The Checkered Flag

By saxbygirl26

479 18 6

No one is going to take this opportunity away from me. Ever. Finally the day has come for me to step up. Fro... More

Chapter One

Chapter Two

161 7 1
By saxbygirl26

The doorbell rings and I rush downstairs to open it. It's Lissy. She's grinning at me holding a box of chocolates and a card. "Here you go." She says handing them to me. I take a quick glance at the card. It's one of those 'You passed your driving test. Congratulations' cards. Well I guess that I did pass my test, kind of.

"Thanks." I grin bringing her in for a hug.

I invite her in and we go to the Living room and flop down on the sofa.

"You have to tell me everything, from start to finish." She looks at me seriously. 

"Okay here goes. You know that the trials were a month ago. Right?" She nods.

"Well I went there all nervous and there were a few guys there, but no girls. So obviously I felt out of place. We did a few time trials then one race with all of us there. You'll never guess what happened in that race. There was a photo finish. I and this other guy Kyle were neck and neck over the finish line so we had to wait for the computer to work it out. And I won! How amazing is that? Now here I am with a shot at driving for Mclaren and all those lads are stuck at training camp."

Lissy laughed "So you're telling me that you were the only girl there and you still won. Bet they weren't happy at being beaten by a girl."

"No they weren't; especially Kyle because I lost him his job."

"I can understand that. Wouldn't you be mad if that were you?"

"Yeah but he's in the past now and I never have to see him again."

"That's true unless he gets a job as well."

"I guess."             

We talked for hours about everything I was going to have to do when I was at Mclaren. Lissy suggested I asked Jenson Button out, typical. I had no intention of doing so. Yeah, he was my hero but dating him? I somehow couldn't see it happening.

At that moment Mum came in to let us know that tea was ready. It was bangers and mash; my favourite.

Lissy stayed for dinner and got picked up not long after. She went saying something about an exam and seeing each other soon. That would be nice. I'd let her know how everything goes then.

That night I fell asleep dreaming about driving and Jenson. We were just cruising along the both of us with our radios connected, talking as we went along. It was a blissful dream when suddenly, vroom; Kyle went driving past sending me flying. My radio went funny and all I could hear was a menacing "This isn't over."

Then I woke up.

It was 9:00am. Two hours until my new manager was meant to call. Two hours until my new life begins.

I trudged downstairs; rubbing my eyes. That was one crazy dream. Maybe it meant something. Maybe I shouldn't go ahead with this.

Stop it Eleanor! It's too early to be worrying about things as big as this. You can't decide on things based on one stupid dream. Kyle isn't out to get you so don't worry. I started thinking about everything that Kyle could do: he could damage my car so that I couldn't race, he could intercept my call he could, he could. I began to worry frantically. I can't let him ruin everything.

I gave myself a stern talking to: 'Stop it Eleanor! It's too early to be worrying about things as big as this. You can't decide on things based on one stupid dream. Kyle isn't out to get you so don't worry.'

I can't let something a little as a dream affect my whole future. I'm just a bit paranoid that's all. It's nothing major. I'll just see what the Mclaren team has to say to me and then take it from there; sorted.

I got ready and sat down willing the phone to ring. I nervously check the time every five seconds. 10:55. five minutes to go until they call. What will they say? Will they have changed their minds?

10:57. Will they want me? What if I mess it all up? I'll never be able to forgive myself if I screw this up.

10:59. Ahh, I'm panicking. One minute to go. This is going to go so badly.

I start nervously pacing the room when the phone rings. It's them.

I get a hold of myself and answer it. "Hello."

"Hello is this Eleanor King?"


"Yes? Well this is Charlie Green; I'm going to be your new manager at Mclaren."

"Thank you so much for the opportunity Mr. Green."

"Please, just call me Charlie." He sounded so casual, like it was normal thing to sign up to the biggest Formula 1 team in the country, whereas I was freaking out; trying so hard not to mess this up.

