Stray Kids Reactions & Imagin...

By etherealnctzens

383K 6.3K 3.9K

"Hey what's a metaphor?" "My life is a train wreck" "I know, but what's a metaphor?" You read the title,,, A... More

✨ You Being Asleep In Class ✨
✨ You Getting Straight A's ✨
πŸ’“ Stray Kids As... πŸ’“
✨ Hearing You Curse For The First Time ✨
✨ How You First Met ✨
✨Another member hitting on their girlfriend ✨
πŸ’“ Requests πŸ’“
Care For You β€’ kwj
✨ You Being Stressed About Exams ✨
πŸ’“ 1K reads!! {13.02.2019} πŸ’“
✨First Time Making Out✨
✨Crushing On You✨
✨ Meeting Your Family ✨
🌻 Dating Door 1 🌻
🌻 Dating Door Results 1 🌻
πŸ’“ Stray Kids As... πŸ’“
πŸ’˜ Boyfriend!StrayKids πŸ’˜
Windows β€’ yji
Mi rOH?!?!
✨ Accidently Smacking Your Butt ✨
✨ A New Female Member Is Added To The Group ✨
🌻 Dating Door 2 🌻
🌻 Dating Door 2 Results 🌻
✨ Calling Them A Cute Nickname For The First Time ✨
β€§Ν™βΊΛš*ο½₯ΰΌ“β˜Ύ 4419 β˜½ΰΌ“ο½₯*ΛšβΊβ€§Ν™
✨ You're Dating Another Band Member ✨
🌻 Dating Door 3 🌻
🌻 Dating Door 3 Results 🌻
✨ They wake up first ✨
πŸ’Ÿ 22 Questions With M πŸ’Ÿ
✨ Scaring You Really Bad ✨

Never Thought β€’ hhj

6.8K 148 79
By etherealnctzens

Member(s): Hwang Hyunjin

Plot: You best friend had always cared about you but after an especially hard day, he wants to show that even more. A stubborn you wants nothing more than to be alone. A heated argument brings the two closer than you'd ever imagined

Word count: 1,979

Extras!: The first half of this takes place on Snapchat and the second half is in normal paragraphs.

Hyunjeans 👖💖 sent a snap!

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : so you are ignoring me
Hyunjeans 👖💖: it shows that you're opening my messages
Hyunjeans 👖💖: seriously?

Me: Hyunjin leave me alone

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : can I have an explanation as to why my best friend cried in assembly
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : didn't come to two of her lessons
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : totally ignored me in recess

Hyunjeans 👖💖 is typing...

Me: yeah I get it
Me: I'm sorry okay?
Me: I'm a horrible person, happy now?

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : oh shut up you know I didn't mean it like that
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : what's up with you?

Me: nothing

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : that works on school counselors and parents
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : not the boy you've known since the second grade

Me: well maybe it's no-ones business Hyunjin. Can't you just understand that???

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : right then, I'm sorry for caring?
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : BuT go ahead and tell Yoosung since apparently your boyfriend of like three months is more important

Me: he is the problem
Me: Jin he broke up with me

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : no
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : this had better be a joke
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : he did what????

Me: he broke up with me Hyunjin
Me: he said I wasn't good enough
Me: that he dated me because he wanted to make his ex jealous
Me: it worked and now...

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : Y/N
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : he is in no way allowed to talk to you like that wtf
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : he's nothing compared to you, do you even know how perfect you are

Hyunjeans 👖💖 is typing...

Me: you don't have to say anything to make me feel better
Me: Idk who I was, thinking someone so far out of my league would ever want me in the first place

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : dont you dare beat yourself up because that asshole doesn't know how to act
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : how did it happen?
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : I'm so so sorry
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : I should've asked you nicer, I should've known you were hurting and I shouldn't have spoke to you the way I did earlier

Me: well I asked why he didn't come outside when we went to pick him up this morning
Me: he told me he 'wouldn't be caught dead in that piece of shit car your dumb-ass Hyunjin ever so proudly drags around'
Me: and then I told him not to talk about you like that

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : what kind of guy has that little self respect?

