Lose you to Love me...

By Frosty-Cinnamon

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Between trying to be independent in Uni, fighting nightmares and anxiety, Jane-Tashely had never given love t... More



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By Frosty-Cinnamon

Being married to a doctor and pregnant has to be the most frustrating thing ever because you're there craving all these unhealthy food groups and he is just there telling you of all the consequences of eating unhealthily while pregnant, then there is the babying and the phone calls every two seconds asking if you are okay.

I love my husband but he is extra as hell. You'd swear he was pregnant too.

"But baby, I want to go shopping too, you can't keep me in this damn house every single moment you find, I need to be out and walking, "I said to Tony when he wouldn't let me go with him to do grocery shopping. He keeps acting as if I was invalid or something.

"you will be in your feet all day, your feet will hurt and so will your back" he argued and I got frustrated even more.

"then you can message me or something. I want to go with you Tony "I said and when he heard his name he sighed, he knew if he kept arguing I'd use the pregnancy card.

"fine, let's go, but you're wearing flip flops, none of those pumps and heels," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm three months pregnant and still not showing Tony, chill," I said and he sighed. He came closer and kissed me.

"I just don't want you to be in pain, I can't stand to see you like that, so I'm sorry if I'm coming on a bit too strong. So please tell me if you start feeling tired or uncomfortable and we will stop okay. Promise me" he said and I leaned over and pecked his lips.

"I promise, "I said as I pulled away. He smiled satisfied and we went to the car.

When we got to the mall, it was bustling with people and it made me a bit anxious just a little bit but when I remembered that I wasn't alone I calmed down a bit.

"Okay, what do you want, I already made a list of all the things we need to do and buy, now I need your list," he said and I laughed.

"aren't you the ultimate wife hubby" I teased him a bit and he grinned. I won the jackpot with him.

"well, my wife is pregnant and I need to take the work off her plate, now miss tell me what do you want, "he said

"I've been craving gherkins and Nutella lately and no, not together," I said and he laughed.

"okay Mam, let's do this.. "he said grabbing a trolley.

"tell you what why don't you go get everything else we need and I'll go get what I need, that way we're faster "I suggested and he frowned.

"I'm not leaving you on Your Own, you're pregnant, "he said and I rolled my eyes.

"3 months, not showing and not invalid. I'm going I'll call you when I'm done, or I'll find you, either way, I'm going "I said kissing him then grabbing a smaller trolley and walking away.

The only way to reason with him is to stand your ground. I walked through different isles grabbing stuff, that looked delish to me. I got 6 glass tins of pickled gherkins and I walked to the Nutella aisle and I realized that these evil people placed the Nutella jars on higher shelves how are some of us supposed to reach them.

I looked around for the shop assistants but found none, so I stood on my tippy toes, and still, I was quite short. I groaned after yet another failed attempt, then a miracle happened, God sent me my good tall Samaritan who grabbed the jar I was trying to get and handed it over to me.

When he turned I staggered a bit, not because I was scared or intimidated but because the person standing before me, was none other than Shawn Matthew Rivers himself. In all his glory. I remember thinking about our future meetings before and none of the scenarios I created involved us being in a store and Nutella. Never. I had even fantasized about meeting him on a train and I don't even use the train.

He also recognized me and he froze, I didn't feel awkward or weird or hurt, I felt at peace, it's as if none of it ever happened, it's true what they say. True love conquers all. Tony's love healed me.

"oh my gosh, grey, it's you. you're here, in front of me, I'm not hallucinating or anything like that. It's you "he said breaking the silence and let me tell you the truth, when I said I  didn't feel weird  I lied, I was pretty weirder weirdest does he mean, he is not too hallucinating.

"oh hey, Matthew, I haven't seen you in forever, what a pleasant surprise, "I said with an awkward laugh. I lied about that too.

"you look beautiful and you've grown," he said and I smiled. What does he mean I've grown I'm just fat, this is baby fat.

He walked closer and hugged me, I just pat him on his back. It was so awkward for me. I have a jealous husband. This situation was uncomfortable. Promise me, promise that you'll tell me if you're tired or uncomfortable...

Right now I was just uncomfortable.

"Thanks, Matt, so what brings you here, are you here on business or something? "I asked because I thought he was in Capetown.

"I moved out here, about anyway ago, yeah, my dad opened a branch here and I asked to head it. What about you, what brings you here apart from Nutella, you never change grey. You have no idea how many times I tried to find you. You're not easy to find and I meet you here, buying Nutella "he said and I laughed a bit. It's funny how he thinks this Nutella means I haven't changed or that I am alone.

You weren't trying hard enough then, because if you were you would have come to my workplace and asked for me. It's not even that hard. I will always love Nutella and I'm not here alone. "I said to him politely.

He looked around and I noticed that he had no ring on his finger. he didn't marry. Was he waiting for me perhaps? if so he wasted his time.

