Siren Song (All Might x Reade...

By Smemerline

231K 8.5K 8.9K

Before he became Izuku's teacher, All Might was a young Symbol of peace. Amidst all the business of defeatin... More

Chapter 1: Serenade
Chapter 2: A Proposition
Chapter 3: Belongings
Chapter 4: Shopping
Chapter 5: Busy Day
Chapter 6: Do you even lift?
Chapter 7: Protein Powder
Chapter 8: Family
Chapter 9: Tartarus
Chapter 10: Cake
Chapter 11: Movies
Halloween special Pt.1
Halloween Pt. 2
Chapter 12: Routine
Chapter 13: Super Suit
Chapter 14: Coffee Shop
Chapter 15: Back to the Prison
Fixing stuff
Chapter 16: Lunch
Chapter 18: The Bar
Chapter 19: The Dream
Chapter 20: The Hangover
Chapter 21: Open Mic Night
Chapter 22: Runaway
Chapter 23: Pizza Time
Fan Art (Updated 11-3-19)
Chapter 24: Chiara
Chapter 25: So Close
Chaoter 25: An Offer
Chapter 26: Publicity
Halloween Special
Chapter 27: Reunited
Announcement: New cover
Chapter 28: Brienne
Chapter 29: Good Bye for Now
Chapter 30: Sorahiko
Chapter 31: Nana
Chapter 32: Lights, Camera, Action!
Chapter 33: The Premiere
Chapter 34: Hiding Away
***Chapter 35: The Fitting***
Chapter 36: The Gala
******Chapter 37: Closer********
Chapter 38: The final confrontation
Chapter 39: The hospital
Chapter 40: Healing
The End

Chapter 17: Girls Night

5K 190 275
By Smemerline

You received a slurry if texts around 1 am that night, waking you up from your deep sleep on the couch with Toshi. You had watched that movie he'd suggested, Space Jam, which you had mixed feelings about. Inevitably you fell asleep against his chest, and there you laid, waiting for him to wake up and take you back to your room as he always did. Had you not gotten so many texts, you probably would have still been asleep.

You quickly pulled up your phone, wondering just what was so urgent that you needed to be awake right then and there. It was Saffron, who had texted you seven times in an attempt at getting in contact with you. You hoped she wasn't in trouble as you unlocked your phone.

Saffron: hey

Saffron: hey

Saffron: hey

Saffron: hey wake up

Saffron: hey are you awake

Saffron: hey wake uuuuuuup

Saffron: (y/n) wake uuuuuup!

You sighed and quickly texted her back

You: what's wrong

It only took her a few moments to respond.

Saffron: wanna come over tonight?

You: tonight? Like right now? It's past midnight.

Saffron: No, like tomorrow tonight. Like, the tonight that's not right now.

You: What are you even talking about.

Saffron: I mean ladies night at the club is wednesdays, so you should come over and we can go out! Half off drinks! It'll be fun! Well get all dressed up, a little tipsy, and we'll have a fun night! I love ladies night!

You: getting drunk on a Wednesday? That doesn't sound like much fun. Plus, isn't alcohol bad for your liver, miss health guru?

Saffron: a little bit here and there won't kill anyone!

You: partying isn't my thing anyways. Too many people

Saffron: it'll be fun, I promise! Don't even worry about it. Have Toshinori walk you to my place at 10.

You: I think I'm busy tomorrow

You: I can't go

You: Saffron?

You: hello?

She was back asleep. You internally groaned. You didn't want to go to the club! Plus, you'd never drank before. There was no way you'd have fun. It was pointless. You frowned and settled back into Toshi's side. He only adjusted slightly, still deep asleep. You knew arguing with Saffron was pointless. She was way too persuasive. Plus, you did like spending time with her. Maybe it'd be fun. You didn't really know. It looks like you didn't have much of a choice anyways, you were going clubbing with Saffron tomorrow whether you wanted to or not.

As expected, when you woke up the next morning you were alone in your bed, tucked tightly into the covers. Remembering the night before, and of Saffron's harassment, you shoved your face into your blanket and groaned. Clubbing. Yeah, you were going clubbing. Great.

