Boys Boys and more Boys Harry...

By bbybunnyxxx

296K 5.4K 2K

Boys, Boys and more boys (Harry Potter fanfic) going to Hogwarts is going to be a journey full of adventure m... More

FIRST YEAR (Chapter 1)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chatper 7
Chapter 8
Merry/Happy Christmas
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
SECOND YEAR (Chapter 11)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
A/n Thank You!!!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chpater 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Shout out! To little_cxtie
Chapter 26 (Has abuse in it)
THIRD YEAR (Chapter 27)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Just wanted to say Thanks!
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
FOURTH YEAR (Chapter 41)
Chapter 42
Well i did this...
Chapter 43
Chpater 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
⚠️ A/n Please Read ⚠️
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
A/n ( Your Decision)
Chapter 58
Quick A/n
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 (Yule Ball Part 1)
Chapter 61 (Yule Ball Part 2)
Chapter 63 (Yule Ball Part 3)
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
A/n about rude comments (ill update a chapter soon)
Chapter 66 (Im Back!!!!)
Oneshot Request 💘
Chapter 67
Im sorry for everything :/
New book ideas :)

Chapter 14

3.6K 67 4
By bbybunnyxxx

At Hagrid's home/shack

Y/Ns PoV
"This calls for a specialist equipment" Hagrid says while sitting down on a chair in front of us "Nothing to do we just have to wait till it stops," Ron starts puking a slug as Hagrid finished his sentence "Better out than in Anyways hope was Ron trying to curse" He ask's us. "Malfoy he called Hermione a-" Harry then paused and took a look at Hermione  confused "Ummm well I don't know what it exactly means" Hermione got up and started walking around with her arms folded and huffing she then stops abruptly as says "He called me a Mudblood" Hagrid's face was in shocked as he gasped "He did not" He said and  turned to me in disbelief I nodded at him Harry looked at both me and Hagrid "What's a Mudblood" "It means dirty blood Mudblood is a really foul name for someone who is muggle born someone with none magic power parents someone like me it's not a term you would hear in civilised conversation." Hermione sat down facing the floor "you see Harry some wizards like the Malfoy family who think there better than everyone else because there what called 'Pure Blood'" "That's horrible" After Ron puked another huge slug he said "It's disgusting" "And it's (something) Dirty Blood why there isn't a wizard alive today that's not Half Blood or less more to the point to think of a spell that our Hermione can do come here"Hagrid took Hermione's hand and said "Don't you think about it Hermione don't you think about it for one minute" He said patting her hand But before she could let it bee she said "But its not the first time has said it to someone, last year Malfoy said Y/n's sister was Muggle-Born which she obviously isn't if Y/n parents are both magical" "Actually about that" I said starting Everyone looked at me which made me feel on edge "S/n isn't actually my biological sister she was adopted before my mother past away a couple years ago, I didn't tell anyone because I knew people would pick on her and she always have dreamed of coming here and now she finally is I just wanted to protect her like a older sister should." Everyone looked at me "So does that mean S/n is a Half- Blood then" Harry asks me "Yup and that's just the way I like it" I say smiling.

Once my classes where finished Professor Flitwick (the head of RavenCalw) told me that I would be getting the same punishment as Harry and Ron where doing and that tonight I had to Help Professor Lockhart with Harry which I thought I was going to die if I stayed with that man for an hour or more.

Me and Harry both sat beside each other beside his desk and helped him with his fan mail which there were millions of letters and other items "Harry Y/n Harry can you possibly imagine a better way to serve detention than by helping me to answer my fan mail" Me and Harry looks at each other "Not really" we both said in unison "Fame is a frickle friend Harry Y/n celebrity is as a celebrity does remember that" He says while taking another letter and signing it I look at Harry and gave him a 'What was that all about' look and he gives me a 'I have no idea' I started doing more letters a couple of seconds later I noticed Harry was looking confused and scared and started looking around us I just stared at him with confusion "What" Harry says not looking at me or Lockhart it was alike he was speaking to someone else someone inside is mind "What" Lockhart said turning to Harry "That voice" he says "Voice" We all started to look around Harry turned to me "Did you hear it" I shook my head "I didn't hear anything" "What are you talking about Harry I think your getting a bit drowsy" Lockhart said chuckling a bit at the end of his sentence he then turns to the clock on his desk and said/gasped "No wonder look at the time we've been here for almost four hours spooky how to time flys while having fun" He says again chuckling at the end of his sentence "Spooky" Harry says "indeed" I say back.

