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It was Linda, i could now tell by her foot patten. Light and swift.

"Its time for you to wake up now, Lady Bella" I heard Linda say. I faked a yawn and got out of the bed. Linda smiled and walked over to the Grand wardrobe and pulled it open. "You can choose a dress but you'll need assitance putting it on" She said, opening another door and pulled out a plain corset and other undergarments. I looked though the vast collection of dresses. I pulled out a long midnight blue dress, it had long sleeves that had a loop to go over my middle finger, it had another blue corset, that had a blue ribbon threading though the loop holes. i layed the dress on my bed and looked at the undergarments. There in the corner of the room was a large screen, i hadn't really thought about it, I dissapeard behind it and pulled on the undergarments and slipped on the corset but i couldn't do it up so Linda had to come and do it. Then the dress was pulled over the top and tied up again.

"Thank you Linda" I said, looking at the reflection of my self in a small mirror. I pulled the ffront of my hair back and tied it up with a matching blue ribbon. i then fixed the bag, again around my waist (It seemed to match everything) and turned around. "Everythings in place" Linda nodded then led me to the dinning room for breakfast which i was not lookig forwards to. There was a long table running down the room, a large fireplace on the side  and door leading off. I sat down, in a few minuets a maid scurried in with a wooden board and placed it down infront of me. I smiled at her. "Thank You. Your name is?" I asked, she looked shocked that i said thank you to her and blushed

"Mary-ann" she said, looking down. I nodded. She left quickly. i Looked about, no one was here so i scooped some of the food and put it into the fire. It burnt quicker. soon the door opened again and Linda stepped in.

"You have a visitor Lady Bella" She said, looking mildly irratatled but i could tell she was good at covering it up.

"Oh. Who is it?" I asked, I still had to do weaving today.

"The land Lord"

"Please send him in. I want to see what he wants" She nodded and quickly left. This time i dumped the rest of the food in the back of the fire and sat down in front of it. I heard a heavy pair of foot steps then the door opened. I slowly turned. A man, what looked like his late fourtys stood in the door way. Unlike any other man i saw this centurly, he was a tall and fat.  He had a mob of ginger hair and beard, and mean little eyes. Even by the way he stood, he looked threatening, to a human. I could tell he was a bully. He plastered a fake smile and entered the room, his large stomach wobbling as he took each step. 

"Yes?" I asked polightly. and stood up from my seat.

 "So your the new Lady, i thought Lord walter's line died out" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Obviously not" I said cooley. I looked at Linda who was by the door. Please leave us Linda, i'll talk to you later" She nodded then left, closing the door with a snap, "Is there a reason your here. Today im quite busy" 

"The taxes. They have been raised" He said. I raised an eyebrow. If he raised the taxs then the villigers would starve.


"A personal matter. It does not consern you" He was in debt. I could read it.

I scoffed. "Oh i think it does. I may have the money but I will not stand by and watch this village starve."

"What a woman like you. Stop me" He scoffed, laughing at the end. I smiled statisticly, one side of mu mouch curling up. He stopped laughing. Using a bit of my Vampire speed and strength, I grabbed him bu the throat and slamed him into the wall, not so hard it would kill him, but enough to hurt, his feet a foot off the ground. He looked at me, Fear in his eyes.

"Now you listen here. You will lower the taxes, i don't care who you owe money too. If you ever spek of this, i will personaly break the people you tell, no matter how royal. Oh and loose the weight and the threatening stance. It won't work on me" I dropped him to the ground, he gasped for air. He stood up and ran as fast as he little fat llets could carry him. "I think that told him" i said to my self. just then linda came running in.

"What happen? I just saw the landlord running from the house." she started to fuss.

"Its alright now linda. I just gave him a little talk about lowering the taxes when he raised them" She looked at me wided eyed. "Now if you'll excuse me, i have a place to be" With that i left, linda staing after me.


As i walked down into the Villiage, some of the children stopped at looked at me, smiling happily. Men and woman alike smiled and nodded as i passed. I couldn't help but smile back. So the news of the Tax lowering spreading was very fast. As soon as i entered the work room with the weaaving machines, there was a fluster as woman dropped what they were doing and ran over to me. They all started to talk all at once. After five minutes they settled down. I spotted Rose and Agnes with little Perryn then walked over to them

"How are you today?" I asked, sitting down and pulled out my sewing kit. They all looked at me, as if to say Are-you- serious? 

I laughed and shrugged off my cloak and started to do more of the Swan's body. Soon me and Rose started a conversation. I had finished my cloak and was just embodring a picture of Charlie, i had no idea why

"So how long are you gooing to stay?" Agnes asked. I thought about this for a moment.

"Probably a year" They looked up from their work

"A year?" Perryn said, strating me. i had never accturly heard him speak before. "But i don't want you to go" I smiled sadly at him.

"Perryn. Sometimes is good to move on. I want to travel, see the word. But i can't do all that here" I said truthfully. He pouted. "Now don't be sad young man. You'll have you life ahead of you. No ones here forever" I said, of course i would still be around. He nodded then walked back to keep a fire going for the woman to keep warm. I put down what i was doing and pulled out a new piece and started a picture of Me, him, Agnes, rose and Alfred. It would take a while but i think it would be a good presant for Perryn.


A week pasted since the run in with the land lord, I had finished the piece of work i did for Perryn.When i gave it him, he kept thanking me over and over again, and even giving me a hug, Shivering at my cold touch. The rest of his family were touched at my gesture. But i smiled and walked back to my house


Alright Plz plz plz can i have some more comments on, and votes plz. I'll upload quicker if you do. Thx 

Once upon of time (Twilight Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora