at the road till he saw me staring at him.

"People." He said.

"You like the people? Man I wish I did." I exclaimed. I was shocked he said the people out of all things. I thought he would've said the solitude it brings.

"You're interesting." He said to me. I scoffed.

"You are too." I said back.

"You shouldn't be talking to me." He said randomly.

"But I am?" I questioned rhetorically.

"Why are you?" He questioned me out of nowhere. I took a long pause. Forgetting why I was. I looked at him intently. I'm missing something.

"I don't know." I said truthfully, mind blown at the fact I had no idea.

"Maybe cause I'm just a depressed person that doesn't care what happens to her anymore." I said truthfully.

I sighed finally admitting it again. I am really depressed.

Life is utterly awful sometimes.

"Seasonal depression?" He asked curiously. I shook my head.

"No I feel like this almost all the time. Most times I don't even tell my friends. Don't want to burden them with my sadness." I said turning the corner.

"You shouldn't feel so sad at this age." He said. I laughed wishing that wasn't true.

"It's sad cause I do." I chuckled. I looked over. I smiled at him. He seemed worried. Maybe I'm just assuming. I couldn't see him hardly anyway.

"You ever get sad?" I asked.

He didn't answer me. I brushed it off feeling the cold air hit me with all my insecurities present in my mind.

I put my hands in my pockets they were now feeling as ice.

I wiggled my hands around feeling leather gloves.

I widened my eyes.


"Forest!" I screamed. He jumped back staring at me.

"What? What happened?" He said grabbing onto me. I quickly moved his hands from my shoulders picking both of his hands up.

"You're freezing. You should put on your gloves."

I said smirking to him.

I reached in my pocket feeling his gloves pulling them out. One by one.

Placing them in his cold as ice hands.

"Thank you." He gladly stated.

"You're really cold." I said truthfully.

I grabbed his left hand lifting it by one of his fingers.

Seeing a little scar.

"Where'd you get that from?" I asked curiously.

He flipped his hand over seeing it himself.

"Just recently. It'll go away. I was cutting apples." He said brushing it off.

I laughed seeing my breath through the air. How cold it was.

Feeling the breeze.

I do enjoy this long walk. Maybe if it's not as cold as this.

"You cut apples? Are you a father?" I asked. I turned my head seeing his adjusting his hood.

"I'm not a father. I enjoy apples." He stated.

"You have nice hair." I blurted out glimpsing at a few strands of black hair. He immediately covered his head again.

"Are you sure I don't know you?" I asked slowly.

His blue eyes stared at me intently.

"You have no idea who I am." He said.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

It's not any guy I know personally. Not Jimmy, definitely not Liam, not Thomas.

Thomas. I suddenly smiled thinking of him.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked. This made me laugh.

"I'm in a daze." I mumbled.

"I like imagination better than reality." I mumbled again.

"You should love your life." He stated.

"Does that make me crazy?" I asked in all seriousness.

I narrowed my eyes smirking at him.

"I'm the one scaring you now. Boo!" I started laughing. I heard a little manly chuckle.

"I scare you?" He asked. I turned my head biting my lip.

'Shouldn't have said that,'

"Not like that." I said looking at the broken sidewalk.

Trudging along exhausted.

"Imagination shouldn't be your reality. Life can be great." He exclaimed. I was staring at the ground so long he shocked me when he lifted my head up with his finger. Just by raising my chin.

"Why are you around someone you fear?" He asked eyes intently staring at mine. Blue. They looked nice. I gave him a halfway smile.

"Do I fear you?" I asked him. He amused himself highly at this statement. I chuckled as well.

"Truthfully why do you put yourself in harms way?" He asked.

"Honestly why do people put themselves in unsafe situations?" I asked him. Stretching my hands out waiting for an answer. He just turned his head walking, thinking.

He nudged my shoulder shrugging. I smiled.

"Because it's worth the risk." I exclaimed with a huge grin plastered on my face. I saw his eyes narrow slightly.

"You don't know what the risks are, Trinity." He stated. Stopping me from walking.

