It Had to be You || HP Fanfic...

By k-bye-beech

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Please don't read this, it's really bad. However, if you do read this, I already know that this book is cring... More

mega oof
I'm Sorry
sorry... again...
A final apology
stay safe, loves!
New Account
Ideas for Rewrite
Important Questions


2.4K 82 70
By k-bye-beech

Chapter Six
The Duelling Club

===Narrator's PoV===

Dumbledore was on his daily night walk, thinking about the recent events.

He turned the corner to see two bodies.

One was as stiff as a board, and was holding a camera.

The other was crumbled, as though it was a puppet who strings got cut loose.

Dumbledore walked closer to them.

He took the camera away from the stiff boy, showing it to be a first year, Colin Creevey. He then looked over to the person next to him, he saw the familiar Aurora Black. She looked peaceful, and, well, dead.

A gasp rung behind him, it was Minerva McGonagall.

McGonagall has tears in her eyes, as she looked at the two. "Another attack?"

"Yes, but this time, a pure blood has been killed," Dumbledore said gravely, McGonagall shook her head in despair and magicked up to stretchers and put the two students on them.

Once they got to the hospital wing, they put Colin and Aurora down quickly.
They decided it would be best to investigate Colin first.

"What about Miss Black?" Madame Pomfrey, the school nurse, asked.

"We are horrified to say this but," McGonagall started. "She- she's dead."

"What?!" Harry exclaimed, scaring the Professors.

"We're sorry Mr Potter," Dumbledore said. Harry sat next to her and held her hand. He felt nauseous. "Minerva, please inform Mr Black, Mr Weasley, Mr Crosswise, Miss Granger and Mr Heidelberg (you know which one)."

It was about ten minutes later when others came down.

"No, no, no! Aurora!" Arcturus Black ran in, Hermione and Ron were hot in his heels. "We just reunited!"

Arcturus hugged the limp body and Harry stepped away from Aurora.
Hermione has tears streaming down her face and she hugged Harry tightly whilst Ron looked down guiltily.

Apollo came in next and almost hesitated to see Aurora. He didn't want to believe she was dead.

He grabbed her hand and stared sadly.

Charles came in lastly and patted Arcturus's back with a grim expression.

Apollo frowns, as he felt paper in her hand. He took it out and un folded it. Aurora's handwriting was on it.

"What's that?" Harry asks.

"Dunno, it seems to be a letter," Apollo says.

'It's a Basilisk - controlled by - unknown'

"What's a Basilisk?" Apollo asks after reading it.

"I don't know," Hermione sniffs.

"Can you all leave please, just for a few minutes?" Dumbledore said to them, he had a twinkle of hope in his eyes. They all slowly nodded then waited outside.

"What d'you think he's gonna do?" Ron asked.

"Dunno," Harry responded. "Let's just hope it's helpful."

They heard mutters from Dumbledore and a bright light was seen.
Arcturus burst open the door and stared with a gobsmacked expression.
A loud gasp was heard, then coughing, they all saw that Aurora was alright.

Everyone joined together into a group hug.

===Aurora's PoV===

It was two weeks after that happened, so naturally the whole school knows.
But in light of recent events, a Duelling Club has been made, which is what we, Harry, Ron, Hermione and I, have signed up for.

"I'm pretty sure Malfoy's the one behind these attacks," Ron muttered to Harry, he nodded in agreement.

"I doubt it, just because Malfoy hates Muggle borns doesn't mean he's behind this, besides, he'd be to much of a coward to do so," I say, rolling my eyes.

The boys let out a 'hmmph.'

"You know what, since you guys are so keen to find out, I can change you two into Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, Hermione, you can change into Millicent Bulstrode using my magic, and I'll turn into Pansy Parkinson," they nodded at the plan.

We heard footsteps on the stage.

"Now, on enlightenment over the dark times," we let out a groan, whilst Hermione squealed with excitement. Why was Professor Lockhart teaching us this? "Professor Dumbledore allowed me to do this club, now presenting my wonderful assistant, Severus Snape!"

I smirked, knowing the fraud will get his butt kicked by the the potions master, who came striding up, obviously grumpy, poor man.

"Now, disarm only," Lockhart said. "Okay, let us show you an example, and no need to panic, you'll still have your potions master after I'm done with him."

I rolled my eye. They bowed and walked away from each other and did all the other things you need to do when your duelling, Lockhart was about to say something, but Snape beat him to it.

