
By datenshisekai

585 3 0

During a social gathering at Eden Castle, one of the Queens of the Netherrealm urges a sudden silent evacuati... More

Chapter 1 : The Silent Evacuation
Chapter 2: Confusion
Chapter 4: Rage
Chapter 5 : Bittersweet
Chapter 6: Decision

Chapter 3: Rendez Vous

68 0 0
By datenshisekai

A/N: Idrina is my OC she is paired with Ruki and another Hijabi ouob

Some Indonesian vocab

Mas = honorific used for men who are about the same age as you

Kakak = honorific used for someone who is older than you, it is used for both men and women

Bang = informal honorific used for men around your own age.

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With Antares close behind Tsukiko, the three women finally catch up with the bigger group. Karl Heinz appears to have set everything up for the fireworks, the familiars ready to light everything. The guards forming a proper line to protect the aristocracy from flames and rogue arrows.

Much to Tsukiko's surprise she finds the Sakamaki brothers already with the guests.

"I wonder will it rain tomorrow. To think you actually stayed here, with these people nonetheless."

"I messaged Shu-nii and Reiji-nii. There is more to the story." Antares shows her phone to the oldest of the Mukami's and her guard.

"Perhaps you will be of more aid than that my Livestock has been. She is bent on remaining silent. What on earth happened that both the Queen and Idrina are bent on saying nothing?" Ruki brings his palm to his lips, imitating his adoptive father's way of stance when speaking.

"Wait!" Before Antares can tell what has happened, Karl steps in upon seeing the oldest Sakamaki among the people at the rendez vous.

"Shu you are in charge now, I'm heading back to the castle. I can't have it that both my wives are sacrificing their lives to save ours. I will not have you skip on this." Karl squints his eyes a little bit, knowing full well on his son's quirk of skipping classes and other responsibilities.

"Tch, I get it already. I just need to do it right." Scoffing Shu looks away, scratching his head when his father places the importance of him skipping responsibilities.


Antares is doing her best not to cry while there are so many people still around her, however the trembling in her voice and hands leave Shu with not much choice but to accept the fact he needs to pretend everything is fine back at the castle.

When Shu finally accepts the task seriously Antares finally explains what happened prior. The day when everything went horribly wrong. How the hypocrisy of the Pious and Religious people have gotten them into this mess.

How a fun day of shopping and making fun between a mother, two of her good friends and her daughter. Karl frowns deepens when he hears even Eve is involved with the matter, which is the reason the founders haven't left her further than their arms reach during the entire gathering.

The hunters seem to have been plotting to make an end of the entire vampire race by finding both Karl's and Carla's weaknesses. Luckily for the women during the day, one of them has been through a lot of racist abuse and violence the hunters couldn't get a clear answer out of her regardless of how much they beat her up or lashed her back.

It was only until they noticed how much Liana was protecting, Antares, Yui and Idrina that they found a hint. Within Antares' eyes a certain hidden dormant power lay asleep.

Antares continued on how the hunters initially wanted to start with her to rid the world of damnation. Only then to focus their attention back to Liana who they were certain would do 'anything' for her child.

How correct they were. In exchange for Antares' life Liana had to spill the beans on how to destroy the vampire race the easiest way. In order for Liana not to betray the plans to the King himself, the hunters have planted a camera and microphone to spy on her Queen.

The more Antares explained what happened. The darker the skies in the Netherrealm became.

Antares quickly grabs her father's cape. Her marine blue bangs hide her eyes, now spilling all the tears that she has been doing her best to keep inside.

"Daddy, Mum told me one thing before the hunters let Aunty Yui, Aunty Idrina and me go. She told me that should push come to shove and you had to choose between either her or Anty Christa. That you would choose for Aunty Christa no matter what happens."

"I see..." Karl pauses for a moment. "I understand what the Hunters are planning now."

"They do not wish to spill the blood a human, even if she has given her everything to the King of the Damned. It is like choosing between two lesser evils." The hunters seem to be aware of how much Christa means to Karl and how much Liana means to him now.

"Daddy please promise me, please choose Aunty Christa." Antares holds on tighter to Karl's mantle. 

"Mommy knows you never stopped loving the White Rose, it is a fact she accepted and continues to bear even now. She might not show she is hurt. But if anything, this whole fiasco... she sees it... she sees it as..." Antares bites her lips, this entire scenario is for Liana just a way to leave this world at peace. Something she tried to do many years ago.

Karl takes of his black mantle, covering his daughter's head with the warm cloth. Placing one hand on her head. He assures her that he will promise her to save his cousin first should push come to shove. However, Karl is not going to let either of his wives die tonight. Even if he needs to rewrite the stars or use an item he wishes not to use.

