Play Your Cards

By witchbrew2

204K 4.3K 1.6K

Ace, the Queen of the Apocalypse as most know it. She rules the world with an iron fist. The girl said to be... More

Puppies and Kittens
Philly Feast
Full Metal Zombie
Home Sweet Zombie
Resurrection Z
Welcome to the Fu-Bar
Going Nuclear
Sisters of Mercy
Murphy's law
Doctor of the Dead
The Murphy
White Light
Zombie Road
Batch 47
Zombie Baby Daddy
Down the Mississippi
The Collector
We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Cayon
Corporate Retreat
Party with the Zeros
Adios Muchachos
Day One
End Times
No Mercy part 1; No Mercy part 2
A New Mission
Murphy's Miracle
Escorpion and the Red Hand
Little Spade and the WolfZ
Doc flew over to Cuckoo's Nest
Welcome to Murphy town
They Grow Up So Quickly
The Siege of Muephytown
Everybody Dies in the End
Warren's Dream
Escape from Zona
The Vanishing
A New Mission: Keep Moving
The Unknowns
Back from the Undead
Ace's wedding
Crisis of Faith
Deja Vu
Return to Mercy Labs
Mt. Weather
The Black Rainbow
New Beginning
Concrete Coffin
New World, Old Me
Gas Station Massacre
Getting Sidetracked
The final chapter

Baking Show

1.5K 31 9
By witchbrew2

Next stop on their adventure was a bakery. Apparently all the bizkits has stopped being delivered. Warren wants to go pay that place a little visit to get things running again.

"So what do you know about this bakery?" Warren asks Addy

They all stride out of limbo, making their way to the nearest car.

"Supposedly it's where they bake the bizkits."

"So why the big mystery around these bizkits anyway?" Murphy asks

"Nobody likes to talk about the fact that they contain human brain matter." George says

"Well where they getting the brains from?"

"No one knows."

"It's about time we find out." Ace says

"Brain bizkits? How's this not your idea, Murphy?" 10k asks with a smirk

"Laugh it up, stump boy. One of these days, the Apocalypse is gonna make me a rich man.

Ace rolls her eyes, taking the map out of her back pocket and putting it on the hood of a pick up truck. Ace and Rick know the town like the back of their hands. While they were still together, they went everywhere, spreading her name.

"The bakery is on the edge of the No-Go Zone." Ace says, pointing to the bakery on the map

George leans over Ace's shoulder. She feels the heat of her body near her back. "Not the type of place that welcomes visitors?"

"Exactly." Ace smirks. "I'm sure I can talk to them though." She says, tapping her gun with a wink

Murphy abruptly puts his foot on the hood of the car, leaning on his knee. "Let me point out a few obvious red flags. Uh, Backwood yokels, secret brain bakery, and I'm sure I hear banjo music in our near future. Need I go on?" He explains

Everyone ignored Murphy, not caring about his desire to stay where he thinks it's safe.

Warren explains, "You guy's follow Doc to Altura. I'm sure you'll make sure he has a fair trial. We'll get the bizkits, get back to Limbo, and we'll join you."

"We're on it, Cheif." Doc says

Warren hugs him goodbye and Murphy does the same.

"Does this run?" George asks Murphy as he tosses Doc the keys to the car

"I'm a god, not a mechanic. Ask Ace." Murphy says as he strolls off

Ace pulls the hood up and checks everything over quickly. "You should be good to go." She smiles

Ace hugs Doc goodbye. George walks over to her and hugs her as well.

"Stay safe." George says as Ace turns to walk off

"That boring." She mopes as she begins walking backwards, facing George

"Try?" George asks

"Maybe..." Ace trails off

"Keep them safe."

"Okay fine." Ace smirks, spinning on her heel and walking off

George smiles, shaking her head and getting into the car.

"Now you promise me to stay safe!" Ace shouts back, spinning back around

"Fine! I promise!" George shouts back

"Good!" Ace shouts

"Good!" She echoes

"Awesome!" Ace says




"Abso-" "Ace lets go!" Murphy interrupts her. "I'm coming!" She yells back

"Promise me!" Ace yells

"I already did! Go!" George laughs

Ace hops on the back of a quad as they roll off. She watches the car Doc and George are in go off in the other direction. Ace smiles.