"Forest I can't keep stopping. I have to go home." I said. We were a good ten minutes away.

I picked his arm up and placed it in my grasp. Looking at his eyes. He stood hammered still. As I trudged onward. I turned around.

"Are we going?" I asked him. Letting go. Dropping my hands to my sides drastically. He stared as if he wanted to leave me there, go his separate way.

'Let him if he so wants. We've talked long enough, Trinity.'

Maybe I should I have to get home anyway. I raised my arm out. Wondering if he was going to come or not.

"Fear is a powerful emotion." He stated. He raised his arm out and I pulled him to where I was.

"Mighty grip." He huffed.

"Thanks. I get it from my momma." I chuckled.

We were silent.

Five more minutes.

"You're book bags open." Forest said out of nowhere. I stopped. Waiting for him to close it.

"Can you close it?" I asked when I saw no movement from him.

I saw him nod before closing it.

"Thank you. Oh and for the walk home too." I said quickly.

I saw my street corner the house in the middle of the block.

"Thanks, Forest. I don't know who you are, or why you're being nice to me, but you don't have to at all." I stated staring at his eyes.

"Yes I know, Trinity. You have to go. So let's part our ways." He stated. I looked him in his eyes, grabbed his arm. Trying to persuade him.

"You don't need to watch me. As you can see my life is boring. Don't waste your time." I exclaimed while laughing. Urging him not to watch me.

He motioned for me to come closer towards him. So I did.

"You should wear more of the Black Orchid perfume you have. It smells lovely."

He had rasped slowly.

I saw a glimpse of his secretive eyes.

He raised his eye brows at me before turning.

I gulped staring at the back of his leather jacket.

Staring at the hood.

Staring at his aura almost.

No one knows about my perfume except me.

'He's making it harder and harder not to tell anyone.'

I sighed to myself. Walking down the street to my house.

I saw a body sitting on the stairs. Vaguely but it was a body.

"Hey dad." I grumbled seeing him. He gave a small wave. He sat in a big coat. Black pants. I'm assuming a black dress shirt as he always does.

"Who were you talking to?"

I froze walking up the stairs.

"I wasn't talking to anyone." I lied. Opening the door to the house.

"I thought I heard you laughing with someone." He exclaimed again. I shook my head.

"Nope I always walk alone." I said going in the house.

I walked quickly through the doors.

"Thomas." I said seeing him standing in my dining room.

He had his arms wide opened.

"Missed me, Dragonfly? I know you did." He said embracing me in a hug. I felt his body warmth as I warmed up from the outside air.

I widened my eyes.

"Get out of my house." I screeched quietly.

"Why?" He asked scrunching his eyes at me. As if I insulted him terribly.

"My father's here." I stated looking at the closed door.

"He invited me." My eyes widened.

"What do you mean he invited you?" I asked.

"Needs to fix his car. I'm helping him with manly stuff. A little handy work for us men." He said casually.


"Lighten up, Trinity. I get to work with the man that created you." He joked. His smirk was intense.

I sighed. Smiling. Then thought for a second remembering ugh homework.

"Can you grab my binder in my book bag? It's the only binder in there. I really don't feel like opening it." I stated groaning just wanting to sit down. He walked over opening my book bag for me.

He's a godsend.

"Money money money, perfume and more money." Thomas said suddenly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. He zipped my book bag up. Giving me my binder. Then placing a couple twenties in my palm with a perfume bottle.

"Why are you giving me this?" I asked completely lost.

"It was at the top of your book bag." He stated.

I examined the perfume bottle.

Black Orchid.


"When I'm done with your father look out your window for me." He exclaimed winking to me.

I had a smile that didn't reach my eyes.

I was debating on what to do next. Staring at the Black Orchid perfume in my hands.


Hey guys. I'm so happy I finally conquered this writers block/working my ass off this whole summer and months/getting unbearably sick. Don't mind the errors if there are some. I've tried going over this chapter multiple times I can't anymore. Hope it's towards everyone's satisfaction. Have a lovely day.

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