
By etherealchannie

812 59 214

the title says it all More

i have been tagged
Heck this is super late
Tag-a-laged again
Tagged bit it's different this time
phone tour?
Tag I'm it again
I'm running out of titles
Random facts tag
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Oh man
anotha one
tag nation
how ya doin friend (idk)
Part 18
t a g g e d
I love you all
tagged (i haven't done this in a while)
really long tag
how many tags am i going to get this week i was just about to go to bed omg

descending tag

15 0 28
By etherealchannie

10 random things about yourself

1 I did a lot of sports as a child, but my mom made me quit when I got injured and moved me to the next sport so I only did these sports for a year or so 

2 ^^ the sport I've stuck with the longest is probably soccer (I did that for about 3 years) or swimming, but I wouldn't call that a sport since I never did competitive swim,, it was swimming lessons but my mom had me do it just to keep me in shape over the summer (I did that from 1st grade up until 9th)

3 I'm doing track (we been knew sis but I'm telling you guys again just in case you forgot) and this is my second year so that'll beat out soccer since I plan on doing track until I graduate (y'all won't be seeing me on my college team lmao you're funny if you think I'm gonna be doing that)

So all of these have been about sports so lets switch it up a bit. 

4 I can count the number of friends I have irl on my hand. Let's go. 1 A****a 2 K****a 3 S******g 4 H****n 5 D***a

5 My favorite number is four. idk why

6 I plan on adopting kids when I'm older and I kinda want a 4 year old and a 12 year old. These specific numbers are there because as i said, 4 is my favorite number and I devised this plan when I was 12.

7 I can't call people bad names. I do swear, but it's usually about my own stupidity or because I think something is dumb. Like I'll say 'what the fuck is this' if I get a hefty packet from my Anatomy class. I'll look over at my friend D***a from across the room and mouth something along the lines of 'the fuck'. Also, when I injure myself I'll be like 'shit'; same goes for me being clumsy. I will never call someone a bitch or a hoe, even if it's just a joke. My friend K****a calls me that as a joke and I'm fine with it, but I could never say it back. I would feel bad right away, idk it just doesn't align with my morals ig

8 I've never witnessed a fight at school. They don't happen at my school anyways, but I guess that's a thing that happens at other high schools? Like, daily?

9 I hate parties, banquets, and nonacademic school functions because I'm a scared, antisocial, awkward ball of anxiety. 

10 People who make sexual and degrading jokes make me queasy. Like, when I hear someone make jokes about rape and sexual orientation I literally feel sick to my stomach. Just typing this makes me uncomfortable. Idk maybe it's an ace thing, maybe it's just me being 'oversensitive'.

9 things you do every day

1 go to track (except on sunday)

2 go to school (except on the weekends)

3 check my grades

4 check social medias 

5 read (apparently a lot of people don't do that)

6 smile

7 sleep

8 eat

9 breathe

8 things that annoy you

1 Mouth breathers oh my god I hate it when people breathe through their mouths. Especially when I'm trying to take a test. A few weeks ago in AP World, we were taking a unit exam and this person next to me was mouth breathing and it made me so stressed out an annoyed. All I could focus on was the sound of his breathing and I was so ready to just get up and walk out of the classroom.

2 My brother. He never shows affection to me, but when he does, it's at the least appropriate times. Like today I was at a track meet and my brother was there to watch me. I was sitting there trying to watch my teammates' races and he just sits on my lap and keeps trying to kiss my cheek. He's annoying in many other ways, trust me, but this is just the first example that popped into my head. 

3 Having a bunch of tabs open on the computer idk why it bothers me but it just does. I always have like 6 tabs max open and then I open a new window if I need to have more,, it's just a weird thing I do don't question it

4 Having too many things in my inbox. I frequently check my email just for the purpose of cleaning it out. If I have so many emails that the scroll bar pops up, it doesn't sit well with me

5 People that just leave their shopping carts in the strip of grass in the parking lot. like,, just walk the ten extra feet to the cart coral, come on now.

6 People that say stuff in a group chat that you can just PM a person about,,like 'hey kaylee, you want me to drive you home tomorrow?' (i don't have a friend named kaylee tnat was just the first name that popped into my head)

7 My brother doesn't know how to pee. He never makes it in the toilet and there's always splatters of dried pee on the rim of the toilet seat and it's so disgusting. Learn how to pee. It's not that hard.

8 When you shout 'watch lane 2' and people still walk in front of you when you're practicing hand offs with your relay (Yes, I'm talking about you, I****n T***l girls)

7 fears/phobias

1 I wouldn't call it a fear, but things with small holes really creep me out. Something about them is just so unsettling to me

2 Momo is creepy as fuck and that's a fact

3 Failure

4 Rejection

5 Growing up (I'm gonna be so lost when I'm in college someone help me)

6 Presentations give me anxiety (a lot of things give me anxiety, but presentations moreso than others. also doing things last minute. as well as looking for something I lost. that's part of the reason I haven't found my phone yet. I just feel so anxious while I'm looking for it)

7 Death

6 songs you're addicted to

1 Boxer. The song hasn't even come out yet, but I'm hooked on the teaser.

2 Good to me. Ugh a bop. I can't not replay that song.

3 Crown. It's just so fun and energetic and playful? It just makes me happy.

4 Twit. A catchy bop sung by a powerful vocalist. How could I not be addicted?

5 Millions. A feel good song that never fails to make me smile.

6 Home. It's simplistic nature has me replaying it over and over because it feels like it's never truly resolved.

5 things you can live without

1 twitter, that's the platform i use the least

2 makeup, i've never worn it and i don't intend on doing so

3 a microwave. i've been living without one for a full year but i still get people saying 'wHAT YOU DON'T HAVE A MICROWAVE' when i tell them.

4 luxury goods

5 a phone. i'm going on a month without it so i know that i can

4 books you recommend on wattpad

idk bro i haven't been on wattpad in a while. stayo3 is where it's at. i'll recommend some stories on there.

1 I don't dance. Woochan baseball au with minsung and seungjin as side ships (so far)

2 I found me in you. Woochan soulmate au in which Woojin can see people's soulmates through their reflection but he doesn't have a reflection of his own. Also, Woojin is a panicked gay. 

3 Summer's End. Minho's parents send him to live with his aunt on a small island and he meets jisung there. minsung if you can't tell.

4 when we cross at intersections. a whole emotional journey. seungjin.

4.5 (shut up i have another reccomendation) awaken, my love! seungjin are best friends until they're not. also, seungmin's a warlock.

3 sayings you have 

1 adding 'bro' to literally every sentence when i talk to people

2 'but it's whatever'

3 'what is you doing'

the last two are so not gramatically correct and it really bothers me that i say them but i do it anyways.

2 things you wish you could do

1 dance. getting into k-pop really made me regret not staying at my dance school back in 3rd grade. watching them dance is just so cool and i wish i could even begin to compare to their skill level, but no. i dance like a wet noodle.

2 figure skate. reading this [euphoria (you are the cause of mine)] seungjin fic made me really miss the ice. i figure skated back in 5th grade and i loved it but then i got a concussion and my mom made me quit. 

1 recent picture of yourself

how recent is recent? 

i have one from February 10th, one my friend took of me at lunch today, and one i took of myself just now (in that order) 

yes, i know i can't take a selfie to save my life but i tried. also idk what was up with my hair today it looks so poofy. don't ask about the 'money' caption because i honestly don't know either. i paid for her pizza today at school and she sent me this in return.

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