Fourteen Grooms One Bride (Co...

By wraithprincess

316K 9.9K 1.1K

**** disclaimer This is Just Fan Fiction ****** What started out as A Mission for the Blackbourne/Toma Team... More

Ride Home
Homework Help
Pissing Off Alejandro
Consequences of Actions
Unexpected & Unwanted Gift
Breaking & Entering
A Date for 15
Wet Dreams & Reality
Witness to a Crime
A Midnight Vegas Wedding
One Flight , One Car Ride to Start A New Life with 14 Husbands in SC
Sleeping Late & A Waxing
A Puppy &Feeling Very Well Loved
The Honeymoon has Started
A Small Tour Of Charleston
Rough Night
Recovery and Date Night with Victor
Surprise Call & A Dose of Discipline
Tour of the Hospital , Holding Babies & Fun while Baking Apple Pies
Escapades with Superman Silas
A Run in with An Ex
You say What
VoiceMail & Panic
Bonding with the Bakers
Dodging Danger
Peaceful Day
Gift for the Husbands
Meeting Mrs Morgan
Seeing a Familar Face
Getting Away was too Easy
Can't Believe My Eyes
Baby Baby Baby
Heading Home
Dealing with Alejandro

Arguments & Apologies

5.7K 211 49
By wraithprincess

I snuggled into Silas trying to calm my nerves from all the yelling
"Superman I can't take the yelling right now " I say in his ear
" Okay Angelos " He says as he gets up off the couch with me
" I'm taking Angelos to the bedroom she doesn't want to hear the yelling right now "

"Charlie you know I would never hurt you I'm sorry I'm yelling but this all caught me off guard , Have you had your Blood Sugar tested again since the last time I was home you look pale right now "Stuart Asked

"No I have been doing what the Dr Said to do " I answered him

"Charlie " Sean says

" I had an issue a few months back with my Blood Sugar going crazy it went high then really low , I passed out twice the Doctor seem to think it was Just because I wasn't eating right but after it happened Stuart and Felix made sure I had food in the apartment at all times and that I went back for a follow up appointment four weeks later I was fine but I do have times when I get shaky if I don't eat right "

" Charlie when we get back home I want to do a full work up on you to rule out things " Sean says

" Here some Juice and crackers until I can get breakfast done " Felix says as he handed it to me

I looked at it and my poor stomach churned and I hopped up off Silas's lap and ran for the bathroom

Leaning over the toilet emptying the contents of my stomach into it a few times before I started to dry heave

Hands were in my hair holding it out of my way the best they could

"Charlie "

I lean up a little then sit back on the floor

"Sweet Pea you Okay "

" I will be in a few "

Sean sits down beside me holding my hand
"You are shaking Sweet Pea "
" I know I do each time I puke "
" Do me a favor take a deep breath in and let it out slowly "
I do as I was told and the shakiness slowly resides

" Kota , Can you stand in front of her and pull her up if she starts to feel weak I don't want her falling "

Kota stands in front of me offered me his hands I take them he pulled me up with Easy as Sean stood up behind me holding on to my hips

I felt weak as hell I grabbed hold of Kota's shirt tightly
"Princess I think you need a nice warm bath food and sleep " Kota says

" A Shower would nice " I say

"I'll grab some clothes for you , Kota stay in here with her I don't need her passing out if you have to climb in with her " Sean says

I stripped down I heard Kota hiss as I bent over to take my panties off

" Princess your temping me with that bare ass right now "

I stood up and said
" Even though it sounds like a fabulous idea I don't think I can I don't feel good my stomach is rolling and the thoughts of food isn't appealing to me " I say

Kota puts his hand on my forehead
" Hmmm do you have any other symptoms "

" Just tired,  weak  and my stomach is queasy but that is most likely because I need to eat "

Ten minutes later I had showered and felt some what better Gabriel pulled out a Tank Dress for me to wear
When Kota and I made it to the kitchen there was a ton of food , Seems North , Luke and Raven left to get food for us

My plate was made for me by North he didn't give me anything greasy which was fine by me
I ate my meal I still felt queasy but not as bad
Sean said if I didn't feel any better in two hours he was going to take me to the hospital something about he didn't Want His Sweet Pea feeling bad

Once breakfast was done , Raven picked me up out of the chair and took me into the living room placed me in Marc's lap
" How you feeling Butterfly "
"Better "
" Good " he says as he pulled me closer to him I felt his breath on my skin

" Now Charlotte we need to get back Home today the flight leaves around 6 tonight " Owen says

There was a knock at the door and all went silent
" Are you expecting anyone "Owen asked
" No " Felix replies
" Take Charlotte out now " Axel says