Me: then he told me about the whole ex thing and said what losers we both are and

Me: I just feel so stupid

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : Don't?? You're the smartest funniest prettiest girl I know

Me: you're just saying that because you feel like you have to

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : why on earth would I 'need' to say anything?
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : Y/N I don't bullshit when it's serious like this
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : I knew he was no good

Me: are you really playing the I knew it card right now????
Me: also why wouldn't you tell me then?

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : uh because you were happy??
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : I didn't want to ruin that for you

Me: I'm so done with guys

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : bit dramatic don't you think?

Me: let's just not talk about him
Me: I just stopped crying
Me: one more tear and I'll die of dehydration

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : you deserve better you know?
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : your first boyfriend was meant to be special and perfect for you

Me: well jokes on you hoejin
Me: he wasn't 🥵

Hyunjeans 👖💖: I'm serioussss :(  you deserve someone who suits you and makes you happy
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : cute height difference
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : knows your favorite foods
Hyunjeans 👖💖 : knows your favorite memes

Me: if only such a guy existed
Me: and no one like that would be interested in me lol

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : YOURE SO SLOW

Me: awe aren't you lovely? 😘


Me: I told you I'm stupid 🤷🏻‍♀️

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : eye-

Me: 🥰🥰🥰

Me: Hyunjeanieeeee did I offend youuuu?

Me: open my messages rat

Me: don't be sad 😔🤠

Me: Hoejin I love youuuUU

Hyunjeans 👖💖 : Look outside dipshit

Me: am I gonna see a spooky clown 😱😱🤪





     You turned off your phone and rushed down the stairs, quickly unlocking the door. Hyunjin's sandy deep blonde hair covered his eyes as he rubbed his hands feverishly up and down his biceps in an attempt to generate warmth.

"Extra ass" you sighed, yanking him by the shoulder into the house. Once he was inside and you'd locked the door again, you turned to him angrily.

"Why are you here? Hyunjin I told you I'm over him, okay?"

"Bold of you to assume I'm here to talk about that jackass" He huffed walking right past you and into the kitchen, fully knowing you'd follow him. You stomped behind him waiting to see what he'd do next.

Hyunjin ran his hands through his fringe while he opened the fridge scanning its drawers for something to drink. Although you were a lot less emotional than you were this morning; today had been a lot and you weren't in the mood to speak to anyone, not even your best friend

"Can you leave? I'll see you at school tomorrow" you whined as he picked out an apple juice box and pulled the straw from it, totally ignoring you in the process

"I'm serious, I don't want to see anyone. My parents are out for a while and this is the only time I get alone" The boy shut the fridge door and turned to you, leaning on his forearms against the granite countertop. It was awkward when he looked at you, holding eye contact as he slipped the straw between his lips, staring down at you condescendingly.

His expression was an uncanny blend of amused and standoffish. His brows were perked up and his eyes were blank in a way that seemed to challenge you without saying a word.

Go ahead, get mad. I dare you

And oh boy, did that piss you off.

   "I'm sorry did I say you could come in and open my fridge?" you asked leaving a pause for him to answer while you organized your angry thoughts; you weren't actually that mad about him taking a single juice box, it was more like the straw that broke the camel's back. Hyunjin simply shook his head, just waiting for you to go off.

"Then can you maybe have a single ounce of respect and ask before you come over for once?! God, guys are all the same you're s-so selfish and rude! I said I wanted to be alone today and you couldn't respect that, you didn't even try to comfort me or talk like a normal person!" Your rant was cut short as loud slurps irritated your thought process. He was stood there crushing the small carton, squeezing every last drop into his mouth before tossing it into the bin to his left.

