What the Hell Are You Doing S...

By ThatSweetNatural20

164K 5.3K 12.4K

When Class 1-A goes to lunch Bakugou stays behind to have an afternoon workout and shower. However, when Kiri... More

Panic at the Dorms
What Are You to Me?
Sweet Like Candy
Get Your Hands Off Me!
Winter's A Bitch
A Big Class 1-A Sleepover!
Why is it Always Me?

You Give Me Strength

19.1K 726 1.7K
By ThatSweetNatural20

Bakugo POV
Everything fucking hurts.
My whole body's sore, even my goddamn brain feels muddled.
'M not sure how long I've been crying, could've been a few minutes or a fucking hour, I don't know and I don't really give a shit either. Cause right now I feel warm and safe, two things I hadn't felt for a while.

I feel a pair of strong arms pick me up bridal style, carrying me out of the bathroom.
God, 'm fucking drained, my body feels so goddamn heavy.
My eyelids flutter open and close as I fight to stay awake. I hadn't even realized that 'm currently laying on the bed and fucking Kirishima 's trying to tell me something.
"...so here's the pajamas. I'll be outside if you need me."
The redhead makes his way out of the room, closing the door gently.
I sigh, sitting up groggily before throwing the dampened towel off of me. Grabbing the nightwear it consists of a slightly baggy maroon T-shirt, a pair of dark grey pants and some black boxer briefs. I change and promptly fall back down onto the covers, usually I sleep without pants but 's fucking winter and they're pretty warm.

I turn my head towards the jarring sound of my phone notifications in the silent room. Groaning, I roll over and grab it. 'S 8:27 and the bright screen displays a familiar name.
Can I come back in?
Ahh, so he finally learned how to ask for permission before barging into peoples rooms. I quickly type a, sure, before tossing my phone back on the nightstand. A few seconds later the redhead walks back in, sitting hesitantly on the edge of the bed, concern coating his normally care free features. It pisses me off, I dig my fingernails into the palms of my hands, creating little half circles in the skin. Stop looking at me like that. I already feel fucking weak on my own, I don't need your pity.

As if Kirishima had read my thoughts he speaks up,
"I know you don't want me worrying about you."
I "tch," snapping my gaze away and out towards the dark window.
"Great, glad we're on the same fucking page. Leave me alone."
I hear the boy sigh before speaking again,
"I know you don't mean that."
"Well I do." I snap back, my eyes glinting fiercely. Why can't you just leave me alone like everyone else? What's in it for you?

"You don't have to go through life all alone, there's people out there that want to help you, Bakugo."
"Just shut up!"
My voice starts to raise as anger fuels my once tired body. I don't need your fucking help! I've always done things on my own, without anybody's fucking assistance. And 's damn well gonna stay that way.
"No! 'M not letting you push me away, Bakugo!"
Kirishimas voice is firm and determined as his eyes bore into me with a fiery passion.
"Well maybe you should fucking stay away! Did that ever occur to you, huh?"
I try to make my voice as nasty and sarcastic as possible. Leave me! Despise me! Get out of my fucking life for your own goddamn good!
"Why would I do that? You're my friend!" Kirishima seems unaffected by my tone, more confused than anything.
"Because 'm the bully, the delinquent, the brat, the one kid no one wants be around!-"
I enunciate every description by pushing roughly on Kirishimas chest and shoulders. With each shove my heart clenches and hurts immensely. The words I spew taste like poison in my mouth, I hate it- I hate it so fucking much. Just leave me! Why won't you give up on me?! Why do you put up with all my fucking bullshit?!
"-'m a nuisance! A fucking asshole to everyone I meet! So HATE me! RESENT ME! DETEST ME LIKE THE AWFUL FUCKING HUMAN BEING I A-"

The sound silences my yelling, leaving the room eerily quiet, only disturbed by our heavy breathing.
I raise a trembling hand to my cheek, it stings painfully from the impact. My gaze 's downcast but a small smile creeps along my lips. I laugh dryly,
"So you actually hit me... good, 's about time..." 
I wait for him to leave or maybe hit me again, to fucking spit at me or cuss, yell- anything... something...
But he doesn't, we just sit there for a few moments until the tension is too heavy for me to bare. I look up at him, more bitter words falling from my mouth,
"Now you understand why everyone..."
My breath hitches in my throat as my sentence trails off. My eyes widen and focus on the redhead in front of me. Fat tears roll down his sorrowful face as he clenches tightly onto the bedsheets beneath us. No...no-shit I didn't want this, I just thought he would get mad and leave, but I ended up hurting him instead. What the fuck is wrong with me?

The stinging in my cheek was long forgotten because 's replaced by these shitty emotions that always seem to fucking hurt a million times worse- that's why 's better to just distance yourself from others...you don't have to worry about getting hurt. 'S time to end this...
"See? You should have left when I told you, now look at you."
Kirishima squeezes his eyes shut tightly whilst biting onto his bottom lip. His sharp teeth draw a small bit of blood from the area, which drips down, mixing with his tears, creating a diluted pink. I instinctively reach up to wipe away the liquid but I retract my hand just as impulsively. I hurt him, what right do I fucking have to try and help him? He's probably disgusted by me, I sure as hell am...
Kirishima snaps his eyes open and roughly grabs my wrist, pushing me back onto the bed with him on top. I don't try to fight back, I just let whatever he's going to do happen. I fucking deserve this...

I close my eyes, waiting for rough blows to come pummeling down upon me. But...I don't feel hardened fists crushing me- Huh? The fuck?- instead I feel Kirishimas warm body pull flush against my own. His arms cradle around me gently whilst nestling his dampened face into the crook of my neck. I crack open one eye before opening the other. I don't understand... what's happening?

Kirishimas voice comes out cracked and gruff beside my ear, puffing breaths of hot air onto the sensitive skin, causing me to shiver.
"'M not leaving you, not now-not ever. So please... don't talk about yourself like that."
My throat squeezes painfully. No...
I try desperately to keep the fucking walls I had built around myself throughout the years from crumbling more than they already had. To ignore the redheads sentimental words, to block out his fidelity.
Please, stop-I don't want to cry again, I wanna go back to being fucking alone and strong...before I met you...

"W-why? Why are you doing this? You have plenty of friends who are actually nice to you. So why the fuck do you put up with me?"
I choke out while fighting back the wetness forming in my eyes. How do I have so many tears? Have I been fucking storing them or some shit?
Kirishima laughs lightly causing me to involuntarily squirm against him again. He sits up- pulling me up with him. His smile is so perfect and sweet that it makes my stomach do summersaults. No, I don't want to feel this way! What the fuck are you doing to me?!

"Ya, you can kinda be a pain in the ass sometimes, but that's just who you are."
He coos angelically, his gaze showing no signs of hesitance or awkwardness. They're trained solely on me with so much adoration it makes me feel like the only other person in the world.
"How could I hate you for being-well, you!" He laughs again at his ironic joke, causing the sides of his eyes to crinkle in joy before evening out again to look at me.
"I care about you so much, you're my best friend." For the first time I see a glint of hesitation dance across the boys ruby eyes. I don't interrupt him, however- even if I did I couldn't find the words, what would I say? He casts his head down for a few moments, shaking it in denial.
"No...no, 's more than that." He brings his eyes back up to me, more resolute and determined then ever.
"I love you."

...what? 'S this a joke? He doesn't really mean that, h-he can't. Who could ever...
Before my shitty deprecating thoughts can continue Kirishima pulls me fully onto his lap- catching me off guard. He looks intently into my eyes, waiting for a response- red mirroring red...
"What about you?" Kirishima prompts as I see a bit of worry and insecurity crack through his bold expression.
What the hell am I supposed to say? I've never fucking done this before!
"I-I don't know... I can't even understand my own goddamn feelings... they're so fucking confusing..." I trail off, looking at an ambiguous corner of the room.
Kirishima responds quickly, drawing my attention back to the redhead.
"Well, tell me about them, maybe we can sort through them together."
I still fucking hate the thought of working through my bullshit feelings, but 'm not an idiot. I've got to get this shit figured out if I want to move on.

Kirishima POV
I don't think I've felt so confident, well, ever. Bakugo 's sitting in my lap, telling me his feelings. Even better the feelings are about me!
The blond in mention squirms awkwardly, glancing from side to side, trying to avoid eye contact.
I hope 'm not making him uncomfortable... Shit... I shouldn't have pulled him onto my lap- why would I do that? What wrong with me? 'S too soon! I messed up!
I sense my confident facade quickly slipping as uncertainty worms it's way into my mind.

"Uh...I don't know- I guess, when 'm around you I feel... nice? Good?"
I snap my head back towards Bakugo, my heart fluttering hopefully. Even with such hesitant words from the closed off boy I feel my courage swiftly returning.
"And...?" I lead the boy favorably.
Bakugo furrows his brows confusedly as if he doesn't understand what those emotions should indicate.
"And...I like them... they make me feel h-happy? I think that's right at least, I don't fucking know."
Frustration edges into the blonds voice, causing me to bring a hand up, combing my fingers through the back of his spikey hair. He relaxes, slumping down so that his chin rests on my shoulder. Whether the blond 's trying to show affection or 's just being lazy, 'm not sure, but 's making my heart skip nonetheless!

"When you fucking smile it makes my stomach and my chest feel weird, 's always so fucking hot...or warm, maybe..."
I nod my head, waiting for Bakugo to continue.
"I actually... give a fuck about you, like, All Might-sorta. Except 's not like All Might cause he's more like a role model but you..."
He pulls back and looks me in the eyes.
"...I wanna know more about you, to hang out with you..."
The boys pale face blossoms into a pink flush, causing him to look and tug away again.
"...I don't know, I don't understand my fucking feelings. I've never felt this way about anyone and it fucking scares me..."
He whispers the last part out like he's hoping I won't hear it, but I do and it makes my heart ache painfully to know that pleasant emotions like these are so foreign to the blond.

I smile before pulling Bakugo back, gently leaning in to place a soft kiss on the cheek I had hit.
"Sorry... about hitting you..." I breath out onto his supple skin before leaning my forehead onto his, closing my eyes.
Right now I can imagine Bakugo's probably tensing and freaking out.
"Huh?" I snap my eyes open to see that the blond has closed his own but 's taking shaky breaths.
I feel Bakugo's quivering arms envelop around my hunched back. A semblance of a hug, 's a start.

"'S gonna take me a while to get used to this..."
Bakugo speaks quietly, as if he doesn't want anyone hearing our private conversation.
I nod my head, smiling. I know.
"'M not a touchy person, so don't expect any PDA or cutesy bullshit." The boy warns as if trying to get me to back out. I love you, 's okay, I know what type of person you are...

After a few moments I feel Bakugo separate our foreheads, I quickly peel open my own eyes to see the boy in a state of contemplation. I give him my best puppy dog look. When peering up at me the blond sighs, rolling his sharp red irises before speaking.
"Fine, 'm willing to give this a shot."
I bounce up gleefully, getting up to jump, run and dance around the room. He's gonna go out with me! Bakugo Katsuki 's gonna be my boyfriend!!
When glancing over I see even Bakugo struggling to hold back a small smile.

I bound over to him, pouncing on him, making him yelp in surprise before growling from my bear hug.
I prop up on my elbows, digging them into the bed beside both sides of Bakugos body.
Leaning down I hear the blond take in a sharp breath before glancing down at my lips, licking his lightly. He swiftly snaps his gaze back to mine, his face turning a deep pink from being caught.

He scowls menacingly but 's quick to disappear as I close the distance between us. I've always imagined kissing Bakugo but I never thought it would actually happen, I can feel my very bones shaking with anticipation. When our lips are mere centimeters away from each other I remember a very important detail. I quickly redirect my kiss to the boys warm forehead. Yep, still sick.

Disappointedly, I sit up and off of Bakugo, sighing in utter defeat. Plopping back onto the bed I watch the blonde's eyes pop open in confusion. Bolting upwards and looking around, his complexion 's meeting my hair color status. He snarls in both embarrassment and anger at me.
"What the fuck was that?! I thought you wanted to fucking kiss me, you asshole!!"
I quickly raise my hands defensively,
"I do! Trust me! But as a hero in training and member of society I can't."
I say both convincingly and righteously.

Bakugo looks at me as if I'd gone completely insane, maybe I have.
"What the fuck are you saying, moron?"
The boy crosses his arms in disgust, still scowling at me.
"You're sick. If I kiss you I could get myself and others sick, too."
Bakugos jaw drops open, dumbfounded. Oh, god, did I fuck up already? Dammit!!
The blond drops his forehead onto one of the hands propped up on his legs. He laughs quietly, shaking his head.
"You're such a fucking dork." He snorts at my very reasonable caution, at least in my opinion.
Sighing he flops fully onto the bed, nearly kicking me.
"...Fine, get out."

Wait, what? What does he mean?! I messed it up, holy shit! He doesn't want to date me! He wants me out of his lif-
"Come on!" He actually kicks me off the bed now as panicked thoughts bombard my mind.
I jump back up, not fazed by the fall. I give him a wild and worried look.
He huffs and turns over onto his side, wrapping himself in blankets.
"I need to go to fucking sleep so I can get better, right Shitty Hair?"
Bakugo says quite suggestively, offering a small wink with it. He gives me a devious smirk before shutting his eyes.

