Once upon of time (Twilight F...

By TeamCarlisleCullen

16.5K 394 118

[After Edward leave]After 6 months of being a vampire Bella finds her self in another time. Quite literally. More

Once appon of time (Twilight Fanfic)
What? You can't be serious!
1st Day
Work, Clothes and Diary
The Cullens
You Are Not Human. Are You?
Time Passes

Centuries later - 1640

1.2K 37 6
By TeamCarlisleCullen


I looked at the sign post. London. In 1640. The year Carlisle was born. I had be traveling for a long time. I crossed a few vampires covens in that time. Almost all of them gifted. I soon found out i had two gifts. I was a mental shield and the other was that i could collect a person's gift. Well actually copy it. Once coven actually helped to train me in hand to hand compat against other vampires and how to control my gifts. One in that coven could change their apperance, voice and sent at will, making them look, smell and sound human. I copied that. Another could teleport all over the world, and take people or objects with them, one could heal people, even if someone was at the point of death, but they didn't use this gift and the second to last one could read intentions, it was cross between mind reading and future seeing but it wasn't in a 'Vistion' or 'Voice', i didn't know what. And the last one could freeze thing, it didn't freeze them in ice but it was like they were stuck in time or something.I stayed in that coven for 40 years before leaving. Of course i knew how to contact them. I gathered a few more gift (It come in later)

I left Forks a year after arriving. I packed my dresses, the baby clothes and crib ( for some strange reason, i don't know why), The tapestry of the Cullens, my box diary and bits of jewlery inside it too and a large box of money. All of this fit into a large trunk and it still had plenty of room in. I had a small carriage for show. i didn't want to be suspected then i changed my sent to match a humans but with less appeling to a vampire, then changed my self into a 20 year old woman, my hair black, reached my waist, midnight blue eyes, and a soft innosent looking face. I took a deep breath and shook the reins for the horse drawn carriage I was in. Pulling my hood up to my red cloak i had made centuries ago. Now I was glad that I had a few houses on other countrys.

The ride to the grand house was wobbily. Thanks to the open gutters on the street and children and animals running across it was slow work. But finally it came to view. I could tell i was being watched by the humans. So i opened the front door, just as i turned to take my trunk, a gust of wind blew my hood down from my head. I could almost hear the gasps as the men took in my beauty. I heaved my trunk off, making it look heavy then dragged it into the house.

"Lady Bella?" I heard a gasp, I turned around to see a maid standing in the door way. She looked around 19, brown hair and eyes. I smiled kindly

"Yes that is me"

"I wasn't expecting you this early. Please come in" She said, leaning down to take my trunk. Some other maids hurried past to get my other things.

"Here let me help, is quite heavy" I leaning down and took the other end. We both made our way on the inside. The door slamed with a bang.

"Where should i put your things lady Bella" The girl said, fidling with her hands

"The grand room please. Tell me, whats your name?" I asked. She looked surprised.


"Well Mai. When we're not in public i will let you call me Bella. Lady Bella is a little too formal when its just me" again she looked suprised. Behind me the other maids came in, my things in their hands. "Can someone show me to my room" I asked. 

"Of course. This way" Mai said, taking hold of the trunk as i did too. We walked down the few corridors and up two set of stairs. Till we reached a large wooden door. I turned the knob and opened the door. Like all my other houses this is the grandest room.

"You can put the trunk down here, i'll unpack it myself" I said dropping the trunk down gentl. After they put my things down they scurried from the room. I locked the door then opened my trunk. I kept my dresses at the bottom of the trunk, wrapped inside the tapestry. Even in this time they looked a bit out of date. But i wanted to keep these dresses. It seemed important. So far i had only kept five of the dresses, not including the ones i wear.

The diary i had done had now passed its 64,799th page, one page a day since i came here. In the end i had to get a box that was thicker and still had a lock. I knew for a fact that there would be a search here in the future, probably humans think thinkin i was a witch or something. I looked about for a hiding place for the trunk. I took all the baby stuff and some of the jewllery then locked the trunk. The walls were too thin to hold anything, i looked at the floor, again they were too thin. I looked at the cealing. Well this was one of the smallest houses i had live in, only two floors.