"Expelliarmus!" which ended with Lockhart toppling down and the horrified gasps of girls, I just laughed. You could see that Snape smirked slightly.

"N-now, I was just going easy on him!" Nice try Lockhart. "Um, shall we get everyone into partners, and we can all have a go..."

Snape decided to pair everyone up.

"Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy..."

"Good luck,"I said to Harry whilst he sulked his was to a glaring Malfoy.

"Ronald Weasley and Blaise Zambini, Pansy Parkinson and Aurora Black, Hermione Granger and Millicent Bulstrode..."

I scowled as I dragged myself over to where Parkinson was, she groaned and glared at me.

"Right, everyone start now!"

The whole room was filled with spells.

"You're going down!" The annoying screechy voice of Pug-face Parkinson said.

"Try me," I said getting into a karate position, "I've spent two months in Japan learning the art of Martial Arts!"

She looked at me as though I was a weirdo, but changed into a glare.

"Oh you're going down!"

We started to wrestle. Lockhart saw and said, "everyone STOP!"

Everybody apart from us stopped.

Snape and Lockhart dragged me of her, "I'M A MARTIAL ARTS GODDESS!!"

Everyone was confused, but I saw Harry grin, and Ron tried to hide his laughter whilst Hermione was shaking her head with a smile.

"Now, now Aurora, we don't want any injuries here," Lockhart said worriedly.

"Yes we do!" I shouted.

"Just sit in that corner you aggressive child!" Snape snapped, I sat down with a glare and crossed my arms,

"Let's pick two people to show us what they did," Snape suggested.

"Okay, how about Potter and Weasley," Lockhart said.

"No, Weasley's wand is broken, Potter would be on his way to the hospital wing with a few broken bones, I say Potter and Malfoy."

"I was going to say that next!"

Harry and Malfoy went up onto the stage thingy, I was still in the corner. I was now interested.

They started duelling, but it wasn't disarming.
Malfoy said a spell and a snake appeared, everyone stepped back, the snake looked round, till it saw a Hufflepuff boy.

Harry started hissing, but I could understand, I'm parseltongue too.

I stood up and pushed my way to the front.
The snake looked at me and pounced an me, everyone screamed or flinched. I caught the snake in my arms, it rubbed its head against my cheek.

"Hiya, little fella," I said in English, everyone looked at me in surprise.

The boy, I think his name's Justin, looked back at Harry.

"What are you playing at?!" Justin shouted, Harry stared, confused. "First the snake was heading for me, then you started hissing, and it pounced at Black. You're lucky it likes her!"

Harry was still confused, I hung the snake round my neck loosely, and grabbed Harry's arm and power walked away. Hermione and Ron following,

"Wait up Lila! You walk too bloody fast!" Ron exclaimed, huffing and puffing.

I went up to where my common room is.

"Who are they?" Anastasia asks.

"Friends," I respond, she nods and opens the passage. They all gasped at the common room.

"You can't tell ANYONE about this place, the only people who know is Oliver Wood," Ron wiggled his eyebrows, I smacked him upside the head, "and the Professors."

The trio nodded.

"Anyway, Harry, what were you doing?"

"I was telling the snake to get away from Justin." Harry said.

"Yes I kn-," I clamped my hand over my mouth to stop me from saying anymore, no one, and I mean no one, not even Dumbledore or the minister, knows that I'm parseltongue, my hair went purple with embarrassment.

"Why did he react like that? Shouldn't he be saying thanks?" Harry asks.

"You were speaking parseltongue Harry, it means you can talk to snakes," Hermione says.

"Well... I'm sure loads of other people can speak that here can't they?"

"No, it's an extremely rare gift Harry, unique in fact, even you-know-who and Salazar Slytherin spoke it," I said seriously. Hermione nodded along, and I saw Salazar from the portrait smirk.

"Yeah, I mean, people will think your Slytherins Great-Great grandkid or something," Ron said.

"Oh I highly doubt it," a stern voice said, it was Salazar.

"What do you mean?" Hermione asks. "You lived thousands of years ago, for all we know, he could be."

"Well yes, but I only ever had one child," Salazar spoke. "Who had another child, who had another child, and skip a few generations, until it ended up being a child who had all of our, the four founders, blood in them. That child is your friend here, Aurora."


"That went from 0 to 100 very fast..."

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