"U-uh, y-yeah, definitely-"
I splutter our incoherent affirmations as I clumsily stumble back to the doorway, shutting off the lights through my haze of confusion.
Once I quietly close the door behind me, I pat and slap at my red face that's absolutely flushed from Bakugo's dirty tone and sly words.
Shit, he's good at this, this 's gonna be a wild ride...

Bakugo POV
In case you're wondering, being sick fucking sucks. You can't do anything without somebody bitching about taking it easy and shit. But 'm a fucking workaholic so sitting in bed and taking medicine all day has been absolutely aggravating, to say the fucking least.
Luckily that's over now. My fever, coughing, shaking, all that bullshit 's fucking gone. It only took four goddamn days, I tried to just sleep through as much of the time as possible but with all the construction of the dorms outside it was almost fucking impossible, I swear.
I sigh, cracking open an eye, the new ceiling of my room greets me blandly. The school provided us with the necessities we started off with last time. Including a bed, nightstand, dresser and some other shit in the closet I haven't looked at yet.

I swing off the bed and grab some weights, 's one of the only things I asked Ponytail to make, or more like I demanded Kirishima to ask her.
'M about half an hour into my workout- changing it up with some weights, cardio and stretching- when a series of quick knocks resonate from my door. I swear to fucking god, I've been through enough shit this break. Can't I just fucking enjoy my workout without some asshole interrupting?!
"Tch," you know what? Fuck it, I don't have to answer that. Slipping into a full split, I ignore the extra at the door.

Knock, knock, knock
They knock again, harder this time. Sighing exasperatedly, I don't bother getting out of my stretch, why fucking would I?
"'S fucking unlocked." I semi-shout at whoever's there, maybe 's a teacher?
The door swings open to a mess of red hair-in a ponytail- and a huge ass fucking smile.
"Hey, Baku-..."
Kirishima trails off in a state of confusion, staring down at me.
"What? You've never seen anybody do the fucking splits before, Hair for Brains?!"
I sneer at him whilst rolling out my shoulders.

Kirishima turns his head away slightly, scratching at his cheek that had gone pink. Why the fuck 's he blushing?
"No, 's just I had no idea you were so flexible, 's kinda hot..."
My face fills with heat at the boys compliment, my jaw dropping open in shock and embarrassment. 'S not fucking funny when he does it to me!
Swiftly getting out of the splits I rush at the redhead, grabbing his face.
Once I feel his soft skin go jagged underneath my palm I release a few nonlethal explosions.

We play fight and wrestle for a few minutes
until Kirishima manages to pin me onto the bed-my back pressed up against the sheets. His hands hold my wrists at the sides of my head and his knees press at my hips whilst his legs wrap around my own, keeping me still.
He laughs gleefully, letting go of my wrists and sitting up. A devious plan enters my mind, causing me to smirk, I grab Kirishimas shoulders and push, causing our positions to switch. He looks up at me in curiosity, before he can speak though I grab the sides of his face and finally kiss him. I do most of the work since the idiots too shocked to push back into the kiss. The kiss is firm but not rough, after a few seconds I pull back a bit to look at the redhead smugly.
I can feel my own flush mirroring his as he stares at me dumbfounded. When he doesn't say anything for several moments I feel my cockiness quickly crack away as insecurity replaces it. I pull away fully so that 'm sitting on his lap whilst crossing my arms, looking away, scowling.
"What the fuck are you staring at, Weird Hair?"

Kirishima POV
Holy shit! Bakugo kissed me and it was soo manly and amazing! I can't believe that his lips are so soft...
'M broken out of my trance when Bakugo sits up and looks away, pouting. God he's so cute...

"What the fuck are you staring at, Weird Hair?"
The blond snaps at me, sharpening his gaze.
I smile warmly at the angry boy, "You..." I coo softly as I sit up to place my hands gently onto Bakugos hips.
Bakugo's face lights up like a cherry as he attempts to splutter our insults and excuses. But as I connect our lips once again, he quickly silences himself, wrapping his arms around my shoulders loosely.
The kiss starts out slow and deep but Bakugo kisses like he fights, aggressive and with the intent to win.
He's quickly starting to take the lead which provokes some sort of power I'd never felt before. I want him. I should be the one dominating this kiss.

