Dean's Daughter (supernatural...

By _emoghost

68.9K 1.2K 253

What happens when the rough and tough Dean Winchester finds out he has a kid with an old flame? And what happ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Not an update!
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Merry Christmas!
In the Woods - Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapeter 11
Just a question
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 9

2.4K 45 8
By _emoghost

No ones POV:
Trigger warning: a guy is a creep, talk of an abused child, mentions of suicide and murder.

Chris sat in the backseat of the impala, baseball cap bill covering most of her field of vision, and earplugs in. She had a back against the car door, feet across the seats. Her backpack was on the floor, open so she could easily access it.
Dean drummed his fingers along the steering wheel, while Sam sat to his right reading a book. Chris gave him a book on constellations she's had over the years.
The three were on their way to a small town in upstate New York. There was a ghost haunting a local hotel. Chris tried to tune out Deans singing with her music, until she heard Killer Queen start playing on the radio. She bolted upright, yanking her earbuds out and leaned over the seats to turn up the volume. Dean yanked the steering wheel in surprise, swerving so he wouldn't crash. Chris crashed into Sam, half her body over the seat.
"CHRISTOPHER!" Dean yelled, eyes wide and frantic as he got the car back to driving straight.
SHES A KILLER QUEEN!" Chris continued to ignore Dean as she sang along to Freddie Mercury.
"Well we know she's your kid now." Sam commented as he watched Chris sing.
Dean smiled as he looked in the mirror. More music played out of the speakers, the occasional Queen song playing for Chris, the rest of the way.
By the time they reached the town it was midnight, and Chris was passed out in the backseat of the impala, her green blanket and Dean's old jacket over her. Her hair had fallen out of her ponytail and was sprawled all over her face, while she was cuddling up to her backpack.
Dean opened the backseat door an shook her foot, attempting to wake her up.
"Chris.. wake up. Come on kid.."
"No... no.. please..." Chris whispered in her sleep, her face scowling softly.
"Chris you gotta get up."
Dean moved so he was shaking her arm and leg.
"Please... stop... don't... no.. please..." her whispers soon turned to pleas as she tried pushing Dean away in her sleep, fighting away whoever she was seeing in her sleep. "Get away... no..! No! NO GET AWAY!"
Soon she was screaming and thrashing as Dean tried to wake her up.
"Chris you gotta wake up! It's okay it's okay!" He had her arms pinned down at her sides, but managed to get kneed in the gut and clawed at the arm. Her screams soon dissolved into tears as Chris finally woke up.
"Dean?" She choked out, trying to remember what happened.
"You has a bad dream. Does that happen often?" He asked as he helped her sit upright.
Chris hugged her knees to her chest, wiping her eyes and she shrugged.
"Here and there. Nothing important enough for concern though."
"Chris you just had a freak out in the middle of your sleep, where you attacked me. I'd say it's da*n well important enough."
She hugged her legs closer and let out a soft "its nothing Dean. I swear."
Dean sighed, not wanting to force her into talking, and rubbed his hand across his face.
"Tell me if something's up okay? I know I'm not the biggest feely, emotion guy around but.. Chris I'm always going to be here for you if you need me okay?"
Chris knew Dean was trying. She wanted to be able to be open with her dad and tell him what's wrong. But she couldn't. She couldn't tell him every time she closed her eyes she saw her body being beaten and tortured. How she felt the phantom pains of each scar and bruise that'd etch into her skin.
That it felt like prophecy that this suffering she was going to go through was going to happen. (A/n writing this line kinda made me think of Jesus and I kept thinking to myself "she's not Jesus. This isn't like Jesus. This is different." Why must my brain be this way.)
(A/n I meant to edit this out but I forgot... I should edit it out. Ima leave it. Cuz whhyyy not.)
Chris put on a well rehearsed smile and nodded.
"Yeah. I will. Now can we get into the motel room please? I'm frickin tired."
Dean chuckled and moved out of the car as Chris grabbed her backpack and blanket, also leaving the car.
Sam was already inside the beaten down motel room, sitting on one of the two beds with his laptop. Chris entered the room and made a beeline for the bathroom, changing from her skinny jeans into some grey sweats and a Blink-182 sweatshirt. When she came out her hair was up in a braid and she went over to the boys beds and stole a pillow for each of them, then went to go to sleep on the couch.
With a heavy yawn she wrapped the blanket around herself. "Night Dean.. night Sammy."