Your head felt like it would explode into a million little pieces right then and there. His cold nature had you right on the verge of breaking out into tears of fury.

"Are you really that childish? Knock it off right now, Hyunjin. I've had one of the worst days of my life and I just- I just need to let it pass right now. You're not helping by being such a fu-" your voice was breaking and tears were unknowingly streaming down your cheek, but a sudden action surprised you enough to bring them to a sudden halt.

Hyunjin hated seeing you so mad but he knew you needed to let it out somewhere, and if he had to be your vessel then so be it; When he saw you start crying though, everything single brain cell in his head thought of how he could fix this. And being the quick - totally irrational - thinker he is, all Hyunjin could think of was to kiss you.

And kiss you he did.

As soon as he pushed off the counter his hand found the back of your neck like a magnet to metal. His grip was strong enough to show you how desperate he was but gentle enough to show you he meant no harm. His lips connected to yours in the blink of an eye while his other arm found its way around your waist, holding your much smaller frame tightly against his.

His lips moved slowly against your own, the feeling of electricity rushed through your veins as you melted wholly into the kiss, feeling loved and warm for the first time today. His plump lips were colder than yours from being outside and tasted faintly of the drink he'd had moments earlier, as you moved your head to the side the fruity smell engulfed you.

You could definitely get used to this.

With his fingers running a final stroke through your hair, Hyunjin pulled away gently as if asking for permission to do so. You complied and took a step back breaking away from his warmth as you ached for more. A satisfied smile graced his face, you'd never know how long he'd been waiting to do that.

Your mind was blank and the room was dead silence for far too long as you stood there, trying to process what had happened and trying to calm the furious red shade consuming your cheeks. Hyunjin broke this silence by laughing after he licked his lips. It started as a light giggle but quickly turned into a painful wheeze.

"W-what?" You asked, quite frankly seeing that smile on his face, his laugh was getting contagious.

"For a sad girl, you must have been so bothered. Are you really wearing cherry flavored lip balm?" He laughed licking the glossy remnants off of his lips. You could've sworn your heart had stopped at this.

"Hyunjin, that's gross! You can't do that!"

"But it tastes good" he frowened like a lost puppy, suddenly all was forgiven

"What are you doing to me?" Your head was clouded with far too many emotions to work normally so you thought out loud, hoping he'd have an answer.

"Hopefully cheering you up a little?"

"Hwang Hyunjin stop it right now! Can you just not mess with me like this? If you like me you can say so just-just don't if you...don't" your words wouldn't have made sense to anyone sane, but Hyunjin wasn't anyone; and he sure as hell wasn't sane. Your mum had always told you that guys only want one thing and it stuck with you, but Hyunjin wasn't like that; your whole being wanted to believe Hyunjin wasn't like that.

"I would never hurt you Y/N. I wouldn't kiss you like that if I didn't mean it" He didn't need you to ask what he meant by that, years of friendship meant he could read your expression like an open book.

"I really really like you Y/N. God it feels good to say that. So I've like, liked you since freshman year but you've always treated me like a little brother (even though I'm a billion times taller than you) and I didn't think you'd want to date me anyways" Hyunjin never lost that childish glint in his eyes as his hand rubbed the nape of his neck, waiting with baited breath for you to say anything, anything at all.

"Well you know, you could've said something because I thought you had a thing for Changbin" You snickered walking over to trap him against the countertop, your arms either side of him.

"You- That's kinda fair though. Changbin is a fine piece of ass. But what do you say?"

And just like that the words you never thought you'd hear from your previous best-friend left his lips

"You gonna be my girlfriend, L/N?"

"I might just, Hwang"

A/N: well that was hotter than usual.
Special chapter for our favorite hottie in celebration of his 19th birthday! Hyunjin stans rejoice!

I hope you all loved this chapter because I kinda did and don't forget to vote for me 💖💖
Love you all tonnes and tonnes
                                                    ~ M

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