Phat But Thick

By ViaLoves

86.5K 3.2K 1.5K

17 year old Summer learns to love Tre despite her insecurities but can he love her with all the baggage she c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 22

1.6K 81 1
By ViaLoves

Treivon's POV

"Fuck." I cursed as I threw the controller.

What else do you expect me to believe when I see slit marks by her wrists? I may have went too far but I cared too much about her just to up and lose her and she didn't see that shit.

I was trying everyday to get closer to her and to get her to open up to me but my efforts failed time after time. If she would open up and tell me what's going on then I wouldn't have to assume shit. I was frustrated so cut me some slack that I'm angry at her.

I huffed knowing that she was gone. I didn't intend for the night to end like that but it did. I wanted to know that she got home so I peeked out of the front window watching her walk down the sidewalk. I wanted so badly to tell her to come back but my pride wouldn't let me. I walked back to the couch punching the pillow as hard as I could.

The house got strangely quiet and I felt this kind of loneliness that I'd never felt before. Summer filled this emptiness void every time that I got around her but her departure this time felt different.

"You know you could be nicer to her. I don't know about you but someone who takes out time from their day to cook for a depressed ass kid deserves my respect." Trinity shrugged as she leaned up against the wall.

"Bro I'm not taking shit from your ass either." I hissed at Trinity. She was starting to annoy the shit out of me and she hadn't even been here for a complete day yet.

"Obviously neither is Summer. I don't know what has you grumpy but the world is not against you. At first I thought it was you being a grouch towards me because clearly you forgot about me staying with you until mom got back but nah you've kept this shitty ass attitude towards me and Summer. You don't like to listen or be told what's right and that's gonna bite you back in your ass."

"Whatever man." I mumbled. She was right. One thing I never liked is someone telling what's right and wrong. I always felt like I could decide that for myself.

"Yeah whatever." Trinity strolled past me to the kitchen and she came out 5 minutes later without saying anything. And just when I thought she was gone she came back in.

"Did you ever stop and think that she came over here just to get away from her personal life?" She paused. "No because you're fucking full of it."

Just great.

I grabbed my keys and decided on hitting the trap for the night. I needed to count our new product anyways.

Summer's POV

As I opened the door, I heard curse words and screaming coming from every direction. I thought it was Serene and mom going at it again but it was definitely a deeper voice.


"NO CALVIN. HOW MANY TIMES AM I GOING TO E-EXPLAIN T-THAT HE ONL-LY DROPPED ME OFF." My mom raised her voice equally only she slurred a word or two.

I was starting to think that she'd developed that slurred speech impediment from drinking so much. She looked a little vibrant today as she had on jeans, a shirt and some matching earrings. For once she looked like the mom that I knew.



Mom rushed up on him and the man backhanded the hell out of her sending her into the kitchen.

I didn't know how to react at first but I just reacted.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MOM." I threw the nearest object at the man which landed right in the middle of his back.

It obviously got his attention but you could tell that the little object did nothing to affect him.

"You little bitch."!He charged at me aggressively.

He grabbed my hand twisting it and I yelped out in pain.

"LET GO OF MY CHILD BITCH." I heard my mom scream and he let up.

"LYING ASS BITCH. YOU TOLD ME THAT WAS YOUR NIECE." He went back to arguing with my mom.


I saw a different side of my mom come out. I had heard her stuttering all day but she never once stuttered when she told Calvin not to touch me. She pounced on him the first moment she got biting his arm.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH." He yelled out in pain.

He threw her across the room before turning towards me and slapping the taste out of my mouth. I yelped out in pain.

"SUMMERELLA RUN." Mom tried to warn but it was too late.

"I'll show you how we deal with prissy kids like you in the hood." He gritted tearing my blouse as I fought back swinging in every direction.

"GET OFF OF HER." My mom screamed even though she was wedged between the floor and couch.

"Let go." I whispered. He had a deathly chokehold around my neck where I couldn't even breathe or speak. I was gripping his hands to let go but I could feel my airways closing.

"Shut up stupid bitch."

I let out a series of noiseless screams and kicks praying that the neighbors would be alarmed by the sudden commotion or something.

"And you'll never see another day IF YOU EVER TOUCH MY SISTER AGAIN BASTARD."Serene hit Calvin with a fry pan over and over until I could see that he was unconscious.

He let go and I fell to the ground panting like I'd just finished running a relay race. I felt like I would cough up my lungs at any moment.

"LOOK W-H-HAT YOUVE DONE. HAVE YOU L-LOST YOUR MIND?" My mom sobbed as she held the side of her face on the ground.

