Rebirth Into A Fox From Anoth...

By Modernia

55.1K 1.7K 730

A girl is stabbed while protecting a kid from being kidnap, as a result she died in a process of a very young... More

Prologue:Death and Rebirth
Chapter 1:Let's see what I can do
Chapter 2:First Contact
Chapter 4:Adopted Father/Daughter
Chapter 5:News of trouble
Chapter 6: Skill Acquisition
Chapter 7:First Battle
Chapter 8:Gaining more
Chapter 9:Negotiation with the Demi humans
Chapter 10:Fox Vs Ogre
Chapter 11:Power Boost
Chapter 12:Preparation
Chapter 13:The Dwarf Kingdom
Chapter 14:Trouble
Chapter 15:A deal with the guard
Chapter 16: The Dwarf Blacksmith
Chapter 17: The Outcome of the Promise
Chapter 18: The End of Turmoil
Chapter 19: Return to the village
Chapter 20: Revival of the village
Chapter 21: A New Movement

Chapter 3:First Convo.

4.2K 112 58
By Modernia

Can you hear me? Little one?

Huh...who is that? No matter how you look at it seems its refering to me...

*woke up


What was that? A dream? Or..

.....a bed?

I'm...sleeping? On a bed?

Huh? My surrounding is different..its not a forest anymore..

Rather, a bedroom, and a little dark one at vision is a little bit fuzzy but I can tell what's around me

The bed is so huge, probably twice the size of the largest kings bed I know,

The bed feels comfy and warm, the pillows are white and large, as twice as large as my whole body,

Red sheets of blanket cover the whole bed and two white lamps sticking out of the wall and illuminate the part of the room from each side of the bed,

and a large window right in front of me, or basically a window wall spamming across the room that all I can see is a night sky,

and vastly no other furnitures besides of what I mention.. basically means, I'm in a dark large room, facing a illuminating night sky, and two barely shining lamps, alone...

Perfect for a girl like me to scream, but since I don't have any voice at all, its pointless at this point.

Hn? What's this?

Apparently, I didn't notice up until now that there is bandages covering my entire body, but these bandages are somewhat different, there sparkling.

Its a"Healing Bandage",

Meaning this bandage is healing my entire body this whole time, I check my health bar and saw my HP gone up 90% Full from 2% of brink of death when I last saw it.

Who did this? And how did I get here? At that moment as I was blabbergasted by this whole situation and keep asking questions


What!? A door!? Why there is a door appeared out of nowhere at my right side

That's Impossible, I never saw a door in my field of vision earlier, besides this door just creep me out, and I'am shaking violently



A person just came in

Thumb thumb,

Thumb thumb thumb,

A person just walk in, sadly I can't even see him/her from the darkness in the room

(It seems ur awake, little one)

Did I hear "little one"?

However you look at it, that seems to be me....

And rather than a voice, it was like thoughts were directly transmitted to me. After all, I felt some vibe from that voice.....that a man is talking to me.

(Oi! Can you hear me? You would be wise to answer!)

I can hear you!

But even so! I have no way to reply with no voice box.

As a test.

(Shut it, Old man!)

Is what I thought of my mind.

Well, it's not like I'll be heard so it's fine. Still, how should I go about replying..

(..ho,hoho! To go so far as to call me Old've got some fine nerve!!! I had thought to show some courtesy and kindness to a seriously injured Fox like you for a while, but you seem to have a death wish!)

Crap, looks like I was heard.

But, to think that you can send replies with your thoughts! If only I had the knowledge in the first place, I've wouldn't ended up offending anyone.

Still, I have no clue as to what kind of peron I'm dealing with.

It can't be helped, I surrender.

Right now I should respectfully apologize.

(Please excuse me! I didn't know how to answer, so I carelessly thought something as a test. I'm truly sorry! I must also mention, my eyes are not in it's full condition,let alone the darkness is covering you, so I can't even see your appearance properly.)

Will this work?

Well, it was a mistake calling someone Old without knowing what they look like. If it really is someone old, then it's only natural for that person to be angry.

Let's refrain from thoughtless utterance(?)from now on.

(Fufufu . Fuhaha . Fuhahahahaha!!!)

A sudden explosion of laughter.