"Who are you with, Jayden or Jamie, where are they? "he said and he sounded excited for them. They don't like you dude...

Before I could respond Tony's voice spoke and I looked and saw him pushing the trolley to us.

"Are you okay, did you get what you need? I told you to call me when you were done, you must be tired and why is this Nutella so high. ?" he said and he came to a stop in front of me. I smiled because he was extra and I loved him for that.

We've only been apart for like 10 minutes sir, this isn't a race. Calm down. Besides I am in the middle of a reunion. Remember Shawn, I mean  Matthew" I said and Tony looked behind him, finally realizing that I wasn't alone.

"oh, what's up man. Nice to meet you. I'm Tony. I've heard quite a lot about you "Tony said and I laughed. I know what he's trying to do. he stuck his hand out for Shawn to shake.

Shawn on the other hand was looking between us, trying to figure something out. Being with him for 8 years had taught me his different looks. He shook Tony's hand.

"Tony is my husband," I said and Shawn's face changed a bit.

"you got married? "he asked as if he couldn't believe it.

"yes, I got married. a few months ago actually "I said as Tony grabbed my trolley and started putting the items in it, in his trolley which was overflowing with stuff.

"wow, I... Don't know what to say. You got married. Wow... I didn't consider that factor" he said and I almost laughed, did he think we still stood a chance. I saw Tony start to pile some stuff we didn't need from the shelf.

"babe, we don't need that, stop overspending on stuff we won't ever eat, Geez you're like a kid in a candy store. is this why you wanted to come alone. "I said grabbing some of the things and putting them back.

"well, Jamie and Kyle might like them "he answered smugly and I rolled my eyes. I then realized we weren't alone. Shawn was still standing there awkwardly.

"look, Matthew, there is so much we should talk about, how about you come over to our place for dinner and we can catch up. Don't  Mind Tony he isn't bad at all. "I said when I saw Matthew give Tony a weary look.

"yeah man, you should come over. I'm cooking too so you better come. "Tony said

"Thank you guys, I'll let you know when I'm free and we can make it happen, " Matthew said and I grinned.

I walked over to him and hugged him. It felt familiar yet different for some reason. I guess there isn't any love or anything like that.

When we pulled apart Tony hugged me from behind almost immediately. I know my husband is hella jealous and loves to stake his claim. It doesn't help to know that Matthew and I were once in love.

When we went our separate ways and paid for our groceries, Tony took me to Pellegrino Toscano in Cedar Square, because I was craving  Italian.

When we got our table and food, I realized that Tony wasn't himself.

"do you want to talk about it? "I asked because I already knew what or who this was about.

"not, no," he said packing his food and pouting.

"look, Bubba. Matthew is history, I'm with you and I'm carrying our baby and I  love you so much. You shouldn't worry about that. "I told him and he sighed and placed his fork down and grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles.

"I know baby, I just realized how I could've never met you and you would have been married to that focus. He had you for 8 years and we've only known each other for two years. To me he is a threat, I keep telling myself that you're with me but I dont think he knows that. I saw the way he looked at me after you told him I was your husband, I saw the glint and the determination in his eyes, he thinks he still can get with you and that bothers me. "Tony said and I smiled. His jealousy was amusing to me.

"I'm never going to leave you. I took a vow before God that I take very seriously. I love you and you alone. Matthew will always be an important part of my past and I'll always be grateful to him for what he taught me but you're my now and you're my future. God gave you to me and vice versa. I love you okay, always and forever" I told him and she grinned.


We ended up hosting Matthew two weeks later and it was not as intense as I thought it would be. My husband was super chilled even though Matthew kept bringing up our relationship and the things we did. When he learned about my pregnancy, I think that drove the fact that I will never be with him.

He also met up with my parents and siblings who almost killed him for what he did but I protected him and promised to keep up with him.

As my due date drew closer, I had stopped going to work and I was always babysat by my mothers. I was lying in bed waiting for Tony to finish cooking when I started feeling cramps and boy did it hurt.

When I told Tony he decide to take me to the hospital because he was sure I was going into labor. I thought he was exaggerating but on our way to the hospital my water broke and I started to panic a bit. Tony tried to keep his cool but I could tell he was sweating a little bit.

I was in pain for hours and when I was close to giving birth, the doctor realized that it would be dangerous for me to give birth the natural way so I had to have a C-section. Tony was fuming because of this but that's what we did.

On the 20th of May, our baby boy Luke Tonashley Stevens was born. He was a quiet child and barely made a sound he just did a little whine and everyone laughed.

Later after I was taken care of  Tony came and slipped into bed with me.

"thank you so much, you gave me a family, you are amazing and I love you," he said and I kissed him.


Hie guys, we are at the end of our story. I know I know, I'm sad too, but not to worry I've got something else cooking.

I love you so much and I'm grateful to all of you.

Like always, read, laugh, cringe, cry, enjoy, share and vote.

Thank you ♥♡♥

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