
By datenshisekai

585 3 0

During a social gathering at Eden Castle, one of the Queens of the Netherrealm urges a sudden silent evacuati... More

Chapter 1 : The Silent Evacuation
Chapter 2: Confusion
Chapter 3: Rendez Vous
Chapter 4: Rage
Chapter 6: Decision

Chapter 5 : Bittersweet

58 1 0
By datenshisekai

Finally the Netherrealm knows why the Queen has been acting out of sorts during the party. While smoke emits from the castle beyond, elite hunters are closing in to the the aristocrats in the middle of the fields. Tsukiko clicks her tongue after seeing who appears first.

"Of course they send in the biggest hypocrite of all to the front lines."

Kou takes a quick glance to his bride, within seconds his rage accumulates even more. Reading Tsukiko's thoughts and feelings about the so called elite hunter.

"Forget it Kou, that asshole is mine" Before Kou can even stop the crimson hunter, she has found a way to the front lines, with a spin, she turns like a small spinning top, holding a knife to the hunter's throat.

"You sure have a lot of nerve to once more threaten my family..."

The hunter only chuckles. "My dearest, I certainly don't know what you are talking about. Are you talking about the hag that took you in on a whim? Are you talking about the slut that left you on the streets, perhaps you are talking about the whore who sold herself to another whore."

The hunter only smiles, knowing he is pushing buttons. Tsukiko loosens her grip on her blade, allowing the hunter to think she is going to let him walk. While the Aristocracy watches from a short distance, they can smell more blood in the air. While Tsukiko stands on the front line, holding one of the Hunter Captains captive, the vampires are holding down their rage and bloodlust.

Human blood, the King isn't letting anyone alive. Just as expected.

Kou watches on worried, his magical eye sees inside of Tsukiko's heart with ease. She is hurting, an emotion she barely shows anyone. Heck, even Kou rarely gets to see it unmasked.

"Nice Try" Tsukiko whispers, her grip intensifies, and in a single swift move she slits the throat of the hunter. 

"Now go to Hades, I'll follow eventually" She murmurs, knowing full well, after all the kills she had committed in this life, there is no way Heaven would leave a spot open for her. Such honor is reserved for people like Idrina, Yui and the Queen who did her damndest best to make sure all the aristocracy would be at a better place to battle

Behind Tsukiko the other hunters grit their teeth as they see one of the captains fall to the cold ground. On the other side the vampires and founders alike are ready to spill more blood. Tsukiko's first move made sure of that.

"You Bitch! Is this how you treat your family? We have given you a warm home, clothing on your back, food in your mouth!"

"I leave the rest to you all"

Behind Karl bodies of several hunters lie lifeless on the cold forest floor. Holding one hunter at its neck, ready to snap it within the second when a small explosion takes his attention away from the human grasping for dear life.

More smoke emits from the grand castle he has been calling his home for several millennia now. With a single snap of the neck, Karl drops the hunter to the floor. Quickly walking back to his home.

It's obvious that the hunters had planned to make him either choose between either wives or obliterate all the vampires while the party was still going strong. They didn't expect Liana's strong desire to save everyone before her own life. If anything she is one of the most selfless people Karl has taken a liking to. Perhaps that is why Liana never ceases to amaze him. Time after time again, when he thinks the human woman is going to give up, she bounces three times as hard back.

Perhaps it is her pride not to give in to the bullying of the aristocracy.

"Hold on, Christa, Liana. I'm almost there"

Like a whisper brought forward with the wind, the women stand still while finding the exit. Fate has them brought together one more time while frantically looking for a way out. The several smaller explosions made sure many exits have been blocked of. Getting rid of all the rubble would cost precious time. Time neither women have at the moment.

"That idiot why did he come back." Liana whispers, amidst of changing into more suitable clothing for running, she can feel Karl's aura closing in to the castle. 

"Here I am trying to save his sorry arse. Then again perhaps it is a good thing. My gut somehow won't leave me alone. Christa is probably still inside as well."

For the time needed to go from the most upper tower chamber to the front door will take time. Sure, the noble vampire woman can easily teleport. No, perhaps at this moment in time that might be an impossible task. Liana has experienced several times when Christa would fall into despair.

The maid who is with her will have to calm her down perhaps a countless times before they finally are at a level they can escape. Closing her eyes a little bit, Liana's prays quickly that Christa didn't break down and is already outside. running to the others.

Throwing her dress on the floor, Liana finally makes a run for it, opening all the doors she comes across, yelling through the hallways in the case a maid or other servant is left behind.

When she reaches the second floor, she is shocked to see Christa and her maid still inside. 

'Fuck' she curses mentally. 

Her heart is pounding against her chest. The smoke and all the running have taken a toll on her body. Biting her lips she tries to fight back to excruciating pain. Coughing a couple times, her knees give in to the pain for a moment. Her vision becomes blurry.


Upon hearing her name, the clacks of high heels urge closer to her. Both the maid and Christa help the human woman back up.

"You didn't had enough time to get away, huh." Liana murmurs, coughing again before she steadies herself. Holding on to the walls when the floor starts to rumble, alarming the women of it falling down soon.

"Nii-san..." Christa glances to the balcony. 

"Liana-san, over there..." Christa points to the window in the other room. Marble pillars have crumbled down, cracks in the floor already tell the women they are running out of time.

The remaining women run towards the window, when they try to open it, the window appear to be locked. Liana looks around quickly for a rock she can throw to break the glass. With the glass door now weakened, Liana gives it her all to bust it open.

One time, nothing happens. Two times, a crack is audible. Three, four, the fifth time the door breaks open. Broken glass cut open her cheeks and arms. Liana winces shortly, she can't give in to the pain now.

"Come on! Quickly!"