The execeptional execution of a three stage laughter.

Will I be pardoned?

(Interesting. I thought you had spoken
After seeing my appearance, but I see your sight is a bit fuzzy from your sleep. In addition, I used magic perception to block your view of me, not including the dark room.
Basically, the Fox are nature supply source of the circle of life, they are rarely leave their territory and form sometimes a pack.)

I'm suddenly being talked to..?

Instead of anger, I've caught this person's interest...I think?

At anyrate, this is the first contact. The first converstion in my new(fox) life.

I want to proceed in a friendly manner.

If it goes well I might learn many new things.

(I thought it was strange for aforementioned Fox managed to disintegrate a forest fire on its own. Judging by that abnormal power, are you a Blessed animal, or perhaps, a Special Type?)

Blessed? Special Type? I don't get it, guess that's one of the things I don't know about.

(Excuse me. I don't really understand what you mean. To tell the truth, it's only been a year since I was born...)

(Hm. The moment you gained a sense of self, you could no longer be consider a normal fox. A animal had recieve a "protection" is called a Blessed, but if it's only been a year since your birth then it seems unlikely. So then, you are a Special Type?)

(What does Special refer to?)

(A Special type, refers to something mutated specimen that possesses abnormal abilities. I'am refering to any kind of race, but it's rarely happens, but they are sometimes born in locations rich in Magic essence..... I see now, you were born from that forest's overflowing magic, meaning the moment you where born, you are not classified as normal animal to begin with, you are a Spiritual Animal. But in order to become a full Spiritual Animal, one must eat a Monster egg to recieve a buff to gained its abilities, and recieve a protection from a powerful being.)

Mm? What are you saying?

I'll try falling back on the knowledge I had in my previous life.

To sum it all up. Magic essence had leaked out from that forest? And that place is dense in magic essence.

And then, that magic essence had gathered up, giving birth to a Spiritual fox=me, meaning I'am not just a fox, I'am similar to a Yokai to begin with,

And for the monster eggs(like the golden apple), that if a normal animal came to eat it, it will eventually die, but if an animal is a spiritual type it won't die but gain new power, I guess that sums it up.

But still that's a new information I got to know about monster egg, luckily I'am a special type ,if you know what I mean

(Hm, during this 1500 years, there was nothing, not even dragons, that could even approach me. Seeing as you wern born from that forest, it only make sense you could come near me! Since that was my territory you just saved you know!)

(Hoho... so that makes you something like my master?)

(I'am not you master the first place, I'am not capable handling a frail animal. Among Demons, there are various kinds, some capable of handling a Spititual animal like a familiar and others not.)

(Normally, are you supposed to be capable in this kind of things? Rather, if I can be born from a mass of magic essence from your territory, wouldn't be that I'am your familiar or something like that?)

(....I say you are quite intelligent. For a normal or spiritual animals, just possessing the ability to think , is uncommon itself. Though the only Animal I know of that have intelligence are the" Demi-Humans"...

But nevermind, I will give the answer
To your question.

Next is the"familiars"

It is a generic term referring to those who were born in magic essence, and summoned upon by a summoner and transform them into what of the summoners wishes for them,

for example the summoner wants a bird, then it will summoned a magical bird.

It can even range up to summoned a demon or a dragon, depending of the summoners magic capabilities.

Among them their are the mutated superior-class familiar's an extremely chaotic diverse bunch

Lastly are the races that possess prolonged life span, the giant race,vampire race, and devil race.

These races are blessed with reproductive ability, but they seldom to use it, they possess overwhelming magical powers and bodies that never degrade.

They simply have no need to leave behind decendants. Although, exceptions are made when there are good enough reasons, such as the numbers of their race
Greatly decreasing due to wars and the like.

Which makes them an ideal familiars.

They are all, as one would expect powerful. I've also fought with them before. Familiar or not, and if they had come in numbers, I could not have fended them off.

They are all worthy opponents for myself!!

Altogether, they are called"Mazuko".

The one that posses intelligence, reproductive ability, and are hostile towards the human race, are called Mazuko.

And as for the reason I cannot have familiar is.... because I do not need to.

I'am a "Perfect Being", and also one of only 4 Heavenly beast in the world.

"White Tiger Azazel", that is my name!

