Ericson's Boarding School

By resevoir315

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(Clementine X Reader) Welcome to Ericson's Boarding School for Troubled Youth. After... "it" happened... Mos... More

Chapter 1: All Alone
Chapter 3: New girl
Chapter 4: Welcome to Ericson's
Chapter 5: Meet The Kids
Chapter 6: Clementine and You
Chapter 7: Do You Like Her?
Chapter 8: Raid The Station
Chapter 9: Marlon's Final Stand
Chapter 10: They've Got To Go
Chapter 11: I Know You
Chapter 12: Pieces Of The Past Revealed
Chapter 13: The Greenhouse
Chapter 14: Heart-to-Heart Conversations
Chapter 15: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 16: They're Here
Chapter 17: Facing Complete Defeat
Chapter 18: Plan to Raid The Raiders
Chapter 19: There's Something More
Chapter 20: Lost In Her Eyes
Chapter 21: The Night Will Be Over Soon
Chapter 22: Stargazing With Clem
Chapter 23: Minerva Refuted
Chapter 24: Going Out With A Bang
Chapter 25: James's Anger
Chapter 26: Bitten
Chapter 27: I Love You
Chapter 28: Satisfying Cessation
Chapter 29: Final Author's Note
Chapter 30: Shawn's Lasting Impact

Chapter 2: Sophie and Minnie

3.8K 99 67
By resevoir315

Author's Note: (This chapter takes place after a few months since the events of Chapter 1. Everything was going fine since the events of Chapter 1, until now during Chapter 2. Dave seems to have cooled down about his plan to leave the school, he's also been pretty much M.I.A. around the school grounds. The school nurse, Ms. Martin is completely missing with no trace. Marlon and Shawn stepped up as the leaders. You became closer friends with Violet and Louis and learned about them more)

[POV Of Courtyard As The Sun Is Going Down]

*You are sitting at a table across from a young kid*

Y/N: Watcha' working on?

???: It's a drawing.

*The kid lifted the drawing up so you could see it*

???: There are firemen and police officers fighting the walkers

Y/N: Oh yeah? Who's winning?

???: The walkers...

Y/N: That's a bit... Grim.

???: I know the police and firemen are really strong, but the walkers have too many soldiers!

Y/N: Weird, never thought of them as soldiers.

???: The walkers won't win. I just haven't gotten to draw the next part yet.

*2 girls come walking over. Sophie and Minerva, twins*

Sophie: Making friends, Tenn?

Tenn: I was showing Y/N my drawing.

Minerva: Tenn, can we talk for a minute?

Tenn: Yeah okay.

*Minerva and Sophie sit down at the table*

*You can feel that the mood of the situation is about to completely change*

Y/N: I'm gonna- uh... Go check in with Aasim. I loved your drawing Tenn, I'll see you later.

Tenn: See you later

*You walk away leaving Tenn and his sisters alone*

*You see Aasim sitting on the steps writing in his book as usual. You're curious what he's up to so you approach him.*

Y/N: What's up?

*He doesn't respond for a second to finish writing his sentence*

Aasim: Hey

Y/N: What're you writing about?

Aasim: I'm just logging what happened today. I like to take note of everything that happens while I'm out in scouting parties, observing the courtyard, and pretty much anything else that I happen to see.

Y/N: So it's like your diary?

*He closes the book and looks at the front of it for a bit then looks back up at you*

Aasim: I prefer to call it a journal.

Y/N: That's cool. Kind of bland though.

Aasim: And diary's not?

Y/N: Touché

*You stop and think for a second*

Y/N: Why don't you think of it more like a history book. The Chronicles of Aasim.

*He smiled a little and looked back at the book*

Aasim: I like that. A history book. It's kinda poetic.

Y/N: Takes a poet to know a poet. I'll give you your space back, I'll see you around later.

*Aasim put his hand up signalling goodbye*

*You open the door to go into one of the 2 primary buildings and see what Louis is up to*

*As your heading to the door you see Tenn run into the other building seemingly frustrated.*

*His sisters seem distraught but don't chase after him*

*You look as Tenn runs past you and then look back at Sophie and Minerva looking your direction*

*You close the door and go over towards Sophie and Minerva who are talking amongst themselves*

Y/N: What was that about?

*They stopped bickering and turned to you*

Minerva: Marlon's planning a hunting party. He selected us, Brody, and himself to go.

Y/N: That's what's got Tenn so worked up?

Minerva: Uh-huh

Y/N: Tenn can understand that though, right?

Sophie: Yeah but we had a whole night planned out with all of 3 of us later. He was so excited about tonight.

Y/N: Why don't you explain it to him?

Sophie: We did. He's just still so young, he doesn't understand these things just yet.

Minerva: I hate to see him like that, but Marlon needs us. We can't go against orders.

*You think for a second*

Y/N: Why don't I fill in for one of you?

Minerva: And the other?

Y/N: I'm sure Louis or someone would be down to come instead.

*Sophie let out a sigh of relief but instantly seemed to take it back*

Sophie: Sorry, we can't ask you to do that. Marlon asked us to come, so we will do this.

Minerva: Thanks, but no thanks. We don't want to burden you guys instead. Marlon probably chose us for a reason too, so we'll just trust him.

*You stay silent*

Minerva: We gotta go talk to Tenn, we'll see you soon

*You watch them so inside after Tenn and wait a bit before you go in to find Louis*

{Timeskip to later that same night}

Marlon: Has anyone seen Sophie and Minnie?

