Wowderful world ☆ [Wow (A.C.E...

By Nanami_yuchan

2.3K 115 40

"In a world where nothing looks normal, yet everything seems familiar. Sehyoon finds a magical box that bring... More

[Chapter 1]
[Chapter 2]
[Chapter 3]
[Chapter 4]
[Chapter 5]
[Chapter 6]
[Chapter 7]
[Chapter 8]
[Chapter 9]
[Chapter 10]
[Chapter 11]
[Chapter 12]
[Chapter 14]

[Chapter 13]

93 6 2
By Nanami_yuchan

The last few days higher up on the mountain are very silent. Painfully silent, but it's what the members need. It's better than those endless amount of monsters.
"We're almost there. We will reach Kul Tamar in about one day." Everybody stays silent, realising the worst part is about to come. The moment they all feared the most but also waited for the most. The fact that there is nothing to hear, only the feet walking over the ground and soft breathing. It makes everyone anxious. Everything around you is dead. The trees are grey and dried up. Only dirt under your feet.

The last night you and Sehyoon will spend together. It breaks your hearts but you still try not to think of it. A hug. An endless one. Your head hidden in his chest, a small stream of tears running down your face. Sehyoon holding you as tight as possible, not able to hold in the tears himself. You look up, and stare into each other's eyes. Both smiling, even though the tears won't stop. Sehyoon lifts his hand and tucks a lock of hair behind your ear:
"I guess there's no escaping it anymore, I really do love you." The words chocking up in your throat makes you unable to speak.
A kiss. An endless one. Not wanting to let go. Holding each other tighter with every breath. Passion. Emotions. The sorrow only making the kiss more impassioned. His lips locked with yours, as you almost lose yourselves in each other.
It's full moon tomorrow...

There only rests a half day walk, until you finally reach Kul Tamar. Walls surround the whole imperial city. Fierce sunlight, since you're above the clouds now. Orange smoke coming from the city. Not sure if it's from sand and how dry it is there, or something else. It's noisy,, very noisy. The ground is completely flat, nothing that would make it seem that you're on top of a mountain. Loud forging noises, soldiers marching and training. The walls aren't that high and you manage to get high enough to look over it. Not a spot of nature to find. It's all bone dry and full of sand. Kazangan's palace is easy to spot. It's enormous and even the boys can sense the powers it radiates. Fear, stress. Something in between. You can see the guys get hesitant.
"We don't have to go through all those soldiers. All we have to do is get passed them without getting noticed and get to Kazangan's palace." They look a little more reassured. "Now onto the riddles."
SY: "Right."
°•~ There where people see him the most, is where you'll find your way home through the untouchable object. ~•°
J: "So I suppose that 'him' is referring to Kazangan."
"Most probably yes."
DH: "And the untouchable object will be the twin box, right?"
"I think so."
BK: "So we'll find the box where people see Kazangan the most?"
CH: "But where could that be?"
"Hmmm, where people see him the most.."
SY: "Wouldn't that be the hall where his throne is? Do you think he'd have a place like that in the palace?"
"It is possible."
CH: "So we'll have to find a room similar to that inside the palace."
J: "But the problem is that the box is somehow untouchable... Any idea how we could get to it?"
"I don't think there's much we can do right now. We'll just have to see in what way it is untouchable and try and solve the problem on the spot."
SY: "So we'll have to find the box in a room where Kazangan most probably will be and we'll have to find a way to make it touchable."
CH: "Phew." Everyone takes a deep breath. It's a lot of pressure.
"Okay, last riddle."
°•~ What shines in the night will be his downfall. ~•°
J: "So we'll suppose that it's referring to Kazangan again."
DH: "But what shines in the night.."
BK: "Well if we think logically, this riddle was made to make sure we'd be able to defeat him. Meaning that it would have to be something permanent, something that is always there."
CH: "The stars or the moon."
J: "It could be the 5tar star? It's the star that shines the brightest."
CH: "Or the moon." That's right, it's a full moon tonight.
DH: "Even so, how would we be able to defeat Kazangan with the light of a star? We'll be fighting him in that room, and there probably won't be any direct light."
CH: "Should we somehow try to lure him outside?"
"I don't think that's the best idea, since then soldiers would know our attack and protect him."
DH: "Maybe we could try and reflect the light? With a mirror or something?"
SY: "That's actually a really good idea!"
DH: "You're not the only one who always watched geek movies."
"Does anyone have a mirror?"
J: "I only have a small one." The others don't have anything.
"Let's hope it works. While you guys fight Kazangan, I'll try and use the mirror."
SY: "But-"
"No. I have to do this. You can't hold me back on this one. It's the least I can do to help you guys." Sehyoon wants to protest but you made a good point.
J: "Wait guys, we forgot an important point! How do we defeat Kazangan with light?"
CH: "Don't we just have to let it shine on him?"
"I don't know what else could we do with the light."
DH: "So we'll just have to trust the moon's or star's light?"
SY: "Okay so what's the plan?"
J: "We sneak in and find that hall. Then once we find it, or Kazangan, we fight him. Donghun can use his telepathy to make the soldiers who protect him, go against him. The others can use their powers to attack."
CH: "Jun, you will have to be our main defence. Since his biggest power is fire."
J: "Eung. But that also means that he'll be the weakest to Sehyoon's attacks."
BK: "What a luck that he's our strongest member. And I guess I'll be healing everyone when they get hurt."
"Sounds like a pretty good plan already. I will fly in as a butterfly and try to find the twin box and reflect the light on Kazangan."
SY: "Be careful please."
"Of course I will." You give him a reassuring smile, but the concern doesn't leave his face.