To myself there is no such thing as life span nor body! I'am a pure mass of magic essence, and so long as I retain will, I'm indestructible!!!


Why are you laughing so loudly...

So the point is, your not that interested.

I'am grateful for the long explanation, but I also heard something I can't overlooked..

"White Tiger Azazel"....Tiger?

To be brawl buddies with superior Familiars...isn't this guy unbelievably dangerous?

I may be like this, but as a ladies hobbies, I have yet mastered some anime, manga, and lightnovels. And yes, those are my hobbies don't judged me.

Relying on this fountain of knowledge, I've concluded that this " White Tiger Azazel"-san is no doubt dangerous.

It's also rather ominous how he so thoroughly explained all those things to me.

Now then, how should I act..

(S-, so that's how it is! For such a superb and understandable explaination, I give you my utmost
Sincere gratitude! Well then, I shall be goin!)

Saying that, I tried to make a break for it.

(Now hold on a second, I have told you much of myself. This time should it not be your turn? Hn?)

Of course, he had no intention to let me go.

Hmm. Talking about myself, huh. If I was to tell him,
I reincarnated from another world!, would he honestly believe that?

I think he's suspicous of my high intelligence for a fox, and I don't think I can fool him with vague answer.

More than anything, there is also the possibility of failing in deiceiving him=death flag.

Oh well,

If he doesn't believe me, that's that.

After making up my mind, I decided to him about all the things that happened to me till now.






(And well, so there you have it! It was a super difficult time!)

Apart from keeping some of my skills a secret, I told him everything I had experienced, from the time I was stabbed to when I awoke as a fox, and how events led to this situation.

Even though I was talking of myself, it was strange how it didn't seem like I had a terrible time.

It's true that it was dreadful experience.

The fact I couldn't use my voice was greatly severe me.

This is making me a little depressed.

(Hrm. As expected, you were a " Reincarnated Being". I say you were born in a extremely rare way.)

(Eh? Born in a rare way? Rather, calling me a "Reincarnated Being", aren't you suspicious or surprised?)

(Hmph, "Reincarnated being" do appear from time to time. If their will power are strong enough, their memories are imprinted onto their soul.

Though among them, there are some that completely remember their previous lives, they are not unusual existences.

However, "Reincarnated Beings" from other worlds are indeed, quite unsual.

Not to mention, they are normally reborn as a humans. Still, I would be less suprised If you are born from a demon, but to have been created out of magic essence. I have no recollection of such a thing occuring before.

It is rare enough as it is for someone to have a soul powerful enough to endure crossing over worlds. Still more, if it was a soul of a demon of this world, instead of stabilizing and taking hold in the world, it would be destroyed.

You are as Special case.)

(Is that how it is? Although I don't really feel special. So, there really are occurances of "Reincarnated Beings" from other worlds.)

(Indeed. There are no precedents regarding souls of this world transmigrating to the other worlds. However, it happens from time to time that souls of other worlds come over to this side.

They are called "Foreigners", also known" Other worlders, and they happen to prossess special knowledge. It also seems, that a time of crossing worlds, they come to acquire unique abilities.

Records detailing these things were left behind by a "Reincarnated being" that was confirmed to process aforementioned level of knowledge. Though I 'm sure there still remains things unverified.)

I get it now. Though I'm not sure if the others had also come from earth, it might not be a bad idea meeting them.

Perhaps, there might be someone Japanese like me.

Seeing as I don't have any goals, it's fine to have at least one.

(I see! Well then. I'll be goin off to find these so-called "Other Worlders". It's possible that they might even be from my hometown.)

(Hang on now. You still cannot speak, can you?)

(Ah, yes)

So what if I can't speak?

It's inconveinent, but if they can transmit their thoughts to me the same as you do I can talk to them, probably.

(Shall I make you be able to speak?)

Ha? what?

Oi, oi is this uncle, no "White Tiger Azazel"-san an extremely nice person(Tiger)?

Is it alright to hope?

(Eh! Can you really?)

(Indeed. However, there are conditions. How about it?)

Conditions..huh. It's suspicious..but,

(What kind of conditions?)

I think I can accept most conditions.

