Fuck It (A Harry Potter Fanfi...

By AliceLyman

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WARNING: Triggers will not be announced beforehand, and there will be some. Read at your own risk. Harry Po... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
New story posted!

Chapter 3.5

19.1K 484 323
By AliceLyman

I am putting this as 3.5 because I started writing chapter 4 thinking I would just skip over Harry shadowing people. I changed my mind and since chapter 4 isn't done yet, I decided to publish this first. I also put the reaction of some people to Snape having a son.

I know I mentioned this in the first chapter, but if anyone wants to write a smut scene for Harry and Tom in this story, please let me know and I will get you the information. Credit will obviously be given to the writer.

Severus' POV

The order meeting ends and I keep the smirk off my face with practiced ease. There is no way they will be able to find Hadrian with all the protections we placed on him and the Haven. Especially since his magical signature changed with the blocks removed. As is usual, most members remain for lunch prepared by Molly Weasley. She always asks me to stay, but very rarely do I agree.

"Severus, won't you stay for lunch? You hardly ever get out of that dungeon. It would be good for you to socialize a little." I share a small smile with her, something I have found usually gets her off my back quickly.

"I cannot promise to stay for lunch, as there has been a new development. I now have a son to go home to." Her expression changes to one of shock, and I don't have to fake the chuckle when I see it. "Yes that was my reaction when I found out as well. His mother passed away towards the end of the school year. He stayed with a friend until he was able to get ahold of me. He's rather brilliant you know. I had him tested to see if I would need to catch him up on classes at Hogwarts, but it turns out he would easily have passed his NEWT's with all O's. He's the same age as Ronald, Mr. Potter, and Ms. Granger." I inform with pride. The fact that it's true makes my rare show of emotion completely worth it."

"That's wonderful Severus! Congratulations! You should go get him and bring him for lunch! I'm sure he'd like to meet some kids his own age." My normal mask falls back into place.

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea. He doesn't want any part in the war. He plans to stay neutral. Guenevere left me because of my involvement in the war to begin with. She didn't want to be a part of it, and it is unsurprising that she raised our son the same way." It's amazing how close  to the truth I am able to get without coming even close.

Lily and I did, after all, split up because of the war. She didn't like violence either and would have been neutral if it were under better circumstances.

"Well as long as he won't be selling our secrets to the Dark Lord, I'm sure it will be fine. Just a moment and I will have Dumbledore write down the address for him." Molly rushes out of the room without waiting for a response, much to my annoyance. I sneer at her retreating form and walk into the living room where everyone has gathered to talk on conjured furniture.

"What were you talking about?" Lupin asks from next to the door.

"Lupin. With that super hearing of yours, I believe you should already know that."

"It's rather loud in here. Doesn't really make for the best eavesdropping."

"Very well, if you must know, I have recently learned that I am a father. Mrs. Weasley is insisting that my son and I have lunch here, and has gone off to get the address from Albus."

"A son! Congratulations. What is his name?"

"Hadrian Severus Snape." I pause and consider the fact that the werewolf will immediately recognize Hadrian's scent. "As much as I loathe to offer, he has a soft spot for Werewolves. Would you like to accompany me to retrieve him?"

He appears shocked for a moment before grinning and nodding his acceptance. Molly returns with a slip of paper and we floo to my home.

"Snape, why does your house smell like Harry?" Lupin growls out.

"Calm down. I brought you along so you wouldn't give it away right when he walked in. I will explain better once lunch is over, but you must be patient. When we finish eating, you will come back with me under the guise of answering all of Hadrian's werewolf based questions. For now, all you need to know is that Hadrian and Harry are the same person, and that he really is my son. Oh, and try not to kill the Dark Lord when you see him. Hadrian would be very upset."

"You left Harry with Voldemort?! Are you insane?!"

"He is far safer with Tom than with Albus. I told you we would explain later. And his name is Hadrian. If you call him Harry, you will be ensuring his death at Dumbledore's hand."

I hold out my arm for him, and aparate us to the living room of the Haven. There is a gasp from the couch in front of us, and we see Hadrian quickly scrambling from Tom's lap. Both have swollen lips and messy hair. They are breathing heavily, and Hadrian is smoothing his clothes, his face completely red. Tom smirks when the wolf begins to growl at him, and Hadrian jumps up to hold Lupin back.