Sam smiles over his computer screen to the young girl who was falling fast asleep.
"Night Chris."
-time skip-
In the morning Chris was dropped off at a little place called hell-I mean high school. The boys wanted her to talk with some of the locals and see if they knew anything.
"You hate me. Confirmed." Chris said as she got out of the impala.
"Chris stop complaining and just get your a** in school."
"Why?! This is stupid! I don't know how to be "social". I had a total of two friends in high school and everyone assumed I was a mute."
"Go!" He yelled pointing to the building behind her.
With a pissed off look she flipped Dean off and walked up the brick steps.
The halls reeked of social anxiety and peer pressure. At least that's the vibe it gave off. She made her way to the main office, getting her schedule from someone who looked like they were about to die any moment.
Chris's heels clicked against the tile flooring as she searched the now empty halls for her science class. There were anti-bullying posters hung up along with "Save the Environment!" Signs that have been graffitied over.
Turning the corner, Chris bumped into someone running down the hall, nearly knocking her to the floor.
"Woah what the heck?!" Chris yelled, gaining her balance.
The male who was once running was now on the floor, holding his head which knocked hard against the floor.
"Sorry.. I wasn't looking where I was-" his sentence stopped as his eyes met her face. He scrambled to his feet, his eyes never once leaving her. "-going.. I'm Liam."
Chris's face scrunched up in disgust as she watched Liams eyes travel down her figure.
"No." Is all she said before walking past him and continuing to look for her class.
"Wait! Where are ya headed? Maybe I could take you?"
"No thanks."
"Why not?"
"Leave me alone."
"Oh come on, you can't say no to me! You have to know who I am."
Chris stopped and looked at him. "Don't know who you are. And. No. Go away."
"You're new right? Cause I would've remembered if I saw you before. Because you are gor-"
"God do you ever shut up?"
"Hey no need to be a bi-" Liam put a hand on her shoulder to try and stop her, which was the wrong move on his part because Chris spun around quickly, grabbing his arm and shoving it back and upwards. Liam was stuck in pain as Chris's face contorted into an even more enraged look.
"Get this through your thick pretty boy pervert skull. I don't want anything to do with you. I don't care who you are. If you look at me like I'm some sort of prey your hunting again, I'll kick your a**. Never touch me again. Understand?"
Liam frantically nodded his head, then was released from the powerful armlock Chris had him in.
She clicked her tongue and walked away. After this little incident she finally found the class and entered, gathering the attention of many of the students and the teacher.
"Can I help you?" The petite woman asked politely.
Chris gave her a small smile and then handed her a slip of paper she got from the office.
"Hi yes, I'm Lily Newton. It's my first day."
"Oh yes! Of course, please have a seat in the back of the class next to Miss Grey."
A girl with cocoa skin and pale pink hair lifted up her hand and gave a small wave, signaling that's who she was supposed to sit next to.
Chris nodded to the teacher and went to take her seat in the back of the class. As she started to get situated the girl next to her, stuck her hand out and gave her a bright smile.
"Hi! I'm Olivia. But you can call me Olive or Oli if you want. And your Lily?"
Chris looked at this girl for a moment before sighing and shaking her hand.
Olivia brought her voice down to a whisper as she pretended to take notes. "So what brings you to Clear Water? (A/n made up town I didnt want to look up an actual town sooo here we are.) not many people just suddenly move here."
"Dads here for work. Him and my uncle thought it'd be good to go right to school so I can't be more of a hermit."
Olivia giggles as Chris says this. "Yeah my parents are always complaining I'm staying indoors too much too. But I'm not the outdoorsy type."
"The outdoors can be fun. Just not with people."
"Not a people person?"
"Not even close."
"Well that's okay! Not everyone is." Olivia gave Chris another smile and this time, she returned it.
Science went by slowly but Olivia was a chatterbox and entertained Chris. She was sweet and even showed her to her next class, which was gym.
Girls locker rooms always made Chris uncomfortable so she changed in a bathroom stall. The shorts and t-shirt she was forced to wear showed off the scars the ran along her arms and legs. They were from the vampire incident.
Chris didn't think much of them, honestly she thought they didn't look that bad. That is until she got to the gym and everyone started staring at her. She hated anyone looking at her.
Olivia jogged up to Chris and gave her a one armed hug.
"Woah girl you got scars! What happened?"
"Car crash. When I was 12."
"Wow, that must've been one crazy accident to leave you with those scars."
"I've fallen out of a few trees too."
