Her Royal Badass|✔

By Ari_Winning

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Sequel To Royal Maid Of Honour ______________ Prince Ian Northridge had just about had it to the neck wi... More

Not an Update


5.3K 359 37
By Ari_Winning

Snow Carr Northridge.

  I woke up pissed. That's the only way to describe how I was feeling, it's been about a week since the incident with the witches and rattle snakes but I'm still pissed. Definitely something is wrong.

     I walked out of the room and walked downstairs, the smell of waffles hit me and I became even more pissed. On my way to the kitchen, I stopped by the fridge and saw that the position of the milk had changed, hence more anger.

     "Good morning your highness" the maid said and I grumbled a response. I know it was sort of rude but I was pissed and I was pissed at myself for being pissed and I was pissed at what was making me pissed because it was making me pissed at myself and I don't like being pissed at myself hence a lot of 'pissed' going through my head.

     "Why waffles Jo?" I asked looking at the food in disgust, who the hell invented waffles for the love of God.

      "Prince Ian said to make some for you both" She said and I snickered and eyed the food in annoyance. Who is he to choose what I'll eat and then he just had to choose waffles.

      I walked out of the kitchen and marched up to his room and without knocking I barged into his room. He was standing in front of the mirror and fixing his tie.

      "Snow?" He said in a slightly surprised tone and I rolled my eyes. No, it's not Snow dear husband. I'm thunder, did you forget?.

      "Who were you expecting?. Were you expecting another woman to walk into your room while your wife can't?. Wait, what am I saying?. I'm not even a wife to you" I said and he raised a brow.

      "What happened to you?. You're unusually angry this morning, I mean, I know anger is your thing but this is on a whole new level" he said and I widened my eyes.

       "Did you just call me a naturally bitter and angry person?" I asked balling my fists. Im so going to kick his ass this morning.

        "Your words not mine. Why are you here?" He said and I ran my hands through my hair.

      "I hate you" I said and suddenly my lower lip started to tremble. What?, I'm going to cry?. Jesus Christ Lord, what is wrong with me??!

       "Snow...are you okay?. You look like you're going to cry" he said and I rolled my eyes.

       "You called me bitter. Am I supposed to go walk on rainbows and ride on unicorns?" I said and turned to walk out the door when he stopped me by calling my name.

       "Snow... Are you sure you are okay?. Your mood these days are sorta a source of concern.. I mean, yesterday night you almost broke a cup because you heard Soledad on TV. It's unlike you to hold anger in for so long" he said and I raised my chin defiantly.

       "Stop talking like you know me" I said and slowly his serious face morphed into a very beautiful smile then a smirk, he started walking towards me till he was standing right in front of me.

        "But I do know you Snow. I know you more than you'll like to admit. I study people a lot and I've been studying you for a while now. You're one very tough piece to figure out" He said and I rolled my eyes and raised my chin defiantly.

       "So I'm a course to you huh?. Why study me to get to know me?, if you want to know me all you have to do is ask but then again, you don't want to have anything to do with me" I grumbled and he looked like he wanted to say something but then he stopped himself almost immediately.

       "Why did you come here?, is there something you wanted to tell me?" He said and I almost slapped myself for forgetting that I came here to wage war.

     "Yes. There is something I came here to tell you. Why did you ask Joanna to make me waffles?, did I tell you I wanted to eat waffles?, have I ever walked up to you to demand waffles from you? . no no no, just tell me, have I ever done that?" I asked and he stared at me with wide eyes.

     "Uh..Snow, are you alright?" He asked and that just intensified my anger, what does he mean?.

     "Are you implying that I'm sick?, I sound crazy to you now?, is this the part where you call in a shrink to come check up on me?" I asked and he held my hand in his and I blinked.

    "You like waffles Snow. I told you I study you and I know you eat waffles, I wouldn't say it's your best food but I know you do eat it so why all this hatred towards the poor thing" he said and on a normal day I would have been touched that he takes note of the things I do so much but today, it just vexed me. He had absolutely no right, he wouldn't talk to me yet he studies me?, he has never for once hugged me but he knows how to notice the things I do?. What the hell!

     "Why study me so much when you don't even like me?" I asked removing my hands from his and stabbing his chest with my index finger.


     "Don't Snow me Ian. It's unfair!. It's unfair how you pass by me every morning and you won't even acknowledge me as your wife, it's unfair how you spend more time in front of TV than you spend with me yet you rarely watch the TV, it's unfair how we're just strangers who are sharing the same roof which explains your shocked reaction when I entered your room. It's unfair how I'm the only one who gets to feel like this while you feel absolutely nothing!" I said and my eyes widened when I realized what I said. God please don't let him notice.