"Moony stop! Sev help me!"

"Why should I? I enjoyed seeing that almost as much as the wolf."

"Sev!" Hadrian admonishes.

I sigh and spell a calming drought into the wolf's stomach. He stops struggling against Hadrian, but keeps shooting hateful glares at Tom.

"What the hell is he doing here?!" Hadrian turns on me when he is breathing normally again.

"Molly is insisting that you and I join them for lunch. If you don't want to play nice, that's your choice. You are my son and it will not be a surprise if you are short with people."

"What? Do I have to?"

"Yes. I have to put up with them all the time. It will not kill you. Don't forget your triggers, if Molly becomes short with you, find a way to explain your behavior to make her feel bad. Your mother died two months ago, you have a right to be cold. I brought Remus with the claim that you were interested in learning more about werewolves."

He grumbles, but changes his clothes to something more formal than shorts and a tank top. Thankfully, he does not argue as I aparate us. We floo to Grimauld where everyone stares at us in surprise. Hadrian juts his chin out defiantly with his newfound confidence.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet my son, Hadrian Severus Snape."

"It's lovely to meet you dear. My name is Molly Weasley, but you can call me Molly. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I'm sure she was a lovely person."

"Thank you for your concern, however I'm not a child, and you do not need to speak well of someone you did not know, so long as you also do not speak ill of her." He replies coldly. I let a prideful smirk appear on my face.


"Don't speak to my mother that way!" Ronald yells as he gets into Hadrian's face.

Hadrian wipes spit from his face, and levels the redhead with an icy glare.

Hadrian's POV

"I did not do anything to intentionally offend anyone. I was merely requesting she not be so familiar with my mother and I when she knows nothing of us. It is only common courtesy. Please refrain from spewing your saliva over everyone who does not immediately find you and your family to be the best thing in the world." He pulls back his fist, but Hermione stops him.

"Ronald, stop it. You are being rude to a guest." She tells him. "It's a pleasure to meet you Hadrian. My name is Hermione Granger, and this is Ronald Weasley."

Hermione holds her hand out, the other one holding her book and keeping her place. I take the offered hand and kiss the back of it.

"The pleasure is mine Ms. Granger. I couldn't help but notice that you are reading "The Body" by Stephen King." She nods with a heavy blush and I chuckle. With a brief glance at my father, and his nod of encouragement, I continue. "This is my favorite out of all of Stephen Kings stories. I read it at the library when I was nine. The books at school were severely boring, and I had to find some way to entertain myself."

"I thought it was just me that thought so. My parents got me some books by Stephen King for Christmas during my second year. I must have read this one a hundred times. I have it memorized by now."

"Lunch is ready!" Molly calls from the kitchen where she had disappeared to when I was no longer speaking with her.

People move to the kitchen, some faster than others, and begin helping themselves to the feast. I look hesitantly at the food in front of me, and Severus begins to fill my plate with a stern look that has me avoiding his eyes. I still have a third of the food left when I put my fork down to talk to Hermione.

"Hadrian, finish your food."

"I had a large breakfast."

"I didn't give you that much. Finish your food so you can take your potions."


"No buts. You need to be eating as much as you can. I'm not going to let you use Guenevere's death as an excuse to starve yourself." I grumble as I finish my food.

When we finish, we go back to Sev's house where I show Remus to my room. I have photos of Tom, Sev, and I, along with some things Sev and I made together during my visits. He is surprisingly good at muggle woodwork and has been teaching me.

Tom arrives a half hour later, and everything is explained to the werewolf. Needless to say, we had to take a few breaks to keep him calm. He unofficially joins the dark, not taking the mark to prevent suspicion. He finally leaves after threatening Tom and thanking both Tom and Severus for being there for me.


"So you're thinking of being an artist?" A lesser known order member asks as he shows me around his art studio.

His name is Raphael DiNozzo, and I'm not entirely sure what he does for Dumbledore. He is a half blood wizard artist with brown hair and blue eyes. I am kinda disappointed that he's on the light side. He has a laid back, all fun no work attitude, with a great understanding of the muggle world, giving his art a unique twist to it.

"Well, I really only ever did it when I was bored, but Sev saw some of my drawings and thought I should consider this."

"Well then, let's see what you can do."