You checked your phone to see if she'd changed her mind, or even responded to you, but there was nothing but a few notifications begging for you to upgrade your cloud storage.

With a loud sigh you forced yourself out of bed and stumbled into the kitchen. It looked like you still had a little time before training, so you made sure to get dressed and grab something to eat before the day started.

Training went as usual, you and Toshi just going over different combat techniques. No one else joined you that day, mostly because they didn't see it necessary anymore. Toshinori was more than capable of training you alone for one day. Even Gran Torino seemed comfortable letting Toshinori take the reigns, which surprised you most of all. Your training as of late had lulled into a normal routine. Things were becoming easier, and your body didn't feel like it was on the verge of collapse after every session anymore. It seemed particularly uneventful.

"So, Saffron wants me to come over tonight," you mentioned casually between blows directed at your teacher.

"Really?" He asked, swiftly dodging the kick aimed at his legs. You couldn't read his voice. It seemed equal parts surprised and happy for you. "What are you going to do?"

"I think she wants to go clubbing," you said with disdain, ducking under his arm as it swung towards you.

He hesitated a moment. The previous excitement was replaced with concern."Clubbing?"

You used it as an opportunity to land a swift kick to his side. He didn't flinch, but you still knew it was a pretty solid kick. A normal person would've been knocked over. You smiled in satisfaction. "Yeah. Like going out to the clubs and drinking."

"Are you... are you gonna go?" He asked, stopping combat all together. He crossed his arms and looked at you pointedly. You straightened yourself and wiped the sweat from your brow. What was up with him?

"I dunno. Clubbing isn't really my thing... but I do like spending time with Saffron. And I'd get to meet her girlfriend."

"I see..." he bit at his bottom lip. "At night?"

"Yeah.... that kinda stuff usually happens at night."

"That sounds dangerous... would you like me to go with you? Just to keep you safe."

You snickered a little bit. "I think we'll be fine, Toshi. It's supposed to be a girls night, you know? Even though I'll be third wheeling... Plus, don't you have more important things to do than chaperone?"

"Well... I just don't like the idea of you three going out at night... it's dangerous! And all the skeevy men in clubs trying to pick up women... who knows what they'll do!" His voice was tinged with aggravation at the mention of other men hitting on the three of you.

"People do it all the time, Toshi. And it's a weekday. I'm sure no one is out prowling around on a wednesday."

"Well, there's always a chance. Villainy doesn't only work nine to five!" He argued.

You sighed deeply, "Tosh, It's fine. I'll be with Saffron and her girlfriend. Plus, I've been training with you for a few weeks. I can take care of myself!"
"That's true... But yesterday you got attacked at the prison! You're injured!"

You rolled your eyes and instinctually touched your jaw. "I'm already healed! You really just don't want me to go clubbing, huh?"

His mouth scrunched up and he looked away. "I just... want you to be safe!"

"I appreciate that Toshi, but I'm going tonight. It'll be fine. If anything happens I'll just call you or something! I'm an adult! You don't have to worry."

That didn't do much to quell his fears, but he knew you were right: You were an adult. He couldn't tell you what to do. He tried to convince himself that you'd be fine, but he was still terrified that something would happen to you... and Saffron of course.

"Well, if you're sure. You promise you'll call me if something goes wrong?"

"I promise, mom" You snickered. He rolled his eyes back at you.

"Alright, enough talk about clubbing. We're training here!" He went back into a fighting stance and your combat quickly continued.

You left training that day with an odd sense of satisfaction. Why did you like it that Toshi was worried about you? You didn't know. But it still felt pretty good. That sense of satisfaction was quickly overshadowed by anxiety. You were going out tonight... possibly getting drunk... two things you'd never really done before. Alcohol wasn't readily available while you were living at the bottom of the ocean, so it wasn't really anything you'd ever tried before. Even in highschool you never drank, it was something aspiring heroes shouldn't do. Getting caught underage drinking would've destroyed your chances of ever becoming a hero, not that it mattered much to you anyways. Your dreams lied elsewhere nowadays.