I open my eyes a little bit- hooded- I give a deep guttural growl. Bakugo's eyes shoot open in shock as he attempts to speak,
I interrupt the blond by pushing him up against the beds headboard. Rushing forward I recapture the boys plump lips with my own. Kissing him roughly I feel the boys aggression quickly dissolve as he wraps his legs around my waist so that his body is pulled flush against mine. Our breaths become shorter and quicker as I fight to keep us from separating until I have to take a breath. I pull away for a few seconds as we both pant in lust.
I groan in satisfaction before diving back towards Bakugo's intoxicating mouth. I decide to step things up a notch, pushing my tongue against Bakugo's lips, he smirks a bit, not giving me permission. So you've still got a bit of fight in you, huh? Fine by me.

I latch my sharp teeth onto Bakugo's full bottom lip. Dragging it out, I make sure to scrap my teeth along it pleasurably, but not too hard to hurt the boy. Bakugo groans hotly as he stares at me with hazy, half lidded eyes. Taking advantage of Bakugo's groan I swiftly push my tongue through his lips. Swiping the muscle throughout the blonde's hot cavern, I explore this untouched area. As I run my tongue over the boys straight teeth I feel him snake his fingers through my hair, undoing the ponytail. I groan appreciatively as he pulls and tugs at the red strands pleasurably.

Bakugo tries to fight back with his own tongue but quickly leans his head back in submission, giving me full control. A deep rumble erupts from my chest as I slide the boy back onto the bed, keeping our body's pressed against one another's. More...more...more!
I slip my hands underneath Bakugo's black tank top, sliding my rough hands along his sides sensually. The boy underneath squirms erotically at my touch, leaning in and away from it, Bakugo even arches his back in deep wanting. He whimpers submissively as I trail my cold finger tips up his toned body towards his pronounced chest.
"You're so sensitive~"
I break away from our hot makeout session to the boys pale exposed neck and collarbone and start leaving passionate hickies. I bite into the supple skin before patching it up with mending licks and loving kisses, causing Bakugo to shake in pleasure.

"A-ah, f-fuck! K-kiri, I- AaAGgN~!"
Bakugo moans out nonsensical mumblings as I continue to move my hands up towards a pair of hard buds located on the boys chest. I roll and tug at his nipples, reveling in the way Bakugo would whimper or moan louder when I twisted or pulled at them at the same time. When doing exactly that while planting an especially passionate hickie above his collarbone the blond loses what little control he had left and bucks his hips desperately up into mine. A wave of pleasure shoots through my body, wanting that feeling again I instinctively grind down into Bakugo's lap, his hips eagerly rolling into mine. Satisfied with my markings I'd made on Bakugo I move back to his full swollen lips.

"K-kiri~, wa-"
I cut Bakugo off again by invading his mouth with my tongue, coating his hot cavern with my saliva. I ignore the blond as I melt into his soft lips and burnt caramel aroma. I don't even notice him pushing at my shoulders, panicky.
I move my hands off of Bakugo's abused nipples, trailing them down to his ass. I grope at the baggy material of his sweatpants, knowing and salivating over what I could feel was hidden underneath the cloth.
"N-no, AAH...KIRI, p-please"
Bakugo whimpers again, his speech slurred from my tongue in his mouth. 'S a little distracting when 'm trying to enjoy this and make it pleasurable for him, too.
Bakugo breaks away from the kiss, sitting up slightly but not by much since he's still trying to catch his breath and push against my shoulders.

I demand loudly, more than a little irritated that Bakugo's interrupting such an intimate moment.
"Eijiro! Stop!"
Bakugo shouts, snapping me out of my trance and making my heart stop. E-eijiro? Did I hear that right? He called me by my first name?
I stop rocking my hips and finally take a good look at the panting boy beneath me. His red eyes are dilated and moist- tears?- with semi closed lids, his eyelashes fluttering across his cheeks when blinking. His plump lips are swollen- from my biting- and slightly parted as he tries to recover from our lewd activities. His ash blond hair appears more tousled than usual and a pink flush covers his entire body, it seems, but 's darkest on his cheeks and ears.
Looking down from Bakugo's face I feel a mix of emotions hit me when seeing several patches of violent reds and purples from my aggressively placed hickies. They start at his neck with some spreading under his collarbone.
Bakugo wanted me to stop, he asked-no begged me to, but I ignored him for my own selfish reasons...
Waves of guilt and remorse flood over me as I look sorrowfully into the blond's focusing irises.
"D-did I hurt you? Did it feel b-bad?"
I speak so quietly that it would've been inaudible if the room wasn't dead quiet.