He leads me to an easel with a blank canvas on it, puts some paints and brushes in front of me, and tells me to paint whatever I want. After a while of thinking, I set to work. When I finish an hour later, I get Raphael's attention. He comes over with surprise.

"You're done already?" He asks as he looks. "Oh wow. That's amazing kid. You definitely have a natural talent."

He goes on to show me all of the basic spells used in wizarding art. One of them instantly dries the painting, while another lets me animate it.

In the end, there is a pumping heart in the top right, and bottom left corners. The bottom heart is dark purple surrounded by black and purple with veins of the darkness reaching across to touch the top heart. The top heart is gold surrounded by white and gold. There are golden veins reaching to touch the bottom heart. The middle is a clash of the two backgrounds, both fighting to gain more ground, but neither gaining more than they lose.

When it's time for me to go home, Raphael sends me with my painting shrunk down and a new sketchbook with all kinds of drawing tools. He said that even if I choose a different career, a talent like mine should not be wasted, so he gave me some things to keep me drawing. After flooing to Sev's, we both go to the Haven.

"I was wondering when you would be back. I just got back myself. Did you have a good day with Raphael?" Tom asks.

"Yeah!" I say excitedly. "Look what I made!"

I pull out my painting and unshrink it. Tom looks at it surprised. I haven't ever shown him any of my drawings. He takes it from me, then calls for Kipsy.

"Kipsy, would you remove the painting from above the fireplace in the sitting room and replace it with this?"

"Ofs course master Tom sirs. Is a very lovelys paintings sir."

"I thought so too. Hadrian painted it himself." Tom says proudly, and puffs his chest.

"Tom that's not necessary. It's not that good." I say with a heavy blush.

"Nonsense. It should be in a gold frame in the best art museum in the world as the main display, however I am selfish and we will be keeping it
here where I can admire it every day."

I am about to retort when he gives me the look that says I won't win this one.



"Now, unicorns normally only like females, so men have to be very careful when a-" Hagrid cuts himself off when the group of unicorns that had gathered move to surround me.

They all seem to be fighting for my attention, and I struggle to pet five at once. The one behind me comes up and begins to mess with my hair. He is bigger than the rest, and I can feel that he is the leader. He makes a motion towards his back, and nudges me.

"In all my years! Hadrian, I think he wants you to ride him."

The horse nods his head as though agreeing. I grab a small part of his mane, and pull myself onto his back the way Sev showed me when he taught me how to ride. He said that all purebloods should know how to ride. His mother taught him around the same time he found out that his father was actually a squib, not a muggle. Something clicks in my head, and a light shines on my arm.

'Hello tiny human. I am Tristan, and I have sensed your pure heart, as have my children. Your soul has been touched by fate and is favored by the gods. We have chosen to bestow our gift to you who darkness cannot corrupt. Should you ever be in need of our help, call on the ancient blessing, and help will come. What is your name child?' I hear this voice in my mind and I know it's the unicorn I am currently riding through the forest on.


'Hadrian, do you accept the honor being granted to you?' Tristan asks as we come to an ancient looking tree, and he places the tip of his horn into a small hole.

"I do." I say, going for the common phrase.

A light shines from where his horn and the tree are touching, and the light from my right arm shines again. I look at it to see that an intricate silver design of swirls and loops has already formed, and now, in the center, a diamond is appearing, imbedded painlessly into my skin. The power of the blessing can be felt coursing through my veins. When I look up again, Tristan and the others are guiding me back through the forest.

Halfway through, Hagrid is standing there, blocked by three unicorns who weren't here before. He looks up and sees me.

"Hadrian, are you alright? These three showed up and wouldn't let me follow yeh."

"Yes, I'm fine." I say, pulling my jacket from around my waist and putting it on to hide my mark.

"Alright then," he says, sounding unconvinced. "Let's get back to the hut. Then we can take the blast ended screwts for a walk!"


"Are you excited to spend an entire week in Egypt with yours truly?" Bill grins at me as I meet him at Gringotts.

"Do you want the truth?"

"Oh how you wound me! Dear little brother, tell me you didn't mean it." I freeze at his words.

He calls Harry Potter little brother. He only ever met Hadrian Snape once. I am pulled into the fireplace before I can react, and green flames surround us. We come out the other end at a checkpoint in Egypt to focus the flow of people coming in and out of the country.