The doomsday clock. While time travel is a piece of cake for the King, it is a power he wishes not to use too often. For the memories will remain with him, the endings will keep replaying in his head like a broken record.

Back with the Mukami brothers, Ruki has rejoined the group his full focus on Idrina. His eyes are filled with both rage and a different emotion he cannot describe on the spot.

"To be fair I had a different scenario in my head for your sudden silence and avoidance, Livestock...."

".... M-" Idrina doesn't even get a chance to utter a word.

"Spare it, I have heard it all from the 1st Princess. Once we are home you can tell your side of what happened." Ruki simply replies, now is simply not the time to discipline his bride on keeping secrets from him.

"Why the fuck should we even wait? Let's just beat up the asshole. This entire firework fiasco is fake anyway!" Yuma punches in his own palm, ready to mess things up when giving the chance.

"Yuma-kun, can you be silent for a bit. Ricchi even M-kitten aren't up for the mood right now." Kou jabs his younger brother in the side, both Mukami brides are more silent than normal, while the idol is used of seeing Tsukiko silent as the female barely says things even on good days, it is a bigger deal with Idrina who is a social butterfly.

"Idrina-san.... Tsukiko-san...." Azusa murmurs softly, his eyes now on the huntress.

Tsukiko allows gravity finally to take her. Letting her body hit the floor as exhaustion takes over. While running, she has been feeding Antares with bits of her blood to keep her going long enough.

"While I am still a hunter, I do know a little bit of how they move because of it. They don't like to take 'No' for an answer. Nor are they lenient like the maffia, at least you can make a deal with them." 

"Tsucchi, Liana-sama, she is going to sacrifice her life to save ours isn't she?" Kou finally says, there would be no other option at hand with how things have gone.

Tsukiko breathes a sigh. "I'm afraid so..." 

"Kakak Liana..." Idrina makes fists of her hands "There has to be a way for us to help her! This will be the second time she saves us."

"Ricchi, don't tell me..." With a single glance, Kou finally realizes why Idrina has been bent on keeping things a secret.

Idrina only shakes her head, realizing Kou has been looking into her heart. However, she wants to be the one to break the news to Ruki. She was planning to tell him later tonight. However, with how things are now it is better to say at least this bit information now.

"Mas Ruki, I'm late..." Idrina begins

"The reason Kakak Liana has been feeling under the weather why you mentioned that she looked rather ill, is because she did her best to hide the test from the hunters and lied that she was expecting. The hunters made sure they tortured her enough that they were certain the baby inside wouldn't survive..." Holding herself Idrina does here best to remain strong while in the presence of the others.

"I was planning to tell you after the party initially, then that happened and I have been too afraid to tell especially since..."

Idrina rolls her sleeves up, a fresh wound on her left arm is visible. She explained that Liana managed to get at least the tracker and microphone of Idrina with some help of Karl, making a lie on the spot that Idrina got into trouble with her family once more. Hoping that the tracker and microphone would lead to some gossip and eventually the downfall of the Shimizu family in it's whole.

"I'm sorry for keeping it away from you for so long. However...."

"Ruki is going.... to be a Dad...?" Azusa looks shocked at the news, it should news that brings joy to a household, however at this moment in time it brings more than only that.

"Are you 100% certain that it is that?" Ruki looks just as surprised and shocked as his youngest brother. There have been many days and nights were Ruki longed for his own family. Ever since the demise of his line, it has been one of the things he has been hoping for.

"I even did 3 more tests after they rid me of that tracker and microphone..." A small pause, Idrina takes a small breather "All positive..."

Ruki can't even reply to what he is hearing. He is going to be a father, one of his longtime wishes is bound to come true

"...Ruki-kun..." Kou has deactivated his eye, obeying the promise he has made with Ruki for not looking into his heart. Worried he keeps a good eye on his older brother.

"Okay, now I am definitely going to beat someone up! Oy Thumbelina, where the heck can I find those people!" Yuma had enough of the tense scenario, the rage building up inside of him can only be sated with one thing.


".... Bang Yuma...." Idrina is quick to grab Yuma's sleeve when his rage is slowly getting out of control "Please... Not now.... Just... Just not now...." Glancing to the Castle in the distance, Idrina grits her teeth "All I want to know now is Kakak Liana, she can't... she just can't.... She promised. She promised us all!"

Now even Idrina allows gravity to take her body to the floor, her knees fail to keep her standing up straight. Clasping her hands together she prays fervently for the safety of the female she considers as her older sister.

Please, Yah Allah, make sure that she will make through this day alive. If I have to sacrifice the life that is yet to be born so be it. But please, please do not take her away from us all. She has been a fragment of hope for everyone in this dark place.

We cannot afford to lose her.


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