Brody: Relax Marlon, we'll find them.

Marlon: We can't be waiting. We have to go now before it gets too late.

Brody: I'll go find them, just wait here.

*You approach Brody*

Y/N: They went to go check in on Tenn last time I saw them. They should still be around that room

Brody: Do you know what room they're in?

*Another girl, Violet, comes up to you two*

Violet: I know where they're at, I'll show you.

*Violet shows Brody where the girls are at and they all come back out. Marlon, Brody, Sophie, and Minerva all leave while Omar is cooking. Tenn has settled down and is playing with his toys and drawing at the table with Louis and Violet. A boy, Willy, is standing on the lookout tower making sure the hunting party gets away safely. Dave is lying on a couch with his feet kicked up and his arm over his face, probably sleeping. Mitch is not outside. Shawn is standing at the gate helping Willy see that the hunting party gets away. Other kids are either inside or doing their own thing in the courtyard.*

Louis: Hey Y/N

*You hear Louis calling you so you turn to see what he wants*

Louis: You in?

*He waves a deck of cards in the air. Violet, Shawn, and Tenn are already sitting there*

Y/N: I'm in.

*You head over to the table and sit down and Louis starts dealing the cards.*

Louis: We're playing Go Fish. A game simple enough for all of us, even Tenn, to get the hang of.

*Louis finishes dealing the cards and we play. Violet seemed at peace, sitting with her friends having a good time seems to make her feel stress-free and at ease. Louis was keeping the mood light and happy like he usually does, I don't know where we'd be without someone like him around. Tenn was enjoying the game and enjoying the company while his sisters were out. Shawn constantly switched his attention from the game to the main gate where Willy was still on the lookout. Sometimes he would just stare into space, completely oblivious to what was going on around him. I can tell Shawn's a good guy. He's always putting others above himself.*

Y/N: Sadly, that's not the world we live in anymore. Was it ever? One day that mindset might get him in big trouble. Take it from me...

*Violet and Louis looked at you*

*You realized you said that part out loud*

Violet: What?

Y/N: It's nothing. Sorry, just thinking out loud.

*Shawn's just in a stressful position and it may be starting to get to him. Still though, who would've thought that sitting by the fire at one of the tables playing card games would become such a symbol of peace and hope for us kids who thought that was all gone.*

{Timeskip A Few Hours}

Willy: They're back!

*Willy yells to the rest of us that the hunting party has returned. Shawn and Louis get up from the table and goes over to the gate*

Y/N: Hey Vi, you think they made out with anything good this time?

Violet: Just about as good as every other time.

Y/N: So nope.

*Y/N and Violet walk over to the gate as Marlon and Brody come in*

Shawn: Where are Sophie and Minerva?

*Marlon and Brody both look shaken up. Neither one of them responds to the question, they both just hand their heads in shame*

Shawn: Marlon, where are Sophie and Minerva!?

*Shawn is making a scene and other kids nearby in the courtyard started to take notice and peak over*

Louis: Come on dude, what happened out there.

Marlon: Sophie and Minnie... They're...

*Y/N sees Tenn listening in from afar*

*Brody continues to say nothing*

*Marlon's eyes start to tear up*

Marlon: They're dead! They're gone!

*The mood changed. Nobody said a word, nobody wanted to believe it. Everyone was stunned as they just watched Marlon crying*

*Tenn runs over*

Tenn: How could you let this happen, Marlon? Why did you let this happen?!

*Tenn's face was covered in tears and snot. His voice cracked as he tried to beg Marlon for an explanation. He grabbed the bottom of Marlon's shirt and kept asking the same question, "why?"*

Marlon: I'm sorry.

*Tenn ran off crying*

Louis: Holy sh*t.

*Louis brought his hands to his face and started pacing back and forth. He didn't try to show it, and you couldn't hear it in his voice, but tears were falling down his face behind his hands.*

Shawn: Lord have mercy...

*Shawn closed his eyes for a minute and didn't say anything*

Shawn: Louis and Violet, please go check in on Tenn. Make sure he's alright.

Violet: F*ck off.

*Violet ran off devastated*

Louis: I'll check in on them. Both of them.

*Louis ran off towards Tenn's direction. He was trying to be strong for the sake of the others. But it was clear he was just as devastated.*

Shawn: What the actual fu-

*He stopped and took a deep breath*

Shawn: Marlon, what happened. You need to let me know what happened.

*Y/N decides to stay out of this conversation and fall back. This isn't your place.*

Marlon: Brody, and I... All four of us got ambushed by a huge pack of Walkers. Brody and I were lucky to even get away. Sophie and Minnie, not so much.

*Shawn turns to you*

Shawn: Give us a minute Y/N. Do you mind going to help...

*He was getting flustered and couldn't gather his thoughts*

Shawn: I don't know. Someone that needs help.

*You understand the situation and decide to leave him, Marlon, and Brody be. You walk off stunned, but still stoic.*

Y/N: My God...

*The reality hits you. You remember what the sisters said earlier about Tenn. You remember Violet's relationship with Minnie. You remember how Louis would always make them laugh and how he would play music with Minerva. You let reality sink in that the others at the school are going to be devastated when they find out. If anyone is the least impacted by this, it's you.*

*You stumble for a second as the world feels like it starts to spin. Your stomach turns. You run off behind a bush and vomit. Everything that happens afterwards is a blur.*

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