Surprised to hear two voices coming from down below, the women quickly glance down. Both Karl Heinz and the youngest Sakamaki watch in shock. Her faces covered in blood.

While Karl Heinz' clothing are still in pristine condition. Subaru's clothing show more signs of the battle. Did they lose, no if that were the case he wouldn't be here. That or Shu told him to go here for Subaru's birth mother still being at the castle.

A bigger explosion sounds through the night, more smoke emits from the brick walls, the sound of glass shattering echoes all around. Christa takes a look back. 

"We can't go back anymore..." She glances down, her eyes filled with sorrow and love.

Her most important people are waiting for her downstairs. Liana bites her lips, taking a few steps back, the balcony floor begin to crack open faster and faster. Her arms are shivering, her voice start to crack. Soon tears fall from her eyes. She should have been at Hades' place many years ago.

The white rose glances back, before she can utter a word, Liana pushes the female vampire and her maid hard.

"I'm sorry..."

Before the balcony floor gives in, both women are pushed over the edge. The men down below quickly sprint forward. Breaking their fall.

Another explosion resounds in the night. The flames engulf the room, the hot feeling of the fire are burning Liana's clothing. More tears flow from her eyes, the balcony floor gives in, taking her with it into the rubble of the castle. Rogue rocks and bricks are thrown to the King and his family. Using his magic he manages to make sure none of the debris can hit him or the others.

"You're shiting me!" Subaru can only look in shock when the flames and the brick rocks engulf the human woman within the castle.


Karl, gently places Christa back on her feet. Not looking back to face his youngest son. 

"Take your mother and the maid and return to the others. I will be there shortly..."

The sky turns a hue darker, the air becomes harder to breathe in. Subaru can only look onward without saying a word. A certain fear rushes through his veins. There have been many occasions where he has seen his oldest brother angry, the aura surrounding him on those moments are ones Subaru doesn't want to experience often.

Seeing Karl on many levels above the same sort aura when his brother is angry, doesn't leave any room for defiance. Subaru let's go of the maid, quickly taking his mother's hand. 

"Can you walk?"

"Yes" She whispers, her voice is trembling. Obviously who wouldn't tremble in fear from this aura?

While Subaru and his mother walk back to the others, Karl starts his journey to find his other wife among the rubble. If there truly is a God protecting her, he will keep her alive. However, the best case scenario Karl is hoping for, is for Liana to be unharmed. However with the explosions and the flames, the chance is very small for her to come out of this unharmed.

Subaru avoids eye contact, taking a final look at the castle, smoke is still emitting from the windows.

"Subaru-nii...." Antares can only whisper. "Please, tell me she is ok..." Her voice betray the upcoming tears. "Su-..."

"I don't know!" Subaru finally replies. Gritting his teeth, folding his hands into fists, before he punches the ground

"That woman... Liana is... She..."

The vampires gasp upon hearing Subaru's reply. With the many explosions and the smoke still coming from the castle, it would indeed be a miracle for the human woman to be alive.

"Your mother sacrificed her life to save mine and my maid" Christa takes over Subaru's reply. Trying her best to remain sane while in the presence of so many

"We don't know if she is still alive" She pauses for a small moment  "Your father is looking for her now"

The group once more focus their attention to the forest exit. Idrina and Yui have already clasped their hands together. Praying fervently for Liana's safety.

The onslaught of the hunters has turned the green fields crimson. While the vampires and founders are only covered in the blood of the enemy. Tsukiko was not too lucky to remain unscathed. Exhaustion and several stabwounds and knife wounds have her stuck on the spot.

"Let's just pray, pray that God is merciful on her." The crimson hunter murmurs. Holding Idrina's and Yui's hand. The women shiver in the cold night. Their hearts heavy for the result.

"Such a foolish human woman you are..." He whispers.

Taking his time Karl moves away all the rubble, upon first glance it looks Liana's arm is broken, her legs seem to be crushed from the marble and brick flooring of the balcony she was standing on.

However, it doesn't seem she has suffered any third degree burns from the explosion. While Liana's Hijab has been torn and burnt from the flames, her body appear to be safe from them. Perhaps God is merciful on the King tonight.

Gently Karl picks up the unconscious human female. A faint heartbeat can be felt. She is still alive, severely wounded. But alive. 

For now...

There is no doubt Karl needs to get her to a hospital as soon as possible. Then again, the Netherrealm can save his wife too, her life will be expanded with the magic used in the dark realm.

Is Karl really taking that chance? Is he truly going to force an eternal life on his last wife? How many times did he hear her say, when it is her time she would accept her fate. Wasn't he the one who claimed to keep her for an eternity.

Is he really going to be that selfish. Will he be forgiven if he is this selfish. Perhaps not, he has done countless of things that do not deserve forgiveness from his victims. Adding another sin doesn't appear to be that grand now.

And yet, he can't seem to bring himself to listen to this one selfish request.

Several hours have passed, the night is eerie, silent, cold and for once in a while calm. The King's rage seem to have passed. Shu and Antares keep the look out on the forest exit.

Softly brought forward with the wind the sound of forest leaves rustling and broken branches being stepped upon catch the attention of everyone in the crowd. The King has finally returned. His eyes betray his rage and sorrow. In his arms lays a lifeless woman.

"Kneel." He orders. 

Once more the air becomes dense and hard to breathe in. 

"Pay your respects to your Queen." He orders once more. 

"For the only one deserving of the greatest honor is this fragile human woman in my arms. Had she not acted swiftly enough. We might have more casualties..."

"So you mean... Mo-" Before Antares can finish her sentence Karl Interrupts her.

"She is breathing, only barely. Hanging on to life just barely. Whether she will survive another day is perhaps up to the only King that reigns over me."

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