Interdimensional Romanoff (Un...

By MPereira_T2

101K 2.1K 313

Elijah Romanoff is the 16 year daughter of Natasha Romanoff, the past Russian spy, and Avenger. She and her m... More

Morning After*
What's the Justice League?
Young Justice
Morning After


6.8K 153 11
By MPereira_T2

The next day when Elijah started to head out for training, her mother stopped her.

"How about you come to Avengers tower, and train with us?"

Elijah knows that she's trying to be her mother, that she wants to spend more time with her (and she likes that), so she wonders if she should. Her mom might not to do as much bonding as she thinks because Elijah likes to train alone, but the Avengers training room must be great, so this gym/training room could do her some good. 


Natasha smiles, "Ok, I'll be right back."

When she comes back, she smiles at her daughter, and together they leave the apartment. Natasha was about to call a taxi, but Elijah stopped her. She said that it's always a good idea to warm up before the training by jogging to the destination (which is what she always does). She does realize that Avengers tower is like 10 blocks away, but she also knows that herself and her mother can run for longer than that, and if Natasha really wants to start trying then she needs to not mess with Elijah's training schedule. So, the pair jogged all the way to Avengers tower, and when they got there, they went right to the training room to stretch. 

They entered the elevator and was greeted by FRIDAY. FRIDAY took them up to the training room and alerted the others that they are going there. So, when they got there it wasn't a surprise to see the Avengers waiting for them. 

Elijah said hi but ignored them. Just because she's there to train doesn't mean that she's going to socialize. Besides, now that she's begun her training she has to focus on her training. 

Elijah slips past them and walks over to a bench on the side of the room. There she placed her two water bottles, her sweater, and her phone. She took out her blue tooth earbuds and hits play on her music and went out onto the mat. She put some distance between herself and the others, and begins.

For ten minutes she did a stretching warm up and as soon as she made sure that she was stretched, she did a bit of yoga for balance practice. Then she began to go through her many fighting routines. She started with the slow, soft ones, slowly building up speed and pressure. But soon, she was finished with her routines, and as she finished her last one, she went over to the benches to get some water. When she finally turned to look at the Avengers, she found them all staring at her. 

She too out one earbud, "May I help you?"


"What was that? All those moves, and the cool kick you did?" Sam asks.

"My fighting routines. I do them each time I train, they help me warm up and practice certain moves." 

They all nod but they don't expect to hear from her again. Well at least not this soon, "Would anyone like to spar with me?"

They turned to face her, and they looked at her strangely. They heard from her mother that she takes it very seriously, and from hearing that she's a better fighter than her mom, made them all surprised at the fact that she was asking to spar. But in the moment, Bucky forgot everything he heard the night before. He believes that he can beat her, that she's not telling the truth, that it's just something to throw them all off.

"I'll spar with you," he says raising his hand.

She smiles at him, and waves him over. When he got closer she turned and walked off, "I hope you don't mind but, I like listening to music."

"It's ok."


She smiles and turns in her music, it connects to the speakers all around the room, and instantly Twenty-One Pilots started playing. Then Elijah walked back over to the mats, and the two of them got into a fighting stance. Natasha was intrigued, she's never seen her daughter fight before, so this is going to be a new experience and took a seat on the benches. Soon everyone else followed Natasha's actions (all interested in Elijah's abilities).

The song Johnny Boy started playing, and Elijah smirked. Then she and Bucky began to circle each other. Bucky wants her to make the first move, but he believes himself to be prepared to attack her if needed. Elijah too is waiting for him to make the first move. She wants to study the way he fights; she wants to know how he fights and see if he favors a move or an arm/leg more than the other. She wants to study his attacks to think on which moves she can counteract, and which moves she must avoid. 