A loud whistle pierced the air, causing everyone to gather around. The gym teacher told everyone that they'd be running laps and then went off to turn on a small speaker that started pumping out pop music.
"Ew why." Chris complained as she started jogging alongside Olivia.
"What you don't like Ariana Grande?"
"Nope. Buutttt The Beatles are killer."
Olivia shook her head as they continued to jog and chat.
While running down the running field, someone knocked shoulders with Chris, causing her to almost fall over, for the second time today.
"Sorry, didn't see you there." The brunet said before jogging away.
Chris narrowed her eyes at his back. "That. A**hole."
"Wait you know Liam Harris?"
"Wouldn't say know more like had the unpleasure of meeting."
"Omg you might be my best friend?"
Chris laughed at this. "Why?" She asked raising a questioning eyebrow.
"You're the first female or male I've met who doesn't fall for his looks."
"He's ugly though."
To this Olivia laughed so hard she almost fell over, Chris had to grab her arm, trying to keep her upright.
"So here's a random question but... what's up with that old hotel on the edge of town? While doing some recon on where I'd be moving, there wasn't much info on it but when we got here there's a bunch of pamphlets for it in every drug store and shopping center. But honestly who reads pamphlets?!"
Olivia let out a length breathe before answering.
"The Barren Hotel is sort of a local legend if you will. It was built around 1918-"
"-1921 December 23rd." Chris corrected. Olivia raised an eyebrow and Chris chuckled. "All I had to read this morning was the pamphlet."
"Well yeah. It was once this super fancy hotel but around the late 80's early 90's this couple staying there did a double suicide after murdering their son."
"What? Why?"
"I don't know. My mom said she knew the girl from school but never talked to her. There were a couple more murders at the hotel. I'm honestly surprised that it hasn't been shut down yet."
Chris's mind was swarming with the new information she got.
-time skip-
Cas was standing outside, waiting for Chris. He looked kind of uncomfortable, with all the stares he was getting from kids leaving. Olivia and Chris exited the school together but once she saw Cas she ran over to him, giving him a hug.
"Cassie!" She yelled as she tackled him into a hug. He immediately relaxed once seeing Chris and hugged her back.
"Hello Chr-"
"Lily." She whispered, taking notice of Olivia who was walking over.
"-Lily. How was school?"
"Boring as shiz."
"Is this your dad Lil?"
"One of them, yeah."
"Hi sir I'm Olivia. I'm in most of your daughters classes. Oh Lil I have to tell you! Harris is throwing a party this weekend. He's a douche but his party's are cool. You should come!"
"Ehh party's aren't really my "scene". But you have fun."
"Come on! Just think about it okay? See you tomorrow."
"Yep. See ya."
Olivia waved goodbye before jogging off campus.
The walk back to the motel was quiet until Chris broke it.
"When'd you get here?"
"This morning. Sam said you'd left for school."
Chris and Cas talked all the way back.
When they got back to the motel, Chris could see the impala in the parking lot.
The motel door was unlocked (surprisingly) and Chris threw her backpack at the couch, then face planted into the bed.
"I. Hate. School."
"She made a friend."
"And! Got info on the creeptastic hotel."
"Really? We couldn't get much information on it. The townsfolk seem adamant about not saying anything about it."
"I can see why. So turns out there's been a few murders there. Started when this couple killed their son in one of the suites of the hotel. After that family's who came to visit were murdered. I asked multiple students. They all had the same stories."
"You found all this out by going to school?"
"Teenagers have less of a filter then adults."
Chris grabbed the pamphlet next to her and opened it up. She skimmed through it for the hundredth time, when her eyes landed on one certain photo.
"Oh. Hell. No."
"What?" Dean asked as he opened up a beer.
The boys gathered around to see a picture of a family of brunettes. The woman's hair was swept up in a tight bun and wearing a knee length black dress. The man in a suit, his hair greying on the sides. The two standing close together with a teenage boy standing beside them.
"What are you talking about?"
Rolling her eyes, Chris pointed to the boy.
"This douche goes to that school your forcing me to attend. He was freakin staring at me like a piece of meat all day, the pig."
"He was what?!" Both Sam and Dean yelled.
Chris waved them off but continued to look at the pamphlet.
"This is great actually..."
"How is this great?"
"A friend said that this sack of crap was throwing a party this weekend. Since his family owns the hotel I can safely assume it's being held there. So I can check the place out while I'm there and figure out what we're dealing with."
