Wars and Roses

By supercorpsbixth

15.4K 396 186

Kara is human. Barry is human. They all live on one earth. Oliver is Mayor and The Green Arrow- Kara and Barr... More

Finally Home
Family From Afar.
What Happend in Afghanistan
You Messed With The Wrong Girl

Sweaty Mornings and Shocking Afternoons.

2K 55 37
By supercorpsbixth



Shrapnel flying.


Shrapnel again.





Kara shot up from a bed sweating but immediately regretting it as winced from pain in her side. She was gathering her surroundings, trying to figure out where she was. She wasn't in her bedroom. In her loft. In National City. There was no one sleeping beside her.

And that's when she remembered.

Mon-el cheated.

She came to Central City.

She stayed at Barry's place.

She refused the bed but caved as she was too tired.

She remembered Oliver, sitting with her. Not talking. Just sat in a comfortable silence. A smile crept up with the thought of Oliver. Again. She frowned and shook her head. 'What am I doing?' She thought.

Kara climbed out of bed and looked at the clock beside her. '5:02. Great to see that the internal alarm clock still works.' She thought sarcastically. She walked to the bathroom to freshen up. Seeming as she had nothing to do at 5 AM, Kara decided to go for an early run. She put on a black sports bra and some black shorts she had leftest in the draws of the guest room. She grabbed her armband to hold her phone and her running earphones. When she walked into the living room she saw everyone lying awkwardly off of some kind of furniture.

Thea was on the couch with her head hung off the edge and a half empty beer bottle in her hands, Mick was sitting on a chair with his head forwards, Ray was lying in the middle of the dining room table, Zari and Amaya were sitting with their heads together on the window seat, Sara and Caitlin were squeezed together on one half of the couch as Thea managed to push them together somehow, Cisco was snoring by the kitchen, sitting on a stool with his head on the counter, Laurel and Malcolm were passed out on separate arm chairs, Roy was on the floor, leaning on the couch, his head a few inches from Thea's, Felicity and Nate somehow made it on top of the kitchen counter in a spooning position, and funnily enough, Felicity was the big spoon and Kara remembered that Harry, Joe, Cecile, Diggle and Lyla all went home and that Barry and Iris were probably in their own bed. That just left one person unattended. Oliver. 'The stubborn idiot is probably fighting crime or working out. He needs to learn how to relax.' Kara chucked at the thought.

After spending a few moments watching her sort of family sleep off their hangovers, she left the loft. Kara began running to the sound of her playlist. It had enough songs so she could run a few miles and back. Kara looked around at the silent city. Capturing its beauty as the sun was reaching its peak. It reminded her of her home. Of National City. An innocent city. A bright city. A caring city. Her mind casually went to Mon el. How she thought of him as her home. Her everything. And that it all came crashing down. How he had the audacity to make her feel bad about surprising him. These thoughts really angered Kara. She began running really fast. Her knees lifting up so high she nearly hit her own jaw. She was so consumed by her anger that she didn't see the figure in front of her. Nor did she hear them call out her name to stop. She only realised it once they were both on the ground, wincing.

"Sorry!" She said exasperated, taking her earphones out, trying to get back up, feeling a huge throbbing pain in her side. "I wasn't looking where I was going and I was a bit distracted."

"It's fine Kara." The figure said in a deep voice. Kara immediately got defensive and pounce at the man, turning him around, locking one hand behind his back and the other twisted above his head.

"How the HELL do you know my name and who do you work for?" Kara asked.

"I know your name because we've been friends for a while, and I kinda work for my self." The man said humorously. Kara looked confused at him and noticed the side of his face.

"OLIVER?" She asked. She felt him nod under her grasp. "OH MY GOD! I'm so sorry. I thought you were trying to kill me or something." She explained removing herself from his body.

"It's fine." Oliver winced as he caressed his arms. "I would do the same thing." He noticed a slight blush on Kara's face as he talked. "Hey," He said coming forward and putting a hand in her cheek, "it's okay. You were distracted." He saw her blush go redder and smiled at how adorable she can be even after she almost beat the crap out of him.

"I don't even mean to go this far, I was just thinking about..." she trailed off. Oliver got the hint and finished, but without saying his name.


"Yeah." She said looking down, coming out of Oliver's grasp. "Anyway," she started, looking up at him, "I am headed back to National City for a bit."


"Well, firstly I need to tell people I'm home. And secondly I want to get my things out of the loft and into a hotel, or a storage room while I find a new place either in National or Central or Star."



"You will not go to National City alone and you are most definitely not living out of a hotel."

"Then enlighten me Ollie, where will I stay. I can't live out of Barry and Iris' place. They're married. They need their private space."