I closes my eyes and teleported to the attic. Well what would have been the attic. It didn't have a hatch to enter or exit. It filthy too. But i notised a hole in the wall, too small for an adult human to go in, but perfect for a tiny human child. I sniffed catching a scent. Fresh. My ears also picking up a heart beat, tiny and very fast, i could tell that the child was panicing. My eys flashed over to the darkest corner there i saw a curled up figure. I took a step back and put my hands behind my back.

"Child, i know your in here. I won't harm in in any way, please come out" I called in the kindest and softest voice. I knew whoever this was would eventurally come out. "I know your scared, i just want to see your pretty face" I said, kneeling down. I heard the child stomach rumble, the smell of cooking food wafted up though the boards. The poor child must be starving. How long had it been here? "I just want to help you. Please" I said holding my hand out. After a couple of minuets the child got up very slowly, and walked over to me. The light from the hold illumintaed the childs face.

It was a girl, probably age 3, she had long blond hair, matted with mud. Ice blue eyes but it had lost a sparkle, they were wide, some fear swam behind them. She looked skinny, unfed, nto to mention had a few cuts and bruised along her arms. The dress she wore was ripped and fraid and covered in mud. She slowly put her hand into mine, shudding at the cold. I quickly turned the tempreture up on my body, past human tempreture.

"thank you" I said. "Will you tell me you name? "I asked, putting myother now toast warm hand over her hand that was holding mine. She put her other hand over mine too, She was freezing cold.

"Lilly-ann" The girl said, her voice was high.

"Well Lilly-ann, Im Bella. Would you mind coming down, so we can warm you up and give you some food." I asked. She nodded, bushing when her stomach rumbled. "Hold on" I said, the teleported us down to my room. She jumped when she saw that we were in a clompletely diffrent place, full of light. She gasped when she saw me, jumping away. While she was staring at me i telepoted my trunk into the attic. Lilly-ann looked around. Taking in eveything. She looked a little mature for her age too.

 "How did we get down here?" She squeecked.

 "Lilly, lets just say im special like that. You can't tell anyone this, Please" I said, She looked at me then nodded. I relxed. "Now lets get you something to eat first, then a bath." I said, unlocking the door and rang the bell. Mai ran into the room.

"Is there anything i can get you" She asked not looking at Lilly-ann who jumped behind the large wooden screen.

"Yes. I would like to have a large early lunch then could you bring a large tub and barrols of hot water, For a bath, please" I asked. She nodded then exited. I walked over toLilly-ann who was now peering at the door, Mai had disappread from. "You have nothing to worry. Can i call you Lilly? "I asked, bending down to her eye level. She nodded again. "Lilly, they won't hurt you in anywy. I won't let them. When Mai comes in again with more maids i wish for you to come out. I won't make you." I said, she clung onto my hot hands again. After a few minuets Mai and the other maids came scurring in. Lilly clung onto my hand tighter.

"Your food. Would you like the tub but my the fire?" She asked. Her eyes widened when she saw the child next to me.

"Yes please. If one of you could walk to the shops and buy some childs clothes, that would be much apreciated"  I asked, looking at one of the other maids who where holding large barrols of water and placed them by the fire to heat up.

 "Of course" Mai said, then dissapread. I waited till all the maids disappeard. As soon as The last one left, Lilly relaxed her grip on my hand.

"Here, eat before before you bath" I said, picking up the child and sitting her on my bed, moving the plate of food so i was on her lap. She looked at me wide eyed, unsure where or not i was actually giving her the food. I smiled a her then when to my desk and pulled out some parchment and a quil. I head Lilly start to eat. I wrote out a list of things i would need for Lilly-ann. I knew i won't let her go back to where she came from. She must have run away.