"The j-jury will indict you for murder." I could hear the lawyer side of my mom coming out.

"Look at me Summer." Serene held my face. I looked at her with a terrified look. One that she had seen before.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I was too shaken to form words.

"Grab Everything and I mean everything that you need out of your room. You're staying with Dad. Fuck this."

I ran up the stairs like my life depended on it because truly it did. I tore my room apart like Hurricane whirlwind came through my room. I didn't think I'd be able to grab everything but I managed to grab a lot. Most things I just threw down the stairs with no hesitation.

I grabbed Trixie from my bed and went back downstairs as I saw Serene loading her car with my things.

When she finished she led me out but not before looking back at mom.

"You are a waste of breathe and it hurts because I know you're better than this mom. I love you and so does Summer but this toxic environment is not for us. I really hope you get some help and I pray to God that I'm not attending your funeral anytime soon but if we never see each other again, please work on yourself because no one should have to live like this."

I almost didn't want to leave her because I was shedding tears like crazy as Serene spoke. I wanted to speak up about how she'd defended me earlier but life would probably return back to crazy if I did say something so I kept my mouth shut. Could you blame me?

I could tell that Serene wanted to cry giving my mom her last words but she would never outright cry because she had trained herself to not be weak in front of others.

"Are you ok?" Serene asked we sat in the car.

I started to nod by head yes but it ended in gut wrenching tears.


Serene rang the doorbell vigorously until my dad appeared at the door with an angry expression. His face softened when he saw it was us.

I was still shaken up from earlier and I looked like death.

"It's cold as hell. Come inside." He stepped aside giving us room to walk in. I set Trixie down and she ran through the house.

Serene didn't even give dad a chance to ask any questions. She started talking as soon as he closed the door.

"We can't stay with her." Serene shook her head profusely. "We take beatings like grown men, go days without food if we don't buy groceries on our own and witness multiple men roaming through the house. It's not even fucking safe to be naked in your own damn house. God I wanna say it's not her at times but it's drugs that's got her talking down on us like we're not humans. If I didn't walk in today, her boyfriend would've done Lord knows what to Summer. He had her in a chokehold with half of her shirt fucking ripped. Look at her. Her cheek is stained red with a print. Grown man beating on her like she's an inmate in prison. She's disheveled and has barely said 2 words to me."

"Why we gotta keep fucking living like this? Like you don't know she's an alcoholic, drug addict and coke fiend. Did you think that she was gonna change Dad? She's had it hard but she's making our lives a living hell right now."

"I was gonna take her to my house but you need to see this for yourself. You're doing a number on the child by letting her stay in that toxic environment."

I stood there looking at the floor holding a tired Trixie while Serene raged.

"I don't wanna stay there." I spoke up.

"And you don't have to. I'd be damned if I let you go back after hearing all this."

"Come here." My dad opened his arms and I ran inside them like I was a little girl in middle school.

"I'm sorry sookie. I'll get the son of a bitch myself. This is some fucking bullshit. Last time I dropped you off, you were cool about everything. You told me everything was fine. You know I would've raised hell if I knew of any of this shit. Why didn't you tell me this was going on? How long has it been going on?" He asked.

"It started my junior year but the treatment became worse this year. I didn't say anything because I was scared." I cried. "What if you treat me the same way she does?"

I feel like a burden already. I wanted to say but I didn't.

17 and still crying like a baby 🙄 I hated every moment of it

He couldn't respond but hold me tighter. "I'm sorry." He mumbled and I felt at ease.

"I promise you that you'll never have to experience what you went through with Sindy and I'd be damned if you went back to stay with her."


Are Tre's actions justifiable?

Why didn't Summer say anything for her mom?

How do y'all feel about Serene coming to the rescue each time?

Summer & Serene's Dad?

Well I don't really have a Ted Talk for you guys today however please stay safe. We live in a society where unarmed people get harmed the most. I think it is atrocious to hurt someone while they are doing the most sacred thing which is worshipping. Whether you agree with the religion or not, you should not be able to freely kill people in a mosque. That is beyond inhumane. We've seen it before where a armed man opened fire in a church killing multiple people.

Smh 21st century. You can't hide from anyone or anything. Stay safe the best way you know how and put these police officers to work. You see something suspicious, report that shit and if it's ignored, you file a complaint. Put them hands instead of those guns to work.

Funny thing of the chapter:
Tre be like....

That's the face of one of them bad ass kids. And he has cavities 💀 The ones whose mom's had to tear their ass up in public. Little boy look like the type to grab everything in the store when they went grocery shopping. I can't get over his face 😂😂😂😭😭. It's adorable tho.

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