Bill flashes our passports and the goblin waves us through. He then sidelong apparates us to his place. I wrench myself out of his grip, and raise my wand to him. He holds up his hands.

"What is going on? How did you know who I was?"

"Calm down, and have a seat. All we know is that you are Harry, and the goblins are protecting you for some reason, because I overheard a couple of the goblins having a discussion about you. As soon as they noticed me, they stopped talking." Bill explains.

"Who is we?"

"The twins, Charlie, and I. We've talked, and we don't know what is going on, but the twins caught the end of a conversation between Ron and Ginny when they were about to pull a prank on Ron. You should check your vaults. They have been stealing money from you."

"I know. It's been taken care of." I inform him.

We stand in an uncomfortable silence for a moment, both trying to figure out where we truly sit with each other.

"So what exactly is going on? Why are you pretending to be Snape's son? And what is up with the shadowing? I thought you wanted to be an auror."

"I can't answer any of those questions without knowing for certain that you will keep what you know between us unless I say otherwise."

"You want an oath." He says with surprise.

"If you'd be willing to give one, it would be appreciated. I understand if you would rather prove it another way."

"No. If it's so important that you would consider an oath in the first place, it must be worth it. I doubt you would tell me the full truth if any of it if I didn't anyway." He smirks. "I, Bill Weasley, swear on my magic to not tell anyone in any way, what—"

"Hadrian Snape." I inform him before he can say Harry Potter. He gives me a weird look but continues.

"Hadrian Snape confides in me without his permission unless his safety depends on it. I will not use this information against him in any way. So mote it be."

Magic snaps around us and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. He smiles at me and I hesitantly offer one back.

"I guess I should start with the fact that Sev really is my father. James adopted me to protect me. This is also what I really look like."

The next hour is spent filling him in on the basics. I would be lying if I said it wasn't a relief to explain everything to someone I was already friends with before everything happened without worrying if they would blow my cover. The only question is if he will still be my friend.

"Wow. That's a lot worse than just stealing money from you. Are you alright?" I stare at him for a moment, surprised at the concern he is showing.

"Wait, you aren't mad at me for switching sides?"

"Of course not. Knowing that you were perfectly fine, and pretending to be Snape's son made us suspect the change of loyalty. Especially since Dumbledore was practically pulling out his hair trying to find you so he clearly wasn't in on it. Just promise me they are treating you well. That you are happy."

"I promise."

He nods and gets down on one knee, head bowed with his left hand on the floor, and his right hand over his heart.

"I, Bill Weasley, pledge my lifelong loyalty to Hadrian Snape. I swear to protect him, and follow him, so long as he is not being forcefully influenced by others. So mote it be."

Stunned silent, I don't move a muscle until he stands and pulls me into a hug. I relax and cling tightly to my older brother who just made an oath that I would never have asked him to make.

"You didn't have to do that. I would have been perfectly happy with your first oath."

"I know, but when we talked, the four of us agreed that when we saw you next, we would take the protectors oath, because you are worth it. Even if you joined the dark, we knew you would have your reasons, and we would all be honored to be your protectors, followers, and brothers. You still have friends from before his summer. With your permission, I would like to share my memories of what you told me with Charlie, George, and Fred. I will, of course, make them take an oath to not share what they learn with anyone or use it against you."

"As long as you make them take that oath, I grant you permission. "

"Great! Now that all the serious stuff is done, what do you say we get to the shadowing portion of this trip. I only have you for a week, so I only have a week to convince you of how amazing this job is." He says with a goofy grin.

"Is that so?" I laugh. "In that case, convince away."

"Wonderful! So, what do you know about curse breaking so far?"

"I know that it needs a good understanding of runes and arithmancy. Tom, Sev, and Cissa have all been teaching me those among other things in their spare time. I know you have to decipher the runes used to ward a place, and be able to identify the counter curses to use when opening ancient magical spots. Everyone seemed impressed with how quickly I picked up on both runes and arithmancy, even though I told them I had been studying them in secret all year.

"When we started, I could do combinations of up to four runes, but now I can do seven. I've done a lot of protective runes for jewelry or even clothing. I have had clothes made with thick leather strips hidden inside, or I sew them onto the material. I have also been playing with an eight rune combination that will allow any muggle technology to not only work around magic, but to actually run on it. I haven't tested it out yet, I don't think I have it quite right yet.