     "Don't study me anymore Ian. If you wanna know me, ask me. Don't tell Jo or any of the maids what to make for me, you have no right to do that, I am nothing to you, don't hold my hands or say words that are gonna get into my head like you did in your office a week ago if your actions are gonna be the exact opposite. Stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours" I said and walked out of his room with a heaving chest.

     God damn it Snow, you and your runny mouth!.


        I walked into my office and placed my head on the desk and after 5 minutes of having nothing to do, I pulled out a sketch pad and started on a design that I had been cooking up in my head for some days now.

       A knock sounded on my door and I urged the person to come in, the door opened to reveal Zoey, one of the designers and a friend.

     "Hey Zoey" I said with a smile. My foul mood had gone down a lot and I was feeling much much better.
     "Hey pretty. How are you?" She asked taking the seat directly in front of me, her big blue eyes always always made me feel jealous.

      "I'm good. You are looking rather dashing this morning. Who are you all dressed up for?" I said taking in her red knee length gown which complimented her Olive skin.

      "Come on. This is just a normal outfit" She said but I didn't miss the light blush that coated her cheeks. Thank you so much for sending Zoey to feed me with gists Lord.

      "Hmmm. Your normal outfit consists of jeans, flannel, sneakers and maybe hoodie on good days and that blush on your cheeks isn't very convincing. Who's he?, does he work here?" I asked and she gave me a bewildered look.

     "No!. Of course not" she said and I laughed slightly. We always made jokes about the men in this office and how they were so womanly.

     "So there's a he afterall. Wanna tell me about this man of yours?" I asked and she gave me the evil eye.

      "You are such a detective, gosh!. There's really nothing to tell. We just met" she said and I was going to tell her to continue when I heard a knock on my door again and I groaned.

     "Come in" I said and the door opened to reveal the very last person I was expecting to see at my place of work. My very dear husband. My face turned hot immediately when the events of this morning rushed through my head.

    "Uh. Hello your highness!. Excuse me" Zoey said and bolted right out the door. Bloody betrayer friend.

     Ian walked up to me and that was when I noticed he was carrying a big bag from my favourite restaurant. How did he know I didn't eat anything this morning?.

    "Uh. Hi" I said and he sat down crossed leg and looked at me with a raised brow. He is mad at me.

     "Why didn't you eat this morning Snow?" He asked in his scolding tone and I almost shrank. Where did all my confidence go?

      "Uh...I...I didn't..I didn't feel like" I said and he nodded slowly and stood up, hands in his pocket.

      "Do you know how pissed I was this morning when I decided to call Jo to ask if you decided to eat anything and she told me no...and I know you well enough to know you're not the type to stop at a restaurant to get something to eat. Why do you do this to yourself?" He asked in a pissed voice and I swallowed.

     "I was really going to head down to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. Why are you so pissed at me?. I'm not even pregnant yet" I said and whispered the last part but the way fire flashed in his eyes, I knew he heard and his reaction wouldn't be so good. Wrong move Snow. Very wrong.

      "What did you say?." He whispered and I wanted to swallow but my mouth has dried up.


      "So you think the only reason why I care is because of the baby?, Snow really?, you think so low of me" he said and it was my turn to get mad. Oh really?!.

     "Oh wow. Wow Ian Wow!. Am I supposed to think highly of you?, am I supposed to put you on some crazily high pedestal after what you told me a week to our marriage?. Why do I have to think highly of you when you give no thought to me at all?" I asked and he looked at me long and hard before his eyes softened a bit.


     "No, stop it Ian. You don't have any explain anything to me. I get you and I understand. Thank you so much for the food, I really appreciate it. " I said with a tone of dismissal even though I wanted nothing more than for him to stay. Love can be so annoying at times.

    "Don't starve yourself anymore. If you don't wanna eat something then you don't have to eat it, you can place demands for anything you want. You can do whatever you want now Snow, stop limiting yourself" he said and I nodded. I can place demands for everything I want?, I bet he'll throw my demand into the ocean if I ever decide to place a demand on his heart.

    "Alright. I'll do that. Thanks" I said and he looked at me for a minute then turned and walked out of my office. I sat down at my table for a second then bolted up. What I did was very very rude, I never should have dismissed him like that.