Me and Harry where walking down the corridor talking about the voice he heard "Do you know at least who's voice you are hearing exactly" I ask him "No I don't kn-" Harry then stops mind sentence and also stops abruptly and started looking around him "Harry are you alright is it the voices again" I ask him but he doesn't answer instead even goes over to the wall and placed his ear near it and started walking along the wall I followed closely until he turned a corner and "Harry Y/n" Hermione said standing with Ron in front of us "Did you hear it" "Hear what" Ron ask's sacredly "The voice" "Voice what voice Y/n what his he talking about" Hermione ask's "He first heard it in Lockhart's classroom and now he's been hearing it since" I said "It's moving I think it's going to kill" Harry saying taking off with all of us closely following behind him "Kill" Ron ask's me as we are running "Harry Wait" Hermione shouts "Not fast."

We all followed Harry down a hallway until we stopped when we turned a corner to find spiders mostly tiny ones in a line going out a window one by one "Strange I've never we seen spiders act like that" Harry says "I don't like spiders" Ron says randomly "What's that" he added we looked into a puddle to see red writing on the wall we look up too see "The chamber of Secrets has been opened enemies of the heir beware" Hermione reads out loud "It's writing in blood" She also said I looked away I hated Blood the sight of it makes you squirm "Oh no" Harry says as Hermione gasps "what" I whisper as I turn around to see Harry approaching something "It's Flich's Cat" I hated peoples voices whispering I turn around to see a bunch of students gathering around us Gryffindors and Slytherins "Enemies of the heir beware" Malfoy reads out in his annoying voice he then turns to us and says "You'll be next Mudblood" You rolled your eyes at him Malfoy just smilies at you and not in the nice way but in the weirdly bad way "What's going on here" Everybody turns to see Flinch pushing his way to the front "Move it Move it" he says and once he does make it to the front he looks at Harry and says "Potter what are you-" he then stops and noticed his cat hanging by its tail "Mrs Norris you killed my cat" he says "No No" Harry's says I could feel Draco's smirk from here "I'll kill ya" he says quietly at first The he grabs Harry and shouted "ILL KILL YA" "Argus " it was Professor Dumbledore and other staff and Professors he then noticed what had been written on the wall "Everyone will proceed to their dormitories at medially" Everybody just turned but everyone stops again when heard "Except you four" he says we all look at each other and continued moving closer to Professor Dumbledore "She's not dead Argus she has been petrified" he says then was cut of by Lockhart saying "Ah I thought so, So unlucky I wasn't there I know the exact kind of curse that could have spared her" I could tell the staff already hated Lockhart by the look on there faces "now how she has been petrified I could not say" "You can ask him he's the one who's done it you saw what he wrote on the wall" Flinch said "It's not true sure I swear I never touch Mrs Norris" Harry says pleading "Rubbish" "If I might head master perhaps Potter and his friends could have been here at the wrong place at the wrong time" Professor Snape said we where all shocked about what just came out of his mouth was he really protecting us we all look at each other in disbelief "However the circumstances are suspicious I for one don't recall seeding Potter and Y/n at dinner" Snape said walking closer to me and Harry but mostly Harry "Well that's my doing Severus you see the boy of them where helping me on some of my fan mail" Now Lockhart is defending us man this is confusing "That why Ron and I went looking for them Professor we just found them when they had" Hermione stops herself looking at us "Yes Miss Granger" Professor Snape said "When we said we weren't hungry" Snape Snape his head into Harry direction "We where just heading back to the common room when we found Mrs Norris" Harry says Snape's puts up and eyebrow and turns to Professor Dumbledore "Innocents until proven guilty Severus" he says "My cat has been petrified I wanna see some punishment" Flich shouts "We will be able to cure her Argus as I understand it Madam Sprout is a healthy growth of Mandrake I'm sure a potions will revive Mrs Norris and in the mean time I strongly recommend caution to all."

Word count 1,589

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