"Once it is perfected though, students will be able to speak with their parents on their phones every day instead of having to send owls that not everyone can afford and having to wait until a letter comes back. The rune set will also allow the phones to actually run on magic instead of just working around it!"

He is looking at me with surprise and interest.

"Well it seems like you are more qualified in that area than most of the apprentices. How well do you know your counter curses?"

"I'm Harry fucking Potter. Tell me a spell and I will tell you the counter curse."

He quizzes me quickly, and when he is satisfied, he throws a bag in my direction.

"Put whatever runes you want on them, but that is your basic curse breaking gear that I ordered for you. It has a weeks worth of clothes and supplies, a month of food preserved as is required in case there is an accident and nobody can get to you for a while. This is a dangerous job. If you want to back out, do so now."

"Are you kidding me? Danger should have been my middle name with how much it seems to like me. I should talk to Sev about that."

The next week is filled with brotherly banter and adventure, and ends with a big campfire to say goodbye to me. I have been given the means to contact every member of Bill's team for any reason.


"Alright Hadrian, did you read the book I gave you?"

"Yes Cissa. Sev also helped me practice a little."

"Wonderful! As I mentioned before, I volunteer at St. Mungos every weekend to help with the children and the elderly. You will be following me around this weekend. I am assuming you have the robes Tom said he would order?"

"Yes. I even put extra runes on them to make absolutely sure they stay sanitary for the patients."

"Perfect. Let's get going then."

We apparate to an alley outside the hospital, and walk in. She leads me behind the counter where there is a volunteer sign in sheet. We both sign our names, then she takes her patient list.

"Our first patient today is a seven year old half blood boy named Micheal Crestwater. He has leukemia, and was hospitalized two weeks ago after coming into contact with someone with pneumonia. It was pretty touch and go for a little while there, but he's starting to improve again. He was raised in the wizarding world by his mother who is a pureblood. His father was a muggle born who joined the aurors, and died while attempting to apprehend a dangerous criminal when Michael was two. He is very interested in the muggle world, and is particularly interested in dinosaurs and muggle vehicles."

"Wow, you really get to know your patients."

"It's not something that most healers do, but I like to give each patient a personal experience. I get to know them so that I interact with them and make them more comfortable around me. I don't always know much about what my patients are interested in, like in Michael's case, but sometimes a basic understanding and an open ear is all you need."

I smile in understanding and we go into Michael's room. The bed has dragons on the covers, flying around and doing their own thing. Michael and his mother are reading a book together on the rocking chair in the corner.

"Cissa!" Michael exclaims excitedly when he sees us walk in."

"Good morning Mikey! How are you feeling today?"

"Much better. Healer Boltasar said that I could go home on Monday!"

"That's amazing news! I bet Merlin will be excited to see you."

"Yeah! Who's your friend?"

I drop down to his level and stick out my hand.

"My name is Hadrian. Cissa is letting me follow her around today to see if I want to be a healer like her when I grow up."

He shakes my hand with a straight back like he's trying to be professional.

"My name is Michael, but you can call me Mikey. I already know what I want to be when I grow up."

"Really? What's that?"

"I want to be a muggle studier."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah! Cause then I can learn about cars and trucks and dinosaurs!"

"Did you know that I was raised in a muggle neighborhood? I went to muggle school and everything."

"No way! So you know about everything muggle!"

"I don't know if I would say I know about everything, but I do know quite a bit. I actually brought some things with me today. Would you like to see?" He nods excitedly, and I pull out a book on cars for kids around his age.

Yesterday, Tom and I went to several magical and muggle stores to get gifts for the kids we visit today. I have several books about muggle vehicles, along with toy car sets, dinosaur figures, muggle sport balls and instructions, wizarding sports things, board games from both worlds, dolls, books on all subjects, puzzles, and lots of other toys. Whatever is left after tomorrow will be left here for the kids to play with when they are here for long periods of time.

I give the book to Michael and watch his eyes light up when I tell him he can keep it. I also give him a few toys to play with while we give him a checkup. His mother agrees to me preforming the spells that I already know on him, and the rest of the day goes on.

I help take care of some elderly folks, sometimes just sitting and listening to their stories while Narcissa does what she needs to do. Everyone I meet either already loves Narcissa, or comes to love her shortly after meeting her. She may be stubborn, but she's also really nice and is comforting to be around.

The kids loved the presents, and I got hugs from most of them. When I got home after the first day, I was smiling at the joy I brought to the faces. The only downside to the visit was when one of the older patients died at the end of the second day.


"Son, is that you?" The older man whom I had just been having a conversation with asks.

He has dementia and I was warned that he may forget where he is and who I am. Narcissa showed me his file before coming in. His son died in a car accident five years ago. The picture of his son had a slight similarity to it, so it's not surprising. I am surprised when he grabs my arm and alarms start going off.

"His heart rate is dropping. I need—"

My focus is drawn from Narcissa giving orders to the professionals to the old man on the bed in front of me.

"I'm so sorry son. It was my fault you got hurt."

I know he is dying. I can feel his spirit ready to depart from this world, so I take his hand and do what I can to comfort him.

"It's not your fault. You couldn't have done anything."

"But if you hadn't been on your way to see me, you would still be alive."

"Maybe it was just time. Either way, what happened has happened. What matters now is that I don't blame you, and I don't want you to blame yourself." I can't hold back my tears once I feel his soul reach the point of no return. This man will die today.

"You were always too good for this world."

"What can I say? Like father like son."

And with that, the man takes his final breath, and leaves this world behind. A hand on my shoulder draws my attention to Narcissa.

"You did a very nice thing today. I am sorry you had to go through this. Perhaps it's time for you to call it a day."

End Flashback

Now I am leaning against Tom on the couch with a hot chocolate sitting ignored in my hands.

"You should really drink that. It will help you feel better."

I take a noncommittal sip and go back to staring at the fire. He sighs heavily and puts my mug on the table. Gathering me in his arms, he begins to rub circles on my back. I sniffle a little in an attempt to keep in my tears.

"There is nothing wrong with being sad over someone's death. Even if you didn't know him long, death is never a happy thing. What is important is that you were able to ease his mind before he died."

"It's not just that though." I whisper. "I could feel him dying Tom. I could feel as his soul approached and crossed the line of not coming back. I felt it leave his body completely. I could feel every emotion he went through as it happened. The sorrow and shame, the comfort as I told him not to blame himself, the pride he felt in his son, the acceptance that he was going to die, the peace once his soul finally left his body, all of it."

"Oh love, I had no idea. How is that even possible?" He asks as he pulls me closer to him.

"I don't know. It's never happened before. Accept when I was in the forest with Sirius, when the dementors came and he nearly died."

"Perhaps it has to do with the part of your inheritance papers that said you are the Lord of Death."

"We should do more research on that." I agree.


"Sir, have you ever considered using runes on your jewelry instead of spells?" I question the jeweler I am shadowing.

"Not really. There are some runes experts who do so, but I was never really that skilled in runes, and my prices are much more affordable than that of those who use runes. Besides, they tend to detract from the overall style of most jewelry."

"Hm, I see."

I take notes as the jeweler shows me how to mold the heated minerals into the shape I want, cool them, then set the stones. I am not allowed to do it myself, but the spells I learned could be useful.


"Gred! Forge!" I call into the store.

I am and am not shadowing them at the same time. The twins said I am welcome to have a more active part in the store I funded if I want to, but since I am a partial owner of the store, I am already technically in this type of business. This means the twins are just gonna give me an update on the place since I was here last.


"Dearest brother-"

"You made it!"

"Come upstairs with us for a moment please." They end together.

When we reach the apartment above, they took the protectors oath like Bill did. I tried to stop them, but they wouldn't hear of it. It turns out that aside from the accounting and advertising side of things, it's mostly just showing off their merchandise, which is never boring, and coming up with more. I left them with a notebook full of ideas I came up with for them, and a huge thank you for sticking with me even though it means going against their family and switching sides as they plan on taking the mark eventually.


I can feel the magic of the shop before I even enter it. It pulses and greets me excitedly as I enter the shop.

"It would seem that the magic likes you here. You must have a sensitivity to it." A voice says from deeper inside the shop. "It is necessary for all wand makers to have sensitivity to magic. Otherwise we wouldn't know how to properly bond the materials together. It is good to see you again Mr. Snape."

"You as well Mr. Amsworth. Please call me Hadrian."

"Then you should call me Gaius. Follow me. I am aware that you need a new wand now too. So, we will start with you practicing bonding materials, then I will have you make your own wand."

