Mafia Love

By KeannaPettis

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Anastasia Taylor is a 22 year old woman who works in a bakery. She is in a abusive relationship . When she we... More

It's You Again
Terrible Three
Where have you been ?
Couple ?
Gala pt.1
Gala pt.2
I love you
Where are you?!
I'm Here
D-Dante ?

Who is you ?

36 1 0
By KeannaPettis

Anastasia Point of View

Today is a new day and the day I start my training. I'm nervous ass hell. I took marital arts when I was a kid, but that was a long time ago.

I woke up early this morning to get ready. Dante didn't give me a specific time so I just woke up at 7:00 and got my day started. Just as I was finna open my door there is a knock. I open the door and it's the same dude from the car and the bakery.

He clears his throat, "Ummm good morning, I'm Leo, Dante's Right Hand, I will be training you and so will be Luke and Giovanni."
"Ok, thank you. Who is Luke and Giovanni to Dante?", I asked out of curiosity.
"They are his brothers. Now eat some breakfast and meet me in the gym. Ask one of the maids for directions.", he said walking off.
"O-Ok I guess.", I said making my way down the stairs.

When I walked in the kitchen there as a woman. I didn't know her but she was very beautiful.

"Oh, who is you?", she said eyeing me in disgust.
Never mind she is not beautiful with an attitude like that.
"My name is Anastasia.", I said giving her the same attitude as well.
"Mhm my name Hope. Im Dante girlfriend.", she said looking proud of herself.
I just stood there looking at her with a neutral face.
"Is that suppose to hurt my feelings or something?", I asked tilting my head to the side a little bit.
She scoffed and stormed out.
"Haha bitch.", I said getting a banana.

But I can't deny the feeling that I got when she said that. I'm his girlfriend . It's was a small ping of jealously.

"Come on Anastasia. You can't be jealous. You just met him.", I said under my breath.

I asked a random maid where is the gym. When I finally got there I was out of breath. The elevator wasn't working for some reason so I had to run down 5 flights of stairs. Never fucking again.

When I walked in there I saw Leo stretching and two other dudes, which I am guessing Luke and Giovanni, lifting weights.

"Haha give me my 20 dollars, Gio.", Luke said.
"Ugh, here fat ass.", Gio said.

I titled my head to the side and raised a eyebrow.

I decided to speak up on this action.

"Did y'all bet on me ?," I said pointing to myself.

Gio and Luke nodded their heads yes at the same time.

"We wanted to see if you would show up." Luke said getting his water bottle.
"Yea, I said you wasn't even going to show up.", Gio said with a smirk.
"And see you lost.", Luke said sticking his tongue out causing me to giggle.

"Alright alright. Let's get started.", Leo said standing up.

*after training*

That is not the word.
I'm fucking exhausted.

"Get up. Champ.", Leo said standing over me.
He reached out to me and I grabbed his hand. He pulled me up and gave a nudge on my shoulder.

"You did good today for basics. Tomorrow you will learn how to shoot a gun." He said walking to get his bag.
"I have a question." I said sitting down on the bench.
"Shoot.", they all said .
"Who is Hope?", I asked. And when I did they all tensed up.
"How do you know her?", Luke said with all seriousness.
"Umm she was in the kitchen and she spoke to me in a disgusted way so I gave it back to her.", I said swinging my legs back and forth like a little girl.

Leo cleared his throat making the awkward atmosphere less awkward.

"She is Dante's ex-girlfriend. She hurt him very much. But that's for him to tell.", Leo said removing eye contact with me.

"O-Ok.", is all I said.

"Yea, so let's go.", Gio said heading up. After Gio everyone else headed up.

I went to take a shower. As I was walking up the stairs I heard moaning. Moaning? Who is fucking right now. I was finna ignore it but curiosity got the best of me.

*knock* *knock*
I heard shuffling for a few moments then the door open. There stood Dante. With sex hair and everything. It evens smells like sex. The tension is thick. He has nothing on but backwards boxers . I finally look at his face and he looks upset.

"What the fuck do you want.", he hissed.
"I-I ummm I just came to see was you okay.", I said nervously.
"Babe who is at the door?", Hope yelled.
"Nobody.", he said slamming the door in my face."