I was picked up out of Marc's lap by Victor and taken out through the Kitchen to the backdoor
We went out and through the yards to a Tahoe I was placed in the back
Victor got in and we left
" Stay down " he said as we pulled around the front of the apartment complex
I didn't stay all the way down I saw Alejandro's men's cars

" Victor that's two of Alejandro's men's cars , We need to go back Victor " I yell

" No Charlie we aren't going back they will handle it "

" Please Victor " I cry out to him
" I don't want anyone hurt because of me Please Victor " I cry out again

He kept driving and I kept trying to convince him to go back I was in tears not knowing what was going on

I fell asleep in the back

" Charlie, Wake Up Sweetie "
I opened my eyes to see Victor he was now in the backseat with me
" Please Tell me Everyone is Okay " I say but before he could answer me I had to unbuckle and get out of the Tahoe and puke again
God food isn't pleasant to look at the second time around

" Charlie you Okay "
" Water " I say

A water bottle is handed to me I take a sip or two swish it around in my mouth then spit it out I do this two more times

" To answer your question they are all fine , Alejandro's men only saw Felix , Stuart and Alexis the rest went out the back until they left , Everyone will be meeting up in an hour "

" What did they want "

" They know your back in town when you went to the diner yesterday there was one of his men watching it and saw you come in and leave with Felix and Alexis so they came calling to get you Seems Alejandro isn't happy you left but don't worry he has three less men on his payroll now "

Damn it Charlie you lead them right to you what the fuck were you thinking obviously not much Fuck the Duck

" Charlie Princess it's Okay , I'm going to let Sean know you got sick again it maybe nerves but I'm not taking any chances " Victor Says as he is texting away

I made my way back to the Tahoe and sit down
My shaking like a leaf in the wind and my mind isn't helping me calm down it's Sending it into Panic Mode

Fingers lace themselves into mine I look down then up to see Victor his fiery Eyes show concern for me
" Princess please calm down I know you are worried and you have every right to be , But We will protect you My Wife My Sweet Princess "

" I just don't want anyone hurt" I say

" I know, let's get back to our husbands and you taken care of I don't like you getting sick like this "

" Me either Prince "

We left and drove around for a little while before we headed out of town a half hour later we ended up at a small house in a quite neighborhood

Pulling in we parked around back , Victor helped me out but didn't let go since i was still shaking but not nearly as much

He opens the door and we go in , he takes me to the couch tells me to sit then he goes to each room of the four bedrooms to check out the place then comes back to me Scoops me up and takes me to a room places me on the bed

" Sleep Princess "
" I don't want to sleep "
" Then Rest the guys will be here in about an hour "

I lay in the bed I try to let myself relax until I hear the doors of vehicles shutting I go to get up and I completely hit the ground hard
I cried out as I lay on the floor
There was footsteps running to the room

" What the Hell Charlie " Stuart says as he comes to pick me up off the floor
He picked me up off the floor I hear growls and it wasn't coming from Stuart

Stuart didn't hold me long Raven pulled me out of his Arms
" Raven Easy put her on the bed  " Sean said
Raven didn't put me on the bed he climbed into the bed and held me I was laying in his lap

" What happen" Sean asked
" I got up and took one step and hit the ground"
" Alright and I heard you got sick again "
" Yes I did "
" Can one of you go to the store for me " Sean says
" For " Axel Asked
" A pregnancy test "

"What Charlie are you Pregnant God Girl how the hell did , I know how But Charlie you should have used protection you don't even who the father could be " Stuart Yells

" I warned you once Stuart if you as so much as make her cry I'll let Raven at you , And As for If she is Pregnant then so be it We Are all Married and It doesn't matter who the Father is the child will have more love and support" Axel growls as he has Stuart backed up against the wall
" I will not hesitate to end you myself Charlie is Our Wife "Axel  added

" Easy Axel Please Don't " I say softly to him

" Now Stuart I know that for years you took care of them watched over all three of them but Charlie is Our Wife if you cross that line again you won't like the consequences " Owen says

" Please All of you stop it " I say as tears are slipping down my face

"Everyone out Now She doesn't need the stress , Kota you go pick up a pregnancy test from the store and come back " Sean says as everyone leaves the room but himself and Raven who I had turned over and was laying on top of him stomach to stomach he wrapped his arms around me rubbing his hands lightly up and down my back in a soothing pattern

I drifted off to sleep his heartbeat in my ear and his hands soothing me

I was woken up to take the pregnancy test , Raven carried me into the bathroom placed me on the toilet then left closing the door behind him

I read the instructions then set about to pee on a stick .
I took toilet paper laid on the counter then placed the stick face down so I couldn't see the results I had 3 minutes to kill
So I washed my hands then opened the door to see Both Raven and Sean sitting on the bed
They both looked up at me
" So " Raven asked
" I still got 1 min left " I say
Sean came over and into the bathroom
I could see he was nervous as I was