     I deliberated on what to do and after about 2 minutes, I decided to follow him and apologize. I walked to the elevator and unfortunately it wasn't available yet, I deliberated using the stairs but I knew damn well it would take me much longer especially when I haven't eaten anything.

       I stood in front of the elevator and tapped my feet against the ground, why was it taking so long!. He would have definitely gone and the thought of that made my heart hurt and tears sprang to my eyes. I should definitely see the doctor!. Just as I was about to turn towards the staircase, I heard my name and I looked up to see the man I was searching for walking towards the elevator with his sister.

      "Ian" I said and tears of relief rolled down my face. Why exactly was I crying?, what is wrong with me.

       "Are you okay?" He asked with concern and was beside me in a minute, wiping my tears with his thumb.

     "I'm fine." I mumbled and he pulled me into his arms, I felt so small, so protected and for that moment, I felt so loved and that just made me cry more.

     "You're crying Snow. Tell me, what's going on?" He said releasing me and I felt the loss, it ran deep to my heart.

    "I.. I realized that the way I dismissed you was wrong and I.. I don't know what's wrong with me. I never should have accused you the way I did this morning and I shouldn't have rejected the waffles... And when you came again with food for me and I wasn't even appreciative and I said some really annoying things to you so I decided to come after you and apologize but the elevator was taking too long.... And I thought you would have gone" I said admist tears.

     "That's why you're crying?" He asked and I shrugged. I really wouldn't know since my hormones have been all jumbled up for days now.

     "I don't know..I guess?" I said and he smiled and pulled me into his arms again.

     "I didn't leave Snow. I was mad, true and I wanted to leave but I had to go tell Royalty to look after you for me. I wouldn't leave you unguarded especially now that we don't know what's wrong." He said and I felt my love for this man rise by a million points.

     "The way you say it makes me sound like a kid" I said and he laughed and the way his chest rumbled when he laughed made me snuggle closer into him. Damn Comfortable.

      "You go back to your office and eat alright, I gotta get to work" He said and I had to let him go. Can't I just stay that way forever?.

      "I'll walk you to your car...and you can't object" I said and he gave me a mock salute. I looked around and realized that Royalty had gone, I never noticed her leaving, then again, I barely even acknowledged her presence.

     Ian and I entered the elevator and a few others entered with us, the memory of what happened in the elevator some time ago rushed into my mind and I had to shake my head to wipe off the memory and I was so grateful for the presence of others in the elevator or it would have been so awkward standing right beside him with my mind filled with crazy thoughts and my cheeks flaming.

       When we made it out of the elevator, my cheeks had stopped burning and I was looking remotely normal. Everyone was staring at us, more like, staring at Ian.... The girls that is.

         "So...uh..goodbye and thanks for the food" I said when we got to his car, I realized August wasn't there.

        "Where's August?" I asked almost immediately and a small frown took over his face.

        "Is that why you wanted to see me to the car?. It's a good thing I told him to stay back" he said and I laughed at his jealousy. Awww, isn't that just one of the sweetest things ever.

      "Come on. Don't be jealous" I said and he rolled his eyes and unlocked the car.

      "Really, you're not going to talk to me?. Just because of August?. Come on, I won't leave you for your PA.  Have more faith in me. I'd go for the bigger men. Maybe someone with the last name Gates." I said and he rolled his eyes.

     "You are not leaving me for anyone ma'am. Better start understanding that" he said and my heart thumped. I wanted to remind him about the contract and how I'll have to leave him eventually but I didn't want to ruin the moment. It's been a long time since we were ever like this.

     "Noted boss. Have a good day, bye" I said and started to walk away when he called me back and before I could say anything, he pulled me to himself and placed his lips on mine.

    For a moment, I stood frozen with pure shock, I couldn't believe what was happening. I jerked out of my frozen state and moved closer to him and placed my hand on his face and pressed closer to him.

     I let everything surrounding me fall apart as I kissed the man that I loved with all of my heart, with all the pent up emotions I had been bottling since the day we got married.

       "Have a good day Snow" he mumbled against my lips and kissed me once last time before entering the car and zooming off.

       I stood rooted to the spot and stared at the car disappearing out of my sight and I could barely contain the happiness I felt. Today started out annoyingly and slowly, it's morphed into one of the most beautiful days I have experienced so far.

       I walked back to into the office with a bounce to the steps and as I was just about to the punch the button on the elevator, I felt lightheaded and slowly I slid to the floor.



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