"Okay, for one, I highly doubt that they would mind, and second, you are going to stay with me."

"With you? What about William?"

"William loves you. He thinks you're more badass than me. And I'm the Green Arrow." He whispered the last part.

"Are you sure? I don't want to impose."

"Kara, you'd be doing me a favour. Plus Will sees you as a sort of motherly figure anyway, so it might do both him and me some good. And he doesn't shut up about your lasagna and Eliza's chocolate pecan pie."

Kara fake gasped. "He likes my lasagna better than your world famous chilli." Oliver nodded at her. "Well then I'd have to stay then." Oliver laughed at her antics and nudged her to jog with him back to the WestAllen household.

"I knew you'd be doing something like this." Kara stated.

"Something like what? Running?"

"Well either a work out or fighting crime. You really need to learn how to chill out."



"Says the girl who's running beside me right now."

"Well I have a valid explanation for that."

"And what is it?"

"My internal alarm clock always goes off without a hitch."

"You need to fix that while your back."

"Why? I'm probably going to go back in a few weeks or months. Most likely after the medal ceremony."

"Will Barry be going with you?"

"No this is for my own thing. I need some time alone and, weirdly, fighting wars makes me feel better. Like I've done something right."

"Kara, you've done nothing wrong. But from the looks of it I can't convince you to stay. So all I'm going to say is I hope you don't leave and think about it. Okay?"

"Okay. No promises though."

"Fine with me Danvers."

After a few minutes of silence, Kara broke it with something that he'd said earlier. "Does Will really see me as a motherly figure?"

"Yeah. He does. He also loves your company. And frankly so do I."

"Oliver Queen, enjoying someone else's company. And here I thought you enjoyed brooding alone in the Arrow Cave." Kara joked.

"Haha! Very funny Danvers."

Kara saw Barry and Iris' loft in the distance and smirked. "Last one their has to pay or cook everyone's food." And then she was off.

"Not fair Danvers!" Oliver shouted as he tried to build up enough speed to catch up to her but she was so damn fast.

Kara reached Barry and Iris' loft and pulled out her keys. She looked back and saw a struggling Oliver make his way to her. She unlocked the door and stepped inside, immediately grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge. Downing one in seconds.

Oliver ran into the loft only to be met with a water bottle to the face, sending him onto the floor. Kara burst out laughing as Oliver groaned on the floor.

"Hate you Danvers."

"Love you too Mayor Broody Arrow."

"Mayor Broody Arrow?" Oliver questioned, leaning on his elbows, raising an eyebrow.

That's when Kara finally took notice of his appearance. He was shirtless and sweaty and his muscles were moving up and down. Kara was feeling a bit flustered as she answered. "W-well y-y-you're the Green Arrow and the mayor of Star City. And, well, your always brooding so. Mayor Broody Arrow."

Oliver noticed her blushing again and said without thinking. "Has anybody told you how adorable you look when you blush? Because if they haven't they should, because you do." That didn't help at all as Kara went a deeper shade of red after his comment.

Not knowing what to do, Kara looked down and said. "I'm just gonna go take a shower." And walked off thinking. 'A really freakin cold shower.'

Oliver looked at the place she was standing before internally kicking himself for saying that. He drank the water she gave him and fell back onto the floor.

"You have some serious flirting skills Queen." A sarcastic voice said from the couch. He looked up to see Sara Lance smirking at him while Caitlin's head snuggled into her abs. "At least wait for the girl to get over her cheating fiancé before you pounce on her."

"I know. I know. It just slipped out." Oliver said shaking his head. He saw Caitlin's position change as her hands wrapped around Sara's abdomen. "Y'know, if your thing with Alex doesn't work out you could always go for her." He pointed at Caitlin.

"Caity? No. She's into Mr Winn Schott Jr over in National. You should've heard her gush about him last night. It was actually quite cute."

Oliver got up off the floor and headed to the kitchen to cook everyone's breakfast. He grabbed the eggs, bacon, bread, sausages, pancake batter and waffles out of the fridge and freezer and began to cook.

Kara walked out of the shower and began to hair dry and brush her hair. She got a bra and underwear on and out some booty shorts on while looking for some clothes to wear. That's when she realised that all her clothes were in her duffel bag in the living room. She mentally prayed that Oliver wouldn't look at her as she walked into the room. That was not the case. As soon as her door opened Oliver looked up at Kara, only to see her underdressed.

"SORRY!" He shouted as her turned away. But he couldn't get that image out of his head. Her toned abs, huge muscles and her perfectly toned legs. And to top it all off, her honey gold hair cascading down her shoulders.

"I realised my clothes were here so I wanted I quickly grab them and go back to get changed." She rambled grabbing her bag and running back into her room.