In order to keep your mind off of the events to come, you tried to relax as much as possible. You swam in the pool for a while, took a nice long bath, got your favorite food at the cafe downstairs for dinner, and with a few hours left before you needed to get ready you decided to practice for friday. You still hadn't quite decided what you wanted to go with, but with more practice you knew the direction you wanted to go to. The only problem was narrowing down your list.

Toshinori was out on patrol, as he had been for the past few hours, but he was due back soon. The sun was beginning to set, and you knew that it was time for you to start getting ready. Your days often passed like this, lots of idle time spent alone in the apartment broken up by training time and some other dull event like going to the prison. You made a mental note to get out more often. You were essentially almost as much of a hermit here as you were down in the ocean, but at least here you had a few people to talk to.

As you tidied up your hair and thought about what you were going to wear that night, you heard Toshi shuffle in off of the elevator. You peeked out of the door of your bedroom to greet him, as you usually did. He was in his hero suit, holding a small shipping bag in his hands.

"Hey, Toshi. How was your patrol?"

"Same as usual. A few petty thugs here and there. Nothing too much going on. I got you something," He waltzed over to you, holding out the bag with a small smile. You skeptically opened it, unsure of just what he had bought you. You inspected the odd object as you pulled it out of the bag. It was a long pink lanyard with an egg shaped piece of plastic at the end.

"Um... thank you?" You asked, turning the thing around in your hand curiously.

"Pull the plastic part off," He instructed you, pointing to the part where the plastic and the lanyard met. You gripped it as he instructed and yanked the two apart. You nearly dropped the piece of plastic as it started emitting a shrill, skull piercing sound.

"What the hell?!" You shouted, holding the thing out to Toshi and begging him to make it stop. He chuckled and took the two pieces, connecting them again and stopping the sound.

"It's a personal alarm. To keep you safe tonight! If you're in trouble you can pull it and whoever is bothering you will leave you alone! I thought about pepper spray, but that's kind of a legal grey area here in Japan. Almost all women carry it in America."

"Toshi... Thank you, but I don't think I really need this, do I? I told you I can take care of myself," You weren't so much aggravated as you were confused and annoyed because of the sudden sound.

He sighed deeply. He was hoping you'd just agree to take it. "It'll stop an attacker. The last thing they want is to draw attention to themselves. If you don't want to take me with you you have to take this!"

"I have to?" You pursed your lips. Who was he to tell you what you had to do? "Says who?"

It was at this moment that Toshinori knew he had fucked up. He could see the aggravation radiating off of you. He took a deep breath and rethought his strategy.

"If you don't take it for your own safety, would you at least take it to give me peace of mind?"

You looked at it a moment as he handed it back to you. His brow was wrinkled with worry, you really hated to see him so upset like that, even if he was being incredibly annoying about this whole thing.

"Fine, I'll take it. Just so that you stop worrying," You took a deep breath to calm yourself. You forced yourself to smile and reached up to gingerly trace the worry lines on his forehead. "If you don't relax you're going to get permanent wrinkles."

He laughed heartily and his expression softened. "Alright, I'll try to relax now."

"Good. I need to go finish getting ready. Would you mind walking me to Saffrons in a bit? I'm not sure where it is."

"Of course, just let me know when you're ready to go."

The two of you went your separate ways, both off to change your clothes. You applied a generous amount of makeup, following a fun tutorial you found online, complete with uncomfortable false eyelashes you regretted putting on immediately. Makeup was something you'd never paid much mind to down in the ocean, but now you figured if you were going out for the night you might as well go all out. Maybe if you put a ton of effort into this night you could call it good and decline any of Saffrons future offers.

After much trial and error, you were able to nail the smokey eye makeup look you were recreating, though you weren't used to that much on. Paired with silver sparkles on your lower lash line and red lipstick the smokey eye looked like the perfect club style. It made your face feel heavy and stiff, but damn if it didn't make you look fantastic. You felt like a model, a celebrity, you felt fierce. You briefly considered whether doing your makeup like this would help you fight All for One, but quickly brushed the thought out of your head. No amount of confidence, makeup created or otherwise, would give you an edge when fighting All for One. You shook your head to clear your mind. You weren't going to think about the fight unless absolutely necessary.