-time skip-

"Is that the bakery?" Warren asks as they step off their quads

"Should be." Ace says, pulling out her gun

"Looks abandoned." 10k notices

"Doesn't mean no one's here." Ace says

She pulls a black skull from her bag, throwing it onto the ground and grasping it back into her hand. Her old skull staff as people know it.

Addy looks at it, "I haven't see that in forever." She smiles

"Let's get moving." Warren says

They all begin their descend down the hill to the large metal place. Ace doesn't bother following them in, she wants to find a back way.

She inches her way around the large walls of the building. The feeling of eyes on the back of her head overwhelms her. She stops, looking around for another person. She expected 10k to follow. But he's not there.

She finds an open window high above the ground.

Ace smirks to herself. She uses the wall to kick herself up and grab the window. She pulls herself through, notice a thick layer of dust on the air inside.

Her steps are quiet and precise. Not making a single sound.

She is on a platform above the bottom floor. She can see everything from where she stands.

She watches Warren walk around the room with everyone else inside. They observe the room, looking for anyone only to find no one.

Machine begin to whirr to life. Ace's ears seem to perk up like a cat's.

"Ace, eyes open. We're not alone." Warren calls to where ever she is

10k comes up the stairs behind her, telling her to cover him as they go through a room.

As they walk through the silent room Ace notices how uneasy he seems.

"Hey, you okay?" She asks

"I'm fine." He says hesitantly

"Okay. Just checking." 10k walks out of the room. "Lefty." She smirks

"Come on, Peg-leg." 10k says eyeing her knee brace

"Oh no, after you, Captain Hookless." She smirks

10k rolls his eyes, going into the room with his gun ready.

10k turns back to Ace, sighing heavily. "Look, I'm just going to say it. What happened with Sarge-"

"It's fine." Ace says quickly

"It meant nothing." 10k lies

"I'm sure of it." Ace says, looking away from him

"Things kind of just...happened. And I thought you died. I didn't know what to do. I just woke up and you were gone." He says

"I get it."

They both pause.

"We should...yeah." Ace says awkwardly

"Yeah." He says softly

They both walk into the room and listen to distant gunshots. Ace's attention is on a man that stands in front of them.

Ace goes to lunge at him but he grabs a gun and bolts.

Ace sucks for cover and so does 10k. Ace mouths, 'you cover, I'm going around.'

10k leans his gun on a barrel to keep it steady. He fires at the man from around the corner.

"Intruders! Don't worry brother, I'm coming for ya!" The man yells

Ace starts to inch her way around the room.

Suddenly a gunshot sounds as well as the man's crying. Ace runs around back and gets her skull staff ready. She walks into the room, swinging her skull. The spikes pop out of the top, scaring the man.

"No, ma'am." He pleads with his arms in the air.

The spikes retreat into the skull's head.

"It's you, you're the one with the red eye" He says in fear

Ace rams the skull into his nose, blood dripping down his lips and onto his shirt. He groans in pain and sobs. He cowers back. And tries to spring away from her.

Ace grabs him and beats him in the face with her staff again.

"Sit." Ace growls deeply

He finally stops squirming. He sits still.

"Good boy." She smirks.

Ace grabs him by his overalls and begins lugging him down the stairs and into the main room. He fumbles out the door and Ace sticks her gun at the back of his head.

Murphy looks at them.

"Is that the other brudder that's got us covered?" Murphy asks

The supposed brother says, "hey, buddy. That you, brudder?"

"Hey, buddy." He says

Ace shoves him forward.

"This crazy woman right her fine bust me right in the honker." He cries.

Warren speaks up, "your brudder's alive. Let's keep it that way." She says grabbing the gun out of his hands.

"So," He sighs, "you's are in need of some help, are you?" He asks

His brother puts a steal over the place where Ace whacked him. He sobs at the pain and tries to wipe away some of the blood.

"Ay, buddy, watch out for the red-eyed one. She's not nice. Not at all. She's mean like a badger."

Ace rolls her eyes and slowly circles around him.