(Simple. Even if you regain your vocal cords, do not fear me if I remove Magic Perception from blocking your view of me. And also, be sure to come and chat with me again. That's all. What do you say?)

That's all it takes?

Then again... this Tiger might have been lonely all this time . Is this what its called solitude of the strong?

It's no wonder the talk is so long. I must have been the first conversation partner in a long time.

This Tiger might be somewhat simple-minded

No, it could be a lie about being a tiger. In the first place, it's possible that Tigers don't amount to much in this world ....

Heh. This might be turn out to be a good trade(lol).

(Are you fine with just that?)

(Indeed. To tell you the truth, we've been stuck here at my castle for 300 years, and barely any visitor at all, if we tried to go out of our territory it would be a mess. So will you agree?)

Wait "we"?

(Hold on, did you said we?)

(Ah. Yes, besides me I have tonnes of workers here from a dish washer to a magnificent butler. Ever since I carried you here they been taking care of you since, don't get me wrong I do have someone to talk to, but it gets tiring to talk at the same person over and over.)

(That's awsome! If it's only that, it would be a pleasure!)

(Good. It's a promise, do not forget!)

(It's all right! Though I may look like this a'woman worthy of trust ', was my reputation in my previous world.)

Though of course, it's self-alleged!

(Very well. Although you cannot recieve a vocal cord in your form, we need to get your own spiritual human form.)


(A hu~, a human form? Are you serious right now? Can I really turn back into a human??)

(Fuhahaha!!!, yes! You can say that, but what I meant is that you can transform into a human form at will, but your original form is still the same as a fox. But even so, that's still depends if you have that certain skill.)

Ohh man, I'am soo excited!! I don't ever care if I can't fully turn back into a human, as long as can transform into one is a big leap to me.

(Yes!! That's fine with either! As long As I can turn into one! And what skill do you mean by that?)

(Do you remember what I told you about if a Spiritual animal ate that fruit?)

Fruit?? Oh u mean the monster fruit.

(Yes I do, they recieve abnormal abilities and powerup abit.)

(Exactly. In order to do this, we need three conditions that you need to achieve.)

Three?? That's a lot, I hope I can managed to recieve that easily.

(So... what are those three conditions?)

(First, A Spiritual animal must ate a monster fruit, and since you already did we don't need to worry about that,

second is that, you need to recieve a protection from a high ranking being, which is I "White Tiger Azazel" can do to you,

and lastly , this depends on you if recieve that skill after eating the fruit, and that skill is" Shape shifter",

do you manage to follow what I said?)


Ohh okay!! So the two condition is down, all that's left is the skill called" Shape shifter,

Do I have that skill? if I remember correctly,

I think I do have that skill, that's the skill that I recieve too early and that I can't use it,

So the condition to unlock the skill is the recieve a Protection? Looks like All this time that's the confition I need to do. I wasted my time looking for that condition lately.

(Now if I may ask you? Do you have the skill? Little one?)

With full of confidence with my heart and soul, I reply..

(Yess! I do have the skill!)

(Fu...fuhahaha!!! Wonderful!! Looks like we don't need to worry, now let's begin shall we?)

And so, I began recieving the Protection from Azazel, he put his shadowy hand onto my head, and he then began chanting..

(It is I, the White Tiger Azazel, hereby grant you my Protection from any danger that you will face in your future, I thee by pleged with my Blessed crest upon you, that you apart my Family, that I will protect you with my power.)

As he was done chanting a blue Circle with tiny chants circling it came out between by head and his hand, the circle then came through me,


At that moment I began Evolving, my entire body glew an aqua blue color, as it does my body starting to change, my fox body grew larger,

It was goin smoothly according to the plan, but as soon I see this messege pop up....


Eh? Ehhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!


Name:Hayasaka Haruna

Species:Three Tailed Fox


Title: none

Rank: C

Protection:White Crest


Percular Skill:
Fast Healing
Super Senses

Ultimate Skill:
Spirit Transfer
Greater IQ
Shape Shifter
Defensive Barrier
Fire Manipulation

Passive skill:
Heat Detection
Auto Adaptation
Low Level Pain Nullification
Low Level Damage

Battle skill:
Fox Battle Claw
Super Strength
Super Speed, Agility
& Flexibility

Tolerance:Fire Resistance

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