The next thing you needed to do was pick out an outfit. In this regard, you had no idea what to wear. Sure, you'd tried to get at least one item for every occasion when you bought your new wardrobe, but clubbing wasn't something you'd considered to be in the realm of possibilities. You tried various things on, unsure of what exactly what to wear. Eventually, you flopped on the bed in despair and called Saffron. Surely she'd know what to do.

"Hello?" Her singsong voice echoed through your earpiece.

"Hey, Saff. What are you wearing tonight?"

"Me... Uh... I'm wearing.." She started giggling uncontrollably, you could hear commotion in the back and another voice speaking to Saffron. Her voice was somewhat unsteady and slurred. She must've been getting a headstart on drinking. "The club we're going to is pretty swanky, so you'll wanna wear something fun and nice."

"Fun and nice? What does that mean?"

"Listen, listen, listen. We're like the same size, j-just come over. I've got the perfect thing. Don't even worry about it! Just bring some black heels and a black bra. I'll take care of the-" You heard her giggle more, cutting of her sentence.

It sounded like as good an idea as any, "Alright, just nothing too crazy, alright?"

"Yeah, Yeah. I kno- Camilla!! Knock it off!!" She giggled, quickly hanging up the phone.

You groaned and threw your phone onto the bed. A black bra and black heels. You had both of those, you could do it. You just prayed that she wouldn't pick out anything too crazy.

After gathering the rest of your things, and loading up your smallest purse with emergency essentials, including the alarm Toshinori had given you, you threw your sweatpants back on and headed out to tell Toshi you were ready to go.

He was sitting on the couch in his casual clothes, staring at his phone. As he looked up and saw you, he gave you a questioning look.

"I like your makeup. But- uh- are you wearing sweatpants to the club? Not that I think it's a bad idea, honestly. But Saffron might feel differently."

You laugh a little at his concern. "I'm borrowing some of her clothes. I'll get dressed when I get there. Will you still walk me?"

"Sure, if you're ready. Are you taking the thing I gave you?"

"Yes," You sighed exasperatedly. You opened up your purse to show him."I'm taking it."

"Thank you. Now remember, don't leave your drink unattended, drink lots of water, and don't go off alone. Stay together."

"Yes, Toshi. I've got it!" You cut him off as the two of you stepped into the elevator. "You worry too much. I'm sure Saffron and Camilla will take good care of me."

"I'm sure they will... just... be safe. And don't drink too much. If you need anything you can call me."

"I know that. I promise if there's anything I need I will."

"Good... good..." He resigned himself to awkward silence the rest of the trip. Saffron's apartment wasn't too far away, only a couple of blocks. It was just as ornately decorated as Might Towers, but not quite as busy with activity. On the walk up to the second floor, though, you could hear intoxicated giggles come from down the hallway, breaking the silence. Toshinori stopped in front of the last door in the hall and knocked loudly.

"Hellooooooo," Saffron sang as the door swung open, inviting you in to her quaintly decorated apartment. You could see it was in a state of utter chaos, with clothes and makeup sprawled out around the entirety of the apartment. Saffron had her hair curled and her makeup neatly done, complimenting her beautiful features. She was wearing a tight pink dress that hugged her fit figure. She looked absolutely fantastic.

"Hey, Saff," You greeted her with a hug. The stench of perfume mixed with alcohol made your eyes water, she'd obviously gotten a very good head start on drinking.

As Toshinori greeted Saffron, a girl who you could only assume was Camilla saddled up next to Saffron, draping her arm around her shoulders. She was much taller than the both of you, and much more muscular as well. She had olive toned skin with short dark blue hair that was shaved on the sides. She wore a white button up shirt with rolled up sleeves, paired with suspenders and dark blue pants. You couldn't help but notice that they were perfectly matched together. They must've planned ahead of time.

"(Y/N), this is my love, Camilla. Camilla, meet (Y/N)."

"Nice to meet you," She smiled, holding a hand out for you to shake. You took it shyly. She had a hearty handshake, second to Toshinori's. You felt much more confident in your safety knowing that Camilla looked like she could more than handle herself in a fight. You wondered momentarily what her quirk was.

