I'm Stii Here (Exo, Bts,Seven...

By tori28_

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continuation of Miss JulyWritings Book " I'm Still here " So to understand this book i recomend reading "4 ma... More

first of all
im sorry.......
Important note! please read!
im really sorry not an update but please take time to read


30 3 2
By tori28_

It has been a week, a week of a LOT of training and MORE diet, its been very tiring but im really happy since i can see that jisoo and rose are actually happy when they are performing at least they are enjoying something

We will start filming today as well

So min seo is super excited for our reveal im actually excited for it as well, oh and did i mention that bts will be having a comeback as well?

Im really happy for them! But it was reported that kris, luhan and tao left exo, although they didnt say why so im really curious i mean how are they??? Why would they leave?
Its not like them to do something without a good reason. Ughh this is so frustrating i just cant thats why this past 2 days i havent been concentrating i kept on making mistakes which made jisoo and rose even more mad at me.... i just cant help it, i mean who would be at peace when you know that your friends and lover left theyre group without a reason???

Well all i know is that i have got to find out

(ok i know why they left just pretend that here they didnt say why i also know that they left years ago)

One more thing im actually getting pretty suspicious about BigBang since ive been seeing them in the entertainment a lot although its natural for them to be here since this is their entertainment, im getting this strange feeling about them specially seungri i caught him staring at me like im his daughter or something which is suspicious right?

"SEO YOO!!!" and with that my thoughts were broken....

"WHAT???" You said slightly annoyed

"BTS!!!" She said while jumping up and down

"huh?" You asked confusedly

"After our new comeback we will be having a collaboration with them eeek!!!!" She said

" Say what??? " you asked still not getting overbthe shock

"Its true!! Manager nim told us!!!" She said

"O- oh ok uh-- thats g- great y- yeah uh we'll have s- so much f-- fun" you said stuttering a lot

"Ooo look at how nervous you are! Well you better get ready we'll be filming in 10 mins!" She said

"Uhh yeah yeah ill see you there" you said

"Okie dokie!" She said happily

*sighs* this is getting harder and harder... well i chose this i gotta continue...

At the set

"Hello girls i am joon i will be your director Ok girls listen up we have one more week to film the mv okay hopefully we can finish it by then okay? Now i want all of you to listen to me no questions asked understood?" He said

"Ne" we all said in unison
"Okay now of you go to makeup and wardrobe" he said

After that jisoo and rose went straight to the makeup room

"Come on this way!" Lisa said

"Okay here we are! Goodluck" lisa said while smiling

So me and min seo went to the chairs that had our names on it

"Um u-uh h--hello im l--leah i-im g-gonna be y--your makeup a--rtist" she said while bowing down at me

"Hold on hey you dont need to bow down to me " you said

"But t-thats disrespectful i-i c-ant do that miss" she said with fear

"Oh come on its not treat me like we're friends okay? Besides im not comfortable with people bowing down at me" you said while slightly giggling

"R-- really?? B--but miss--

"Pfft lookie here leah's back" jisoo said while glaring at leah

"Its the untalented artist, wait can we even call her an artist? She cant even do a simple makeup" rose said while scoffing

"hey rose i dont think thats right, you shouldnt look down on others just because theyre not "good" okay everyone has their own flaws even you, and even if you were perfect that doesnt give you the right to shame people " you said with an annoyed voice


"Thats enough girls! Rose just say sorry to leah please" manager nim said

"Ughh fine! Im sorry" rose said

"Its okay miss rose" leah said while looking down

"Okay now that thats settled seo yoo, leah, min seo and ruby please come with me" manager nim said

"Okay here we are this is your room okay, your makeup and wardrobe will be done here" mabager nim said

"Okay thank you" i said while smiling

And with that she left

"Oh my goodness miss seo yoo you didnt have to do that!" Leah said

"Why not your my friend and besides what rose said was wrong and dont call me miss just seo yoo okay?" You said while smiling at her


"Leah just listen to seo yoo and even if rose is an idol doesnt make her have the right to step on you okay, oh and hi im min seo" min seo said while smiling

"Okay then thank you so much mi-- i mean seo yoo and min seo" leah said

"Mi-- i mean seo yoo and min seo thank you so much for standing up for leah she really underestimates herself, btw im ruby, leahs bestfriend" ruby said

"No problem it was nothing" you said

"Yeah you guys are our friends and they cant hurt you" min seo said while looking "fierce"

"Alright then lets start!" Ruby said

"Hey leah your a great artist dont let anyone tell you that your not okay, just do your best and it will be great " you said

"Okay seo yoo, thank you" leah said

After 30 mins

ALL DONE!!! ruby and leah said

"Wow this is great! You guys are so good!" Min seo said

"yeah you guys are great!" You said

"Thanks" ruby and leah said

Wardorbe time!