Bakugo's eyes widen at my question, probably surprised that I had reverted back to my normal self so quickly.
"No, I would've exploded your fucking ass by now if it felt bad, moron."
I laugh a little, glad Bakugo had gone back to his usual profanity.
"Yeah, you're right..."
I say rather awkwardly whilst rubbing at the back of my neck. But at the blonds answer 'm left more confused on why we stopped. I slowly voice my curiosity,
"Soo...then, why did we stop?"

Bakugo is, again, taken aback by my straightforward question, if his surprised expression has anything to indicate. He turns his gaze downcast before sighing and leaning his head on my shoulder, now that we're back to sitting up and across from eachother. He sounds so tired...
"I just..." the blond takes in a deep breath before speaking again. "...don't want to move too fast..."
My heart skips a beat at the boy's worries. I wrap my arms around him, firm and securely.
"You're right, 'm sorry. I didn't mean to lose control like that."
Bakugo slowly snakes his arms around me in return before pulling away .
He starts untangling his limbs to get up, I let him, I don't wanna be clingy.

"Whatever... 'M starving, 'm gonna go make something downstairs." The boy grumbles with slouched shoulders.
"Wait!" I grab his waist so that he would stop moving. He turns his head around, scowling at me.
"Haven't you fucking touched me enough today?" Bakugo snaps in his usual irritable tone.
"B-but your neck... and chest..." I trail off awkwardly whilst blushing. Oh, shit.
Bakugo's face is masked in confusion as he rushes over to the dresser mirror. In the reflection I watch in fear and embarrassment as Bakugo quickly notices the angry love marks of red and purple I mindlessly littered over his pale body.
He snaps his red eyes over to me with his mouth hanging open in shock and outrage.

The blond exclaims accusingly.
Oh god he's gonna kill me, quick distract him!
"I thought you called me Eijiro now."
I try not to stutter with fear of Bakugo's wrath at the forefront of my mind.
Bakugo's face flushes bashfully as he looks downcast with a small pout which s' even more pronounced with his plump lips.

"You weren't fucking listening to me... do you not like it?"
I stand up quickly to walk over to the boy, a big smile on my face.
"No! No, I was just wondering if I can call you Katsuki~" I place my hands on his slim waist whilst whispering lowly into his ear.
"I-uh!" Bakugo stutters at my tone and touch.
"O-only when we're alone..."
Bakugo gives his permission so quietly that if I wasn't right in front of the blond I wouldn't have heard it.
All at once, my heart swells with the love I feel for the angry boy 'm holding in my grasp. I smile so wide that my eyes close slightly.

Another amazing idea pops into my head. Before I can think about it I excitedly ask the blond,
"Can we cuddle, Katsuki?"
Katsuki scowls at me before pushing my hands off of him, crossing his arms.
"Fine, but first you're getting me some fucking food, asshole."
"Absolutely!" I agree cheerfully, seeing very clearly the blush invading the boys cheeks.

There's gonna be a lot of problems throughout our relationship, fights, miscommunications, and plenty of tears. But that's any relationship, not to mention we're teenage up and coming heroes so 's especially dramatic. However, theres gonna be a lot of laughter, kissing, hugging... other things... and fun.
Looking at the blond love of my life right in front of me I feel strangely... content.
We're gonna be okay, cause we make each other stronger...

Word Count: 5,120

Authors Note
Oh my goodness gracious! The book's over! So sad? Happy? Relieved? All of the above. Before I go any farther though I have to tell you guys just how thankful I am to every single one of you who read, voted, and listed my story. By the time I'm posting this final chapter the book is almost at 500 reads! That's crazy! Coming home to write and seeing all the support has truly made my day, everyday. I honestly wanted to write this story cause I love this ship and it started out as a funny idea. I actually am not signed up for any social media platforms so without a way to promote myself I never thought this story would gain the traction it has. So thank you all so much, I hope you've enjoyed reading this story as much  as I've enjoyed writing it.

But wait, there's more? That's right I'm planning on writing another book after this one. It's gonna be a Kiribaku omegaverse story. Warning though, that story is going to be way darker than this one. I'll probably take a little break from writing ( maybe like 1 or 2 weeks) before starting the new book. I hope you all will stop by to check it out.

Bye bye till next book!

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