Where are you?!

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Dante point of view

"Ugh", I groaned as the lights was flickered on.
"Get the fuck up. It stinks in here.", said the voice I know all to well.


I groaned again and turned to my side. I then fell on the floor Im guess. I groaned once more and sat up.

Leo laughed while I struggled to stand up.

"Shut the fuck up.", I said finally standing up.

"Woah! What the hell happened in here?", Luke said as he walked in my office.
"I don't know. Last night I heard a slammed and then someone leaving out the front door.", Leo said with a shrug.

Someone leaving out the front door? Oh shit!

"Where is Anastasia?", I said panicking.
The both shrugged their shoulders which caused me to try to run out of the room.

"Uh-uh you not going no where until you take a shower. You stink.", Giovanni said popping in, while the others held me back. I still struggled to get out their grip until I gave up.

"I'm sure she is in her room. Calm down.", Luke said patting my face. I nodded and went to take a shower.

The hot water ran down my body, sobering me up. I took a deep breath and started washing my body.

What the hell happened last night?

I kept asking my self that. As I was walking out the bathroom everything came rushing back to me.

I said I love you. She didn't say it back. I got mad and stormed off. Drunk alcohol till I couldn't handle it anymore. But where did Anastasia go?

I then began to panic once again. I ran in my closet put anything on my body and ran towards Anastasia's room. I busted in the room to find it empty. I looked everywhere.

"WHERE IS SHE?", I screamed throwing everything across the room. Leo, Giovanni, and Luke ran in holding me down.

After holding me down for some time I began to calm down . They got up and I took the time to think.

"Search all the cameras around this estate. Find out where she is. Look in each and every hotel. Every motel. Every guest room. NOW!", I roared.

All of them muttered a yes sir and got to work.

Where are you my love?


Anastasia point of view.

I woke up in a dark cold room. I shivered and looked around. There was only one light and it was on me. Of course. Therefore the corners of the room are dark. So what we is lurking in the dark areas I couldn't see.

I looked at my body. My legs and arms are tied up to a chair. The chair itself is chained to a pole. I tested to see how tight was the rope was around my body. I moved a little bit and a burning sensation came to my skin. I hissed slightly at the pain.

"Now now. We don't want you to hurt yourself.", said someone in the room. I looked around calm as I could be. Leo taught me about this.

Rule number one: if you ever get taken by a enemy  keep calm. Don't talk.

I kept saying that in my head trying to keep calm. My hands began to sweat and a thin layer of sweat formed in my forehead. Then the person lurking behind dark came out.

It was a middle age man. Dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and pale skin. He was muscular and attractive. He is dressed in a white dress shirt and black dress pants. He looked to be 6 feet or more. I wonder how long hi- stop thinking like that. I snapped my self out my daze when I heard the door being opened.

One muscular dude came to the blonde dude and whispered something in his ear. Then blondey got super red in the face. He yelled something to the dude in a different language.

Then muscular dude said something in a quiet voice and hurried out the door. Blondey turned his attention back to me.

"Looks like your prince wants you back . So soon.", he said coming towards me.

I looked at him in confusion. Who are you?

"Who am I ? Well I'm Ivan. You might of heard of me or better yet about me.", he said with a smirk. I already kind of figured he was Ivan just wanted to be sure.

"Why are not surprised?", he said squatting in front of me. I just sat there quietly looking him in his eyes.

He sucked his teeth and got up.
"So you won't talk. More fun for me.", he said getting a knife. Inside I was screaming for help but outside I stayed calm. Don't show fear. He walked over me and slowly drug the knife across my skin but not hard enough to draw blood.

"You are so pretty. Would be horr-", in mid of his sentence he stabbed me in the leg. I bit by lip and hold in my scream.

"horrible to ruin that.", he finished with a smirk. I held back my anger. I then tasted metallic in my mouth. Blood. I hit my lip so hard I drew blood.

"W-what do you want ?", I said through gritted teeth.

He walked around me slowly. Making the room dead silent expect for the click of his shoes. He stopped at the back of my ear.

"I want yooooouuuuu....."he started dragging out 'you' .

"To be my wife."

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