different ↠ jack gilinsky

By hypemaloley

36.2K 1.1K 286

*the first book I ever wrote sorry if it's bad lmao* "You must be pretty badass... your average girl doesn't... More

one .
two .
three .
four .
five .
seven .
eight .
nine .
ten .
eleven .
twelve .
thirteen .
fourteen .
fifteen .
sixteen .

six .

2.2K 68 13
By hypemaloley


Jack and I had continued hanging out for the past few days and finally came around Friday.

After school I skated back to the house. Let's just say I was freaking the fuck out.

What the hell was I supposed to wear to Jack Js party?!

I don't have anything to wear besides my freaking band tees. Oh gosh.

Maybe I could borrow some of Maries clothes.

No matter how much I hated that lady she still had a killer sense of style.

I hurry upstairs into Marie's room since jack said he's coming to pick me up by 9:30.

"Hey Marie, I'm going to like.. A party tonight, and I kinda don't know what to wear.." I said uncertain of what her reaction would be

She looked up from he laptop, and ran over to me screaming and jumping up and down.

"Oh my god, I'm totally gonna get you all dressed up, but not too dressed up like your kinda style... I'm so exited!! LETS GO OH MY GOSH"

That's Marie for you. A 30-year-old high school drop out who takes in foster kids for money. But maybe she wasn't that bad.

Marie curled my hair. I can't remember the last time I curled my hair. Maybe fifth grade graduation when my mom said it suited me a whole lot better. I remember that day like it was yesterday. God I miss her.

She did my makeup, and to be honest I hated this shit. Like what is this gosh.

My outfit consisted of black skinny jeans and a marroon crop top. This defiantly wasn't me, but gotta look nice for jack right?

Marie gave me a pair of black pumps.

"Ooh there's no way this is happening"

I grabbed my black vans when I got a text from jack.

Jack: I'm outside

Emmy: k, coming

I made my way outside and jacks eyes were glued onto his phone until he looked up and his jaw dropped.

"Woah." he said


"You look hot."

"Shut up, let's go" I laughed.


We parked a block away and walked from there.

You could feel the boom of the bass run through you. I've never really experienced this before.

Right when you walked through the door the smell of alcohol smacked you in the face.

"I'm gonna get us some drinks" jack said


5 minutes. 10 minutes. 15 minutes passed and jack still wasn't back yet. I started to get worried so I decided to look for him.

The kitchen. He wasn't there. The bathroom he wasn't there. The dance floor he wasn't there. Where the hell was this damn boy.

I finally came across Jack Johnson.

"Hey do you know where Jack went"

"Yeah I think he went upstairs"

"Okay thanks" we yelled over the booming music

*20 minuets before*


I was going to get me and Emmy drinks in the kitchen.

I poured us two drinks.

I was making my way back when someone tapped my shoulder causing me to turn around.

No one was there.. that was strange.

I took a sip of my beer and started to get dizzy.

My eye sight started to get blurred and I had no idea what was going on.

Before I got out the door a female figure stood before me. She took the drinks out my hands and led me upstairs.

She started making out with me. I had no other motive then to kiss back.

It started getting heated and she started giving me neck when the door burst open.


Shit I completely forgot about her.

Tears started to form in her eyes and she turned around and ran.

I followed.

What the fuck did I just get myself into.

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