(Okay im not good at describing so yeah forgive your crappy author)

You were wearing a pastel kind of clothing one shoulder was long sleeved and the other had short ones, the upper part of the dress is a v cut skin tight top and your lower garment was-- you know what lets stop this i cant describe it lets just say that it was amazingly fabulous

Min seo was wearing somrthing cute

"OMG WE LOOK AWESOME!!!" min seo said happily

"Yeah it looks good!" You exclaimed

"You guys rock!" Leah said while clapping

"We've done an excellent job bestie" ruby said while smirking

"Thank you" you and min seo said

"No problem" leah and ruby said

"Well off you go! You dont want to be late!" Leah said

"Yeah GO! GOOD LUCK!" ruby said

"Okay bye!!" Min seo said

At the set

Lisa,rose and jisoo were already there we were all wearing pastel outfits although different styles it pretty much looked alike but i saw 2 pissed faces i dont even know why then suddenly i heard them speak through mind link

Rose: OMG shes wearing my OUTFIT!!!

Jisoo: it doesnt even suit her she made the clothes look horibble

Lisa: hey guys dont get mad she didnt know okay and besides it was the director that switched your clothes not her

Rose: still ughhh whatever

Huh well would you look at that shes pissed cause im wearing her outfit well not gonna lie but my outfit does look better than theirs

"Okay guys we will start filming now...." joon said


okay girls break time!! You got an hour be back by then!!!

"Finally...." min seo said tiredly

"Okay lets go! Race you down!" You said while running but suddenly bumping onto someone

"Mianhe!" You both said at the same time



"Boy am i happy to see you look im really sorry i havent talked to you but ill explain i promise....."

"Okay fine theres a coffee shope over there.... we can talk there......"

" okay so your telling me that your an idol??? "

"Well i will be....

"Kat thats just-- what if you get caught??? specially why azura's group????

"Look im sorry like i told you my friend convince me she said she wouldnt audition without me and thats her dream to become an idol i cant ruin my friend's life again so i had to.....

"Fine loo--

*phone ringing*

"Oh crap, i gotta go im gonna be late!! Im sorry dino ill talk to you again soon! Byeeee"

At the set

" whyd you leave me??" Min seo said while pouting

"Im sorry an old friend of mine took me we kinda met while i was running and he wanted to talk about something important im really sorry look ill make it up to you later okay?"

"Okay fine if its important then i cant get mad i understand "

"Thank you! I'll make it up to you i promise! "

"You better.... "

"I will promise"

TIME SKIP to 1 week brought to you by chim chims smol fingers

We finished our mv yesterday and today we will be publicly known as blackpinks new members

Im nervous like seriously nervous but im seriously shocked at min seo she looks sooooo confident  its like shes been doing this her whole life but oh well i guess i gotta get over my fear....

"HELLO EVERYONE! I am your host for todays event we will be starting in a min so may i please request everyone to be seated" the host said

" Okay everyone please welcome blackpinks manager! "

"Hello everyone welcome thank you for coming and as you know we will be announcing something big so--- (oh lets skip this annoying speech and get to the introducing)

So may i present BLACKPINK

lisa, rose and jisoo went out

Then after their hello and thank you our manager gave us ths signal to come out

"Girls plese introduce yourselves"

"Hi i am min seo" min seo said while smiling then doing a little bow

"Hi there i am seo yoo" you said while smiling and doing a little bow as well

Well guys you are confused right? Well then let me tell you our announcement was these girls, they are officially blackpinks new members!

With that the crowd went wild asking tons of questions and for the rest of the night it went on like that

Time skip again to mv release


"oh my goodness min seo you really want me to be deaf dont you?!?!??" You said annoyed

"Im sorry!! I just cant help it!! Theyre all saying how good of a rapper and vocalist you were and that you were such a great dancer! And they were saying i had great vocals too!!!" She said while clapping

"Well thats great! But please dont shout like that again it really startles me"

"Okay okay im sorry but....... no promises... "

"Aishhh you brat!! " you said while standing up

" oh also bts released a new mv as well!" She said while running away from me

"Oh yeah, well fine ill let you get away for now ill go check their mv first" you said

After watching the mv

"Well same old them theyre still cute and talented...."


"they released a new mv? "

after watching

"Theyre really good specially katalina....."


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