"I don't like this idea."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't alright?!"
"Dean come on why won't you just let me-"
"You're not going alone!"
"Then one of you stay at the hotel as backup! Why did I even come if all I'm allowed to do is go to freakin school and stay in the room?!"
The two were screaming at each other at this point and Sam and Cas had to step in. Cas went over to calm down Dean and Sam took Chris to a diner down the street.
Chris huffed in anger as she sat down in the worn out booth. Sam sat across from her, holding the menu in one hand, avoiding eye contact with the girl across from him.
"Do you want any pi-"
"What the heck is wrong with Dean?"
Sam sighed and put down the menu. "Chris he-"
"I know he doesn't want me to get hurt, so I made sure I wasn't dealing with the spirit. All I would be handling is that jackwad and still he won't let me do anything! I want to help!"
"I know you want to help Chris. But this spirit has killed kids along with adults. What if it attacks you, and Dean and I aren't there to help? You are only so strong before you can't fight off it."
Chris sat in silence knowing what he said was true.
"Then why can't one of you come and just have my back? I want to help. And I can't do that from sitting in the motel."
Sam sighed once again and folded his arms over his chest. "God you're stubborn."
"It runs in the family apparently."
Sam smirked as she said.
"Yeah.. it does. Fine. I'll convince Dean, but if you die he's going to kill me, then you."
"Hope it's quick."
Sam laughed and the waitress came over to the table.
"What can I get ya?"
-time skip-
It was Saturday and Chris was standing outside the hotel. Not even having stepped one foot inside, she could feel something evil inside. It made her stomach turn and made her sick.
She was dressed up for the party, wearing a spaghetti strapped flowing dress with some combat boots. The dress was navy green and ended mid thigh. She had on her knife holster underneath the dress, knife securely pressed against her back. She had a small messenger bag with a few necessary items in it.
"Lil you made it!" Olivia yelled, running over to her. She threw her arms around Chris's neck, pulling her into a hug. "I didn't think you'd actually come."
"My uncle convinced my dad for me."
"Aw that was nice of him. Well anyways let's get to the party, I'm pretty sure they just put on Billie Eilish." Linking their arms, Olivia led them into the banquet hall the hotel had. Teenagers flooded the room, the air thick with the smell of sweat and cheap boozes.
Chris's nose scrunched up at the familiar scent, her stomach twisting even more then before. Anxiety began taking over but she tried to will it away.
Too loud music pumped over the speakers, people's voices being drowned out. People bumped and stepped on your feet, any sign of actual dancing having left the chat long ago.
Chris was trying her hardest not to throw up, ironic because people who were downing alcohol like it was sport looked perfectly fine, when a completely sober Chris felt deathly sick.
She masked it well though, and trudged on. Olivia stuck to Chris as they navigated through the crowd. Chris needed to slip away from her but she wasn't showing any sign of leaving her alone tonight.
"Hey I have to go to the washroom!"
"What?" Olivia yelled back.
Chris shoved her way through the sea of people, please and thank yous no longer relevant.
Once she got out of the room, she made her way to the room that the family committed the murder/suicides. Room 104.
Dean and Sam were staying in a room on the first floor and would meet her up there at 11:30. She had 15 minutes to kill so she started looking around the room. There was a layer of dust covering the whole room and non of the lights worked. The room was illuminated by the light that came for outside. Chris pulled out a black dust mask from her bag and slipped it on before she grabbed her flashlight and started searching through the rest of the room. The pointed light cast out in a narrow direction, shining upon only certain objects. Red marks stained the light grey rug of the room, they had not bothered to replace it after the incident.
"Holy Mother Mary... this is worse then I imagined..."
Everything looked like it was frozen in time. Picture frames holding memories that wouldn't be seen again, books that stories will forever stay on the shelf, a small table in the corner that was waiting for another family dinner.
Chris ran her hand over a dust covered frame, looking at the picture inside. A little boy playing with toy airplanes outside the hotel. She let out a breathe and white smoke came out. Her eyes widened as she saw her breathe. Slowly she reached in her bag and grabbed the small container of salt she had.
Her eyes darted around the room in hopes of catching whatever was in here.
"Where's your mommy?"
Chris's breathe caught in her throat and chills shot through her. She turned around to see a small child about the age of 7. His hair was buzzed off and his skin looked pale grey. He had marks around his neck like he was strangled.
Chris felt fear at the beginning but when she saw the child she just felt sadness and sympathy. He reminded her of how she was treated growing up.