He flipped the stick over

I let out the breath I was holding and the tears

" Oh Sweet Pea its okay ,it will happen when it's supposed too as of now we need to figure out why you are getting sick so much "

" Da Kitty we will have lots of little ones running around before long besides I kinda like practicing " Raven said with a sweet smile

I let out a giggle at him
" Me to my Professional Russian " I say back to him

" Can we go out to everyone I don't want to be alone " I say
" Sure Kitty Up " Raven says
He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me out

We joined everyone out in the living room
" Before you all ask I'm not pregnant well add least not yet will all of you handsome husbands of mine  and I'm okay with it a little disappointed but as some said it will happen when it should and they like the practice it takes to get there so "

A hear a few chuckles

" Now I want to say this and I don't want to be interrupted "

" Okay " Owen says

" Stuart "

" Yes Charlie "

" I know for the past what 4 years you have been my protector so has Felix and Alexis you all treat me as I'm your little sister and for all the things you have done to keep me safe while I was in Foster Care I can't thank you enough for all the times I called in the middle of the night because I was afraid the foster father was going to rape or beat me or the night I called you because the one stabbed me and you care running and took me away to get fixed up I will always be forever grateful, But Stuart I have my Husbands to take care of me now ,I Know you don't agree with and don't you dare deny it I can see it all over your face but Let Me live my life , I will always need my favorite brother shhhh don't tell Felix but let me live my life "

" Do you know what you have gotten yourself into Charlie "

" Stuart I know what they do I may be innocent in some things but I know what they do and I truly admire it , If I didn't have you , Felix or Alexis in my life I would have loved to have had some one like them and the organization they are in to help me I would have never survived Foster care with You three if you can't get passed it then I think it would be best if ended our friendship I'm not leaving my husbands " I tell him

He looks at me I can see the emotions in his eyes then he gets up and leaves walking out the door I hear the car start and pull off

" Can we go home now" I say while my heart is breaking my best friend just left

" Yes we can I'll change the flights now we can be gone in hour " Owen says

" Thank you "

An hour later we are all at the airport boarding our flight we will be home in 6 hours

Landing in Charleston I had yet to process the fact that one of my best friends left me I was lost in my own world if it wasn't for One of my husbands holding my hand leading me around I would have gotten lost or ran over

When we pulled into the driveway after Midnight all I wanted to do was go to bed

I made it to the top of the stairs with all of them behind me I turned and looked at all of them they were all looking up at me
The emotions that were across their faces ranged from being upset to tired and a few were down Right angry

" I want to say before I go to bed That I am truly sorry for running like I did and for the Way My .... Well My Former Best Friend acted towards you in a day or two you all can issue your punishment but for now I need time process the loss of my best friend until then I would like to be alone if that's okay with you all " I say

" Anything  you need Charlotte you do it I know this is hard on you We are all here  for you " Owen says

" Goodnight Loves " I say as continue up and down the hallway to my room

Going into my room I lock the door and head for the bath tub

Getting the water nice and hot I climb in letting the water relax my muscles
Sitting in there until the water turns cold I get out dry off hang my towel up
Walking into my room I climbed into bed without clothes on I don't feel like getting any out

Trying to go to sleep but the visions of Stuart leaving keep replaying in mind until I let the tears and emotions out
I cry until I had to throw up again and that hurt my poor chest muscles were sore from throwing up so much

I laid on floor of the bathroom the cold tile felt good against my skin I reached up and grabbed the dry towel and put it under my head
Failing asleep on the floor

" She's in here "
"Why the hell is she asleep on the floor , Naked at that "
"I don't know but from the color of her cheeks I think she's running a fever "
" I'll go get Doc"

" Charlie Charlie let's get you up off the floor "
"Why is she on the floor Nathan "
" I don't know Marc and I came in to wake her up and found her In here and from the way she feels in my arms she could rival sleeping with Silas right now"

" Put her on the bed "

"She is burning up Sean "

" Id say so her temp is 103.3 , get some ice packets and some Tylenol the liquid Children's on we have for when it's easier to give her "

" Alright anything else "
" Yes Marc make some chicken noodle soup or go by Uncles and Some water for her"

" Okay I can , Nathan you get the water and Tylenol "

" Sean"
" Yes Sweet Pea "
"sleep "
"Yes you can sleep in a minute sit up enough to take this "

" That's a  good Girl now sleep"

" What's Wrong with Charlie "
"Not sure but she had a high fever that if it doesn't come down in a hour she will go to the hospital so I can run test , Kota set up the couch downstairs for her that way we all can keep an eye on her , Gabriel, You and Luke get her dressed in pjs with panties Incase we have to take her to the Hospital "

" Okay "

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