"Umm, Okay then Charlie. What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well Eleanor I'd hoped that you would maybe come to training tomorrow and meet the rest of the team, if that's okay with you?"

Really? I get to meet them tomorrow? That's so exciting! I'll be able to see Hamilton and Button and my new car. I was already looking forward to it so I couldn't say no.

"Sure Charlie. What time should I get there for?" I say trying to keep cool.

"10:00 am, sharp. We need to get as much training in as possible and see you race in one of our cars."

"I'll see you then."

"Bye Eleanor. I'll text you the details."

"Thanks. Bye."

He hung up. Tomorrow I was meeting them all for real. I had to pinch myself to prove that I wasn't dreaming. Just yesterday I had just been another training camp driver with big ambitions, but now I was about to drive for real.

I was going to be the best and no-one could stop me. Not even Kyle.

Kyle. That reminds me. Could he have got a job to? Josh had so why not Kyle. He was better that Josh so maybe another team had signed him. I know that Ferrari was looking for another racer as one of their drivers had retired. Maybe he's joined them. If so then that means that I could be racing him again. 

If we meet again then I am going to beat him again. But this time it's going to be by a long way, not just a photo finish.

*          *          *         *         *          *          *          *         *        *        *         *         *        

This was going to be good. I pulled up outside the training track. I checked my watch. I was early. Never mind at least I wasn't late.

I made my way into the reception. A tall man with ruffled brown hair was waiting on the sofa, looking at a clipboard. As I went closer he looked up at me. "Eleanor?"

I nodded.

"Good." He stood up and put his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Charlie, Charlie Green. I'm going to be your new manager."

I shook his hand. His grip was firm. "Nice to meet you," I replied.

"Well I'd best show you round then."

He took me through to the next room swiping his id card on the security monitor. The door swept open. "You'll get one soon." He told me. 

I nodded and turned to look at the room that he had brought me into. I was amazed. It was an enormous garage. Everywhere I looked there was some kind of gadget or upgrade. Big computer screens covered half of the walls. A pile of brand new tyres lay in the corners. It was unlike any garage I had ever seen.

Then there were the cars.

I had seen Formula 1 cars before, of course. But these were different. They shone brightly; lighting up the room. They had no tyres on yet but that didn't matter because I could already see myself driving one; with or without tyres.

"Want to take it for a spin?" I jump and turn to look at them.

"I-I was just look...." I start to stay but stop. It wasn't Charlie.

It was him, it was Jenson Button. He was taller than I thought he would be and his brown hair looked as though it had been squashed down. Helmet hair can get annoying. Not everyone can master the art of taking it off to reveal perfectly styled hair like Lindsay Lohan in Herbie.

He looked at me and smiled. "So you're the newest recruit?"

I was lost for words. Eventually I stuttered "Y-Yeah I am."

"Cool I'm Jenson," he said as he ruffled his hair, "and welcome to the team."

"Thanks." He was so nice. 

"If you need any help just ask."

"I will."

He walked off and I felt a hand on my shoulder. "I see you've met Jenson."

Charlie again,

"Yep," I reply. It still seemed like a dream. 

I'm beginning to think that all of this is a massive April fools and the whole team is going to suddenly jump out from behind the tyres and laugh at me. As much as I want this to be real I can't help but feel a bit small and out of place. I was still in awe as I looked around. There was so much fancy technology. Different gadgets and gizmos to predict track conditions and to replace tyres in the pit stops at record speed.

"Eleanor! Are you listening?" I was suddenly snapped out of my daze to the sound of Charlie's frustration. "I got slightly distracted. I'm sorry" I nervously reply.

Charlie chuckles, "Don't worry about it. I was exactly the same for my first time behind the scenes. I actually walked into the pit stop equipment and it all fell off the shelf because I was admiring Lewis Hamilton's helmet"

I laughed. Charlie is fairly easy going. I may have made one new friend here already.

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