"Come inside. You too, Toshinori. Let's get you dressed. Love your makeup, by the way. I didn't know you could do makeup" She led the three of you back inside. Her American accent was incredibly thick in her drunken state, and you couldn't help but chuckle a bit as she enthusiastically shoved you in the door.

"I won't intrude on your girl's night," Toshi protested, staying firmly planted in the threshold of the door as she pulled on his arm.

"You're not! We just need an escort. All of the coolest people have escorts to the club. You gotta do it, Toshinori. You gotta! Do it for (y/n)!" She slurred, yanking on his arm again.

"Well... I'll take you there. But then I should probably get home."

"Alright, alright! We'll be ready to go in a minute. Lemme dress (y/n)." She said, instead pulling on your arm and pulling you back through her apartment. It was similarly sized to the one you lived in with your mom years ago, but it was obvious Saffron had spent much more money on decorations than you and your mom could. Under all the clothes and makeup was probably some really cute interior design choices, if you knew Saffron.

"Alright, I've got the perfect outfit for you." She gloated, pushing you into her bedroom. She reached into one of the two closets and pulled out two articles of clothing. You couldn't really tell what was what, but you trusted her judgement. "Put this on and stuff... when you're ready we can go! It's gonna be so much fun!!" She giggled, closing the door behind you.

You tentatively looked at the outfit she'd picked out. You couldn't really tell what pieces were what, but managed to figure it out once you started trying the things on. You ended up wearing a tight, thigh length pink skirt with a sheer, black top. This, paired with your black bra, ended up being an outfit you were semi comfortable in. You had initial reservations, the shirt was entirely see through after all, but you did like the way it looked on you. You were used to being completely naked, after all. This was much more modest, and the highwaisted skirt ensured that your abdomen wasn't completely bare under the see-through shirt. After fluffing out your hair and studying yourself in the mirror, you felt good.

The hardest part of the whole outfit was the heels. As you clicked down the hallway and back to your friends you had to hold on to the wall for a bit of balance. You could hear their laughter down the hall, and the clinking of glasses, as they continued partying. Toshinori was still standing by the doorway, now inside the apartment, waiting on the three of you so he could walk you to your destination. As he watched the two drunk women, he looking on disapprovingly. Saffron and Camilla were enjoying glasses of red wine at their kitchen island, with bottles of other various liquors spread around the room. Saffron spotted you before anyone else did and squealed in delight.

"Damn! You look good!" She cooed, downing her glass of wine and strutting over to you, not having the same struggle you were in heels. She linked her arm in yours and led you over to the counter Camilla was drinking at.

"Cam, doesn't she look so good?!" Saffron Gushed.

"Yeah, not as good as you though, babe."

"Aw stop... Toshi, doesn't she look so good?!" Her attention turned to Toshi, who's eyes were glued to you. A deep blush rose up in his cheeks, and he hastily looked away.

"Yeah, she looks amazing." He answered timidly. Your face reddened to match his and you decided to focus your attention on the counter.

"So, let's get you caught up! Pick your poison!" Saffron ignored your embarrassment, instead pulling a shot glass out of the cupboard.

You looked over your options. There were various brand of vodka, rum, whisky. None of them sounded appealing to you. You had heard what alcohol tasted like. You weren't exactly thrilled to try it.

"Uh... Saffron... I'll be honest, I've never drank before..."

"Never? Oh my god! Camilla, did you hear her? She's never drank before! You gotta make her something good. Give her a good first impression"

Camilla smiled and rolled her eyes. "Jesus, Saff. You need to chill. You're so drunk and we haven't even gone out yet."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever! Whatcha gonna make her?"

"Does she even wanna drink?" Camilla asked, eying you over, trying to get a reading on you.

"I want to drink!" You offered, sounding unsure of yourself. "If it'll make me have as good a time as Saffron is having I definitely wanna give it a try."

"Alright, if you say so. How about I make you a mixed drink and then you can have a shot of something. Try this vodka, it goes down real smooth." Camilla said, her voice soft and relaxed, unlike Saffron's high-key energy. They were a good pair, from your first impression. It was cute how adoringly they looked at each other. You felt a small pang in your chest, wishing momentarily that you had that kind of connection with someone.