"I thought you people spoke English in Canada." Murphy states

"We do's." He says

"You do's?" Murphy retorts

"Besides, ain't no Canada. Not no more anywho." The other brother says

"Yeah, no 'Merica neither it seems." The blood covered brother says

"Pardon our manners." The brother with the glasses says. "I'm Gilly. That there's my brudder, Skull. Skully for short."

"...but that's longer." Murphy says

Warren sighs and steps up, "Okay, so look, we heard rumors that you guys bake bizkits here."

"Dat's no rumor. Dat's the truth." Giddy says

Murphy intercepts, "Well no offense, but you look more like butchers than bakers."

"Thanks." Giddy winces

"You're welcome?"

Ace rolls her eyes as speaks. "We need bizkits. Lots of 'em."

"Well for dat, you're gonna have to talk to me mum." Gilly says. "She's in charge of the baking."

Warren says, "Where might she be?"

"Mum? Mums up there in the office." He smiles

Ace gets tired of him quickly. She pulls out her gun, aiming it at the center of his forehead, "Okay. Can we talk to her?" She asks as if he were dumb

"Well let's just take a little looky-loo, shall we? See what kind of mood she's in." He says

Skull says, "it's not as easy as all that, now is it brudder?"

"No brudder, it isn't."

Ace puts down her gun and crosses her arms over her chest, waiting for him to explain.

He tells his story but she doesn't bother to listen. She looks at the dried blood and flesh handing from his hat.

Giddy knocking on a high window catches her attention again. Zombies walk up to the window he had knocked on and try to scratch at him.

"Let me guess..." Murphy says, "He didn't get the recipe?"

"Oh Gilly, look at the big brains on red over here." Skull says sarcastically and sizes up Murphy

Ace takes her gun out and sticks it to the man's head.

"Okay, Okay, easy. Okay, look. Mum's got the only copy of the recipe on her. Okay, she turned about two weeks ago. Okay, Gilly and I are running out of options here. How's a fella supposed to be getting on like this, eh?" Skull pleads

"Those reading bastards turned out mom and brudders." Giddy swears

Ace rolls her eyes, turning on her heel and walking off.

She strolls around, dragging her feet across the cement floor. Her finger drags across the dusty tables that sit around.

She feels that eerie feeling of being watched again. She looks around, trying to find that pair of peeping eyes.

Without a clue as to why she feels that way, she ignores it.

Ace sighs, finding no interest in this bakery. As she comes back, zombie's are strolling their way in. Gilly charges at one with a boom box, bashing it over the head.

Ace feel's 10k's presence over her shoulder.

"On your left," 10k tells her

She sighs, "Let's get that number up."

She pulls out her skull staff again, she whacks it backwards and sends it back into a shelf. It retaliates and comes after her again. With two more hits, it falls to the ground.

10k shoots down the second one. Ace turns and nods at him.

He turns to shoot down more while Ace takes care of the zombies near by.

"Help!" 10k calls

Ace gets on a knee and holds up her staff like a bar. 10k rests his gun on top, using it to keep steady.

Easily, he takes two zombies down.

"Switch!" He yells

Ace tosses her staff into the air for him to receive. He catches it, tossing Ace his gun.

Swiftly, she pulls it to her shoulder and fires, taking down one of the zombies. He swings, knocking down the other one and piking it through the brain.

Ace looks back to Warren and the others.

"What did I miss?" Ace asks

"Skull tried to her the recipe and somehow managed to get bit." Warren explain

Ace sighs.

"So now. We gotta get them some brains so mama can get us that recipe."

"Got it."

Ace says, watching as he splits open a zombies head and takes out the brains, putting it on a plate, and serving it to the zombies.

They watch as they dig in and practically come back to life.

"How you doing, mum?" Warren asks as she wakes up. "You with us?"

"Oh my. Did I do this?" She asks

She rejoices with her son and hugs him happily. He explains everything to the woman and she agrees to help them.

I'm no time, a few batches of bizkits we're already done.

Ace helps her package them and load them into the car.

Murphy ends up taking them back to Limbo as Ace and everyone else head to Heartland to help with their flower problem.

Supposedly the reason the bizkits stopped being produced was because they stopped getting special flower.

So they're headed off to fix that problem next.

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