Energy (D.P./M.H.A.)

By artistwriterdreamer

123K 6.3K 1.7K

Danny only blinked at Clockwork before he pinched his nose, sighed, and waved in his direction. "So lemme get... More

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2.3K 152 60
By artistwriterdreamer

"I don't like this situation," Tokoyami muttered as he swiveled around again as he thought he saw something move...again. "They clearly have an advantage over us. They know our Quirks and we have no idea what Fenton's is."

"It doesn't matter as long as I can get close enough to blow him to bits."

Tokoyami shook his head, Dark Shadow agreeing with him. "All you need to do is hit him with the gun, not blow him to bits, Bakugou."

"Don't tell me what to do, Birdbrain!"

Tokoyami didn't have time to be offended as Dark Shadow suddenly shook in pain. He was forced on his knees by...something, and had to gasp for air. He figured it was the hit, but he couldn't be sure. Looking over to Dark Shadow, the green energy crackled back at him.

"What the hell was that!?"

Unable to answer, Tokoyami merely retracted Dark Shadow to try and get the remaining energy back into his own body so he could move. Moving slowly so he wouldn't hurt himself, he stood back up using the side of a tree. "No idea where that came from," Tokoyami panted. "Or what it was. I thought his Quirk was that stupid mist."

"You guessed wrong."

"Tokoyami's been hit!"

He looked down in shock at his vest and closed his eyes in annoyance as the green light changed to red. He looked at Bakugou, who was stuck between screaming at him for getting hit and yelling that it wasn't fair. "Don't blow them up and don't lose," Tokoyami said before turning to the edge of the clearing. The fog retracted so that it left a tunnel, and Tokoyami gaped as it closed right behind him.

He got to the outside of the closed-off circle and found Fenton staring at him. Danny put his hand forward and offered a small smile. "Sorry about hitting you like that. You were amazing back there."

Tokoyami let out a little smile and shook his hand. "You were not so bad yourself."

Danny gave a small wave before running into the mist, leaving Tokoyami to walk back to the outside of the training area. He heard Bakugou using explosions —probably to move around— and sped up. Cringing at the sensation, Danny thought about how long he had had held up the mist around the clearing. In Human form, nonetheless.

He turned invisible and sneaked into the clearing. The lasers Bakugou was being shot at with were coming from one place this second, and the next from the total opposite direction. Danny was impressed with Midoriya's speed and agility —sneaking around with that speed was hard.

Danny didn't want to know why Midoriya could run that fast.

"Damn you, Deku!" Bakugou yelled as he came to a halt, huffing in exhaustion. He could feel his palms throbbing in pain, having made way too many explosions within the span of a few minutes. "I could do this for longer, but it's getting old real fast!"

Danny looked at the unmoving teen and at his gun. It would be so easy to shoot him right here right now, but...

"Same goes for this mist!" he yelled, swiping at the gray clouds. "Sneaking around might give someone the impressions of a villain!"

Midoriya barely had time to think 'hypocrite' before the blue and gray fogs were sucked up. It shot to his right, where he turned his head to. Danny stood at the edge of the clearing, the mist slowly seeping around and through his fingers.

"Comparing me to a villain is something I wouldn't do, Bakugou," he said as he tightened the hold around his gun, trying very hard to suppress the urge to let his eyes glow. "Gives me serious anger-management issues. But I'm guessing you know all about those."

Bakugou huffed and tapped is fingers against the gun in his right hand. "I'm going to let that one pass, but just because I want to finish this." He raised his left hand and let small sparks fly off of his palm. "You're either completely stupid or very confident when you make a move like that. I'm kind of hoping it's the latter."

Danny rolled out of the way as the tree he was standing in front of exploded, Bakugou having made his move already. The mist seeped from his hands and onto the floor, creating a small sphere of fog around his feet. He raised his gun. "It's in the DNA."

Bakugou jumped up and avoided getting hit, shooting his own gun as he sailed over Danny, who sprinted to the other edge of the clearing. The ten-second pause between two shots was starting to annoy him. He counted the seconds down in his head as Bakugou landed and tried to fire again, cursing as the gun didn't do what he wanted it to do.

Midoriya was trying to stop shaking so he could shoot Bakugou, but his fingers wouldn't stop moving on their own accord. The plan had never been planned this far! This was complete improvisation, making this up as they went. But surely, they had noticed he was sitting somewhere out of sight, right?

This was his chance! Winning an exercise, even without using One For All, and against Kacchan nonetheless. This was it!

Another explosion shook him out of his train of thought. He peeked over the bushes and saw Danny holding his right arm with his left hand. Even though Midoriya didn't see what happened, the results were pretty clear.

"Gettin' overconfident is never a good thing," Bakugou scolded Danny as he smirked at him. "You were sloppy from the moment you came here. Talking before attacking, giving away your location, sacrificing yourself, playing high and mighty..." He stepped closer to the teen that was now half on the ground and grabbed the dropped gun from the ground. "Defeated by your own weapon."

The lights changed to red.


"Fenton's been hit! You may leave the premises."

Danny used the tree behind him to stabilize himself as he gritted his teeth. He rested his back against the wood and smirked down at Bakugou, who was unnerved by it. "Acting high and mighty who?"

Bakugou's eyes widened, but he hadn't even turned around or his vest was glowing red.

"Bakugou's been hit!"

Midoriya stood on the other side of the clearing, a gun in his hands as he lowered his arms, grinning like a maniac. Danny smirked back at him. "Good shot!" Midoriya shrugged and happily bounced over to his teammate. "Awesome improvisation," Danny said as he gave him a high-five.

Bakugou stood three feet away as they exchanged praises, his palms getting dangerously close to exploding the two right there, right then. 'What just happened?' he thought as he saw the two celebrating their...victory. Against him. This wasn't happening, no. Completely not. Bakugou wasn't allowing it. It was all fake. He'd go home, eat some curry, and go to bed, so it would all be over tomorrow.

He narrowed his eyes as Midoriya and Fenton walked up to him. He hesitated to take Fenton's hand, but shook it anyway. "Don't count on winning against me again, Nerd Number Two," he said, before scoffing at Midoriya and walking out of the clearing, hands in his pockets and head between his shoulders.

Midoriya's eyes were wide during the exchange, and he couldn't help but awe at Danny's effect on Bakugou. The American was actually positively influencing the explosive blond. He didn't know how, but Danny seemed to have a calming effect on everyone. Even on him.

Danny hissed in pain as he poked at the burned skin on his arm.

Midoriya snapped out of his internal mumbling mess and gasped. "Danny! You should be on your way to Recovery Girl, right now!"

"Don't worry about it," Danny reassured him before putting his other hand over the skin and applying a thin layer of frost. "I know a thing or two about first aid."

Midoriya didn't ask.

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