Nyx (Complete✅)

By emeraldrainbow

146K 10.3K 794

Beth Fields had known since high school that she was going to sign up for the New Hope colonization program... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78

Chapter 45

1K 101 0
By emeraldrainbow

   A look of horror spread over Jakam's face and he was the first one to sprint out the doorway, closely followed by Kelbar and the others. The scene that awaited them was awful. A mass lay upon the floor of the healer's cave. It was Limnek, bloodied and marred beyond recognition with the limp form of Meelah sobbing over his body. There was a sickly sputtering choke that came from Limnek's throat. He was trying to say something. Meelah wailed again. She'd obviously cared very much about him.

   The grief, blood, and emotion were so intense Beth had to look away. She buried her face into Liam's chest. He stroked her hair and gently kissed the top of her head.

   Kelbar noticed Akeena standing in the corner. Her eyes were very wide and her frame was statue-like. He felt very sad that she had to witness this horrible scene. Even though she was being trained to deal with things like this, she was still a young girl. He walked over to comfort her. And soon found Akeena in his arms, crying softly. He cradled her like a Father comforting his child.

   Jakam quickly surveyed the situation and then promptly left the room. A conversation with Meelah would be impossible right now. She was hysterical.

   In an empty cave he caused the power stones to light up, then took a horn-shaped gourd that was hanging on the wall. He blew on one end. A loud sound echoed through the tunnels. Jakam was signaling an emergency meeting. Elders and a few older guards immediately began showing up. The room was soon filled and the meeting began.

   "This time it has gone way too far," Jakam said. "The Dire Hounds are becoming more active. They're getting closer."

   "What could be the cause of this?" An elder asked.

   "I don't know. Something must be causing them to flee from their caverns." Jakam said.

   "It could be lack of food." Someone suggested.

   "If that's the case, I don't want this village to become their new food supply. We need a solution." Jakam said.

   "Could we possibly retract our borders?" Asked an elder.

   "I don't think that's an option. If anything, we need to increase our borders. Our numbers have grown since the borders were placed." Jakam replied.

   "I see this going only two ways." A guard spoke up. "We either get driven out, or we drive them out first."

    Jakam thought hard. This may be the only solution if things got any worse. He voiced his thoughts. "We could return to the surface."

   Protests arose from around the room. Then the weight of Jakam's words settled into silence.

   "I've spoken with Kelbar." He began. His thoughts fluttered to the humans. He would have to trust Kelbar's word. "The Slayer has perished. The threat that first caused us to flee to these caves is gone."

   The faces in the room looked thoughtful. Their eyes shone with hope and remembrance.

   The same guard who'd spoken before cleared his throat. "My vote is that we leave."

   Every face turned to look at him. He was probably the most trustworthy and brave person in the room. His word was highly respected by all of them. Everyone knew that he would be the least likely to take the easy way out.

   One by one everyone voiced their agreement to leave. Jakam remained silent. He was their leader. All eyes were on him. Waiting for his final word.

   He thoughtfully cleared his throat and looked at every face in the room. "In any other circumstance, I would vote that we stay and fight," Jakam said.

    The room held its breath.

    He continued, "But I think it's time that we return home."

    The meeting ended and Jakam returned to the healer's cave. The chaos had somewhat settled down. Meelah looked defeated. Everyone else looked weary. Limnek lay dead.

   "I've just come from a meeting." Jakam scanned the faces in the room, making sure he had their attention. "Our life here in these caverns is being threatened. The Elders and I feel it's no longer safe to live here. We have come to a decision to go back to the surface."

   Meelah's expression was hollow, but Jakam could see that she understood his words.

   "You are the first ones I've told about this, and I trust you all to keep calm. I absolutely do not want to spread panic." Jakam said. "We aren't leaving right now, but the danger is pretty imminent." He glanced at the body on the floor. "Please start preparing to leave. I've got to go manage some things."

   "Leave?" Akeena spoke, her small voice filling the room. Her lip trembled. She'd been born in these caverns. She didn't know any other home.

   Kelbar sensed her fear. "I live on the surface." He said. Then he began describing his home in a comforting voice.

   "That sounds wonderful." Akeena cheered up a little, her childlike excitement grew. "I want to live there too!"

   He set her down and walked over to Meelah. "You must have cared very deeply for him."

   "Yes," She replied. "He was my brother, we were very close." She closed her eyes to hold back her tears. "He was the only family I had left."

   "I'm very sorry this happened," Kelbar said. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

   "You can help me move my brother to the tombs." She replied.

   They silently went to work. They wiped Limnek's blood away with cool water and covered the body with a large rough-textured cloth. Then Kelbar gently lifted his body and followed Meelah out of the room.

   Beth and Liam observed the whole scene with solemn faces. Liam had wanted to help but wasn't sure if he was welcome to, so he just stood to the side with Beth, not knowing what to do.

   They were left alone in the room with Akeena, whose eyes were saucers as she stared at them. She hadn't noticed them earlier, but now they were the main focus of her attention.

   Beth looked at the curious young Viscordian girl.

   Akeena withheld the urge to run and hide. These beings looked friendly. She took a step forward and widened her gaze.

   "Hello," Beth said, which caused Akeena to jump.

   "Hello," Liam repeated Beth's greeting. He was proud of his increasing ability to speak Kelbar's language.

   Akeena's nerves settled and she replied. "Hello." A moment of silence followed and then Akeena excitedly blurted, "What are you?!"

   Beth gave her a short summary of who and what they were and how they came to be on this planet. Akeena listened with wide-eyed excitement and interrupted numerous times with questions. Just as Beth finished speaking, Meelah and Kelbar returned.

   "Come with me," Meelah said.

   They all followed her out the door. Meelah led them into the same large cavern where Kelbar's trial had been held. The cavern was full. The whole population of the underground village was there.

   Jakam stood on the platform in the center. He started speaking at Meelah's entrance.

   "Most of you are wondering why I've called you all here."

   The chatter in the room quieted.

   "There's been a death. A boy was mauled to death in the outskirts."

   Gasps of shock echoed through the crowd.

   Jakam continued, "We have rules to prevent this from happening, but the danger has grown more severe. The creatures of The Dire Region are being drawn into the upper caverns where we live. This is a serious threat to our life here and a very real danger. It was a hard decision to make, but the Elders all agree. We have to leave these caverns and make a new home; a new home on the surface."

   Before the people could respond to their leader's words, a loud echo of many snarling sounds was heard. The room froze in terror. The noise was awful and was steadily increasing. Getting closer and closer.

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