Energy (D.P./M.H.A.)

By artistwriterdreamer

120K 6.1K 1.7K

Danny only blinked at Clockwork before he pinched his nose, sighed, and waved in his direction. "So lemme get... More

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2.6K 148 66
By artistwriterdreamer

All that was left was chaos.

The screams of his classmates were ones Midoriya would never forget as they were attacked without any mercy in the eyes of their assailants. Exclamations if victory resonated through the air as his teammates were taken out. He could only dodge and hope he wouldn't get hit. His team was covered in red, him being the only one left...

Or so he thought.


He looked up to find Danny dodging lasers, trying to get closer to him, while also trying to take out their opponents. "Danny?"

"We gotta move!"

Danny shot his gun one last time before rolling into the bushes sideways, grabbing Midoriya by his arm and running. They ran for what felt like hours, dodging trees, bushes, vines, rocks, and other plants, while in fact they were running for mere minutes.

Midoriya hid behind a tree, panting heavily as they escaped.

Danny was on his other side behind another tree, pressing himself against the wood with his back. "You okay?"

"They got every single one of us," Midoriya said as he looked at the ground as he clenched his fists. "We're the only two."

"This is one heck of a training, huh?" Danny laughed as he looked in front of him.

All Might had thought of a new exercise that was supposed to learn people how to work together. The class had been split up in two groups of ten and been placed in the other sides of the woods training area. Every student had a laser-tag vest on and a gun that shot 'lasers' —ultra red light that would trigger the other vests, turning the green lights into red ones. If they were hit once they'd be out. The last team standing would win.

"It's not fair," Midoriya pouted angrily.

"Fights are rarely fair, trust me," Danny said as he peeked around his tree. He ignored —or didn't notice— Midoriya's worried look and immediately hid again. "I may or may not have taken out a few before running. I think I hit Tokoyami, but Dark Shadow might've blocked the laser. I'm pretty sure Yaoyorozu's out, too."

"If we can get a surprise on them as they charge we might take out a few more. I'm not sure how many's left."

Danny nodded in thought and looked at Midoriya. "Let's say there's left, since a few of out team also took some out as we were jumped. Bakugou and Todoroki are left for sure, and we don't know about the others."

"I don't think Iida's been hit, either," Midoriya piped up. "I mean, he's super fast. And Ashido could've—"

"Stop hiding you damn nerds and face me head-on!"

Midoriya and Danny shared a look. "...Crap."

"Bakugou!" Todoroki hissed. "You're giving away our position!"

"Eh, so what," he huffed as he twirled his gun around his index-finger. "It's two against six, they don't stand a chance."

"Bakugou, you are being very selfish and rude," Iida said as he chopped at the explosive blond. "Our strategy was —as Uraraka just proposed— going to be stealth. You are not being stealthy."

Jiro and Tokoyami nodded as they stood behind them, backing up Iida and Uraraka.

"It's not wise to yell in this situation," Tokoyami said. "Our best option is to—"


Jiro shot a look at Todoroki, who was holding up one index-finger to silence them. "Rude."

"I can hear them. Jiro, plug in."

Jiro rolled her eyes but did as she was told nonetheless. "Two people —probably Midoriya and Fenton— fifty meters ahead. They're splitting up —probably trying to circle us," she reported, tone turning determined instead of agitated.

"Can you tell who is who?"


"Great. Let's split up as well," Bakugou grinned. "I'm taking Round Face and Dark Knight over here. You three go right."

"Bakugou, that's not a viable strategy!" Iida hissed as Bakugou disappeared between the bushes. "We're supposed to be planning together, communicating! Actually strategizing!" He stared as Uraraka shot him an apologetic shrug and walked after Bakugou, followed close by Tokoyami.

"Iida, chill. We can still win this," Jiro said. She plugged herself back into the ground, listening intensely at possible footsteps. They had made quite some noise, so the chances of the others knowing their location was most certainly there. She held up her hand to stop the others from talking and whipped her head in their direction, meeting their confused gazes. "They...disappeared..?"


"T-there's no footsteps! Nothing!" she exclaimed, gesturing at the area around them. "The closest thing is Bakugou yelling "Nerd!" so he probably found Midoriya. I have zero clue where Fenton is!"

"Perhaps he hid in a tree?" Todoroki suggested. He shrugged as the other two stared at him. "It's a viable strategy."

"I suppose..." Iida said, putting one hand to his chin in thought. "Though he would have to be close and within Jiro's hearing range. He still breathes, which makes sound."

About fifteen feet away from them, Danny couldn't help but roll his eyes and smirk. He had changed into Phantom, which enabled him to be dead quiet. No breathing, no walking, no moving. He could even phase though the air if he wanted to. In the distance, he could hear Bakugou going off completely, and if he were to stand on top of his branch, he would've seen the explosions as well. Their plan to make them split up had worked perfectly, and now all he needed to do was shoot the others.

But first things first, he needed to make sure no one would see Phantom.

He cringed internally as he closed his eyes and started focusing on the cold part of his core. He should've made some sort of cape to hide his hair —possibly even the rest of his face, leaving his eyes to shine through. 'That would've been so epic,' he thought as the mist started moving towards the small clearing where his three targets were.

Three moving targets that could shoot back and he couldn't hurt otherwise.

He opened his eyes and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. The mist was so thick even he could barely see three feet in front of him, and he made it. But nothing to do about it now. He needed to be careful now. Last time, he had only two people in a closed off room. Now there were three in an open space. But, no matter. He'd take them down.

'Cause he was sure as hell not gonna lose.

"What's with all this mist all of a sudden?"

"He did the same thing in the two versus two last week, remember?" Todoroki said as he looked around the clearing, that was getting more and more hard to see in. "I thought it was hers."

"I heard something." Jiro suddenly said as she pointed to her right. "A breath. Ten mete-"

"Look out!"

Jiro was pulled back by Iida, only just escaping the laser coming from her right. She blinked and found herself sitting on the ground, Iida hovering behind her. "I knew Fenton was fast, but this?"

Todoroki rolled to avoid getting hit from his left and came to a halt next to the other two. "Dang it. He's everywhere. We gotta run."

Iida's vest was suddenly glowing red.

"Iida has been hit!" All Might announced out of the speakers that had come out of nowhere. "You may leave the premises."

Iida grumbled as he stood. A path appeared in the mist, showing him the way to the exit.

"It's been fun!" The voice of Danny rang through the clearing, an echo behind it. "See ya!"

Todoroki and Jiro shuddered at the ease in which the partway closed, trapping them in the fog once again.

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