(She's a very strategic fighter, and always studies her prey, especially while fighting)

They bounce around a bit, and Bucky began to grow impatient (if he knew she was going to be stubborn and not make the first move, he probably would have attacked by now). Suddenly he lunges forward and makes a move towards her head. Quickly Elijah moves out of the way and continues to dodge his attacks as he tries again. This time when he goes to punch her, she wraps her hands around his arm and pulls it into her chest. Not slowing (or giving him a chance to try to counteract) Elijah lifts his arm above her head and turns around so that she's now on the other side of his body. He turns confused (did she just spin him?), but Elijah sees that he's angry too. Before he can even make another move, she goes for an attack. Her palm hits Bucky's chest, so that his attention focuses to that area, and Elijah quickly grabs his shoulders, and pulls herself over him. She hooks her elbows into his; then kicks his feet back and swings him over her body. He landed roughly on his back, winded and groaning. 

Elijah smiles at him, and he huffs (he really didn't think this teenager would be able to defeat him). 

She helps him up, and shakes his hand, smiles, and walks back over to her water. That was much easier than it should have been, but of course he was smug and arrogant in thinking that just because she's young he could beat her in a fight. 

She takes a sip from her water, and as she puts it down a bright light appears on the other side of the room. She turns abruptly and sees that the bright light turns into some sort of rift. Everyone is put on edge and ready for a fight. 

Then a large group of men begin to pour out of the portal. Elijah begins to back away from the men, wanting to regroup with the Avengers, but before she gets to them, she hits a wall. There shouldn't be a wall there. She turns around and finds that there's some sort of force field or invisible wall separating her from the Avengers and Natasha. Natasha, seeing her daughter abruptly stop and look at the air in confusion runs to her daughter, but is stopped when she hits the force field. Confusion rings through her as well but fearing for her daughter (because there is a large group of armed men pouring through some sort of portal) she begins to bang on the wall.

Elijah looks to her mother's frightened face (something's she never seen before) and sees that she's saying something, but Elijah can't hear whatever it is. No sound passes through the wall. 

Elijah hears a weapon cock and turns to face the men. They surrounded her while she was distracted with the wall and her mother. Seeing that Elijah is the only one able to fight the men, she silently counts their numbers and weapons. There is around twenty of them and they all have guns, but they seem to be some kind of stun gun. That could be good or bad depending on the intentions of the men.

Then one of the men lunges at her. She blocks his hit, and flips him onto the ground, breaking his shoulder, and knocking him out. She runs at two men and does a judo kick, one falls to the ground unconscious, and she wraps her legs around the other one's neck. She twists her body, and feels his neck break, he falls to the ground limp. She attacks seven more guys, effectively knocking them out, or killing them. That's when the remaining few realize that they won't be able to fight her and begin to shoot at her. 

Elijah dodges the tranquilizer darts and takes a gun from one of the guys. She uses him as a shield, and he's hit a few times, falling unconscious. She shoots a few of them men, getting rid of them. With 6 left she goes for one but is attacked from behind. She flips him over, and breaks his neck, but in the process was hit with one of the tranq darts. She pulls it out of her leg and attacks another man. The poison from the dart slowed her down a little, but not enough to where she would lose. 

She takes two more down, but again is shot by one of the darts. She slows and is shot one more time before taking out another man. This much poison causes her to stumble, this stumble allows the remaining 4 men to shoot her with four more darts. She may have been able to build up a tolerance to drugs and poisons, but everyone has their limit, this is hers. Elijah falls to her knees and slowly everything turns black. 

These men weren't expecting Elijah's abilities in fighting or resisting the poison, but the remaining few where thankful that they hadn't been taken out by the young girl. Once they see her unconscious, one of them picks her up bridal style, following the rest back to the portal. The three men left go in before the one carrying Elijah. He takes down the barrier, and Natasha and the Avengers run as fast as they can to Elijah, hoping to get her back. The man smirks under his mask, and steps through the portal. 

As soon as he steps through it, the portal closes, and the Avengers are left behind. 

Natasha crumples to the ground in tears, while the other Avengers were stunned. Natasha lost her daughter before the two of them could truly connect, and this broke her. 

A/N: Please remember to not read past the chapters with and * at the end of the title. Things may change and if you read ahead, you might get confused on things that I still need to change. Thank you and enjoy. 

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