"You can look now Ollie." Sara said. Oliver turned around and saw no Kara Danvers. Part of him was happy, seeming as he couldn't have controlled himself if he saw her any longer, and another part was sad to see her gone. Oliver shook his head and turned back to cooking.

As time went by everyone started waking up one by one, each saying the same thing as soon as they did. 'Ow!' Or 'My head kills.' Barry and Iris walked out of their room and were greeted with a lovely smell and the the sound of laughter from their dining room.

"What's going on?" Iris asked as she sat down in front of a huge plate, filled with food.

"Well, me and Kara woke up at around the same time and we had a bet to see who could get here faster and she won, so I had to cook breakfast." Oliver explained.

"Mmm!" Iris said as she had a mouthful of waffles. "Can you stay forever?"

"Babe!" Barry exclaimed gaining some chuckles in return. "I'm a great chef too."

"Yeah, well have you tried the pancakes."

"Pfftt! It can't be that good." Barry said as he sat by Iris and ate a piece of the pancake. His eyes widened as he looked at Oliver straight in the eyes. "I married the wrong person."

"Babe!" Iris shouted this time. "Well Oliver, whenever you find a girl lucky enough to cook like this for, give us a call."

"Well, Kara's staying at mine for a while so you're welcome to join us for breakfast." Oliver said casually as he put things to soak in the sink.

Everyone dropped their cutlery and stared at him.

"What are you looking at?"

"She's staying at yours?" Caitlin asked.

"Yeah, well she was telling me how she's going to go back to National later today and was going to get her things out of his loft and telling people she's actually home and that she was going to stay at a hotel or something."

"And Ollie being the gentleman that he is told her, she could stay with him and William. Right?" Thea guessed.

"Well, yeah. Plus she said she isn't going to stay long and that she's going to go back after the medal ceremony."

"SHE'S WHAT?!" Barry shouted. "Why the hell would she want to go back to a war zone after she's just come out of one?"

"Thanks Ollie!" Kara said sarcastically as she walked out of her room in her fresh uniform. "Barr I was going to tell you- all of you after I got back from National."

"Okay, the you going back to war is up for discussion later, but if you are going to National City alone I will chase you and put a knife in your back." Sara said, grabbing onto her butter knife.

"Take Oliver, Barry and Sara, Kara. Just so you know you have people looking after you." Laurel said as she finished her orange juice.

"Now, you Ms. Danvers, come sit and eat this meal you got Mr. Broody over here to cook." Malcolm said as he gout out of his seat and sat Kara in it, giving her a kiss on the forehead as he went back to the couch.

Sara smirked. "Well according to Kara, it's Mayor Broody Arrow." Kara turned beet red as Sara said that name.

"You heard that?" Sara just nodded and Kara silently dug into her breakfast. After a while everyone began to burst out laughing.

"MAYOR BROODY ARROW!" Barry guffawed as he nearly fell out of his seat.

"Oh, Queen, that's not going to go anywhere anytime soon." Zari said as she finished off her waffles.

Everyone finished up their food and started to leave one by one, thanking Iris and Barry for the party.

Barry went to the bathroom to freshen up and get changed. He came back in dark blue jeans, a black checked shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a chain dangling from one coller to the other. He also had black combat boots on.

Oliver came back from his shower in a white t shirt, black jeans and a brown leather jacket.

Sara walked out of the guest room in black boots, grey skinny jeans, a white shirt and a black leather jacket.

"Okay, babe, I'm going to head to CCPN." Iris said as she kissed Barry's cheek. "See you in the evening."


"Okay, so first I'm going to go to CatCo to see Lena then head to the FBI HQ in National to see Alex and Winn, then I'm going to drop my bike off at Alex's and take my car. The boxes should fit and I doubt anyone will be home at that time." Kara said, hoping Mon El wasn't there.

"Don't worry Danvers. If he is then I can unleash some league of assassins on his ass." Sara smirked.

"Okay then, let's go." Kara said. They reached downstairs and Oliver got in his bike, Barry on his and Sara decided to tag along with Kara.

Once they reached CatCo, Kara told the receptionist that she was giving Lena a surprise visit. They let them up and they all headed to Lena's office.

Kara knocked on the door and playfully said. "We're here to see Ms. Luthor."

It looked like Lena was in a heated discussion with a tall brunette man. He had spoken loud enough for them all to hear. But Kara knew that voice anywhere. "MON EL?"

Hi 😊
I promise I don't mean to take this long. I'm just a stressed potato. I'm going to try and write a couple chapters for this book while I work on my 2 or 3 shot for the SuperFlash One Shots book. It might be slow updates so please don't rush me.

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