"Where's your mommy?" The little boys mouth didn't move but Chris heard the worlds clear as day.
"I don't have a mommy. Do you have a mommy?"
"My mommy killed me. Why'd mommy do that? Was I bad? I didn't mean to be bad."
The ache in her chest grew.
"Dean where are you?" She whispered.
"Who's Dean? Is that your daddy?"
She didn't reply this time, she just looked away.
"Is he nice? My daddy was mean. He yelled at mommy and hit her too."
Chris's phone chimed and she pulled it out to read the text.
'At the graveyard to salt the bones. Dean there? - Sam'
Without taking her eyes off the ghost she texted him back.
'No, he's late. Hurry. The boy is standing in front of me.'
She put her phone on silent and placed it back in her bag. The boy turned his head, looking towards the door.
"Their coming. Time to play hide and seek!" He giggled before disappearing.
She suddenly felt extremely scared at the sound of his giggle. She dashed to the bedroom and made a salt line across the doorway. She held on tightly to the small iron rod she got from the fireplace.
Her heart rate picked up and her breathing became faster.
Two figures appeared before her. Their eyes looked soulless and they were hand in hand.
"You're a bad child." The man spoke.
"You need to be punished." The woman finished.
"So they keep telling me." Chris held the rod in batters position, ready for any movements or changes. The windows behind her burst open, making the salt line disappear.
The ghosts disappeared and then reappeared behind her. Chris swing at them, getting them in the stomach.
"Hey batter batter batter." She sang.
Once again the ghosts appeared by her.
This routine went on for a couple minutes, before one of the ghosts grabbed Chris's arm, tearing into the skin.
"Gahh!" She yelled out. She was thrown into the bookshelf, causing a few books to fall onto her. "Darn it guys hURRY UP!"
Chris focused on the buzzing she felt underneath her skin. The burning power the coursed through her veins. An ache that wouldn't go away. Focusing and trying to channel it, she opened her eyes, then shining bright green. Pure white light flooded the room and the the ghosts burned where they stood.
A second later it was gone and Chris was exhausted. The sound of wings flapping filled the room and Chris looked up to see a woman with brown hair pulled back into a bun.
"Who are you?"
The woman crouched down, placing her hands on her knees as she looked down at Chris. She reached out and moved the hair out of her face.
"My name is Naomi. Don't worry... everything is going to be just fine.."
"What? Where's Dean? What do you want?"
"Shh... just go to sleep. When you wake up you'll be in a better place."
Naomi stroked Chris's hair in a way that was supposed to be comforting but all it made Chris want to do was shrivel away.
"No.. go away. I want my dad... where's dean?!" Chris tried to get away from the woman but she was rapidly becoming more and more tired.
"It's okay... you're going where you're meant to be."
"Dean... Cas... please hel-"
The last thing Chris saw was Naomi snapping her fingers before the darkness consumed her.
Dean ran into the room, after spending 45 minutes trying to break out of his room. Something was keeping him locked inside, he assumed the ghost. Room 104, deadly quiet.
"Chris?!" Dean yelled. He did a quick sweep of the room, hoping to find her but came up empty. "CHRIS?!"
Dean ran his hand through his hair when he heard a faint buzzing sound. It was coming from under the sofa that sat in front of the bookshelf.
Dean walked over and pulled out Chris's bag. Her phone was ringing inside.
'Mister Moose is calling'
He answered and put it to his ear.
"Chris? Why haven't you been answering?!" Sam shouted.
"Dean? Why are you answering Chris's phone?"
"I can't find Chris."
"What? What do you mean you can't find her?"
"Dean! Stop yelling a calm down! You freaking out isn't helping anything. Are you sure she didn't go back down to that party?"
"Chris? Go to a party?"
"Ok well maybe she went back to motel. Or went to get something to eat. You can't always assume the worst."
"And what if something did happen to her Sam? Huh? What then?!"
"... then we'll get her back. I'll be there in five minutes. You gonna call Cas?"
Dean sighed and rubbed his face. "Yeah."

A/n sooooo this is an interesting place to leave off but we are at 4468 words so I thought I'd end on a cliffhanger. Ooo exciting. Sorry it's taken me so long to update, today was my ballet performance so I've been busy preparing for that. School also recently got out for me (woohoo I'm done with that hellhole) and I'm goin on to 11th grade (another form of hellhole here I come). Anyways I hope you guys liked today's chapter and hope y'all had a good week.
- emo

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