I stood there hurt. But I don't know why I am hurt. We don't go out . I don't like him. Maybe
it's just sex. Yeah I am just sexually frustrated. Maybe it's time to lose this v-card.
Woah woah let's not go there yet . My thoughts said. Their right I can just buy some toys for pleasure. Yup imma go to the store after I take a shower.

I went in my room and took a shower. I put on a simple outfit since its like 70 degrees outside.

As I was heading towards the door someone cleared their throat.
"Where are you going?", said the voice that always get my panties wet.
"I-I am going to the store. Then visiting my best fiend.", I said turning around to face Dante.
"Awl. How are you going to get there ? You don't have a car.", he said walking towards me.
"I was gonna call a Uber.", I said continuing walking towards the door.
"No you are not . I will get somebody to take you . Or better yet I'm taking you." He said with a smirk.

"That is not necessary. And don't you have a little bitch to fuck ?", I said rolling my eyes.
"Who I fuck is none of your business. Are you jealous ?", he said following behind me.
"Mhm", I fake thought about it tapping my chin.
"How about no.", I said turning around.
"Ok well then I'm coming. Go wait in the garage.", he said walking away.
"Ugh, this gone be so embarrassing.", I said under my breathe.

I headed to the garage after 10 minutes of looking for it.

"What took you so long ?", he said with a raised eyebrow. He look so good and delicious. Make me want to stop and strip. He just stood in some jeans and a regular blue shirt with some blue vans.
( couldn't find a picture for my description 😬 )

"Stop staring. It's rude.", he said walking towards a black Audi.

"It's not my fault I like what I see.", I said then I quickly put my hand over my mouth. I got this confidence out of nowhere.
"Keep talking like that imma give you what you want.", he growled at me. He got inside the car and honked the horn.

"I'm coming. I'm coming.", I said while mentally cussing my self.

When I got inside he put some sunglasses on to keep the sun out his eyes while he drive.

"Ok where to first?", he said driving out the driveway.

"Umm the bakery I work at?", I said
"Why you don't work there anymore?", he said making me turn my head to fast.
"I didn't call them and told them I quit.", I said folding my arms.
"I did . You don't need that job . You have a better one.", he said in a duh tone.
"Oh okay.", I said rolling my eyes.

One hour later

"Wait here I will be in for like 5 minutes.", I said getting out the car.
"No. I'm coming in with you. To make sure you don't say nothing dumb.", he said getting out also. I rolled my eyes and walked into the bakery.

"ANA-MOTHERFUCKING-STASIA! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!", E yelled soon as I walked through the door.
"Somethings happen. This and that", I said hugging him.
"Oh tell me tell me." He said making me think of a good lie. I looked at Dante and he was off talking to some little whores. I rolled my eyes.
"Something happen between me and Jack and now he gone from my life.", it wasn't technically a lie just wasn't the full truth.

"Awl are you okay ?", he said pinching my checks.
"Yes yes I'm fine.", I said swatting his hands away.
"Ok that's good when you coming back to work?", he said walking to the back.
"Umm I quit. I'm gonna go stay at a friends for a while.", I said .
"Oh. Well who is this friend ?", he said turning around.
"Umm that dude over there.", I said pointing at Dante.
"We fine as hell. Lemme get taste of that.", he said humping the air. I laughed and hit him on his chest.
"I like what I like. And where you going after this?", he said leaning on the counter.
"Well I'm gonna go get some more thongs then get some toys.", I said in a whisper.
"TOYS ? you mean dildos and vibrators." He said for the world to hear.
"Yes. Now shut up.", I said covering his mouth.

"Ok well go ion wanna keep you waiting." He said shooing me away.
"Bye pooh.", I shouted while pulling Dante out the store.
"Bye bye .", he said in return.

Me and Dante got in the car and sat in silence .

"Where to now?", he said starting the car.

"Umm well don't make fun of me but let's go to the toy store." I said nervously

"What do you mean by toy store ?", he said with a smirk.

"Umm the sexual toy store.", I said looking out the window .

To be continued ...

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