"If you say so, I trust you!" You said, taking the tiny glass as Camilla handed it to you. If you drank quickly you wouldn't have time to think about how lonely and loveless your life was, then you could have a good time.

"Just... don't go too fast!" Toshinori piped up from the other side of the room.

"She's fine, grandma!" Saffron snapped at him, eagerly waiting for you to take your first shot. Everyone looked at you expectantly, waiting to see your reaction.

You weren't entirely sure how to take a shot, but based on your memories of taking nasty medicine you figured what you were supposed to do. Without any further preparation or psyching yourself up, you flipped your head back and downed the contents of the glass, ignoring the burn you felt in your throat and the nasty taste it left in your mouth. "Holy shit..." You croaked, chasing it with a glass of water Saffron handed to you.

"Was it bad?" Camilla asked, mixing something for you in a cocktail shaker. She obviously knew what she was doing, maybe she had been a bartender at one point.

"It wasn't great..." You choked, finishing your glass of water. "But I could do a couple more of those..."

"Slow down there, bud," Saffron said, taking the shot glass from your hands. "This is your first time, you gotta take it slow."

You agreed, taking the drink Camilla had made for you.

"It's a long island ice tea," She explained, "Drink that and you'll be caught up to Saffron in no time."

"And when you're done we can head out! Can't keep Toshi waiting all day, can we?"

"Yeah, you're right." You smiled at Toshi, who was doing his absolute best not to fret and worry like the mother hen he was.

You tried to quickly down the cocktail given to you. The coke did an okay job of masking some of the alcohol in the drink, but you could tell that more than one of those drinks would probably knock you flat on your back.

"Jesus, Camilla! How much is in this?" You coughed, finishing half of the drink with a few gulps. You figured the faster you got it down the less you'd have to taste it.

"Well... A shot of rum, shot of triple sec, shot of tequila, shot of vodka, and a shot of gin. Then I put some coke in there and lime. Is it good?"

"Holy shit... that's so much!" You gaped at her.

"Oh, that's nothing!" Saffron interrupted. "Once we get down to the club I'll show you some drinks that have double that!"

"Didn't you just tell her to go slow two seconds ago?" Toshi asked, coming over to join all of you at the counter.

"Well... yeah... I'm just real excited," She smiled at him. "The more drinking buddies the merrier."

"Take it easy, I don't want to have to come and bail you guys out of jail for getting too drunk in public." He sighed.

"I'll keep these two under control, sir. Don't even worry," Camilla smirked, pulling Saffron to her by the waist and giving her a lingering kiss on the cheek. Toshi glanced to you for a split second, and then the two of you looked away from their PDA in embarrassment. You took the opportunity to chug the rest of your drink and place the glass down on the counter.

"Alright, you two. Break it up! I wanna get going," You said, thinking about how nice it would be to sleep in your bed after the day was over with. The ache in your feet had you already wishing you were relaxing at home, watching another dumb American movie with Toshi, but your night had only just begun.

"Sorry, sorry," Saffron parted from Camilla and shot her a cheesy smile. "Let's get going, before she gets more impatient."

The four of you left the apartment a few minutes later to go to the club. Toshinori escorted you the half-mile it took to get to the club as promised. The hot summer night air was alive with people, mostly hoards of women out looking for a good time. Ladies night was a popular thing, you gathered. The whole atmosphere of the downtown area felt fun and exciting, you could feel the energy coursing through you. You started to feel a buzz in your head, and you were practically bouncing with excitement, getting more hyped by the moment.

Toshinori, on the other hand, was a black hole of emotion, radiating an intense and serious aura and completely negating the summertime vibes. You tried your best to make pleasant conversation with him as Saffron droned on and on about something to Camilla, but he wasn't really interested. He would brush you off with a curt nod, a quiet grunt, or just not respond all together. He was on high alert, looking everywhere but you, searching for any sign of danger.

The awkward silence wasn't the worst part of the walk, surprisingly. The worst was walking that far in high heels. You did your best to remember to walk with confidence, chanting 'heel toe heel toe heel toe' in your head, but you still wobbled and weaved, you ankles giving out from underneath you every once in a while. Toshi was there to catch you, luckily. He'd put a quick arm around your waist to keep you from falling and breaking your ankle, but then immediately let you go as soon you steadied yourself. It was unusually cold coming from him, and you knew the only reason he was being like this was because you were out with friends and not him. It aggravated you a little, to think that he was pouting because he couldn't watch over you.

As you neared the entrance of the club you noticed the line of people gathering outside, waiting for the bouncer to let them in. You could hear the music through the thick concrete walls of the building, and you could see the lights through the glass door. You saw Saffron immediately light up and go over to the bouncer giving him a large hug as she greeted him. They spoke for a moment before he unclipped the velvet rope from in front of the door and gestured for you to go in. You looked at Saffron as she waved for you to come over there, but in a spur of the moment decision you held your finger up to her, telling her you'd meet her in there in a minute.You had something that needed to be said. Whether this was spurred on by your better senses or alcohol, you weren't sure, but regardless you pulled Toshinori to the side and looked him in the eyes, crossing your arms.

"What's up with you?" you asked him, catching him off guard.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been pouting and being grouchy all night! What's your deal?" It must've been the alcohol talking, normally you'd never be so bold or rude. He shifted uncomfortably on his feet, glancing at the line of people outside the club who may or may not or may not have been listening.

"I just... I'm worried about your safety." He grumbled.

"Well stop it!" You instructed. He flinched a little at your tone of voice. You'd be lying if you said you weren't getting more pissed about it as time went on. He was acting like a possessive child.

"I can't help it! I want you to be safe! Who knows what could happen out here alone at night," His voice was a harsh whisper, trying to keep anyone else from noticing exactly who he was or that he was arguing with someone outside of a club.

"Well you don't have to be such a jerk about it! You've been grumpy all day! I told you I would call you if I needed anything, and I took your alarm thing! What more do you want?"

"I don't know! I just... I worry about you when I'm not around, you could get in trouble. I just wish you'd stay home."

"Toshi you can't do that! I'm an adult! I may be working for you and living with you, but I'm still my own person! I'm going to live my own life!" You started to realize just how angry and drunk you sounded. You were right, though. He needed to let you live your own life. "I can take care of myself. Just... let me do my thing! You're acting like a possessive boyfriend!" You regretted the words as soon as they left your mouth. You could see his face visibly fall as he looked away from you. Your words had hurt him, that much was obvious.

"Toshi I-" you began to apologize.

"No, you're right. I'm sorry," His voice was somber, sadder than you'd ever heard him. "You are an adult... If you need me just call." And with that he turned and lept off into the sky, leaving you alone at the entrance of the club.

You sighed, regretting setting in to your bones. What you had said was absolutely true, but you tried to be sympathetic for him. He was a hero, worrying about people was what he did. You probably could've phrased it more nicely. He wasn't entirely justified either, though. You were an adult, and it wasn't his place to be grumpy that you were going out with your friends.

With a loud sigh you walked over to the bouncer, bypassing the line and shyly explaining you were with Saffron, who was already in there. He was a tall man, tattooed and intimidating looking, but also incredibly handsome. He was well dressed in a black suit and had his hair gelled neatly.

"Yeah, I saw you walk up with her. Saff is such a doll, comes here all the time. A friend of Saff's is a friend of mine. Names Akemi, let me know if you need anything," He smiled charmingly, pulling back the velvet rope and allowing you inside.You smiled politely and thanked him, entering the club in search of your friend.

The scene inside the club was like something out of a movie. People dancing, grinding, drinking, partying. The music was deafening, the bass reverberated through your chest, causing an uncomfortable vibrating feeling in your lungs. The lights flickered around the dance floor, bright greens and pinks and purples illuminating the people as they danced. The bar was significantly less crowded than the dance floor. Three bartenders stood there, taking orders as people walked by and serving the people who sat at the bar.

With no sign of Saffron, you decided your best bet was to head to the bar and forget about Toshinori. You weren't feeling nearly drunk enough, so another drink or two couldn't hurt, right?


(I've been stuck in an airport for six hours, so prepare for another possible chapter today! Enjoy!)

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