He shows me how to do it once, then gives me the chance to try on some test materials. After a few tries, I get the hang of it, and a customer comes in. Gaius leaves to help the customer, and I am told to watch the process from where I am working.

The customer reaches out his magic, then pulls on the items they connect with. They choose a design, then leave while the wand is being made. I get to watch as Gaius creates the wand, doing exactly what he has me doing, then saying a wandless spell to shape the wand in the design the customer chose. Then, the design in the book changes slightly so that no two wands are the same.

He lets me practice the shaping spell on the ones I have practiced on so far.   He even puts two of them on display. Finally, it is time to make my own. I do as the customer did, receiving four cores and two woods, as apposed to the more common one wood one core, or occasional one wood two cores.

The cores are basilisks scales, fairy blood, willingly given, manticore venom, and alicorn feather, willingly given. Then, I bond the materials, watching as the cores merge, and the woods wrap around them, fading colors into each other with the elder wood at the top half, and acacia as the bottom half.

Last, but not least, I am given a book to look through for designs. Finally, I find the perfect design. It has vines over the lower part, just above the handle, with a lily being the focal point of them. There is an amethyst in the center of it. I choose it, and Gaius gets the stone for me. I focus on the design and let the wand take shape.

Soon I am looking at the complete wand, only there seems to be purple veins reaching out from the amethyst and into the petals and vines.

"It's stunning. It will likely be one of the most powerful wands in existence." Gaius says from behind me.


"I must admit, I am surprised that My Lord requested you shadow me instead of Snape. He is the favored potions master after all. No matter, perhaps this is my chance to prove I am just as valuable as Snape."

Mathew Breault, another potions master in the death eaters, was actually only chosen to see if I could improve his skill any. He's so bad that nobody will use his potions if they know he brewed them. They barely achieve their targets, and have ridiculous side effects.

It's rumored that he was given his mastery because he wouldn't stop pestering someone with his high nasally voice until he got it. He is useless with a wand, and has no real benefit to the dark. If this doesn't work, he will be kicked out. He was not informed of my parentage so that he might listen.

"Yes, well, let's begin, shall we?"


"No, no, no! If you dice it when you are supposed to slice it, it won't be the right potency. Then the other ingredients won't have enough to meld with and your potion will be barely useful. See, if you do it this way, and lower your fire to a simmer, it will meld slowly and effectively. You only dice if you need smaller amounts." I explain to the useless twit.


"Careful! If you add that too soon, the eye of newt and flobberworm won't have enough time to interact with each other fully."


"Are you trying to blow the place up?! Who gave you permission to brew something this complicated in the first place?"


"Sev I'm so sorry for being an insufferable prat during lessons at school! I will never take your patience for granted again, just never let that fool near me again!" I exclaim as soon as I see my father the day after I "shadowed" Mathew.

"Apology accepted, and much appreciated. Now you understand why I am always so strict."

"I do. How can one person nearly blow up all of Riddle Manor, three times, on the same potion, that I specifically told him he couldn't make?! I actually saw him just throw all the ingredients in together when he thought I wasn't looking! I told Tom there is no hope. He absolutely must get rid of him!" He chuckles, receiving a glare in return.


"Yes! It's finally my turn with you little brother!" Charlie exclaims as we arrive in Romania. "I have your gear at the house, then we can get to the reserve. I know you probably can't use your parseltongue in front of the others, but I do want you to actually pay closer attention to them then in the tournament. I think you might be able to talk to them if you try hard enough. They are reptiles after all."

I smile at Charlie's ever present passion for dragons. We get to his place and I change into the protective gear he got me. He then takes the protectors oath like his brothers, and we leave. Once we get to the reserve, we jump right in. There is a group of baby dragons that need fed, and after showing me how, we each feed about five dragons.

I learned that most dragons are highly protective of their young even after they hatch, but a few species only protect them until they hatch, so they have to be taken care of by the handlers. The week goes by with me learning all the basics of dragon handling. As it turns out, Charlie was right about the parseltongue. We even snuck in one night to have a conversation with the dragons, me being the translator.

It's finally here! Sorry this chapter took so long, but I made it extra long for y'all. Don't forget to vote on which profession he goes into. The ones in this chapter are your options, so please comment-


Happy reading! Stay mad!

Alice Out!

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