"Im done" Lilly's voice came after a few more minutes.  I walked up and took the clean plate from her and put it on the side.

"Do you want me to help you?" I asked, helping the girl down from the bed. She looked worried. She flinched slightly when i touched her shoulder. "You know wheni said i was special" She nodded. "If your hurt in any way i can make the pain go." She looked at me, eyes wider. She nodded, fumbling  with the catch on her dress. "Let me" I said, unclasping the catch, I frowned as i saw a dark bruse on the tops of her arms, cuts as well. As her dress fell i gasped, he body was littered with cuts, deep and shallow, almost all was bruised. Lilly took a step back. "Who did this to you?" I said, as calmly as i could.

"My dad" Lily gasped. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath to calm myself. It worked.

"Bath. Then we can have a little talk, okay" Putting my hand onto her arm, again she flinched. I led her over to the fire and lifted her into the tub. As i put my hand onto the warming water i used my skin heat to make it hotter, but not too hot.  I poured it slowly into the tub, steam rising. I heard lilly hiss a few time but after a few minuets she stopped, taking in the heat. Bits of mud floated on the top. All i needed to do now was heal her. "Lilly im going to put my hand on your shoulder, It may feel tingly at first" I warned, placing my hand on her shouder again. I watched as all her cuts healed up, the bruises faded. Lilly sighed, closing her eyes, a few minutes later she fell asleep.

I smiled, it was nice helping people. Maybe i could become a Doctor. Like Carlisle. Well Carlisle from the future. I had enough control for that. As she slept i carried on cleaning her, scrubbing off the chunk of mud. I carfully did her hair, trying not to wake her up. It worked, As soon as she was clean i lifted her up and placed her on my bed, wrapping her up in the blacket after drying her off. I smiled as she rolled over, her face full of peace. I pulled out a pice of parchment then started to draw her as she slept.

After 10 minuets there was a quiet knock at the bedroom door. I jumped out my seat at vampires speed and opened the door before Mai could knock the last time. SHe looked shocked for a moment.

"I got you some dresses for the young girl as you wished. Bella" She said, holding out her arms.

"Thank you Mai. Could you leave us now." I asked she nodded then stalked away. I placed the dresses on my chair and pulled out a red one that reached the floor. I would need to put this on when she was awake. Insted i pulled up a diffrent chair and sat down by the door and closed my eyes, pretending to sleep.

An hour rolled by then i heard a gasp. I slowly opened my eyes.

"I thought it was a dream" Lilly said, eyes wide. She then looked to me.

"but is isn't, your safe with me" i got up slowly picking up te red dress. She soon relased that she was only wrapping in a blancket. "I had Mai, one of the maids, get this for you. You do like red, don't you?" I asked, unsure, looking at the tiny dress in my hands. Lilly nodded getting off the bed slowly.

She then gasped, her eyes shooting to here arms then chest, dropping the blancket. I looked away, for her sake. I heard her approche.

"What are you? An Angel?" She asked, staring up at me with awe. I smiled sadly.

"Not in everybodys eyes" I said, bending down to her height. "Now lets get you dressed so i can go out for a little walk, i want to get to know the city if i am to live in it." I said. She grinned, her eyes now sparkling.

I helped her into the dress, tying the back up for her. With her hair i had it pinned back from her face.

"There. Now we can see you pretty face" I said, taking a step back. Lilly smiled, uncomfortable. "Would you like to stay here. Im popping out to get to know the city. Or do you want to come with me?" She suddenly looked scared then shook her head. "Alright, you can stay here, you can lock the door behind me if you don't want anyone to ome in." I said picking up a tiny bag and fixed it onto a belt that when around my waist. I put in a bag of money a tiny bottle of ink, a minure quil and a but of parchment.

Lilly nodded.

"If you want you can read or write some thing" she looked at me. "Can you read or write?" I asked, she shook her head.

"You know what. When i get back. i'll start teaching you. how does that sound?" She shrugged smiling sadly. "I'll be back in a few hours" I said, closing the door behind me.

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