J: "Now we just have to find a way to sneak into the palace without getting noticed."
DH: "And we'll have to get through that whole army unnoticed too," Donghun gulps. Everyone tries to think of something.
CH: "Wait a minute, can't I use my powers for this? I could easily just place a beam close to the palace and teleport us there."
J: "But-"
CH: "Wait, I'm not finished yet. It would be no problem since I can place a beam as far as I can see. And it's completely flat here so I can perfectly see where to teleport to."
BK: "I think it's a good idea."
"It seems our only option that we can come up with, so let's try it. But before we go, I want to do one last thing. In case we won't be able to later on." You stand up and give everyone a big hug. "Thank you for everything. And sorry for everything. Sorry for having to get you through such a dangerous..." you look down.
J: "It's okay Y/n," he places a hand on your shoulder.
"Thank you, seriously. I love you all so much and had -despite all the dangers- a lot of fun. I'll miss you guys." You're getting a little emotional just thinking of never seeing them again.
One last group hug. The sun slowly starting to set.

"Let's go!" Chan makes a light beam appear at the side of the palace and takes you one by one there. Once you're all there, in the shadow of the enormous palace, a small group of soldiers are in approach. Quickly and silently the boys try to take them out and are able to do so.
CH: "That was easier than I thought," Chan whispers.
SY: "Let's put on their weird cloak things." You all put on a cloak and go to the main entrance of the palace where a row of soldiers are waiting to get inside, hoping you'll be able to sneak inside like this.
A soldier at the gate let's the soldiers in, asking and checking why they came. He calls out: "the gate closes soon, the last three guests can go away." The last three soldier groups in the row go away, cursing. It's almost your turn. The sun sunk a little more.
BK: "Quick, the one with the lowest voice."
DH: "This isn't like in the movies, Byeongkwan."
J: "I'll do this." With Jun's slight pitched voice, he sounds surprisingly convincing. "We are messengers with news from the attack on Shae Loya."
"Ah! Finally, that took you long enough. Go in." Everyone sighs in relief. You enter a huge hall with quite large openings to let the sunlight in. A big throne right in the middle, made from some sort of gold. It looks very imposing. Quite a few huge cacti spread in the whole room, Kazangan sitting on his throne. He looks absolutely powerful and terrifying. Or atleast the amount of power he holds makes him look terrifying. He looks like quite a normal person. Actually he just looks like an older man,, a human. Suddenly Sehyoon remembers what you said about Kazangan. A human who wanted all the power for himself, this whole world for himself and that's why he hid the twin box.
The last few soldiers leave and it's your turn.
KZ: "What a peculiar looking group, what are you here for?"
J: "We are messengers who come with news from the attack on Shae Loya."
KZ: "Ah! At last! Close the gate Bert!!" The soldier at the gate closes it. "So tell me, how did it go? I got a little worried since it took so long."
J: "Actually we came with very bad news."
KZ: "What?!" You all quickly make eye contact and nod.
SY: "NOW!!" You all take off your cloaks, and the guys attack. You quickly turn into a butterfly and search for the box.

There's surprisingly a lot of cacti in the room. Donghun uses them to attack. At the entrance there's two gigantic cacti at each side of the gate. Those two are too big for Donghun to use.
Jun blocking most of Kazangan's fire attacks, while Sehyoon attacks as much as he can. Chan attacking and trying to blind Kazangan so that the others can attack better. The powers Kazangan holds are immense. They really underestimated his powers. Many attacks fail and Byeongkwan has his hands full with healing wounds. The fight is a lot heavier than expected. You try your best to find the twin box as quickly as you can, but there's no single sign of it. Untouchable... In the air? You fly around all over the room. Maybe the throne?
Suddenly Sehyoon gets hit by a huge fireball and is thrown against the huge pot of the gigantic cactus.
SY: "Aah!" Byeongkwan quickly runs to him and you fly to him wanting to transform back to your human form to help him. When you notice the slightly tilted cactus. It's as if the dirt has shifted. Is that a blue shine coming from inside the pot? You look at Sehyoon, checking if he's okay. Byeongkwan does his best to heal him. The practice really paid off.
Untouchable object... A cactus? You can't touch a cactus, since it's sharp... This could make sense! But you can't move such a huge cactus by yourself.

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